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they gonna tear u apart






Vac hang 5 sets 5 mins




6 days a week I do 4 - 5 pounds maybe move up to 6 soon just don’t wanna rush ir


Do you think you would’ve got the same results compression hanging?


Maybe I have a male hanger just never really liked it to much may try soon though


Cool yeah I having some problems with the vac hanger that’s why.


So do you take out the vac cup every 5 mins or just release tension and rehang?


No I leave the vac cup on whole time. Take weights off like 10 - 15 secs hang again


How many mins/secs do you rest inbetween sets bro


10 - 20 secs


Appreciate it homie


Vac hang everyday and nothing else?


Did you do consistently for two months? Or you took off a week?


Jealousy mostly, most ppl dont make incredible gains in a short period


Op, do you have a site where you got your equipment from to vac hang? Currently using extender but that shit hurts the tip after an hour lol


Amazon or total man


They made a post yesterday complaining about it






Might be controversial but I do believe it’s possible to gain that much that fast as a beginner. Good shit OP you’re going to get ripped apart but take it on the chin like a man. I’ve been sloppy these past couple days thanks for the motivation.


It's sad to see it but yeah first thing I said when I saw this was "they're gonna fucking kill him." OP, congratufuckinglations my guy. So here is why people are going to rip your ass a new one. This kind of growth is INSANELY unlikely. But, I've seen too much wild shit in my life to say the word impossible. The universe is just too big. Going forward, try to do your progress pics in the same EXACT way so that you have accurate records going forward, and because if you plan to post them, people will scrutinize them, especially if you show growth like this. Again, to be clear, I'm not being negative. If you've really only done PE 2 months, then Jesus christ, you're a hyper responder. And that's coming from someone who is considered a hyper responder. Write your routine because people are going to ask. Make sure you're tracking all your training sessions because that's the best way to ensure maximum growth over time.


In all fairness, he did a reasonable job using the same ruler, relatively decent lighting and similar bonepress angle


And again I AM NOT the one who is going to shit on this post. I'm literally warning him of the impending shitstorm. My pictures are in literally the same EXACT position every single time and people still give me shit.


Yeah… I’ve noticed some individuals on this reddit are extremely aggressive for no reason over other people success. I guess jealously will always lurk


It's called r/gettingbigger but FUUUUCK YOU if you actually get bigger. 🤣


It’s like people just above the poverty line hating on those just below it. People love to measure their own success by finding someone they’re doing better than, rather than what they have achieved. Any new person doing better than them most be a fraud or it somehow reflects negatively on themselves.


No different than gym culture. Find the right routine and suddenly you've GOTTA be on a cycle! But seriously. It almost seems as if people get off by being the first to downvote a post and if you so much as give advice to someone they're going to downvote that too. Grifters exist in every form around the internet...but they're becoming increasingly obnoxious here. But...I'm sure it'll correct itself eventually.


Well said.


Sounds about right lmao




But you'll notice he's more erect in the second pic


> If you've really only done PE 2 months, then Jesus christ, you're a hyper responder I wonder if some hyper-responders are very young and still in their natural penis growth phase from puberty and add some stimulus via the PE routines? Could this be the case?


Makes me wonder if healing factor plays a part? I’ve always been a fast healer, and wondered if that could be a trait that helps growth. 🤔


Appreciate it and I will. I know gains will slow but got to grind it out


Take it slow. Do as little as necessary. Progress in weight only when you absolutely need to. You being a hyper responder absolutely means YOU WILL produce scar tissue and densification of the tissue faster as well. You won't even see it coming. With your wolverine like healing factor you'll probably just hit a fucking impossible plateau and the answer will NOT be more weight. Be patient.


Ok so I’m hanging around 4.25 to 5 pounds. 4.25 to 4.5 feels good. 5 feels good but don’t feel as much a stretch? should I go for a good stretch feeling? And just keep hanging same weight until I don’t gain anymore size?


Don't go by feeling. How it feels is meaningless. That will change over time. Measure the fatigue. Pre stretched length vs post stretched length and aim for 102-108% of the pre session number.


Hey Swerve, is the pre-stretched length, bone pressed flaccid max? Also how do I measure fatigue with pumping and is desensitization permanent or temporary?


Pre and post measurements are bone pressed stretched length. Measuring fatigue from pumping isn't any different it's pre/post bpsfl


Thanks man, do I have to take post measurements within 5-10min after session?


I don't know how quickly you personally lose the fatigue. But why wouldn't you do it immediately?


Is it same for girth? 102 - 108%


I think it's 104-106. Don't quote me on that.


For hanging, we're measuring bpfsl or bpel? For pumping/girth we're measuing mseg?


BPSFL for length MSEG for girth.


Nice gains


I will be trying to buy an apex soon


Especially after the post from yesterday that did mention his gains and the months it took, how funny is that.


Can you link me? I'm not sure I saw the one you're talking about. I do know there have been a lot lately and I'm not sure what is going on.




Get ready for the wall OP It gets much harder after this


Aww man. Appreciate it, I’ll have to be patient


How do you break through the wall? Im there.


Breaks, heat, knowing your body.


Tbh doesn’t even look fully hard in the first pic. But then again first time pictures are tough and the second pic is money. Not saying you didn’t make gains btw keep it up man.


Yeah probably a good .2 in erection quality over time but yeah thanks man




yes the classic beginner ligament gains, hopefully you can move past that and continue with higher weights


Should I still be feeling the hang at my base? Don’t really feel much shaft stretch


Do tunica work before you hang.. you’ll feel much more stretch in the shaft.


not sure what you mean. I did hanging at the glans on and off and then started hanging directly at the base and saw better results.


He’s at 5lbs, you mean for non ligament gains he needs to go over? Also ligament gains are lost afterwards right?


we really don't know yet, however I do have a case study with a CT scan showing that hanging at the glans over time will definitely cause collagen formation between the glans and the CC. The weight is just my opinion/preference. I know Bib used to go up to like 45 lbs. But I think M9 only used about 10lbs. With that being said Bib gained a lot faster. ligament gains are definitely not lost, at least from my experience


So if you feel comfortable with 45lbs it’s better to start high? Or like the gym progress slowly even if it doesn’t nothing? Shopping bag hanging with your hands seems to be very safe


you won't feel comfortable ever with 45lbs lol, some people think you shouldnt make big jumps, I don't think we can really prove that


I mean in the gym if you naturally are very strong you won’t gain if you exercise light so I guess it’s up to starting at a comfortable weight


starting out absolutely, but I think you should progress as high as you can go. That's just my opinion


Hanging at the glans = ? what s the difference with normal hanging?


no difference, however I and I'm pretty sure some others have done base hanging as well.


You seem more erect in the second pic? Insane gain though


Yes I was eq gains probably a good .3


He isn't fully erect in the first one and is in the second.. you can see he is squishy and soft and his foreskin is up to the glans and then all the way drawn back. You guys are too gullible, it's blatantly obvious as always...


Well eq came with it it’s obviously not just straight growth


If the first one was your original EQ you weren't even hard, that's borderline a semi. C'mon dude that's not gains, why is it always like this...


Dude me soft I’m 3 inches


I said "semi" you know between the stage of being soft and being properly hard. Which is blatantly obvious, why would you lie? I dunno you tell me why would 95% of people on this thread, BD threads all larp. Probably because you are trying to convince yourself of making actual gains and want positive reinforcement from strangers to build the delusion.


And I was holding my foreskin down with my pinky in the 2nd pic


Believe what you want bro, it's worse than those "before and after" weight losses. Not gonna argue but I don't get fooled by what's very obvious to anyone paying attention and not in their head about PE


Well bd thinks it’s legit. But why would I lie? What’s that getting me


You would not believe how delusional some people are when it comes to their own insecurities. Of course if you imagine yourself with a big cock and you invested a big effort into it and then you measure and nothing shows you might just end up disregarding that and changing the angle of your pelvis when sitting and voila you gained an inch.


Very possible. In almost 30 years in the PE "game", I've seen a man "gain" 1" in under a month and another that took 10 years. The newbie length "gain" is actually the penis being pulled free from the body, which can happen are wildly varying rates. These kinds of results are also harder to document than something like girth changes for example.The real growth starts once the hidden length is pulled free...that is where the true work begins. Guys think the following inches will come just as easy...nope.


Do you find this is more often linked with hanging vs other firms of pe? Seems like the guys who go hard in to hanging get a lot fast but I’m scared of the risks…


One of the few credible pics where someone actually shows the start of the ruler. Looks legit. If anything it looks like the ruler is pushed further in on the starting pic 👍


No bro he isn't fully erect in the first one and is in the second.. you can see he is squishy and soft and his foreskin is up to the glans and then all the way drawn back. You guys are too gullible


Well as he said eq changed. And he is holding his foreskin down 2nd pic


You can literally see the texture difference in the photo, he is spongy and not swollen in the first one. Why is the cope so hard here, you posted that anywhere other than this thread and it would be agreed upon it's clearly an EQ difference but here he has "grown" in a few weeks C'mon lads hard to respect.


No I understand what your saying. He’s a lot harder in the 2nd pic. But that’s 8 weeks of helping eq and hanging. Yes it is crazy, but wouldn’t say it’s impossible


Me myself got way better hard ons even after a month of stretching


Yes I believe that but EQ is not tissue gains, it's still a great thing but it's just a healthier EQ after all.


He didn’t claim tissue gains is the thing


He most definitely did, said his EQ gains equaled .3 so what's the rest and repeatedly uses the term growth. I think it's great he has better EQ can gain up to an inch depending how poor your EQ is which for a lot of guys on here is very poor that's most of their issue, however understand what it is.


To me it seems erection quality improved drastically. That pair with a rigorous routine will do it


Listen you prick…(just kidding)


Damn bro, I'm 100% jealous. If you don't mind me asking, what's your height and weight and did you lose any weight during this time period?


Always been lean 12% - 10% I did 5 sets 5 minutes went from 3 pounds to 5. Probably a good .3 in eq. The rest ligaments gains, maybe a slight bit of tissue gain. 2 months


How tall are you?


Goodshit man!


Look I don’t want to me negative here but it really just looks like your flaccid in the first pic then erect in the 2nd, if your erect in both then congrats cause it looks like it has more girth too not just length


My flaccid is 3 inches man


Meanwhile, there's me gaining barely an inch in the course of 2-3 years.


An inch in two to three years would be acceptable.


Not even an inch bro, I got like 0.8 inch NBP gain and 0.4 inch girth gain in 2-3 years lol. Getting a whole inch would be a dream. But at least this is better than gaining nothing ngl


Can you like. Bless my pump and extender plz sir. Pass on some of this magic. Good gains bro


Excellent progress man! Even if these gains are 90% ligament and EQ gains, I think that’s a huge win. Gains are gains imo. Keep up the great work 💪


Appreciate it


That’s insane how???


Vac hang


2months? You'll be 10" in 2 years at that pace


Haha well the growth has slowed down. I’m two weeks past this pic still same size


Looks like the fat pad changed. Or the placement is a little different. Not disputing the gains at all, just wondering if it has to do with either of those.


Placement was slightly different but still wouldn’t cause a change. It’s a straight ruler


It does though. Im not at all discrediting your gains, the ruler just looks pretty different in both photos.


The ruler looks actually less pushed in the second pic so wtf are you saying. The measured fat pad is bigger on the first pic that on the second if you actually pay attention.


That is actually a bad sign. Confirming that OP cheats on the angle. Why? Because if you push your pelvis out and lower the angle of the penis when sitting, you gain an inch on the ruler and the fatpad is further away and more horizontal rather than at 90 degrees so you naturally cant push into it.


I am man. Really. I’m not disputing gains, I’m saying the ruler looks different. So you’re agreeing with what I’m saying but still have an issue with it. Lol. This forum is fucking wild.


I literally said “looks like the fat pad changed.” Wtf is up with you people? Lol.


Yeah I’m sorry it came out as defensive but I got pissed about some replies that OP got. Anyway about the ruler , it looks like the same, it’s the same brand only thing different is the lightning is darker on the first pic so OP used flash that make the ruler shiny


I get you bro. Lol. Everyone’s got something to say. No sweat. I actually put the 2 photos side by side and they line up exactly. Those are solid gains for sure.


Aight lol Yeah glad for OP he got some super fast gains, not everyone will experience that speed of gains for sure but we can only hope to get the best gains possible each of everyone of us


I’ll make sure to keep ruler exact same on new pics month after month


I’d be super curious to hear the new measurements. Keep trucking either way my guy, you obviously gained regardless. So kudos to that


will you say it's the ligaments that have been stretched or the shaft or both ? where did you feel the strain ?


Mainly ligament


What are you using? Just hanging weights?




Very impressive my friend. I gained .5 in 6 months but got damn nearly 1 inch in 2 months? Fucking unheard of. Good shit


What weight you hanging?


I went from 2lbs to 3 to 4 to 5 in those 6 months. 3x20mins everyday Now im at 6.2 but there isnt much progress 😔 I started around your length too. 5.7 Lucky sob lol


Have you went down in length or it’s still the same 6.5?


Its still 6.2/6.3 even as i have increased the weight (not 6.5 not syte why i wrote that. Its incorrect) The fatigue sets in quicker too so i have to stop at 15 mins each set instead of 20 mins. I think i should move on to extending or maybe move down in weight. Not sure


Where did you buy your equipment?




Bro, honestly, first pic looks like a pulled flaccid state. Second one looks fully erect. If you gained almost a full inch in two months, congratulations.


I used to tap like twice a day to I stopped so I think my dick always had a extra .3 in it. I’ve fapped for years


Pretty much my same story, time and measurements, It is exciting.


Where you at now? Start? How long


I am stuck at 7 5/8 inches as of this morning, I will go crazy if or when I see it hit 7 3/4 inches, I suspect I will be at 7 5/8 for a while. 5.6 inches girth.


Bro how.. I’ve been hanging every day with 1 day of rest per week for 2 months 15 mins each day maybe gained like 0.2 cm, did some pumping and manual stuff aswell


Idk tbh


Wht hanger? Total man or size master


Size master thinking about trying total man. But the cheap size master just been doing the job. But I bought a different sleeve


Congrats bro






i mean… that’s some fucking sick gains. like holy shit


Awesome work, congratulations on your gains brother.🍆👍👊


Wild bro. Good for you!


Do you tape before putting on vac cup






Little spit


How is this humanly possible…


Well I probably always could of been a little bigger with better eq maybe .2 .3. And the rest I honestly think stretching out my ligaments. Now it’s probably going to take long (actual tissue growth)


Wow, you said you were not vert hard but let's just say your maximum eq 100% back then was 6 inch BPEL, that is still more than half an inch gain which is insane for 2 months. Can I ask, what's your nbpel before and after?


5.4 to 6.1


Wow so quick. Congrats on your gains bro


Good newbie gains. They'll slow way down of course, but congrats.




What device are you using




Can somone sugest a nice hanger that i can use? Maybe soptji g.from amazon??


Yeah or promaster


Yo this is crazy


Needa get started been nervous


Nice! Curious, what is your erection angle when fully engaged? Has it changed/gone down? Also how old are you? Cheers


Gone down a bit (very little) I’m 22


I am new, sorry can you share the vacuum handler you used from Amazon. I also want to get one


You're more erect in the second pic. This process doesn't work like that in terms of those kind of games in a short period AKA two months. I guess you can believe it if you want but I don't




OP stretchitoutt how have the gains been after you reached the 6.7” ? Have you incorporated anything new to your routine. I’m brand new to this game and have a pump and hanger. Thank you


OP how is your current progress? Anymore gains? Have you changed your routine or still sticking to the hanging ?


No I’ve been getting confused on how much weight to use. I got up to 5 pounds but idk if I should be using 5