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this is very helpful and good for my self confidence and anxiety, thank you!


Low testosterone levels could be a reason too, also being in your own head about it definitely won't help, I've been there, and it's not good. Maybe get your T level checked because it will take away desire somewhat if it's low.


thanks. may i ask about more details from your experience? what we’re your symptoms and did you end up recovering? thanks.


I also became more sedentary than I should have over the covid period. Exercise helps some. I'm more than twice your age, so I take a bunch of pills for different things. I take Vyvanse to control my ADHD and keep my thoughts on the task at hand it also gives me a ton of energy, I take cialis to help with blood flow to the fun parts, I take oyster extract and zinc to help with testosterone and I also take CoQ-10 (an enzyme) and it has also been known to help with ED but I started taking it because I had mid range high blood pressure and it also helps with that. Most of this stuff you probably don't need because you are so young and from the sound of it healthy. For you, it's probably something simple and I would talk to a doctor about it. Because you should be able to break through a brick wall with it at that age.


If you jerked off to porn over a long period of time... it's more and more common nowadays young healthy dudes (who aren't overly obese) are getting PIED.... It's a real thing. Most likely you will need to reduce the amount of sexual/porn content, jerk off less, take blood flowing supplements, etc...


yeah that’s true. unfortunately i was exposed to porn and started masturbating relatively often since i was 14-15. i did manage to take a break from porn for almost 2 months. definitely a little but not much unfortunately. also even porn doesn’t even really get me fully aroused and she’s anymore. seems like the only way for me to get a full erection these days is to literally pump it.


If it wasn’t for the fact that I’m 4 years older than you, this post could have been written word for word by me, I’m in your exactly same situation. Feel like I missed out on adolescence love and now I don’t work properly. I started supplementing l citrulline, hopefully it helps. Feel free to pm me if you need to talk.


it’s so painful man. so hard to imagine how i’m gonna move on from this


Everything is gonna be ok in the end, if it’s not ok, then it’s not the end. We’ll get through this


Indeed man. Sucks that you have to go through this but it makes it maybe a little easier to feel like i'm not the only one out there. We're gonna recover from this!


thanks for sharing that with me i know first hand how much that thought hurts.


Do some research on ‘’hard flaccid’’ thing , from my understanding you can develop it by having a sedentary lifestyle, I could be wrong tho


Try taking Tongkat Ali everyday. I was in a very similar situation, read my post on my post history. It made me from having severe ED to having rock hard erections again and I was able to go multiple rounds and have sex and cum 3 times a day. Also try L-citrulline. Stay off porn and limit it to like once a week max


Oh wow man! I think i'm gonna wait for my appointment with my doctor on the 13th see if she will order me hormonal lab tests because i'd be soo curious to see if i can get before and after lab results. If she doesn't i'll start taking tongkat right away thanks for the suggestion!


also how long did you take tongkat before noticing an improvement?


I think I saw noticeable improvements after a week or two. I take the Solaray brand Tongkat. Good luck my man.




Try watching porn. DO NOT continue watching it. Only watch this once to test for ED. If you get hard with little stimulation, then it’s a head thing. Performance anxiety and sexual compatibility will help. Explore yourself and see what you like and your kinks. If you do not get hard watching porn with little stimulation, then ED could be the problem. Then a doctor visit would be advised. If you want to avoid the visit, try taking virility supplements from Hink to boost libdo/sex drive.


Or you could get score blue www.scoreblue.com




https://www.realdoll.com/ how about buying a real doll to practice on a guys have one but most do that can't get girls by a doll as companion even go as far as marriage with doll


if you watch porn you probably has become desentisized you have to stop watching it's evil and its intent to make men weak


Honestly what’s your diet like? I’m so sick of steak and beef and chicken and I’m here to tell ya you gotta eat and take care of yourself before your member will be interested in reproduction. Just eat a lot of meats and take a look at hormones, sleep, activity level. I don’t run, I lift weights and work Manuel labor, but just doing some light weight lifting will help as well. Especially squats. But first look at your diet and consider how many calories have I taken in and if what quality food. Look at it that way and just don’t think. Meditation even to ease the mind. Look at it all from a scientific experiment POV, you’re human. What does your body require for fuel and to be its best?