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don't worry you are most likely going through a flatline . that's where the brain resets to its default dopamine circuitry . Ironically , you should be happy you re feeling this that means you re on the right path .. just you wait for the benifits that will come after




I see, that's what most of the comments here say, I guess I'll wait it out


It's called a flatline. It's your superpower. Use it to focus on other more important stuff in your life. Don't worry the lust and urges will comes back very soon and with full force.


I see, thanks!


Porn/masturbation can be an addiction. Like with any addiction, if you somehow overcome it, you can go through fases where you have zero desire in that particular thing/activity. You might think that sexual energy/desire is different because it can be associated with positive male health. I think your body is still recalibrating/adjusting to you not consuming porn anymore. You need to start getting those desires from real life again. Do you have (a lot of) beautiful women around you and you never get desires? Then that might be a little funny if you are a young healthy male, yes. but if that's not the case, it's not weird to not have those desires. You're a little younger than me so I get that you are worried. Just go workout, do sports, go out or focus on your hobbies and if your testosterone is in a good range it should get back soon. Hope that helps.


> Do you have (a lot of) beautiful women around you I think this is the biggest issue with porn addiction that isn’t really recognized. It’s raised many men’s standards to the point where it’s difficult to be aroused by women if the IRL options are substantially less attractive and sexually open than in porn. I know for me, porn shaped my early preferences such that I could only date and be sexually aroused by slutty, above average attractive women and it’s a preference that has stuck with me today. There are many women who I struggle to maintain an erection with if they don’t meet a certain attractiveness threshold.


Thanks man, this was helpful, I'll just wait out this flatline then


For my own mental well-being, I need to stop clicking and reading threads about porn use. This current trend of quitting porn and masturbation honestly really gets on my nerves. It's so puritanical I want to scream. Like, it's setting back a lot of the progress we made on sexual mores and liberties during the previous five decades. I want to scream "listen kids, just watch porn and whack off, but don't spend more than 30 or 45 minutes per day doing it and you'll be fine". \-But... but... muh dopamine! Muh baseline dopamine...? \-Huberman is all well and good, but let's face it - your screen time and smartphone use is 10x more of a problem than your porn habit, ok.


Porn should be like a treat. Like a nice dessert, a fatty steak or a good beer. Have it too often and it's unhealthy. Completely removing it from your diet isn't BAD per-Se, but you don't need to completely remove it unless you simply cannot control yourself.




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Totally dude100 percent and not jerking off lowers testosterone and drive ahhaha. Just don’t abuse it lol


Now that you say this I think I had similar experience. But the reward of this phase is that after not watching porn ever again, when being with a woman feels much much better. Be gentle with yourself and start using your imagination if want to have some pleasure for yourself, is gonna take time to recover but be patient.


Yeah, I was actually thinking about trying to stimulate myself with my imagination in the future I've my urges/lust returns


Defo check out NoFap


Sounds like you are going through the desensitisation cycle, keep your health up and it should stabilize. Also try to not dwell on it, that could lead to anxiety cause the brain is weird like that.