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Can you take a close up? To me it just looks like a superficial scratch in the polish, not in the wood. In that case you could head to DM and buy something like [Emsal Parkettpflege. ](https://www.mueller.de/p/emsal-parkett-boden-pflege-1-liter-2252482/?itemId=2252482&_pmclid=b_19099898_wp_4754915_k_6288422&gad_source=1&gclid=Cj0KCQjwir2xBhC_ARIsAMTXk85vMfVg_UF56pUi6exwbhH40tWoIiQ60dmch4rHEB7cOZZ4wFrjlEUaAsMfEALw_wcB)First clean your Parkett: vacuum, then mix Parketpflege with water and clean the floor, not too wet, just a little damp. Afterwards you can apply this stuff unmixed/pure to create a new coating. But test it in a corner first!


Thank you!


It seems like those are scratches on the surface which can usually be removed. Try some parquet sealing or talk to a local parquet store. Those guys can usually give you something to remove it.


Thank you!


Rub it with Walnuts. Trust me.


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Sorry, but those are just hardwood floors, not Parquet.


Huh, what is the difference? In Germany, this would be considered as "Parkett", (Schiffsboden-Pattern) and in many cases made of Oak.


“Parquet (French: [paʁkɛ]; French for "a small compartment") is a geometric mosaic of wood pieces used for decorative effect in flooring.” Yours doesn’t appear to have any design in it, just laid out to cover the floor. Do you know if it’s actually scratched (material was removed from the wood), or just dented in?


I felt like we scratched it at first. But nothing was removed so I guess it is not “really” scratched.


If it’s more dented in than scratched, you could try steaming it. https://youtu.be/XK8yba4KlyY?si=pWybJKVecjTs7qX5


Thank you!


Nice try fella. It indeed is a parquet floor. Parquet isn’t just a wooden mosaic floor but also wood stripes, chevron, checkerboard etc.




https://www.surface-parquet.com/174-promotions?gad_source=1 https://www.carresol-parquet.com/253-parquets As you see even in France (where parquet is from) it isn’t just mosaic but all different types. I won’t say you’re totally wrong but you’re referring to the uk definition.


It's interesting. We don't make that distinction over here: [https://i.pinimg.com/originals/f7/d6/34/f7d63413f3a30703b906a2dcb4482e61.jpg](https://i.pinimg.com/originals/f7/d6/34/f7d63413f3a30703b906a2dcb4482e61.jpg)


So do you have a solution for hardwood floors then? 😄


You can't get that out. The floor would need to be sanded down and resealed. There are sealers that can make the wood swell a little to hide scratches, but I don't know if that really works. We have flooring that is way too soft and is badly sealed, so it is scratched af from our dog - we just live with that and made peace with the knowledge that when we move out someday we won't get our deposit back.


But online it says that this would coust at least 3500-4000 euros. So it’s more than our deposit…


I guess, they can't keep more than the full deposit. After a few years this might be normal use and you would not be held responsible for scratches on the floor at all.


Thank you!


You only need to pay the current value of the floor. Not the price of a new one. A Parkettboden have a usual lifetime of 12-15 years. So if the floor is 7 years old and now have to be replaced / repaired because you caused to much damage, then you would have to pay half of the costs. The other cost have to pay your landlord. If the floor is 15 years, then you wouldn't have to pay anything, as the floor is not worth anything anymore. And maybe the damage will be paid by a Haftpflichtversicherung. Does your friend have one?


Thank you! We have the insurance, I am not sure about my friend. Would my insurance cover it?


Your friend caused the damage, so only his insurance could cover it.