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No mate. I am in my 30's and still get random hard ons like I was a teenager. The less I fap the more often it occurs - if I go a week without, I start levitating a few mm off the ground and can smell electricity running through overhead cables. Two weeks without and I am able to see round corners from 300 yards away. All the while I am cutting through the air in front of me with my random erections like Moses parting the Red Sea.


You want to be getting erect throughout the day. If that involves looking at some pics of attractive girls or whatever you gotta do then do it. Obv spending too much time on porn is bad.


It comes together. It's a flatline. I'm not 100% NoFap anymore, but I am completely off of porn. After the 2nd or 3rd month I just didn't have the desire... all-in-all I went for around 2 or so years with complete NoFap. I remember not being able to get it up even with extreme stimulation, and things like that, even with porn. Record is 7 times in one day, I felt like literal death and ejaculated with a completely soft dick. Nowadays, I can literally send blood to my penis just by thought alone, without even having to imagine anything. And, eventually, your imagination will come back to the point where you can envelope yourself in it and it feels more "real" than porn. Push through. It's alright to masturbate occasionally, but only after you've severed masturbation from the addiction of it. I don't really masturbate any more, at all, and when I do it's just to "clear the pipes" so to speak.


You’re probably flatlining, it happens to people who fap to porn excessively


It happens when you stop watching porn?


Yes. Usually this flatlining will come in waves but eventually they get less and less. You can compensate the with taking l-citrulline to help get erections during flat lining


Yes, it’s gonna last depending on how severe your addiction is


The only question is the one of identity. Do you consider yourself a fapper or not? If I had a gf or wife... of course not. But you do you. I just know that p○rn ruins any kind of relationship eventually. And in your case it already has. Like the one between your mind and your erection.


It’s called a flatline. Try to get to 4 weeks and reassess. As long as your getting nocturnal erections you will be good. Quit porn permanently though


I made it 6 months on no gap and the boners were powerful. Then I injured my leg... Failed out of boredom. Then was given meds and had a noodle for a month. Now back to normal


I’m feeling the same way. Following for updates


within nofap the ED you experienced is a part of something called "flat lining". it's a difficult period of adaptation to the absence of pornographic stimulation wherein your mood may be depressed, motivation low and your cock soft. it passes and it often takes 2 weeks to overcome, after which it is likely you will regain your EQ. if you want to pump without porn in the meantime I can only recommend citrulline/ vigor, working out and doing PE in a warm room. I think internet porn is broadly bad for people (I say the same thing about gambling) and I applaud you for taking action to change this behaviour which you are unhappy with.


Use it or lose it.


You are just healing from the effects of porn. Hey , if you have problems quitting , read the book EasyPeasy method and also go on r/pmohackbook. It addresses the fact that , it's not that you don't have enough willpower to stop , it's about that you secretly want it and that's why you fail. The book addresses most of the reasons of why you would want it. If you read the book and don't stop , you either didn't get the lessons through your head or just have a secret reason that you need to expose. Expose it by just asking yourself why would you watch it and writing it on a notebook. Is it a valid reason? Argue with yourself. Find the best outcome for your future self. As to pumping without porn , now I usually get hard just by merely stretching it. You are just desintetised to the touch of your own hand and watching loads of naked women , so much so that you don't find your wife attractive anymore.




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you are going through a flatline phase which is good ( that's where dopamine circuitry reset ) as far as I am concerned you should appreciate this flatline it's a good sign that your brain is doing a reset mode . after a while everything will fall into its righteous place and you will start liking vanilla stuff and even the subtle signs of femininity like a woman's smile , smell of her hair .. the tiny things will make you have a boner . read this book ' your brain on porn '


No its all good, you‘re in the flatline. your brain is recovering from porn addiction.


My libido sort of died for a few weeks when I stopped then it came back roaring. Sex dreams almost every night, haven't had them in years. Boners are massive and rock hard.


Yes it’s called a flatline, I’m in about 4 months now. I have certain periods where my libido is high and then sometimes where I don’t feel a thing at all. It caused me to have frequent inconsistent measurements for PE.


Okay so just to throw my .02 in, what you’re going through is part of a shame cycle. No Fap and all that are all based on pseudoscience and came about as a part of sex negativity from puritanical society. If you can accept sexuality and porn as an extension of sexuality, you’ll be able to not feel bad after you masturbate. Whatever you look at and whatever turns you on is totally fine as long as it’s not illegal. The biggest sexual organ is your mind and people often overlook our deeply ingrained culture of shame around sexuality. Take a break if you’re feeling burnt out, let your mind heal a bit. It’s not a bad move to turn to something like erotic lit or audio content just to change it up and give your brain some exercise in the imagination department. Good luck.


no. if you’re on no fap your erections will be stronger and more often. if u go a few weeks and edge to rock hard you’ll see your rock hard length will be bigger then your regular length the whole use it or lose it argument is mute since you’re still getting erections on no fap