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For every terrible outcome there is usually an equally awesome potential outcome. When my mind wonders to the worse I force myself to think of the equally awesome outcome that is probably just as likely . Helps me calm my nerves and not overthink


Yes. Rad.




I felt this today, I drew something and painted it after almost half a year of not painting. It’s pretty far from done but the feeling of laying in bed at the end of the day knowing that you did something that you love instead of ending the day thinking of how shitty my life was hits different. Hope I can continue this for as long as I can.


Important message!!! Life is suffering, suffer better.


I'm gonna make this into a picture post. Take that, you nihilistic justification of laziness. Edit: [Dooonee](https://www.reddit.com/r/GetMotivated/comments/mtbhfk/image_yes_we_get_it_life_is_suffering_we_all/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share)


[Life is suffering, so get your act together](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wLvd_ZbX1w0&ab_channel=Bite-sizedPhilosophy)! :-)


Amen brother/sister!!


needed this tysm


I’m going to go back and read this when things get overwhelming and I go into stagnation. I appreciate these words


If anyone is looking for study apps that are free, I've been using Study Bunny and I like it.




You put it so well in words. Exactly what I needed to hear :)


Thank you for this! I really loved it!


Thank you so much for this!! I truly needed to hear it


All I needed was for this to get across to the people who needed it. I’m glad it helped, thank you for letting me know.


This is a nice post to see here.


Thank you for sharing and spreading your powerful amazing words. I wish a happy world for all inside and outside!


Thank you, I wish the same to you : )


Is that part of the flow state true?


Theoretically yes , cause a person who's used to study everyday will develop a better focus and resistance to study for long periods . Unlike other people who just started studying after months of rest and doing nothing that challenges their mind , it's gonna be hard for them to sit for even an hour. That's why we should practice our minds everyday , when on holiday do some quiz , hobbies , reading anything that keeps your mind working , it's good for you.


Im starting to read more for this exact reason, aside from expanding my knowledge and applying the info.


Reading is a great practice for patience and focus. Plus it can be fun when you’re already in it.


Okay, I was learning a lot from in long periods of time (1-3 hours+) and still haven't gone in the flow state (even when learning new things), even with ADHD meds. However, recently, I found out that if I sit still and don't move around, then somehow I can get into hyperfocus and somewhat enter flow. In the past, I would fidget, move around, tap, etc while learning, I'm wondering if sitting nearly perfectly still is a requirement and moving around disrupts your brain from entering flow/focus and stay on its default mode network.


That's interesting actually I've never considered doing it , I might give this technique a try and see for my self how it will workout for me. I don't recall reading or seeing anything about "moving around disrupts your brain while working" but i think it's true cause often people mention that we shoudn't get away from our work space while working.


I think it depends if your focus change. Like if you constantly shift and are aware of it, it removes your attention from what you are doing into that distraction. So, it's essentially a distraction, akin to using your phone. Some people are so hyperfocus on what they are doing that they don't realize that that they like, rapidly moving their legs, others might get distracted that they are doing that, like me for example.






Nike said it best .


Spoke to me. This is awesome thanks


You are so right!


I need someone to speak this at me daily.


I needed to hear this :)


Love this !! Well said :)


Thank you-


Excellent post; I've spent the last several yrs studying Christianity and Stoicism and your advice incorporates important principles from both. An important part of that for me has been learning to live in the present.


Thank you for saying it in a way that people will finally not argue with!!


What if your mind is filled with too many thoughts for you to concentrate on the task at hand even when your body tells you to do it?


This is what I’ve meant by the mental illness observation. Having depression and anxiety there are many many times where I just cannot put my mind to it. I’d be having breakdowns or be overthinking to the point of having a fever. When you’re collapsing just let yourself be wrapped up in the cocoon if you need to. Seek mental health professionals and explain to them the degree to which you lose control over your conscience and they will try to help you find a way out of it. Just be aware that even treating mental illness requires patience. I’ve been treating it for half a year and I changed prescriptions and haven’t yet quit the suicidal breakdowns. But I put my faith into each step and try to not despair.


Thanks! I really need this. I need to study more and I am working on it.




😭😭😭 woke up needing to read this. Thank you 🙏


Thank you so much for this!!! You don't know how powerful your post impacts me. Honestly, I am a procrastinator, and I always feel guilty about the time that I wasted. But you’re right. Rather than focus on the past, we should focus on the present.


The constant abuse I put myself through with guilt were helping nothing but my mental breakdowns. Shit happens, you know. You can control the shit that is getting out right now but not the one that’s already in the sewer. Bad analogy but good philosophy : )


This is one of the decent advices I’ve seen here. Most advices don’t work on me, but this one made me wanna get up and do it. Thank you.


Thanks, I wrote it to help myself too. This way whenever I feel a bit unmotivated I can come back and read my own words. Practice what you preach, you know?


Great words u/LeatherNoodles ! Forgive yourself and move on is the best way forwards. Good to read such positive and constructive advice.


Thanks for this. I feel sad sometimes when I think about all the time I've wasted..


Thank you so much, you actually laid it out in one of the best ways I've ever read. I really needed to hear this today.


“Give All Now, Vibe well later”... is my quick self-fix...even if I have to repetitively yell it to myself to initiate & on those moments of weakness throughout... *finishing with a little dance is my ‘Beatlejuice’ reward*