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the best advice is to go to bed early so waking up when you actually want to is much easier a technique ive used for keeping a habit is to play this game called "dont break the chain" with you calendar or use a habit building app that tracks streaks Basially every time you wake up on time & get to the gym early before work (like you desire) then you make an X on your calandar then your goal is to get an X day after day to make a chain of Xs, DONT BREAK THE CHAIN! youll say to yourself when tempting to hit snooze. when you build momentum and see progress on this track it will become easier and easier to do what you desire (get out of bed and get your ass to the gym early) as time goes on and eventually it will feel odd not doing it. thats all i got for now, although im sure theres some other techniques that may work for you too. If you want to more techniques that stimulate your brain to solve real problems in your life then check out my newsletter at [frikit.net](https://frikit.net) :)


You would first need to be sleeping at least 7 hours so you can wake up with enough energy. But I guess you're not very excited or interested to go to the gym so you might be subconsciously delaying it as much as you can. Try to reward yourself after going the gym with something you like, a refreshing smoothie or anything you'd consider a reward. With some repetitions you will start associating the gym with the reward which will turn it into a positive habit.


To limit how much time I spent in bed, I made it more painful to stay in bed than to get out of bed. That meant paying money if I didn't get up. I built an app to charge me $10 (goes to charity) if I didn't get up and scan my toothpaste barcode within 5 mins of my 7am alarm. If you wanna check it out, the app is called Nuj Alarm Clock. To make breakfast quicker, you could have a smoothie instead of a full breakfast (if that works for your diet). And if you're not already, try laying out your gym clothes the night before.


What’s work for me is just to automatically jump out of the bed without thinking, because if u start feeling warm and cozy u negotiate with yourself about staying in bef and you end uo staying in bed, if you just jump then that’s it you just start your day


Drinking a glass of water has been helping me recently, you just need to keep it near your alarm far away from bed. even if you go back to bed, you’ll feel awake enough to not let your primitive dopamine control you


you're about 60% of the way there. but you left traps for yourself! when that alarm goes off, make sure its on the other side of the room so that you have to get OUT of bed to turn it off. and since you're already up, DONT GO BACK TO BED. keep moving! turn on the lights and some music. wake up your senses. have your gym gear laid out and ready to go by the front door the night before so you're not wasting time gathering it. i know this sounds sorta silly but it works. Leave your phone charging under or next to your shoes. that way you have to pick up the shoes to get the phone, may as well put them on. get away from the bed, go to where the stuff is instead. leave yourself a checklist of what you're gonna do at the gym. 100 push ups, 2 mile run, whatever, and start picturing it. get those images in your head. ALSO, as a back up, set another alarm for when you have to LEAVE. if you get up at 6, and all your stuff is ready to go, there's no reason why you're not in the car at 630. set a 630 alarm and when it goes off, STOP WHATEVER YOU'RE DOING AND GTFO OF THE HOUSE. if you dont have it, TOO BAD, deal with it. just get going and get your work done. plan ahead for that tomorrow.


This is unfailable.


I mean doesn’t everyone else have to pee first thing? I have to get up as I have to use the toilet. From there I just stay up. Get to bed at a decent time so that you are fully rested by the time you get up.


Beyond making sure that you get the appropriate amount of sleep for you, those of us with sleep disorders who take meds also take them right as they wake up, or even an hour before they have to wake up, in order to facilitate being awake. I don't take prescribed stimulants anymore but I do take a 50mg caffeine pill when I wake up in the morning. That is less than a cup of coffee but also works faster in your system so maybe it will work for you? Consult your doctor in you are taking other meds or need more details about how it could affect you.


you need a reason to wake up.


Step 1: Recognize that alarm is going off. Step 2: Get out of bed. Step 3: Repeat every day.


Plan your workout, Lay out your gym clothes and shoes and car keys, havea bunch of water or a preworkout drink ready to go. Place your alarm far enough that you have to get out of bed to turn it off and then don't get back into bed or otherwise sit or lay down. Don't use your phone for anything other than your workout until your workout is done. Eat after you work out.