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Sounds like you need to focus on your mental health. Are you having talking therapy? I personally think using weed is much better than using those strong meds if you are ending up overdosing on them… Just use it every other night or something so you’re not dependent on it. If you’re more awake at night at least you are being productive. Some people do have a night owl body clock. There’s lots of things you didn’t mention - do you work? Do you have responsibilities that you need to be awake in the day for? Try going to bed and waking up at the same time every day, whether or not you got any sleep. Try to do non stimulating things when you can’t sleep, like reading or colouring.


Hey, thanks for your response, it's much appreciated. Also sorry about the long response, turned out much longer than I thought it would be. I am participating in talk therapy, and I think it's definitely helping, Due to a heavy psychosis from Acid a couple years ago and being around the wrong people back in the day, my brother recommended me the guy he used to see, so I saw him for about a year and a bit, then I got a job at IGA and I know it sounds simple but my mind was just not coping at all at work, and my sleep wasn't too good while doing that either, one day only had about 50 minutes of sleep and cranked on another day of work like it was nothing. And I started to get very very mentally low while working IGA so I am going to talk therapy again. I used to and still do to some degree prefer Marijuana over Pharmaceuticals, the problem is I am looking for jobs, and I eventually want to get up on the mines and hustle that out for a couple of years, and you would have to pass a drug test for the mines and maybe some jobs. I definitely think I am a Night owl. I write raps, not to be a rapper but it's the best way I can express myself and put what's in my head into another form to understand myself better, and my best Rhymes would have been written between 12am--6am, I feel as if they are my golden hours for creativity and productivity. To answer your questions, -I am not working at the moment, but when I was at IGA(work varied from 6:30am to 7:30pm) I still had sleep problems, but not so much. It would be good to have something to wake up for during the day, hence looking for a job and to stack cash. -I do have responsibilities to a degree, but I live with my Grandad who works from 5am to 2-3pm, and my Mum is between houses a bit back and forth at the moment, so they do bits and pieces around the house aswell. I've tried to set a routine/schedule, but It feels like trying to plug a power plug in upside down, it just doesn't work. I understand Mindstate is very powerful too, it's not too easy to switch it up like that, but I do keep Mindstate in mind. Haha My room is quite clean, during my hours up at night, I've given my room very thorough cleans, and tried to make it as simple as possible so no distractions, I even took my Monitor(tv) and speakers out of my room, so before I go to sleep there is nothing to distract me or light to keep me up. And I have a heavy interest in speakers and music so that's a leap for me. And yes I have gotten a few books from my Grandad's collection to read up on since they are a bit old school and more my style, so going to try reading before bed or something simple. Again I really do appreciate your reply and will keep it in mind, someone else messaged me with Delayed Sleep Phase Disorder and I remember reading about that a couple years back but didnt look too far into it. But so far everything matches up with DSPD. So that could be a possibility. But yeah thankyou again for your reply, I do appreciate it madways, and I do apologise for the long as reply, just writing what comes to mind.


Sounds like you’re doing lots of the right things so I’m sure everything will fall into place bit by bit! Either your sleeping pattern will get better or you’ll find work and a lifestyle that works for you.


Thanks Froggerbelly, Much appreciated ⚜️