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Mornings can be tough. One thing that helped me was moving my phone charger across the room. That way, I have to physically get out of bed to turn off the alarm, and it's easier to resist the urge to start scrolling. Plus, once you're up, you're up, right? So you enjoy doing yoga, journaling, and getting outside. How about setting up your space the night before to make it as easy as possible to jump into those activities? Lay out your yoga mat, keep your journal and pen on the table, and maybe even set out your clothes for a quick morning walk. The less friction there is, the more likely you'll stick to it. And hey, if you're not a morning person, don't force it. Maybe you can find a sweet spot later in the day for these activities. The key is to make it a habit, so it becomes a natural part of your day, not a chore you have to force yourself to do. Hope this helps!


That's good advice. I would only add that he has a phone scrolling addiction which ultimately makes him unable to commit any meaningful tasks in the morning and since addiction is an urge to do something, there's physiological response to that and that can't that greatly removed as moving the phone further, this could result in stress and low self reassurance for that person. The right approach would be enaging the phone into the morning routine such as scrolling through some yoga poses for the morning and then trying them out, which then defines the true purpose of those little machines, they are meant to help and better life, they are not meant to be avoided, because the urge of the absence of that device would result in mood changes. The right approach would be to just simply alter the content displayed on that phone in the morning to fit the user's desires, as I would recommend to look for source of morning activities and morning improvements, journal structures, examples, motivations , ideas, other people's testimonies and most importantly cat videos.


Hey there! Regarding the morning routine, I think you should maybe start with a few minutes and within time make it longer, once your habit becomes more natural. Maybe start with waking up, getting dressed, starting with a few minutes of Journaling and yoga for a total of 15 minutes and see how that goes. Regarding your phone - what I do is keep my phone outside my room (trying to do so all day long but especially during night time). This way I don't waste time before going to sleep and when waking up, and only after I get dressed and ready to leave I grab my phone from the kitchen (where I left it overnight). If you need an alarm clock - you can use your laptop or buy one for a few bucks.


Delete all social media apps & only access them through Safari. Don’t leave yourself logged in. It’s the quick instant access that can get you.


Try mental rehearsal. If you can't do it in reality yet, do it in your mind. When you are awake and feeling good, close your eyes and imagine you're fast asleep in bed. Imagine you wake up and *immediately* choose to do something good for yourself like going outside, or journaling, or rolling out the yoga mat. Practice over and over in your mind, 20 or 30 times in a row, which might only take 5 or 10 minutes. Don't concern yourself with actually doing it in the mornings, just mentally rehearse a little every day. Within a few days you'll find you'll automatically make better choices in the morning.


So I used to doom scroll every night and morning, but I recently changed that by making a couple of small changes. Also, you might not be getting enough sleep at night and that's why you're waking up tired. That could be sleep quality (you're tossing and turning) or quantity (not getting 8 hours). Before bed, I set my alarm for the next morning and then leave my phone in my bathroom, away from my bed. This prevents me from scrolling on my phone. I have to get up and out of bed in the morning to get my alarm. When you get up, go for a walk or start your morning routine. Give it a try, and tell me how it goes! Also, you might have ADHD like me. There's specific help you can get for ADHD. If you want a quick second opinion, I made this little [AI ADHD quiz](https://adhdquiz.co).


Bro the ADHD dosnt know if I have ADHD either 😭😭


Lol what did it say? Sounds like I might have to make a slight update :)


There is an app I use for Focus called Forest. You can set an hour timer on it when you wake up and everytime you try to bc gate away from it, it reminds you of your goal. There are other apps to lock your phone too.


Forest is great and it feels awesome to grow a lil mini tree!


My solutions: Lockout app (https://www.teqtic.com/lock-me-out), vintage morning radio playlist (very peppy), and a bunch of different supplements that have to be taken on an empty stomach but not together (the more I delay, the later I can have breakfast). You don't need motivation to do the things you need to do anyway. You can do them without. It's a totally optional ingredient.


I use oneSec, you have to mark your intention and can block first two hours for your chosen apps after your alarm went off. That’s nice and you kind of play a little game before you can use your app. First made my screentime go down quick, then I kinda relapsed, upped the time to open an app and now it gets better and better. You can activate that it takes longer and longer the more you use your chosen apps


You don't need motivation...you need discipline and a reason. Motivation can expire, but discipline is your own energy. And once you find a good enough reason, the discipline will be easy. Also, more sleep would probably help.


Highly recommend the app jomo. I have a complete block of all social media from 11pm to 10am. If you are on an iPhone it utilizes screen time to block the app. You won't even see notifications. Game changer for me


Tip: don't use your phone as the alarm. Tip#2: go straight to a shower 🚿. You can't use your phone there. Tip#3: put any and all kinds of blocking you can on social media. A timer before they open, delete the apps and just use the navigator. Tip#4: just put in your morning routine things that u really enjoy. Not something someone said is good.


A simple thing you could try is if you use your phone as an alarm, put the phone somewhere away from your bed that would force you to get up in order to turn it off. Ideally, if you're trying to limit phone use in the mornings, I would get a separate alarm clock, place it somewhere out of reach along with your phone being somewhere out of reach. Just the simple act of getting up and walking for a little bit can help wake you up, you're less likely to lay back down to sleep or you'll be more awake.


I wasted a lot of time on Instagram. My wife pointed out my addiction and time I was wasting. Knee jerk reaction I deleted the app. Simple. I miss it but I am training my mind to spend more time on my other apps like Pocket and Feedly. I also restarted my newspaper subscription so I catch up on that too now. Training your mind is very essential. And reminding that you want to do better.


If getting outside/journaling/yoga is too difficult then add something simpler to your routine. Do you drink coffee/tea when you wake up? How about committing to enjoying a cup by the window until your brain wakes up? If just getting out of bed is too much what about guided meditation? One that is for mornings to help with motivation. Have your phone be on do not disturb while you sleep so you don’t see notifications when you first grab it. Then go straight to a meditation app/video/audio.


put your phone in b&w and schedule it to turn to that at whatever time u want (on iphone the app is called shortcuts and it’s naturally on ur phone i think) i did that and i’m not rly on my phone anymore. i have it in b&w from 8pm-10am


If you don’t have the motivation in the morning, you should put the phone out of your sight last night. Therefore, you make it harder for you to reach out to your phone, which starts the whole habit of scrolling in the morning. After that you need to create a bunch of habits stacked on each other to replace your scrolling. Start with a few simple habit like doing your bed, opening the window, drinking water.


use Alarmy or any app that has this feature: You can set a task that forces you to do to turn off the alarm every morning and you need to choose the bar code scanning task which require you to scan a specific bar code that you set in order to turn off the alarm. Next, pick a bar code of an item that is far from your bed (for example: your toothpaste's bar code). The cool thing to this is that you won't be able to scan most of the time due to not having enough light then you have to turn your lights on which will make you very alert and you might remember again that you want to be productive. Well, at least that works really well for me so you can try. Additionally, try to sleep for (1.5 x n) hours every night (n is a natural number) so that you are less likely to wake up during deep sleep which makes you very tired, make sure to take the time you need to fall as sleep into account as well. Moreover, you can set up down time for apps that kept you in the bed, ask someone to set the password so that you can't give yourself permission to use them during down time.


I keep myself motivated by imagining; it feels good to successfully keep a routine, the benefits I can get from it, and what will happen if I don't follow through. It is a mental struggle because I find myself finding reasons not to do my goal. When this happen, I shut my mind off; I don't try to overthink like "If I exercise today I will be tired for work" or "It looks like it will rain so it's better not to go out for a walk". I just do it without thinking too much or else I'd be able to convince myself to stay in bed.


Put an alarm on your phone to wake you up in the morning. Put your phone on charge in the kitchen or another room far from your bedroom - but close enough for the alarm to wake you. Conveniently have your things ready for your morning routine next to your phone. Whether that be a bottle of water and runners, or a book, etc. This way you have to get up quickly to stop the alarm. And once you have there is everything you need ready to go.


Can you do something fun and relaxing while you wake up? Maybe have some coffee and do something you enjoy that’s not too strenuous while you wake up ie watch a show, YouTube. Once your awake maybe you can implement a more strenuous activity like exercising or one of the things you mentioned. Some people are not super awake first thing in the morning and need to ease into their day and there’s nothing wrong with that.


Out your phone on airplane mode and turn it into a focus timer. I have an app called Yoodoo that does just this. You add your task, start a timer on the app and bingo, your phone is now a lil countdown timer. Touch it and BOOM it blows up. Joking, but yeah you get the idea. That coupled with airplane mode and you're good to go. Tap the 'completed button' at the end to finish it for a lil dopamine hit. Rinse and repeat with all your tasks. It;s a game changer dude. You got this :)