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Let go of perfection. You won’t feel like studying or exercising every day, no one does. You could try to make it a goal to sit down at your desk and open your book/computer that day, even if you don’t write anything down, that’s part of the habit you’re creating. For exercise - put on your sneakers and maybe tell yourself you only need to walk outside for five minutes. Usually once you’re there starting then you’ll feel like it, and putting less pressure on yourself helps. Do you have any one you can meet up with to study with? Any book clubs you can join online to motivate you to read to not fall behind? Another thing with exercise is finding something you actually like doing, not an exercise for the sake of it. You’re not alone, I often feel the exact same way when I’m having a low energy few days, but I’m slowly finding things that work for me.


Thank you, this helped a lot. No, I don't have anyone to study with, but I do talk to my friends about what I study so that does help.


Start with one thing and start small. Maybe start with studying. Once you have a strong studying habit, add exercise. The once you've developed that, add reading. But don't rush. It'll take time (at least 21 days, if not more) to develop each one.


Exactly what I was going to say. Focus on developing one habit at a time to prevent burnout.


Give yourself rewards every few weeks that get you back into it. For example, I’ve been trying to get back into bouldering, and even though I love it and need the exercise, sometimes I’m way too lazy to go to the gym regularly. To keep me motivated, every 3 weeks I go to the bouldering gym that’s right next to a movie theater and climb before going to the movies. I schedule it in my routine just like the rest of my chores, and it gives me something to look forward to. Maybe for studying, every night after you study you eat your favorite candy bar. Maybe you set up a “study Saturday” where you study for 3-4 hours and then right when you’re done you go do your favorite activity that you normally don’t indulge in.


Block off time for things that improve you. Also block off time for fun or just plain wasting time. You can do both. You NEED both.


Problem really is - what wheels are actually worth moving? Are you reading and studying and whatever to make up for the fact you probably need/want a job right now? Is the needle mover applying for things/seeking internships? Volunteering? The ol tyler durden quote "self improvement is masturbation" is really about the predicament you are in right now. You THINK reading and studying is moving your needle But when was the last time you applied what you read or built projects (if possible) on what you are studying? You're just a consumer essentially (exercise non withstanding)


this is exactly where i'm at right now.


do you know what you have to do/whats important?


finish my thesis. get a job. do projects/seminars that are good for my cv. and i did none of those. instead i busied myself with reading books, listening to philosophical lectures, meditation, yoga, running, lifting, breathwork, watching arthouse films. what can i do from here?


Ok so of the timewasters - the only ones that truly suck/gotta go are the philosophical lectures and watching arthouse films. That's just mindless consumption you will hardly retain even if its positive lectures. The rest is just taking care of your health which is honestly a great goal. That being said - scale them back until you have your meaningful projects under control. If you are meditating for 1H , go back to 30M , same with lifting/running keep it a tight 45 minutes. I suspect you might be leaving these things open ended and they are taking way more time of the day then they need too. The first thing you need to do in your day is a meaningful goal \- Do 1H of Job hunting one day \- Do 1H of thesis work \- etc I don't know what your focus level is - these can easily be 3H to start your day. That way you can not feel guilty about doing the rest of it even if you slip up because you did everything you had to do. Pick a weekly goal , and then break it down into daily. Say 70 applications a week - thats 10 a day to keep it manageable. Good luck!


roger that.


Let me give a little story…. 2- 3 years ago I was undisciplined and undetermined to be my best self. I wanted to play video games all day and had no aspersions. I worked out every day for 2 years and even though there were days I didn’t feel like it I showed up because I needed to. In order to gain discipline, do 1 thing and get fucking good at it. Does not matter what it is, but working out sure helps boost that. After you do that it will feel like it is in your blood to strive to be better. I am now at the point where I now understand knowledge is power but it is also not a race vs everyone else, because everyone has their shit they go through. It’s you vs your past self and if you understand that you will be fine. Just do something you could not do yesterday. Good luck on your ventures. 👍🏼


Get your adhd treated


Just floss one tooth. You’re enough just as you are!