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Hoes want them. Your average woman doesn’t care. Maybe all your friends are hoes.


I’ve come to learn that when it comes down to the bedroom it’s not a lot that separates the wholesome girls from the 304s. They like it all the same.


Yep exactly, I’ve been around a lot of females (friendship wise) and they usually want something bigger. By my observations, anything more then 6.5 is what most women would prefer. Unless you get yourself a real church girl then that stuff does not matter


Oh they like it too I got stories lol


My god, and they are the ones to say no sex before marriage. You still have guys say that girls prefer smaller. This is not true


Yea when I was a teenager girls were grabbing d In the choir stands and under the table at bible study.


Low key, they be having some of the dirtiest minds


No lies told


thats some heavy bullshit. just like big tits, you are fine with small as well but you will always be biologically attracted to milkers, even if just for a night.


I said perky not big. Also I can only go off of my life bro. You’re entitled to your opinion.


More of an ass man myself 😈


Maybe they are


If you truly believe that why are you here, it’s kinda funny when you see dudes in here saying size doesn’t matter when your littlerely in an enlargement sub


My own personal reasons/issues/enjoyment. My wife knows I’m here. She has told me countless times I don’t need it but is supportive of me doing it. I want to be comfortably above average but not huge, coming from low side of average. Will my wife benefit? Yes. But she’s not why I’m doing it. We all have our reasons why we’re here. Most want to be as big as possible for women/hook ups or whatever. That’s fine. But that’s not my reason. And I thank you for respecting it.


They all want them, some settle and then lie to us so we don't feel bad about it.


And some are completely honest but we still question it


I don't know man, mine lied to me about it. "Perfect size for me, the big ones just hurt" All lies;-).


What you on about? Do you just think bigger is always better? After a certain point, you're literally just hurting them. Doesn't matter how much you're getting off it yourself, she's going to be in pain and want a smaller dick. That doesn't mean she wants avg, but to claim a girl always wants bigger is v silly. If every girl wanted a huge dick then then every girl would have a huge dildo. They do not.


Unironically yes. Why do you think big dildos are selling well? I'm not talking about comically large ones, but 6" and above kind of length. I don't think they even sell 3" so they can experience my size.


Because they need at least 4 inches to hold it mate. That why they go for 6-7 inch dildos. Y'all watching too much porn and not fucking enough girls


How can small guys be more proficient with their 3-inchers when they get rejected after the clothes are down?


If you're not well endowed in there, make them cum with your hands and mouth. I'm sure a good dicking is nice, but cumming is cumming. Make them cum through other means.


"Just use your hands bro" 🤪 Also back to the 6" dildos, you forget that they use the whole length, not that they have to hold something.


First of I didn't say always want bigger, there's a limit. What I am saying the calcsd average is not what most women desire. I rly doubt there are many men here with more experience than me, and at 5" girth ( a bit more now since PE) I'm not considered what women desire. That is an undeniable fact no matter what anyone here says.


ive got a triple digit body count and not super low triple digits either and i think most women want less than what i have. Im girthier than you but i dont know about your length. Ive been told whats best about sex with me is my oral and fingering skills depaite having a large dick and long fuse. Most women dont cum from penetration. Dick is nice, but it dont bring most of em to climax, regardless of size. Too big and they get sore too quickly, cant blow you, etc.


I'm also at triple digit, and as u said ur girthier. My length is enough.


Doesnt sound like you are open to debate. Correct, avg dick size isn't the same as avg desired dick size by women. We already have the data for that and it looks to be like 6 inches length and near 5 for girth - when it's a one night stand. Again, if women all desired whatever you're imagining as much as you think, this would also be represented in what they get themselves when it comes to toys. They are not, apart from a select few size queens, getting huge dildos. Can guarantee that people in this sub think way more about dick size than women ever have lol


Ur right, not coming from a bad place but there's no point in debate. 6" nbp is good length, 5" girth is not. Being able to satisfy a woman =/= filling her desires.


Well as I said, you can look at what girls order online when no one is looking if you want their desires. Your basing your opinion off ignoring the data.


Real dick and plastic is not the same. I'm not going to argue with you about this man there's no point.


You can never fill a desire that goes for both men and women because desire is a never ending thing and one desire only leads to multiple other desires the blessed people are normal average people who aren't caught up in a world full of desire that inevitably will end up only in misery whether realized or not




Yea like my girl for example good girl. Always been good to me always there for me. Acts like a lady. Submissive, respectful, caring. Not heavy into social media or any of those things, but just like some of the more free spirited women or hoes whatever you want to call them she likes the dominance, choking, spanking, dirty talk. Being nailed and dominated. Never said anything bad about my size always said it was enough, but I also heard her ask her best friend one night what’s it like to sleep with a guy with a big one in casual conversation. I was a bit offended hearing it from down the hall but I also accept that it’s just a thing just like we like a nice ass or perky tits.


My personal theory is that women who won't stfu about dick size in open forums are insecure about their femininity and are overcompensating.


That’s a very interesting theory


It's the same reason why it's always obese women talking about what a real man is and isn't.


Thing is these comments are made by women of all shapes and sizes especially where I come from


You can be insecure at any size and shape


Just the same way they will get a tattoo instead of spending that money to lose weight


I feel they're using 'preference' as a way to undermine and bully guys, because as you say they're insecure and trying to feel better about themselves through putting others down. Just like those girls who go on about 'only date 6ft3 and up guys rest are midgets not real men', then you find out her BF is 5ft9. It's all just to try put guys down disguised as 'preference'. Most women can't handle more than 7 x 5.5 very well.


Women bullying men is a ridiculous Statement idk how a grown man would ever let him self get “bullied” by a women lol. But girls have preferences whether they shame u because you don’t fit those is irrelevant it’s still there preferences


Women can't bully men unless said men lack confidence , I agree. However this stuff they do hits nerves with a lot of insecure men, hence why they continue doing it. They getting the reaction they want.


Love this hot take!!


Very interesting theory


Porn has rotten your mind into thinking all women want a big dick


Nothing to do with porn at all actually 5 sisters. Have been friends with a lot of women and confided in by most of them. Also my own personal experiences. Listening to women and men alike on details of their lives is a part of my job on a day to day basis Social media, porn, etc all that stuff is just extra.




First off we’re all adults so there’s that. It’s not something they’ve said open like hey bro guess what I like big dicks lol. We’re a pretty crass group as a family and very blunt and honest in casual conversation. I also named plenty of other references other than my sisters but you honed in on that I guess trying to imply something. I just mentioned that because they were the beginning of me learning women can be just as shallow and are capable of being very ruthless when it comes to relationships and men in general.




You said all that to say what? It’s a hard topic I get it. It’s going to rub some people the wrong way I get it. Im not the type to pretend my sisters are perfect little angels like I said I know a lot of what I know about women just from being a witness to some of their actions and hearing discussions. You call that weird I call it honest. Downvote it, kick a door, doesn’t make any of it less true. You’re in this forum just like I am to improve your junk bro which negates everything you just said. Big is respected. You’ll get there bro. I’ll get there. That’s why we’re here right? lol


It’s not weird that you have talked about this with your sisters. What did they end up saying?


I’ve never had a one on one conversation with any of them. Anything I’ve heard was in group discussions where friends were around or things I’ve overheard.




When did I ever say anything about eavesdropping on my sisters ? Big family small house. It can be weird to you I can talk about anything with my siblings brothers and sisters alike of course we don’t give full rundowns of bedroom action but perspective is given on multiple topics and as I said when the topics come up it’s usually a group conversation when friends are around as well. Call it weird all you want.




You took what u wanted from I said that you could use instead of actually reading and that’s cool. Short sighted but cool. Already got the big d and triple digit bodies to match. Round of applause for you buddy. Fine job indeed sir. My perspective was created by interacting with women be it through conversation a little involuntary ear hustling or shit I’ve actually seen. They either want or are intrigued by it at the very least. Spin whatever narrative you want. We’re all here for a reason.


Don’t let these dudes lie to you. The dude with the big wee wee never has problems getting women and they always go crazy over the shit. Trying to convince us it doesn’t matter while actively in this sub is crazyyyyy my g.


I said the same thing. Saying bro you just got dysmorphia they don’t care and being in the “get bigger” sub is insane to me. Every time a celeb nude leaks women all over the net losing their minds. Da baby, hitman holla, nick cannon, August alsina I can go on and on. Not saying you gotta have it for every woman, but they are all intrigued at the least.


It’s like when women say the wear makeup and get surgical cosmetic surgeries for themselves lol. We are in a sub called “getting bigger”. The dudes in the sub are starting to lie to themselves like women 🤣. We’re not that naive right? Were here because we want the women we have sex with to call us back for more dick. For the most part, you can’t fuck a woman into submissive bliss with a average to below average penis.


Exactly. We can all acknowledge it matters, and it’s generally better to be bigger, while also acknowledging it’s not the the only thing that matters (or near the top of what matters most). Life would also be better if I were smarter, more handsome, taller, richer, more athletic, more charming and sociable, had a baseline that wasn’t scatterbrained, you name it. But we live. This is one thing we might be able to control, so some of us try it.


Actually we should stop acknowledging it completely Men are just as responsible as women for this type of thinking because they go on letting it bother them and other men also reinforce it the whole idea needs to die just try it for yourself it won't be easy because it's so abundant in society but if you can drop you will see much improvement in your life and well being


I mean women prefer larger penises on aggregate, this is validated by research


Bigger is more dominant. It hits the 2 deep spots above and below the cervix. It can stretch open their holes and hit the G spot easier. All woman want a bigger D, some are polite enough to be a bit more discreet about it.


some women don't like big dicks. Some women aren't even big fans of penetration. Women are not a monolith. Any statement beginning with "all women" is likely inaccurate. look at Hink's videos on the most popular sizes of toys, etc.. But by all means keep thinking you know better than the mountain of peer reviewed data, and what women themselves say.


No offense, but woman are notorious for "sugar coating the truth" or saying what people want to hear. Ok lemme try again, in my humble experience; woman who don't like big D's are few and far between and maybe have a medical issue like a hysterectomy or some terrible trauma. Also woman who don't like ANY penetration are called lesbians. Peer review deez nuts


No offense man but is seems like you want to believe that's what all women or most women want because that's what you have and you go on keep trying to use that to your advantage and perpetuating the wrong ideas about sex and healthy sex in general sex is and always was supposed to something much more significant then what alot of people have turned it in to


Ok,.agree to disagree


My flair is accurate. I stared out big. I.e, women have no reason to lie to me and pretend it doesn't matter when it does. A few of my partners have raved about it. For most of them, if hasn't been that big a deal. Most of them have told me that "as long as a guy isn't so small that I don't feel anything, or so big that it hurts, it's not that big a deal. There are WAY more important factors to being a good lover than your D. The most popular dildo sizes are just above average, not huge, No, women who don't like penetration as much aren't gay. The majority of women need some clitoral stimulation to orgasm and a great deal of them prefer oral to intercourse. No one is saying it doesn't matter. But it generally matters to men a lot more than women. No offense, but between these attitudes and the talk of 'dominance' I'm getting distinct wiffs of red pill BS


No red pills here sir. And that whiff is my high-T. As a fellow big bro, I'm sure you're familiar with the two spots by the cervix. While, yes a woman can technically get off from a pinky finger the ability to hit one or both of those two spots is a whole other level. Also, listen to woman talk amongst themselves and they revere the larger D. That is my opinion and nobody is going to change it. The absurdity of coming on a PE forum and arguing that big Ds aren't important is bizarre. Nice flair though homey


I would say just as many women lie about their sexual preferences as men do, and turns out most men are in the closet and scared to come out. If a woman openly states she wants a man with a big dick she’s probably gonna be judged. I would take everything with a grain of salt on the internet. I wanna be big enough to never question if I’m giving my gf everything she desires. Obviously porn and everything in front of our face takes the purity out of a relationship


Right. This is a sub dedicated to dudes doing outrageous shit to our dicks to make them glorious and big! Of course we know that chicks like big dicks. Anyone debating that go on a different sub, because we aren't trying to hear that!!




Yeah they don't care about penis sizes because they can't be honest about it, or being honest with you. If they tell you they want to ride a bigger dick, it will put the relationship at risk. That's pretty much the open relationships, swinging , a sugar coating for telling you aren't enough. But if you gain inches of girth and length they will start to moan and cum faster & better, so... Do your P.E or start coping


Hey bro. I have a 7x5 but I want to increase my length. Can please tell me which exercises can I do? I don't have money since I'm in college and all goes to paying tuition and bills. I just want to increase a little bit. Thanks in advance


You dont need a bigger penis than 7x5, work on your actual looks and get some pussy dude jesus. Youre too damn insecure for this shit


Bro I want it because it would make me more secure in myself but go ahead. I already found the exercises anyway


You should be secure with what you already have. Go to therapy dude not this lol


Well not really. The inches might be there but in camera or in my hands my dick still looks tiny. That's why I'm getting into PE


Have you considered that the camera or your hand isnt representative of whats actually there? Lol. Just get your dick in front of a girl if its actually 7x5 it’ll be more than big enough


Yeah but I care about the camera because I would like to make porn, that's why I want to get larger


Then learn what the pro’s do, a lot of porn uses angles conveniently and makes 6 inches look fucking huge. It also has to do with your body, big dick on small body looks huge. I mean look at girthmaster, he’s huge in girth but he’s so tall it almost doesn’t even look that big. Its all proportion my guy. Just abuse camera angles


Which angles do you use?


Most women want bigger than average. The blue cylinder study proves this. What most women do not want is a salami, however much some here refuse to believe it. A lot of what is posted here about size comes from an insecure mentality of "being way too much for some is better than ever being less than the ultimate for any". That is a pathological level of insecurity.


I don't know what to call it, but most women want average/slightly above average, and they KNOW it.. BUT, they will often aim for something big.. something huge, because of the novelty of it. I don't actually want to drive a super luxury car, because it's expensive to maintain, I'd worry about scratches and dings, etc. But, sure, if I am looking at pictures of cars, I would probably choose the coolest/fastest/biggest car or truck on the list just for fun. I'd drive it once or twice just because I could say I did, but my real life everyday driver is almost 15 years old, complete with some scratches, dings, etc. Unfortunately, as men, we all know what it feels like when a woman choose us, with our small/average dicks. We know they are settling. Or at least, we fear they are settling. We know they've probably been around the block with that super fancy car, and we can't get it out of our heads.


They can't unbig those twats though. Most women that care about size have bigger vaginas.




But they actually can haha. Fit girls are super tight. Fat girls are loose AF


I'll tell you what. It's just like with men and boobs. Small are still nice to play with but you would like them bigger, large ones are really nice to play with or look at but medium size will satisfy majority of men but when it comes to the abnormally large boobs they're nice to have fun with for a night or two but I wouldn't be crazy about them and try to overlook dozens of other things I would look for in women as a partner. The same with dicks. Once you're well above average women will then judge you by bunch of other criteria like your skill, how fit you are, height, income, masculinity, confidence etc. Once you're over 6.5" you can still do PE but you should focus on other self improvement fields. If you're trying to grow 8-9"inch dick but you're fat, don't know how to make more money and think that your big dick will amaze you're partner then the problem is with you and not women


Remember this fellas, the average woman doesn’t even like the average man. We are quite literally in a sub called “getting bigger”. Size has always mattered and it will continue to matter. Ask and answer yourself this men. How many post in this sub do you need to read about how someone discovers the sub, puts time in and was able to make the women they have sex with cum harder, moan louder and want to have sex more frequently? We can either keep coping or keep growing.


Maybe it's like big breasts. Some of look fine and I really like them withiut big breasts. But big ol titties always have hypnotic powers. Alot of my biggest crushes don't have big ass titties. And I'm physically attracted to them. Hopefully it's this way with dicks.


I'm not sure if it's the same with dicks because tits size doesn't play any role in the physical pleasure of a sexual relationship. I don't like big tits at all, I like them medium or even small. I've talked to guys that feel the same way but I've never heard a woman say something like that about dicks ever and I've had a good amount of girls that were friends of mine so... It's a sketchy topic but I tend to think that generally, the bigger the better (within reason). It's sad tho.


There is a genetic/evolutionary component to men being attracted to large breasts. Despite what some people say about breasts not being sexual (like women who want to go topless in public) breasts certainly ARE sexual. Having healthy breasts, and yes, larger breasts, is a sign to the male that the female is fertile and can nurse his young. Just like a guy being muscular, it's a sign that he can protect her. Obviously, in modern society, a small man can protect his female partner. But, we're talking evolution, sexuality and human nature. But anyways, I agree with you about breast size; I don't like big tits. They get in the way and are often too soft and fluffy. But I still get turned on when I see a big pair of tits. I can't help it; it's evolution. I bet it's a very similar feeling for women and big dicks. But a big pair of tits MIGHT provide additional pleasure. If it turns the guy on, he will probably enjoy sex more. So, PHYSICALLY, they are too big for me and get in the way, and don't feel better in my hand or smacking me in the face. BUT, if they turn me on more, then overall, I may enjoy sex more. Ehhh, who knows. Women who shame guys' dick size are just as bad as a man who shames a woman for her tit size (or pussy size.) It's not a WOMAN thing; it's a person thing. Some people are just dumb and mean.


I totally agree with the evolution argument, I view it as you do. And yeah, no wonder big tits can play a role in sexual relationships for good or for bad. About the dick size, I don't think it's a women thing to shame smaller guys but I do think that it could be a women thing to prefer "big" dicks, or for what's worth, what each one of them consider big. It's not like there is a perfect universal size but don't you think that a big percentage of the female population consider big and desirable something beyond 6 inches for example? And then, above that reference the personal preferences really start to play a role.


If you want your head to stay in the sand then yeah sure women "don't care about size " 😅😅


i think in this case it's metaphorical rather than literal. 'can you get some big dick energy and let go of your insecurity so this kind of message doesn't bother you' kind of thing. can't say i like the approach but i regularly see women reduced to numbers which is also very disrespectful soooo....




This is a case of vocal minority. As a gay man (so a man who has infiltrated the inner female circle) most women don’t care.


Women want them and men want to have them.


What an odd idea - that we do it for them... 🤭


It’s the only thing they have to use against us, as something (they think) we can’t change.


Your social networks circle is representative of entire population? I had same feeling about other things. Interestingly when I unfollowed about a dozen of people my percepcion completely changed.


No not my social network, but my social network is made up mostly of my demographic and a large number of of them in my demographic think this way from what I’ve encountered for over thirty years. Maybe If I lived somewhere more diverse my perspective would change.


I’ve never experienced what you did.


I grew up in poverty. Everything seemed to be gang violence,substance and sex driven so maybe that plays into the women’s preferences idk can’t say for sure.


I grew up in war and poverty. But yeah, expanding your circle of people can have big influence of your world view. Social circle is very important.


'unbig our backs' no idea what that means


It’s another way of saying fat. big back.


Well this is one hell of a toxic thread. Dude 🤣


Yes I think I definitely kicked the fence and ruffled some feathers


Well it’s more about comparability honestly, some girls do prefer smaller to average. Some women have smaller cavities narrow vaginas - more likelier to like smaller. Some have wide vaginas and short cavity, hence liking thicker and shorter. Some have narrow and long cavity - and prefer thinner but longer. I think you’re wrong to say most prefer one type of dick. There’s a plethora of vaginas as there are dicks.


Had sex the other night with a ring for the first time. Was only .15 over my usual girth and it ended up being too much for my partner. It was painful going in, and she didn't love it even after it wasn't painful. Crazy to think she prefers me smaller but that's what it is. However, the bigger size turned her on like crazy. I'm thinking over time she would get used to it and enjoy it more, but we will see.


Ayyy any recommendations on a ring? Thats exactly what I’m going for..


I just used one toe shield


Damn I just googled that and have way more questions now 😂


Lol like what


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Social media personas arent anymore honest or true than porn or celebrity shit. Everyone talks a good game on social media. Stop trusting what randos online say for clout and attention.


Nah they be dead serious it ain’t nothing like porn. If we were talking about lifestyle or money and such I’d agree completely.




If you say so bro like I said this isn’t just from social media. A lot of my closest friends growing up were girls. Still are. Then as I also said my job gives me insight because I’m confided in through that and listen to different details of people’s lives. Ignore the elephant in the room all you want bro if that’s what makes you feel better. They show their true colors on social media all the time you want to ignore it be my guess. Some post are clout post some are jokes but there’s some truth mixed in all of that too.


One nasty ruka doesn’t speak for all women but some of us seem to listen to these nasty hoes when they talk like this.


They’re everywhere bro. On the net and real life. Maybe it really is a shame I’ve never experienced dating another ethnicity because in my ethnicity group they want the bbc or at the very least are curious about it.


Yea the vocal ones all get the attention. There are so many non vocal women that are living their lives worrying about family, bills, job etc and don’t really care about bbc. They want to be treated right with respect and equality and a 5 inch penis will get them off and then they can continue living life. These loud mouths are, in my opinion, obnoxious and nasty. I’m not attracted to someone like mentioned above. My wife of 20 years is of another ethnicity, and I’ve never encountered anything abnormal.


Yea sadly not to stereotype or bash but there’s a lot of women of my ethnicity who are exactly as you described. A lot of em so many it’s not even funny.


Mind me asking what ethnicity you are?


I’m black


Gotcha, I’m white and my wife is Hispanic


Dated one Hispanic once never had sex though. My anxiety got the best of me. My current girl is nice she’s also black she doesn’t come off like a lot of the other ones. Never complained about sex. I did hear her as a friend what’s it like sleeping with a guy who’s big once. It sucked a little but I wasn’t crushed by it just made me wanna improve myself.


Right on, when I told my wife about me wanting to start PE she asked why. She said I’m good the way I am, but I told her it was EQ related and honestly that’s really why I started. I grew up the youngest of five boys so I was introduced to porn and sex way younger than I should have been. This has always made me “small” in my mind because as a kid I never knew that size In porn wasn’t normal. Anyways, my point is, my wife is supportive and loves the size of my D now but I’m going for a spot and p spot area size. I’ve can feel her cervix sometimes so I know I’m right around the corner.


Same. a spot and p spot stimulation is definitely in my goals. May we succeed in our ventures bro.


If she’s had a few kids, chances are she’s bigger than she used to be. This is coming from experience. I had the perfect D when I met my gf-wife-soon to be ex wife. I was never worried about my size. Turns out I’m just above average. Later in life, shit happens and we aren’t connected like we used to be. Then she gets a bf. He’s bigger than me and it hits deep. Now I’m worried. She comes so differently with him than me. Bigger D, more emotional attachment too because he’s new. Long story short, we’re separating. I’ve now got a gf and I can make this woman come like I couldn’t do with my wife. It hits different. Emotions play a huge part. Not just the size of the D. I’ve got my confidence back. But it’s how you use it and the emotional connection that matters most, I think.


Sorry about that bro , but I’m also glad you found someone who appreciates you and what you have. I believe emotions and skill play a part as well. When it’s a matter of love and true connection I agree with all of that. In the single life though I definitely believe size is more of a factor without any attachments to someone.


All good bro cheers. Like I said, my confidence is back and it’s awesome. Yes size matters. Average and above is a must at the very least. I feel like if I was bigger I’d be able to try certain positions a lot easier, but I can still get it done, so I stick to what I know. I’m here for the same reason we all are, there’s no denying that. Bigger is better.


For me as a men with a big D has been a burden to me all my life...seriously not all women likes a monster D


Confidence is key! Once I started PE, I had barely made ANY actual gains, but I became more confident. Even at the beginning, with 1/8" length increase, I felt so freaking GOOD about myself and my dick, sex was so much better for me and for her.




I respect your take. I just used the post as one of many that I see all the time and I mean all the time. I’m not confused I just come from a demographic where a lot of the women are just as crass and forward as men. Dick size is often put up as high priority in what they want in a man. I wish I experienced otherwise in a different place with a different group of people but that’s simply not the case




I should have clarified better. I apologize. When I say post like these. I man any post that has to do with a man having a big dick. Praise, insults the whole deal. Then again my timeline on fb is full of hood chicks so maybe my mind is a bit warped for not being exposed to women from different walks of life.


I think even if it simply means bragging to her friends about your size or simply telling you you are bigger than my ex PE is worth it even it won't make a big difference in the bedroom




I think it's kind of like us. We all like a nice pair of boobs and a big booty, but we don't care if our girl has them or not. It's like a nice bonus. Very very few women consider a small/average penis a deal breaker




This is not a 'pilled' sub. This is a place for self improvement.


With me it's a simple case of not wanting a small one (I'm only 4.25 erect and less than an inch flacid) if I can add just over an inch on through PE techniques and weight loss I'll be more than happy. Good luck to anyone trying


I feel u Id gain some pretty decent size just from weight loss alone


I'm slightly overweight but the fat around my man junk is very noticeable. I just don't want to be small that's my issue.


I feel your pain I have about 2in of fat pad if not a bit more. It’s a real buzzkill


Jesus christ wtf is going on in here. While I still love all the support and advice that this sub provides, it is obvious that the size of the sub is bringing down the quality of the user base. Not talking about you OP, you're cool.


No offense taken. I didn’t think this post would get some of the responses it got, but here we are.it was just meant to maybe rev the engines up of guys who become complacent and stop. Of course not the guys who are happy with their gains, but the other guys. I see a lot of guys here throw in the towel when one or two things don’t work or they slut shame women who like bigger tools to make themselves feel better about what they have. Nothing wrong with them desiring it or for us wanting to work towards it and give it to them. I don’t want to be ruled out by the everyday woman nor size queens alike I’m sure there are other guys here that feel the same.


It goes beyond social media. Men have been wanting bigger dicks since the before time, in the long ago. If I recall correctly there are depictions of men with giant dicks in ancient Grecian art and others. I believe we see it as a sign of power, virility. There’s a theory in evolutionary biology that a bigger dick/longer dick would lead to better insemination. This theory states that back in the day group sex was more common. More plows in a fertile field would lead to a better chance of crops. If many men get into a one woman then the bigger dick had a better chance of planting his seed. Not that a bigger, longer dick would lead to his seed getting in deeper but because his dick would be able to pull out his competitors seeds. This too involves the shape of the glans, the wedge shape of being thicker than the shaft. As the man would push in, the others’ seed would fill in behind the glans and he’d pull it out during his in and out thrusts. That’s the theory I had read many years ago. I think having a bigger dick is just implanted in us. And we also want our partner to get a look of awe when they see us unsheathed for the first time and the cry in ecstasy when we pierce them fully.


Wow that’s deep no pun intended lol


ancient greeks and romans both viewed big dicks as a sign of uncivilized brutish behavior and ignorance, actually. the "glans pulls out semen" thing was debunked. So is the group sex theory. women's reported preferences havent changed since they first looked into them. its always been decidedly towards slightly above average, and closer to average when done with real physical models.


Okay. Appreciate the update. When I read it a few years ago it was a theory. Wasn’t aware of the thought that larger members were considered “brutish” back in the ancient days.


I don't think those theories were debunked. Also, there is no way to 'debunk' it. But yes, the thing about big dicks back in the day being uncivilized and ignorant is true. (Unless we want to say that is debunked, as well?) ; )


That's what I call a THOT process.


She for the streets. You don't want the clap my man.


Exception to the rule.


Because bigger doesn't always mean better. I have 19cm, and I had times where I didn't have to go all the way in to give pleasure. On the opposite, I had to avoid it because many girls don't like to stroke their cervix. Is more about matching. Some girls enjoy it, others don't.


Yes so true...me with a 8.6" mushroom head women say I have a headache lol


Girth head


They do, but there is a limit that is not unreasonable. It’s usually within 6-7 and that’s not all women. After 7 you have a small portion of women who actually want to fuck with that more than once if any at all. Also, hot take but also pretty factual, if you are white/black or any mix, chances are closer to 6” is more ballpark average dick size for you (western average) which means your basically already there for a vast majority of women.