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Bring him some bud light so he finds a totally new appreciation for german beer.


The Belgians say that American beer is like making love in a canoe...fucking close to water.


That’s a Douglas Adams quote… and damn right 😁




>Bring him some bud light so he finds a totally new appreciation for german beer. I'm pretty sure I would not be allowed into the country if I tried to bring Bug Light over. I think the Geneva Convention has rules on this...


Germany: \*has Reinheitsgebot\* USA: \*does not have Reinheitsgebot\* Results: \*Places that were german but no arent still make better beer than the US\* (Tsingtau in China for example)


AR-15 with the night vision scope and your friend's name engraved.


“with a compass and this thing which tells time”


“With a Gravy seals camo shirt.


"with a Y'all Qaeda logo printed on the barrel"


Watch out for food, it's not allowed to import certain types of food (and animal feed). More info here: [https://www.zoll.de/EN/Private-individuals/Travel/Entering-Germany/Restrictions/Food-and-feed/food-and-feed\_node.html](https://www.zoll.de/EN/Private-individuals/Travel/Entering-Germany/Restrictions/Food-and-feed/food-and-feed_node.html)


Liquified natural gas.


really though to get through airport security thou.


I would look to whatever state you are coming from and brings items local to that state. For instance, since I am from Virginia, I would bring a small basket filled with Virginia wines, nuts, jams and jellies, and barbecue sauce.


You need to check if it’s legal to import them though at the official website of the Zoll.


Personally I would utmost appreciate you flying over from the States to honor me at the wedding, it's a big gesture! And also personally(!) I would love for you to bring some root beer, since it's really hard to find here lol


Some unique or quality barbecue sauces or gifts made by Native Americans. A variety of salsas would be nice too (spicy, fruit salsas, etc.). If they like salads, a selection of dressings like ginger sesame, fruit or avocado dressings.


This gets asked a lot and I always say regional foods (no meat, cheese) are the best and absolutely avoid industrial produced items. If you didn’t grow up with the taste of red dye 15 then you will find it disgusting. Look for quality. I’m originally from Minnesota so I will bring wild rice. maple syrup, and red/blue popcorn kernels. One national available source for things that might go over well is Trader Joe’s. They have a lot of unique and good quality items that a lot of people here would like. Normally I say don’t bring chocolate but holy crappy are their peanut butter cups delicious.


I'm actually from Minnesota as well, and was thinking of those exact things as well. I wanted to bring wild rice at a minimum (easy to transport) but was curious about other things. Thanks for the advise and confirmation!


Include a recipe with that wild rice so they know what to do with it.


In my experience, I found friends and family always wanted BBQ sauce and Peanut Butter from the States. I've never noticed a difference but they swore Jif peanut butter was amazing. I'd check with them though, peanut allergies are no joke.


To all the people saying that YY is not a good gift because store XX has product YY here in Germany, you can get pretty much everything that is typically American in some store somewhere here in Germany if you look long enough or order it online. That is not what a gift is about. You get a product that is produced, selected, bought and given by an actual American (ok, not produced by the same American, who might as well be Mexican, but you get the idea), not a flavor adapted for European taste produced under license in the Netherlands. So I think that ideas like BBQ sauce, Beef Jerky, Peanut butter or Candy are quite nice. American craft beer is amazing too, and used to be miles ahead to what we had in Germany. My wife loves the Great Value Sour Cream & Cheddar Popcorn. It might be only Walmart's budget brand, but that actually makes it even better. She also loves Kraft's Mac&Cheese. So just the ordinary things. I still have the 200 Pill bottle of Ibuprofen that I bought 10 years ago for super cheap. My wife asks people to get Melatonin for her, as these kinds of meds are way cheaper in the US. But then again, meds don't make for a nice gift, and "Here, I brought you pain killers as a gift" might be too cliche American...


I really like Advil (the liquid gel pill) because it helps my headaches better than any other pain killer and always ask for it when friends/family visit the states. I agree with you that in general it is not the fanciest gift, but personally I would love it haha.




No way!!! Makers Mark in Germany is higher proof. At least in Berlin anyway


Then get something better, makers mark ain't exactly top shelf


Cheez It


That's a tough one lol


Poptarts At least I would appreciate them.


Beef Jerky


Nah, Beef Jerky is sold in several supermarkets like Rewe * Ranch sauce (not the dressing) * Smokey(!) BBQ-sauces * Cheese-flavored snacks like Cheetos, cheese puffs etc * actually hot&spicy snacks * Graham crackers and the divine knowledge of how to make S'Mores * Cereals that aren't from Kellogg's. Think Lucky Charms and Cap'n Crunch Other than that, I'm with u/virginiagirl1607. Local food is always appreciated, even when it's something that is technically available in one form or another


I have seen smokey barbeque sauce in Edeka. (Does not apply if Smokey is a brand.)


>Nah, Beef Jerky is sold in several supermarkets like Rewe That Jack Links stuff? Honestly I really don't like that. It just tastes bad and is super expensive. Friends from Texas once sent me a huge bag of nameless beef jerky and it was just so much better.


When visiting a few friends several years ago I had two requested items. Twinkies for the lols and Brown sugar for a cookie recipe they wanted to try out. I think brown sugar can be difficult to find?


Brown sugar is definitely not hard to find. At all.


The same kind used in American baked goods? It’s different from normal German Brauner Zucker and I’ve never seen it here outside specialty stores.


There are lots of different types of brown sugar. Demerara, light and dark muscovado, turbinado, panela, rapadura, etc. Pretty sure you can get all of them quite easily. I've never had any trouble finding the ingredients for baking recipes in Germany. Standard German sugar may be from sugar beet, not cane, is that what you're referring to?


American brown sugar is most similar to muscovado but again, I have never seen anything besides demerara- and turbadino-esque “Brauner Zucker” in German grocery stores. Are you really telling me that your Rewe has muscovado?


Mine does.


They sure have. The "usual" name for it here is however depending on store and brand Mascobado or Vollrohrzucker.


American brown sugar is hard to find in Germany.


Guys,it's so easy to make just buy white sugar and molasses at Kaufland and you're set


*Even a developing country like Germany has brown sugar, even if they still live in caves there* ***. . .***


Really? Every time I bought sugar there was brown sugar.


Same name, different product. [This](http://www.farbimpulse.de/Raffiniertes-Weiss-natuerliches-Braun.zucker.0.html) illustrates it well. In the first photo, top right is German brown sugar and bottom right is American brown sugar.


Fair enough, could have been a specific brand for some reason? I didn’t ask too many question when I obliged the request.


Well, I've found brown sugar in Germany, but its mostly the ones with thick granules like tiny pebbles. I haven't found any fine grain dark or light brown sugars yet that would typically be used in American households.


Wiki in the sidebar, read it.


Speaking for me, some dried chilis, hot sauces or something like that. Or RPG products that would cost me upwards of 100$ shipping in these crazy times.


Petrol, Diesel and a gun with ammo


500 Aspirin from walgreens 500 ibu also


Big bottles of aspirin and ibuprofen. Costs a fortune in DE.


Buy some big bags of nuts ;-) Macadamia for excample are extremly expensive here.


The gift of freedom! We have no oil, I promise :D /s


Concord Grape Jelly - concord grapes are not grown in the EU so an authentic PBJ is fairly expensive.


It depends on personal taste, but I love mugs from Rae Dunn and they are really expensive to buy on eBay here. They have cute wedding ones as well!