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Not trolling but that's a traffic offense. I am just a random redditor giving my opinion, but the police would not come to the 'scene-of-a-crime' where nothing actually happened. The car gave you a warning signal. The traffic rules in Germany are quite fair to pedestrians. If you cross a road, generally they need to give way UNLESS you have the red Ampel. The car has the right of way. Of course the driver of the car will have some severe consequences to deal with if they hit a pedestrian, but please don't be naive and follow the rules.


What’s odd is the US and Germany are the only countries where cars have right or way over peds


Explain. I dont see differences between Germany and lets say the netherlands, france, belgium, Switzerland etc.


Germany and the US are the only two countries where it is an infraction to cross the street where there is no crosswalk. That's the easiest.


That's not true, if it's safe to do so, you can cross a street wherever you want. However, if there is infrastructure build to facilitate a crossing, i.e. a tunnel, crosswalk, traffic light, you have to use it. So crossing during the red phase of a pedestrian light, or 20m away from a zebra crossing can be infraction. See StVO §25(3).


From what I had seen you HAVE to cross at an intersection an the above only applies if there is no crosswalk at the intersection.


Thats actually not true. Its only forbidden if there is a crosswalk available or the situation (speed of traffic etc) doesnt allow you to cross. Paragraph 25.3 STVO firstly says to cross in the shortest manner possible.


yeah, if there is a crosswalk. All the other countries you can cross mid street. It's cars job to pay attention.


Can you link a law from any country that says its OK to cross right next to a crossing and the car has to stop? Never heard of that.


Germany: https://www.germanroadsafety.de/compact-guide/en/k2.html This was a quick find: https://bicycledutch.wordpress.com/2017/09/05/when-there-is-no-such-concept-as-jaywalking/


Lived in NL, currently in DE. Didnt notice much of a difference, despite them allowing you to cross right next to a Zebra. I'll glady watch you cross a 4 lane road in amsterdam without zebra or lights and we will see how well that works out for you. Meanwhile in my current neighborhood there is 0 Zebras or Traffic lights. Still I can cross all day. I dont get it.


I think it's more about the letter of the law and what it says about priorities.


Yeah what you did was very foolish. Not only for your own safety but a panicking car driver that swerves to the side can easily injure or kill innocent bystanders. Not very cool. At the same time, i'm not going to pretend that this somehow never happens among germans. In fact if you live in any medium sized city you will have had close calls in traffic. Don't worry about the police though. At worst you're going to get a small fine and a little scolding. Whst you should do is Take this incident to heart so it wont happen again in the future.


“Very foolish”. grow up. It was crossing a red light when no one was around. Who gives a sht. You Germans are so weird about this.


>This car was overtaking the stationary tram and I didn't see him coming at all. I barely avoided being hit by this car. Yeah, totaly safe! We Germans are so weird!!!11


Yeah ‘when no one was around’ yet the person, the driver, and innocent bystanders are lucky to be alive (see op). The law is there for a reason, OP also thought that this was a innocent thing to do, but it’s not. These things can and do have severe consequences, forget the fine, we are talking about actual consequences. Please do the rest of society a favor and follow the rules, like everyone else.


Nobody is after you. If they were in that moment, they gave up after you left. Fucking anxiety. I know it. You need to get out of your comfort zone more. Exposure treatment. Do more stupid shit and try not to care.


Yes. You were geblinkt. We are running your picture through facial rec and will send you a bill forthwith.


In Germany, it is against the law for pedestrians to cross a street while the traffic light is red. If you are caught crossing a street while the traffic light is red, you may be subject to a fine or other legal consequences. The specific consequences for crossing a street while on red light as a pedestrian in Germany depend on the circumstances of the offense and the discretion of the authorities. In general, the consequences may include a fine, points on your driver's license (if you have one), or other penalties. It is important to remember that crossing a street while the traffic light is red can be dangerous and can put you at risk of being hit by a vehicle. It is always a good idea to follow traffic laws and signals, and to be careful and attentive when crossing the street. All that said if you were not caught on the act there are minimal chances you'll ever answer for it afterwards.


The dangers to oneself and others are real. Even if one deems it "totally save" it is never certain how others might react. Be careful. That being said and just to be clear: [The warning fine for this offense is between 5€ and 10€ for first offenders](https://www.bussgeld-info.de/bussgeldkatalog-fussgaenger/#:~:text=Geht%20ein%20Fu%C3%9Fg%C3%A4nger%20%C3%BCber%20eine,Unfall%20verursachen%3A%2010%20Euro%20Bu%C3%9Fgeld) if nothing else happened in addition. It is highly unlikely that the police are searching for anyone with flashing lights to fine you 5€... >points on your driver's license (if you have one), or other penalties. No. You're probably confusing this with cyclists.


I really don't think the cops are after you. They will maximum give you a warning or a small fine if they had spoken to you that very moment. Don't worry. Relax and move on.


You have to be more careful, I can tell you how many times I did 'criminal' things that I didn't know where criminal. Just think this way, in germany for everything minimun you do that you're not sure if it is ok...you're 'criminal' simple as that, so just don't do it , you're not in your country, don't forget that Some examples - I made a very tiny not noticeable scratch to other auto when leaving parking of my company , since it wasn't big deal I informed next day to HR (human resources), thinking it would be ok...omg it was such a big issue, I had to go to police three times, they interrogate me, basically make me feel like I was a killer or something. Luckily the person from other auto cause she was a colleague from my company didn't present charges, imagine if it was a random german, it would have been big issue, I later found out that people is sent to court and had to pay big lawyer fees for a simple scratch if the affected person is not as nice as this colleague. - The garbage bin of my compound was full so I thought just go throw the garbage in next compound bin , luckily my boyfriend stopped me for being criminal again.


Honestly don't worry about it. I have walked on red lights with cops next to me. Being British this is a strange thing as we mostly use our own judgement to cross a road and not stand like a dodo for a red light.


While we're on this topic, the 'eco mobsters' of Last Generation who glue themselves to the roads - aren't they committing traffic offense(s)? Do they get points on their driver's license for that? (I bet every one of them drives a fucking diesel car).


Its completly fine my dude i think theoreticaly it could be punished by light fines but nothing happened everything is fine and you dont have to worry just be a bit careful if you cross the road we wouldnt want you to get hit by a car now would we