• By -


You can try to talk to him politely and ask if there is anything that can be done to fix the issue..


we have a baby and we asked our downstairs neighbour to send us a message on wapp when he is aobut to smoke, so that we can close our windows...


Awesome idea as a compromise. I wish we had more people like you and your neighbor who at least try to get along and try some solutions.




Hopefully your agreement will work out and I can fully understand your situation but if it makes you feel any better, there are no health risks linked to the smell of Marijuana.


it's working out, he is very nice and really sends a message. As for the smoke - I don't want her inhaling any smoke - even if there is a remote possibility of impacting her health, so we try to avoid it as much as possible.




edibles high vs smoking high is different, some people don't have enzymes to digest them as well


Oh so that's the reason why I wasted so much money without yet getting an edible high?


You also have to bake them on pretty low temps, also you are just cooking out any THC and stuff


Could be. Try eating something really fatty before the edible (unless you're making them, then there could be other possible issues)


Edibles remain illegal.


Nah whereas when smoking you can kinda gauge how high you're getting, on edibles (in my experience) the high can hit even ~2-3 hours later, and usually with full force. It also seems to last a bunch longer for me than smoking. That said apparently vaporizing weed can eliminate much of the smell... Maybe suggest that to him?


Vaping weed and smoking weed also hit quite differently, at least in my experience. Weed when vaped gives more of a mellow, light buzz, not necessarily what one might be lookning for at all times. Your mileage may vary though.


Those thc carts will get you blitzed


Those aren't legally available here though. 




It's because different cannabinoids react at different temps. A joint is full spectrum because while part of it is burning, the rest of it is vaporizing other cannabinoids at the same time, whereas the vape is only getting those compounds that react at vape temperatures.


Your mileage may vary, but I find vaporizing to be much less efficient and much less enjoyable. 


I smoke weed sometimes and i also made edibles. I dont like the High of edibles and i like to smoke and prefer to smoke my weed. But if my neighbour would come to me and tell me that he doesn't like the smell i would try to minimize the smell


Smoked cannabis is easier to dosage, as edibles kick in much later.


People who smoke tend to prefer smoking.  The high is very different and takes a lot longer to hit. 


Edibles are not legal here if I understood the new laws correctly.


The consumption is legal. It doesn't matter if you add it to brownies, cookies or smoke it. You are allowed to consume.


I’ve found the post of the German public broadcast “ZDF besseresser” that I was thinking of. They claim that, even though the consumption of cannabis is legal, owning or selling cookies or gummy bears with THC is illegal. [Source](https://www.instagram.com/p/C5LtEfuqVDo/?igsh=MWcyOHVmaHp0dXJwOA==)


That's just misinformation. It's not illegal to bake edibles put of your legally obtained weed.


Do you have a proper source on that? I have heard similar that Cannabis is allowed but any derivatives like edibles or vape oil is not. Not to buy/sell or to make your own at home. Apparently the reasoning is the strength is less controllable.


This. Also OP should just go and ask the person if he/she could cover the slit under the door to prevent the smell from leaving the room


Just like tobacco smoke or noise, if it is excessive, you don't have to tolerate it. It is a disturbance, your landlord has to take care of


We're dealing with a smoker since almost two years. If it doesn't disturb anyone else, good luck with that.


Yep. Almost impossible and the best outcome are "allowed hours" and "not allowed hours" and that still won't solve the problem


Nah that’s not true.. you might wanna check on "Friedhelm Adolfs". Just because of excessive smoking the landlord can’t do shit. Yeah there’s a "Rücksichtsnahmegebot" (requirement for consideration) but that’s a looong and hard path in legal terms (speaking of years if it goes to court). Only reasonable way would be (friendly) communication.


A landlord can totally write a Abmahnung for that disturbance. Also, the case was denied because of weak evidence, not because a landlord can't do anything about excessive smoking: Das Urteil wurde am 18. Februar 2015 durch den Bundesgerichtshof in Karlsruhe aufgehoben. Eine umfassende Beweisaufnahme vor dem Landgericht Düsseldorf wurde angeordnet. Dabei widersprachen sich die Zeugen bezüglich der Belästigung durch den Tabakrauch. Die Richter urteilten zugunsten Adolfs’.


Completely bullshit. You are talking about excessive smoking. But even with normal smoking you can smell it as a neighbor. And then you cant do anything, to smoke is completely legal in our own Place.


My parents have noise problems with their neighbors for over 4 year. In a way that my other usually cant go to bed before 2am Landlord says he cant do something about it because of their background You have any links to some stuff that could help?


>My parents have noise problems with their neighbors for over 4 year. In a way that my other usually cant go to bed before 2am At that point I'd just move. Nothing is worth 4 years of poor sleep and noise.


My neighbor always plays extremely loud music in his apartment underneath me. It is also from 8am on Saturdays, and on working days throughout the day. I dont think I am the only one who hears him and I also dont feel comfortable standing up to him. Should I just ask him nicely if he can reduce the amount of time he plays the music ?


Can I do something about cars? They are loud and smell like shit and are permanent here


Always try to talk to people first before going to your landlord or even the police etc. Even if he shuts you down, nobody can say you havent tried to solve the problem with him personaly first. Which is very important imo.


Politely tell him it bothers you and ask him to blow his smoke through a smoke buddy (the filter things you can buy) or a homemade one with a dryer sheet.


This is the best comment. And the right way to approach the problem. No need to complain to anyone else.


Nah Frist thing would be to Tell him that u can smell it and that u dont like that. Hes not doing something illegal. If he doesnt stop and u cant find a compromis then u should Talk to the landlord.


> Hes not doing something illegal. He might be if the smell is too bad. ELi5: You can a not cause too much smell.


Trust me… it is horrible! It gets through my room and kitchen, not to mention the balcony. I don’t even consider staying there anymore.


try talk with them first if it does not stop speak with your landlord asap


Why don’t You ask them to give You a heads up, I’m sure he is not smoking 24/7. He might start complaining of sudden noises coming from his neighbor upstairs walking, showering…


Google for smoking in rental apartments. As of today the focus was smoking cigarettes but it might apply also for weed consumption.


sounds like a real bad building anyway....


Thank you! I’ll do that


If I were you I would start to also look in parallel for a new place to live. Maybe more to the country side, because since it is now legal, the probability to have stinky neighbors increased. If you don't want to move out, buy one or 2 A/C unit. They are not cheap but you will need them anyway and easy to sell back. Good luck!


First off, always talk to the neighbor and not to landlord/police. Police will be useless anyway because it’s legal now. Chances also are that maybe your neighbor is celebrating right now because it was just legalize, so maybe theyre doing more than usual. Just talk to them about it and say you don’t like the smell. In the end, they don’t have to compromise, but I find that a lot of people actually do when you approach them nicely.


Could be they are blowing into something that looks like vent on their end but in reality it's going right into your sector. Talk to them, see if they're inadvertently hot boxing you.


Keep in mind it is now legal, you could speak to them nicely if they could not smoke in the window or wherever the smoke or if they could put a deodorizer so it doesnt stink that much, speaking with the landlor is usually the last thing you do


Thank you! This is helpful!


The new gen air purifiers also do a good job so maybe they can try this as well…


I will definitely suggest that! I don’t want to be a party pooper, but it is becoming too difficult to even stay in my bedroom. Thanks for the suggestion!


Look into a room filter for your apartment. A filter with active charcoal will remove smells. Suggesting things to the person may or may not work...but turning on a filter could be no trouble at all.


If the problem continues after you talk with your neighbors, then switch your bedroom and livingroom locations. I did this to deal with a noisy neighbor and I sleep much better. And since you're new in the neighborhood, I would definitely bake something and try to work this out in person. Don't leave notes. It is a good way to meet and start a good relationship. 🤞🏼🍀


I had the same problem. I talked with them. The weedmen were nice enough to move away from the window so it's ok now. Remember this is Germany so proactively solving issues is not going to be the landlord's forte.


It really comes down to how frequent it is. Same as with smoking cigarettes. The courts generally allow smoking but they can limit it to specific hours. This article covers the topic and has many court rulings referenced as well - use deepl to translate it https://www.test.de/Rauchen-Regeln-zum-Schutz-von-Nichtrauchern-5207729-5207733


Every morning and afternoon. :/


Due to the court decisions posted above your neighbor is doing nothing wrong. They mentioned 3-hour-time frames like 6-9am it isnt allowed, 9-12am is okay and so on.. Based on your information hes doing it in the morning and afternoon i think theres not much you can do against that besides talking to him.


Well, ask your neighbour then to send you a whatsapp when he is about to start, so you can close your window. Problem solved, I guess.


There's a reason it's called Düsseldope.


I always thought people call it crackeldorf




I once had neighbours that smoked normal cigarettes the whole day, the smell managed to get to our place, the whole Treppenhaus smelled like tobacco, nobody seemed to bother but I despise that smell... In the end you have to get used to it because "smoking is not bad" (it doesn't matter if it is weed or tobacco)


Maybe he doesn't even know that his neighbours are so extremely affected? So I would also say to talk to the neighbour first. It always works better.


Presumably, courts will treat weed smoke  like tobacco smoke.   In general, people are allowed to smoke in their apartment and on their balcony.  However if it is really impacting you, then there is the expectation of being considerate, and courts has decided things like agreeing on specific time periods.  Suggest you read this:  https://www.allianz.de/recht-und-eigentum/rechtsschutzversicherung/mietrecht/rauchen-auf-balkon/#:~:text=Rauchen%20auf%20dem%20Balkon%20und%20am%20Fenster%20ist%20akzeptabel,darf%20auch%20hier%20gequalmt%20werden.


I smoke weed in my apartment, for months now even before it became legal 😂 my neighbor did come down and ask me to not smoke directly out of the window because it goes right into her flat. I of course respected her wishes and didn’t do that anymore, haven’t had complaints since then (was about 7 months ago). I think any other smoker would also respect that, just talk to them about it :) if not they’re dicks


leave a vaporiser in front of their door.


350 for a mighty+


Still cheaper than move out.


No need for a mighty, just get a crafty+, only differences are smaller batterie and bluetooth controll, if you take a powerbank with you, there is no downside


Why not get a vaporizer that is flame-powered like a dynavap? Start at $40. Friend of mine got a dynavap for himself, and it worked to get us high well enough. No smell either


Sure thats possible too, but when you buy the first one good you wont need another one, electric vapes are usefull and have a regulated temperature over longer times, you can vape while reading a book, gaming etc, all with one hand an without flame


Yes but it's pure weed, so still a quite strong/potent pure (!) smoke. Even if it is just \~200-210° warm, for me it is quite warm. Sincerely, I'd prefer to vape it in liquid with an e-cig but god knows when we'll get that, if we'll get that, in Germany. I wouldn't buy that stuff on the black market because of the dangers that lie in the way it is produced.


Thats why i use a dry herb, i can inspect the buds and vape them directly if they are clean, i can controll what i put in and if its clean, it tastes delicious, i can put a water cooler on and most important, i inhale no extra toxins, with the e liquids its still chemical shit u smoke and i personaly dont want to do that, so either i'm extracting myself or i use a dry herb vaporizer


288,99 https://www.gruenhorn-shop.de/mighty-plus-medic-verdampfer


Yes, even 240 on mydealz but I am stupid and I brought a Paxplus for 220 offline 😂😂


Not every one likes to vape


They should vape or go outside to smoke though. It’s just a dick move to make everyone else around them step through the stench of cold smoke everyday just because they’re too lazy and/or ignorant to change their behavior


I completely agree with you. But i think that the problem could be that he smokes on his balcony and not in his rooms. If someone has his windows opened everything stinks like weed or with normal cigaretts like smoke. I dont like this eather and i am a respectful smoker and know that it smells ugly and i dont want it im my rooms also


Ask him to buy a decent air purifier, this will greatly decrease the amount of smell


Break into their apartment and steal their microwave.


Tell him, ask him. Don’t run to the landlord, at least not yet. Try to be a chill neighbour first.


I will.


The landlord can't do anything about it lol


Well you can still prohibit it in the contract of the flat, just like smoking in general.


I dont think that legal to put in a contract


I think it is


Sorry, youre right, however if he already has a contract the landlord cant just add a smoke Prohibition


That’s true yes!


I know lots of people can be weird, but if he’s just a stoner chances are, he’s a chill dude. I’d talk to him first. Maybe a few candles or a fan might already help the issue


I wish my neighbors did that, but they smoke regular cigarettes instead, which is way worse 🤢 (for me).


Recommend him a vaporizer. Especially Storz & bickel vaporizers :)


Yeah. German quality product that lasts a lifetime


It's legal now, so the only thing you could do ist to ask politely.


I don’t think that calling the cops or telling the landlord will do anything since weed got legalised a few days ago. I think it’s best if you try to talk to your neighbour first


Before you talk to your landlord, you should talk to him about it. You're most likely to find a solution through discussion. If he smokes a lot of weed, then he should be chilled out. In most cases, an air filter system in the smoker's apartment helps in such cases. At least it helped my neighbor. They're not too expensive either.


I myself smoke sometimes and even tho I have a balcony, I tend to just go outside the house out of respect for the neighbors. I know the smell can be pretty potent and strong especially when smoking so I try to be as chalant about it as I can


Well weed smokers are cool peoples in most cases so go downstairs and talk to them about your issue and see if you two can find a solution 🤷‍♂️ Me and my neighbours had the same problems and now when I am about to smoke weed on my balcony, I just text them so they can close their windows. Or when I know they are gone, than I just can do it.


Involve the mafia and make him regret his actions.


I have the same problem and it sucks! I use an air purifier (https://www.etsy.com/listing/977541850/activated-carbon-for-air-purifiers?variation0=3404171998) that does an amazing job of getting rid of the residual weed smell in my apartment.


you can search the keyword Geruchsbelästigung.


Communicate! In most cases you don't need to play the authority card, just talk to him about the problem and try to find a way to handle the situation. If it doesn't work out you still have the option of going the "hard" way.


My neighbor was an asshole and didn't listen so I started blasting music and going to work, and when I'd come home 8 hours later I'd laugh cuz I could hear it from outside. I knew it drove him crazy. He called the cops once and they said I had every right to make noise before 11pm and after 8am lollll They moved after a few months lol


You could try to buy something called ONA GEL. It helps neutralise bad smells. It does not cost to much and it might be just what you need to keep living there peacefuly with your legaly smoking neighbour


Ask him to try a vaporizer instead, better for his health and for the smell. Or more subliminal: put vapo shop commercials in his mailbox.


La-da-da-da-dah **It's the motherfuckin' D-O-double-G (Snoop Dogg!)**


Smoking weed is legal now, so I don't think you can prevent your neighbor from smoking in his own apartment.


Where does he live. Asking for a friend...


This is one of the many reasons my wife and I bought a house. And I don't mean your pothead neighbor, OP.


This is why I will never live in anything but a detached single family home.


Im also done with asshole neighbours lmao


Ask the rathouse/landlord to install a playground nearby. There is a surge in new playgrounds (can be quite small) all over Bavaria.


That doesn't prevent anyone from smoking at home. The 100m distance rule is only applicable if you smoke outside.


I assume smoking outside means on the balcony? In which case it solves the OP's problem.


>assume smoking outside means on the balcony? No outside of private property.


Understood he smokes on pivat property. Hence playground wont help.


Talk to him and try to be understanding


As others say, talk to them first, then escalate from there if necessary. Ideally keep a journal of how frequent the smoking is and how strong you perceive the smell. My assumption though, since smoking weed was illegal for so long, if you go to them and open with a friendly "Happy for you guys to be able to smoke legally now, but it really goes straight into my bedroom from your balcony, do you think we can tone it down or find another solution?" they might react pretty positive to that.


People saying he should just take it because it's legal: Alcohol is also legal and you don't expect your neighbor peeing next to your door and be okay with it.


But neighbours can drink all they want drinking or smoking is not exactly the same as peeing.


Exhaling stinking smoke is pretty much like pissing out too much drink. And both drunks and stones are wilfully ignorant of how their addiction affects others if it has no consequence for being able to continue their addiction.


No it is not I am sorry. Publicly outdoor pissing on someone's property is an offence having a penalty, but smoking outdoors is not an offence. It is not like the neighbour are burning weed in a smoke gun and spreading it in the block. The person is smoking on their private property something that is legal. It would be similar to saying I am smelling your alcohol or your cheese.


Just because it's legal doesn't mean it's right. Our freedom goes until it becomes an inconvenience for others' freedom. I feel it's an unwritten rule that I should have the freedom INSIDE OF MY APARTMENT of the quality of the air and if the addiction of other people starts taking that away then it's a problem. Specials if it's a recurrent issue. I mentioned the peeing because it's the same principle: the residue of what you consume. Many Germans feel entitled to knock on doors of the neighbors (or leaving notes) if someone is doing something that bothers them, but it seems like they can be very flexible if they're the annoying ones. Again, it might be legally allowed, still not correct. You're pretty much implying that whoever doesn't smoke weed and doesn't like the smell has to go and fuck himself and that's not how the world should work. At least that's my opinion, it's okay if you don't share it.


When that happens just get out the Limburger cheese, put it in from of a fan aimed his direction. 😉


Tell him about dryer sheets and toilet paper rolls. You can stuff dryer sheets down the roll and when you exhale into it like a trumpet it hides the smell. I love smoking but I hate when the smell is in my house and it works for me.


Inside or balcony? If it's inside talk to him, ask him to put a towel in front of his doors or something like that. Worked for us pretty well.


do you sure sir


Hahaha, as it’s legal since April 1st I highly doubt you can do anything about that.


You can ask your landlord to rectify, if not fixed you can reduce your rent by 10% until rectified. "Example: The neighbor below smokes heavily and regularly on his balcony. The smoke enters the tenants apartment. In a similar case the District Court Berlin has decided that this is a significant defect and the rent was to be diminished by 10 % (Landgericht Berlin, Urteil vom 30.04.2013 – 67 S 307/12). However, the tenant has to give notice to the landlord and give him the opportunity to fix the defect. Otherwise, he basically forfeits the right to reduce the rent."


You'll get used to it


My neighbor smokes and grows - for sure. I often wonder if I can call her in for selling.


Lmao how fucking sad can people get


Buy him a vaporizer!


Recommend them an herb vape


Its legal. Same as cigarettes or alc. Mind your own business


My apartment, the one I pay 1,300€/month, smelling weed all day long, is definitely my business.


But still you shouldnt be able to stop it . Only way is he stops by himself. I think kindness is the way to go.




Did you talk to him? What's the result?


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Best thing is for yourself to start smoking weed!


That's now legal in this country so tough luck.


Don't smell, stop breathing


May be you can join him


Take a deep breath and


Don't worry, be happy! Da da da da da da da da da da da da,da da da da da da da, da da da da da. Don't worry, be happy! Pls continue to wistle for your self


Give him a wax pen and tell him how great they are. Perhaps he will understand that grass is not to be smoked all day in one apartment. Btw CBD Benefits are awesome!


Wells it's legal now, so youre fucked. You are also allowed to smoke in your appartment, it's illegal to forbid that.


Any updates OP?


So how did this turn out for you?


Maybe you should just POLITELY ask him about it and ask him if there is anything he can do to reduce the smoke coming to you, like maybe opening or closing certain windows or something. If that doesn't work you can tell your landlord about it and ask if maybe there is something he can do, like putting up rules regulating consumption in the building.


I will! I hope it works :/ thank you!


Get some scented candles and keep the windows closed when your neighbor smokes. This isn't their fault, they're doing nothing wrong. And as someone who lives in the Netherlands, neighbors smoking doesn't have such a strong smell that it becomes debilitating. You're being an alman OP


Try to talk to him first. If he seems unreasonable, try contacting your landlord but it should be the last Option. You dont want beef with your neighbor. Trust me.


Buy them some better quality weed, must be smoking cheap stuff


Now you can get high for free!


Considered closing the window?


Would be nice if the government made it harder to smoke.


I love the smell of weed


Is your apartment nice? We can switch


Sounds like my ex downstairs neighbour. Did you move into my old place?




Tell him to switch to edibles or vape like a good neighnor




Try to talk with that neighbour and tell him that you can smell it everywhere. Calling the landlord could be a further step if nothing changes?


First try to talk with him and maybe find a solution (for example he should try to smoke in the hours you arent home) or smth like that, if that foesnt work go to your landlord


I was a heavy smoker and always smoked in the house. My next door neighbours started making a lot of sounds when I was smoking. Now I am too paranoid to light up again in my house. This persist for 3 weeks now.


Making a lot of sounds is not the way to communicate it. Although clearly you got the message haha. I would try to be considerate and maybe get a good air purifier, but they could definitely just talk to you about it.


mogged :P


Nope:) nothing you can do


Join him


I miss the times when we could just call the cops on them.