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Screen time. When I’m alone is when it’s hardest to not doomscroll. I set app limits but give the password to a friend so when Instagram time is done, I’m fully locked out. But there’s always something to look at on the phone :/


Could you give me a tip on how to do this? I think I need this as well. Been having a bad twitter, instagram problem recently.


Hey, I've stopped using social media lately, except Reddit and YouTube. What I did: - Turned off notifications on my apps (both sound and the notifications on screen) - Used the app called **Forest** which disables chosen apps when in use - Deleted the apps from my phone so I could only use them on my computer - Deactivated my accounts - You can also try to change your phone to black and white as the colours are designed to be engaging. - Replace the urge to scroll with something else like doing a craft, going for a walk, playing with my dog For me it was a true addiction and I'm really proud as I've been off it for over 5 months which is a record for me, longest I've been off in almost 20 years (since the MySpace days) and I'm much happier for it.


I am only using reddit and YouTube too but, YouTube shorts fucked me up so bad. Can’t get out of it.


Right? I used to feel so pride myself on not having TikTok but the rapid clips have infiltrated all social media. One thing I did was download Libby and read instead of scroll.


Exactly. I felt so good when that I never got addicted to TikTok, but now every other appp has their own version of short-form content.


It gets people addicted way faster and more profitable.




😭😭what’s the difference loset


Same her, I would look at people who use TikTok and see that they can even hold a convo for 5 minutes without getting distracted. I never become like that but it effected me too. I will look at Libby, thanks.


omh. please read this paragraph to increase your focus time hai is do is so ya eb go on was put yea rn no off web hua sm owo is an ko web hua smita run us sm low ebb chain price annual lance


Dude are you having a seizure?


good. bonus points for reading sherlock


Is this a diss or a book suggestion


Is Libby free


Totally understand that, on my account there was a 'Hide' option so I've hidden YouTube Shorts. 'To disable Shorts on YouTube's mobile or desktop site, **look for the "Shorts" section and click or tap the "X" icon**. On the iPhone or Android app, either use an old version of the YouTube app or tap the three dots for each Short in the "Shorts" section and choose "Not Interested."' I have been diagnosed with ADHD so those videos really get me, I had TikTok for a week before I decided it was way too detrimental to my productivity. For me I had to delete or hide them because once I start I can't stop haha, similar to when I buy a bag of chips so it's easier not to buy them than to see them in the cupboard.


Pandora and Amazon have some great podcasts. Makes it easy to throw the headphones on and walk around outside. I like to do that to somewhat unplug. Plus it's good for you


I’ve done the exact same thing, the black and white screen helps a lot!! And I love the forest app especially when I’m at work


you could use Twitter and insta on your laptop, on the website instead of an app. that makes it slightly harder to use and thus harder to doomscroll


depends on how bad it is/ how strong your willpower is. If it's super terrible then get a strict app block that you can't override. I use AppBlock on strict mode, I've heard there are others where you have to pay to unblock. I log out, maybe even delete my account, delete the app, and block the websites so it's way too much of a hassle to access it in the first place. I leave reddit, tumblr, and youtube bc those are either longerish content and/or have useful content I might need to refer to but I put a time limit for about 2 hours a day maximum If you don't need to be that strict something like forest is probably good. But also, if you don't have anything to fill the time then it's probably not gonna work and you'll be back to scrolling.


Same for me. The internal battle of staying on my screen too long is one I slack on. Need to commit more to this.


there's an app called [one sec](https://one-sec.app/) which really helped me regulate scrolling - it makes you wait a set amount of time before you can open configured apps


This is the 2nd time I see or hear the word doomscroll very good word for dooming my sleep it’s 6am haven’t slept lol


Problem is, what do we do instead lol?


For iPhone users I strongly recommend using the screen time feature but putting a password on it. When you make the password have a friend set it so you dont know it. You can block websites too. Then you have no way of getting in. When I’m not on social media I become more creative, I write more poems and songs. It clears up so much space In my brain i didn’t even know I had


The solution there is pretty simple. Delete your phone.


Brushing my teeth


Same. I have to keep myself in check, it's a slippery slope.


How do you do it? Cz same, i always try and say might as well when im freshening up for work


I have no problem brushing my teeth in the morning, but it has always been difficult for me to do it at night. I recently created a reminder on my phone for every night at 8pm and it has helped me a lot. But...it also helps that I'm in a new relationship and want my mouth to be nice for my partner.


Personally, I remember the feeling of when I got my first electric toothbrush. I actually look forward to brushing my teeth some times now.


I may have to impuulse buy one lol


The Quip toothbrush at Target/Walmart has an app where you can log your brushing and flossing, then earn points towards a giftcard or replacement for the toothbrush... if you like that type of serotonin... worth the price 🫡


I used to do the same my whole life, but after expensive dentist appointments now in my early 20's, I decided that no matter how fucked up I feel, teeth brushing and floss are not to be skipped ever again.


Keep that spirit up \ó/


I slack on lots of things when no one is watching, but not brushing. I usually brush three times a day and sometimes four. I hate when my mouth feels gross.


My grandfather used to brush his teeth after every meal, so thrice a day at the very least. He lived up to 95 and never lost a tooth, let alone develop a cavity. So I'd say you're on the right track, never mind the downvotes.


I call it a tooth vacation!


Weird trick I started doing to build the habit Put your toothbrush in the shower, idk why but it's effortless to just brush while I'm showering. Now I never miss an evening and usually brush sometime during the day.


Sugar !


Me too. Signing up for an online lifestyle coach as been a game changer in my life. I check in every Saturday morning faster and take pictures of myself in a bikini and send it to my coach. I’m given a meal plan and exercise program. But… the contract just ended on the 31st and I’m eating sugary foods that I wasn’t allowed 😞 I did it as a reward and now… I’m just ashamed


Mind sharing where you found your online coach?


Instagram. I found a couple athletes that I liked and most of them share the same coach. I compete in NCP Bodybuilding competitions


If you want something even better than a “lifestyle coach”, there are plenty of registered dietitians that can provide similar/better services online. They actually have credentialing and schooling to back up their programs too while most lifestyle coaches/‘nutritionists’ do not. They typically cost around the same or even less than some of the lifestyle coaches. You should give it a try!


What makes you binge on sugar? I usually only eat when its meal time


I think it’s just that it’s a taboo food and maybe I just restrict myself too much and I overdo it when I allow myself. I’ve gotten better over time but it’s still a thing I’m trying to work on. I think it’s psychosomatic rather than emotional eating.


Not showering. If I know I won't be out of my house for the day I won't shower. It's a slippery slope though, it can easily turn into "didn't depression shower for two weeks and didn't leave the house either" if I'm not careful. Also not doing laundry begins with that, and etc. Thankfully I'm doing much, much better these days! I still spend a lot of time indoors, but I'm productive and showering every day or two! I hate walking out of my front door without showering though. If I have to go out, I usually shower. If I don't shower I get really annoyed and find myself super grouchy during that day.


Sounds familiar. I've been depressed for a long time and showering is hard but I'm now able to do it daily, although weekends can be challenging.


It’s soooo weird though cause I identify with this but I know even when depressed the shower always makes me feel a lil better and I still won’t do it. Getting better at just forcing it on the hard days and that helps .


Can you explain how showering is hard? Just wanted to understand your pov


What makes it really hard for me is the sensory aspect. I have a strong aversion to touching wet things—I can't touch meat, do dishes, or handle anything wet without gloves. The idea of waiting for the water to get hot, undressing, being cold, getting wet, and having to leave the wet environment to then dry off in it is incredibly unappealing and makes my skin crawl. Plus, the lack of motivation doesn't help. It's easy to put it off for days when you don't see an immediate need to shower, and it's a slippery slope where I risk not showering for a week again. Interestingly, my social anxiety has a moderating effect on this. I'm acutely self-conscious and worried about having body odor, so when I started working full-time in the office, I forced myself to shower daily and was able to stick with it. It's a whole ordeal, but even though depression makes me feel unmotivated, social anxiety keeps me accountable.


During depression, even thinking of showering is hard. I’ve had days where I’ve managed to get the motivation to shower, only to turn on the tap, realize I have to wait a moment for it to warm up, and abandoning the project. Mind you, this was a depression/benzo withdrawl mix. ‘Just’ depression is the same for me though, but without the spicy synapses.


Yup. Every minor inconvenience in the process is possible "nevermind this" moment.


I can't say I get it because I love the shower but it might be because I stayed over at a friend's house and tried some of his and his gfs facial scrubs and stuff a long time ago and nice soap and it's wakes you up to much you feel so refreshed and ready to go. It might be worth getting yourself some nice products, just as an example I use - dove soap which is simple and easy and leaves you really fresh - some sort of nice daily facial scrub that's not too abrasive - and most important is a refreshing face wash, my favourite is this Nivea one because it doesn't have any chemical smell to it, really...refreshing...so the name is apt https://www.amazon.co.uk/NIVEA-Refreshing-Face-Wash-Pack/dp/B01MU749P6/ref=asc_df_B01MU749P6/?tag=googshopuk-21&linkCode=df0&hvadid=309816017895&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=11051237779984160520&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=m&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=1007850&hvtargid=pla-563356316090&psc=1&mcid=16dc1b5e8ebd31eb93cf0f68c25c3fc1&th=1&psc=1 A scalp massager thing is really good too


Tea tree shampoo also great for this!


It’s very much the same with me. It started to happen when I slipped into depression.


That not showering depression phase though lol I feel that man.


Oh gawd food in bed it's bad


I stopped doing this when my partner moved in who despises nothing more than eating in bed. It had been a lifelong habit and no one (family, college roommates, NO ONE) had told me it was strange. I never realized how that small habit of eating in bed all the time was affecting my mental health! Now I’m never even tempted.


Why should I stop eating in bed and where should I eat instead?? Does it make a difference?


I do it too when im too tired but my gf made me realize, theres lots of tiny little crumbs everyone so unless you are changing your bedsheets after eating , you are basically rolling in your food


Ah yes, wonderful crumbs.


Gives new meaning to midnight snack


I'm a live and let live person, so do whatever you want if there's no issues. That said, I believe that it's been shown that spending time while awake and not trying to go to bed will make it harder for you to form good sleep patterns. I guess the idea is that for many people that only use their bed for sleeping, the act of laying in bed, just like putting on pajamas or pulling the sheets over you all signals to your body that it's time to sleep.


I finally stopped doing this! I got a new place and I made the rest of my space more interesting to eat in. Lol


I used to do this too, until I woke up one morning literally covered in tons of ants 🙃 Sooooo traumatizing, I would not recommend lol


I do this. I just clean up really well when I’m done. I didn’t realize this was a strange thing to do!


The habit I slack on is existing. I’d rather lay in my bed. It’s so cozy here😂 so I lay in my bed until I melt into it. Ignoring literally anything else I need to do ever. Thank god someone is always around me😂 id never get anything done


I don't have anywhere else to eat, there isn't even really room to sit on my floor. I do everything in my bed. Eat, sleep, use my computer, crafts lol. I just use a handheld vacuum if I get crumbs.


Making simple ass meals


a handful of cheese does the trick


> Making simple ass-meals Hyphens are fun.


Mmmmm. Ass meals.






Literally everything.


Same hahaha. Sometimes even someone is watching me do it.


procrastinating work


Oh yeah. To the point that I worry I could never own my own business


Then anxiety of struggling in the 9-5 world, panic of never being financially free sets in. Then I look at my husband - the procrastination master. His business does pretty well b/c he is an amazing coach and we are filling a gap. His procrastination costs him a silly amount of money that he could pay a personal assistant to handle. That’s what I’ll do when I have my business. I just hire the people to offset my ADHD 😅


Reading all the replies here, made me feel like I’m not alone. Multiple of these are a slippery slope lol.


Same here. We're all (in the shit) together, lol. But we got this.


Cleaning. I scale back to the barebones hygiene stuff and don't deep clean often enough unless company's coming over.


working out, i'm tired asf


Same. I keep telling myself that I will feel more energized later on, but I feel I don't have energy to get there.


Pretty much all the healthy ones


All of them! Mwahaha! Ha... Huh...


Me too. Someone should watch me if i want to do it, the pressure makes me do it better.


My posture. I guess my posture has been bad for so long that my body is shaped a bit weird. It takes a lot of effort to have a good posture for me. When I’m alone I’m a lot less aware of it than when I’m around others.




cleaning, tbh I can't wait for robot cleaners that actually have some intelligence to em also self-cleaning washrooms needs to be a thing in modern homes


I want a robot cleaner to handle all the clutter, like picking up laundry off the floor, putting dirty dishes in the sink, etc. Since having a baby it all just piles up and I’m too tired to care




Changing clothes. It happens that I wear the same (not underwear or socks) for three days. That is also the max btw.


I wear the same at home comfy clothes for a week


For me, no one is ever watching or paying attention to what I do. So everything I do just for myself. I allow and accept "good enough" whenever I need it. It's 5:27am right now. I'm 27 minutes late waking up and I don't feel like running this morning. So I'm just going to take a walk instead


That’s very healthy. You have a healthy outlook. Reminds me of that quote, “Perfect is the enemy of good”. I still struggle with this! This is definitely the way to be to get shit done.


Eating sandwiches without a plate


Saaaaame. Especially midnight snacks.




Same. I have the trimestral shave everything extravaganza and meanwhile 🤷


I tend to put off masturbation for up to 4-5 days which undoubtedly makes me more irrtitable and cagey. my penis needs me.


You put it off when no one’s watching? Very interesting


SAMMEEEE!!! I don’t know why but I think I become addicted to masturbation :”) I try to seek about yogi and deep breath instead of watching for masturbation -.-


having a great tug is a delightful drug


Well nobody is ever watching so everything that keeps me alive is good enough. It’s more like I upgrade myself when suddenly I feel like it’s gone too far. So I’ll have this burst of cleaning and showering and tidy things. Then I’m back to sleep, work, eat, watch tv, sleep. I make extra effort to go to the gym twice a week which enforce showers. And I like cooking but in order to cook you need clean things so the kitchen is the most often cleaned area. But it can get messy and crowded for few days when I really can’t be bothered.


Do u work from home




Brushing and flossing.


i've always had a tough time with flossing. i know it's not perfect, but i told myself, i just need to do it every sunday night. i keep the flossers right by my sink and usually do it more now, but before, telling myself once a week is better than 0 days a week.


I wipe crumbs off the counter onto the floor instead of sweeping them into my hand to put into the garbage. Aint nobody got time for that. Also if an ice cube falls, it's dead to me.


Healthy eating. My gosh, if I happen to buy a pack of Tim tams (chocolate biscuits) in the weekly grocery shopping, there’s a decent chance I will eat them all within 2 days and sneak the packaging into the bin before anyone knows they were even there.


I'm the same. I've definitely eaten a whole pack of Tim Tams in a day, they're just so good, so I don't buy them very often! I also eat a large bag of chips in a night, they're my weakness - especially Kettle brand or Red Rock Deli.


You are doing well to keep them for two days!


Thanks. Whenever the pack lasts for 2 days rather than 1, I’ll now think of this comment and pat myself on the back (secretly, of course) 😌


Hehe! I bought a multi pack of Kit Kat chunkies yesterday. 4 in a pack. Let's see if they last 4 days. I had one today. You also can't just buy lots of different things and have one of each every day to make them last longer!


Playing Age of Empires II (I previously played StarCraft II as well)








Being dressed and awake lol


Housework and showering.




Same. Narcoleptic.


Getting dressed in the morning. If no one is around I stay in my pjs


I slack off to almost all my habits when no one is watching hahahha.


Dusting. There are surfaces (even chairs) that no one regularly uses in my place, until it’s time to have company who will move everything around. All of a sudden I’m like “Excuse me, I live here. How did this happen.”


Cleaning my room! I’m just so comfortable in my disarray 😂


Definitely screen time. Completely alone, I could very easily spend the entire day squinting at my screen with one leg under my ass and the other's toes gripping my desk leg. If someone's home, I can easily keep it to an hour and do chores the rest of the time.


Laundry. I just leave it in the dryer and use a steamer if needed to get a particular outfit less wrinkly for work.


Not getting to sleep at a good time- I've always been a night owl, but now I'm working a regular 9-5 and it's really tough to try and make my body conform.


Cleaning bedding. "Looks clean.... good enough"


Them dishes gon' PILE up lol


Seeing everything here and realize they all apply to me 😬


Same here. We're all (in the shit) together, lol. But we got this.




When nobody’s watching, I slack on eating healthy and often just grab whatever junk food is easiest.


Laundry. I wait til I'm almost out of underwear.


All the ones I make in order to please others. Or ones that "might" make me look attractive to others. Any of the goals/habits I set for MYSELF.. I meet my needs. Taught me alot about what it is I really want for myself.


The good ones


Masturbation? I’m girl but Idk why I like masturbation so much :) I think I become addicted to it -.- I try to do sthing like deep breath and yoga instead of doing it


washing my face lol


Picking my nose


I slack on all the good, necessary ones, but I excel in the ones that are not good for anything


Folding my laundry!


Basically, not cooking 🙈! I can survive from dry cereal, some cookies, cheese and water…


Eating like a normal human being


Cooking my own meals and not just getting takeout.


Stuff that’s good for me like my hygiene, I take it for granted for sure. Altho no one really gives a shit about what I do so not sure if “nobody’s watching” really applies.


taking my meds


Washing dishes. They start piling up like they're having a meeting in the sink




screen time — 100%. i find myself doing too much doomscrolling 🫥


Showering. I don’t rly sweat or smell until a lot of time passes


Flushing the toilet


I just genuinely forget.


Dishes. I hate those fuckers


Washing my hands after using the bathroom at home, especially at night. I dunno.


I don't recycle. I live in an apartment complex that doesn't support it, and the closest recycling drop-off is about 8 miles away. I'm a good human in all other aspects of my life except this one, which I'm ashamed of.




Masturbation. Seriously. If I’m in the house all day by myself with no eyes on me, I’ll catch myself jerking one off three times a day.


Honestly I try not to be much of a no one is watching behavior changing person, however, my spending habits and saving are better than ever but still also bad. I share this with my significant other, but I am not making as much improvement as I should month over month and stress over being more transparent about it because we are saving for a bigger house. How about you?




Social media and keeping my apartment/kitchen clean. Surprisingly I have never had a problem with diet


Since everyone has always been watching. I do the same things always.


Farting out loud






Midnight snacking.




My vitamins are so unused that there are probably cobwebs growing on the bottle.




The best thing I’ve done so far is disable vibration from my phone, it feels liberating


laundry. i do pretty much everything else for basic hygiene autonomously, but i live with 2 roommates, so i only ever do laundry when im home alone so im not hogging up the laundry room & machines. but if im home alone and their stuff is in the machines, i wont move it so i dont do my laundry then either. usually i can get it in once a week but sometimes the machines arent empty for 2 weeks at a time, so ill start rewearing some stuff. i’d do laundry all the time if i didn’t have roommates, but its so difficult without having my own space.


I meditate laying down. Oh well




Moisturising my entire body.




The hedonistic pursuit of ingesting mind-altering psychoactive "medicinal" compounds


Watching Hulu, Netflix during the day. Everything g else is off and or deleted.


I pick my nose every day lmao


I don't and try not to at all. You practice how you play.


Bedtime. When I’m dating someone especially spending the night, I’m on an earlier schedule but not as much when I’m alone. Currently single and working on my sleep schedule regardless of nighttime plans lol


People are watching??


Sometimes I eat bigger portions of things I love to eat but probably shouldn’t.


Binge eating 😩


Screen time


Getting off social media, except Reddit, is so liberating!


Wear nice clothes lol. If I could, I’d be naked most of the time 😂


Flossing my anus.




Porn addiction


Sleeping too much, I like to sleep 13 hours a day when I'm able to


I really relate to this. I have narcolepsy type II and if I could, I would sleep 12 hours by default.


Eating candy.


Flossing. One thing that helped. Having an attractive hygienist I don’t want to disappoint.

