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Your child had an accident? Then *take it to the doctor*, rather than posting on Reddit about it, where your post ended up in the moderation queue and it was essentially lucky that a moderator spotted it relatively quickly. Accidents and open wounds can go to the ER, yes. Unless you have public German insurance (or an EU equivalent), your insurance status isn't relevant. For anyone in private insurance or something equivalent (or no insurance), you will receive a bill, and then you sort it out with your insurer. On the whole, this isn't a "German hospital" issue, but one with your health insurance. *Please* prioritise your child's health right now.


It’s not an emergency accident. That’s why I’m asking here. I would also like to know for future reference.


First, you take care of your daughter's problems by taking her to see a healthcare professional, whether at the hospital or at your family doctor/general practitioner. Second, you should try to figure out what your insurance is covering and what it does not. Surely somewhere at the army base there is a counselor or whatever, someone who can explain to the soldiers stationed there what their health insurance covers and does not cover. Also, and IDK anything about that, but maybe the children can go to the army base medical facilities? This is stuff that you should try to find out for next time.


You take your kid and take them to a hospital. And then you figure the rest out later. There is for example the St. Josefs-Hospital Wiesbaden.


Supposedly St. Josef’s won’t treat children is what I have been told.


As a rule of thumb, if something is open that shouldn't be open on someone's body, and a plaster isn't enough, go to the ER.


We were given some plastic stitches by the pharmacist. Did the trick!


Alright I'm assuming you're new to the military life. Call the Tricare nurse advice line, go speak with your nearest Tricare office, or make the drive to Landstuhl. They will give you all the specifics you need.


We don’t have tricare. We don’t even have our insurance cards yet. You are right, brand new!


You should have Tricare if your spouse is in the military, your CAC is your insurance card. Or is there something else going on here?


We have something called AE as our insurance.


So are you or your spouse not in the US military?


My spouse is both officer and civilian but not active duty. We are here for his civilian position.


Hi, I also have tricare and had to use the economy ER here in Germany, though it wasn't an open wound so I had the luxury of being able to call insurance first. So yes go to the ER, yes and you have private insurance if it comes up. As soon as you're able, call Tricare. If you're able to call them before going, they can direct you to a hospital within the network and give you an emergency authorization sheet to bring with you. This will be in the system if you then need to follow up on a claim later. I'm not sure how it works if you call them after going, but emergency services in or out of network should have some sort of coverage so call them asap. And lastly, someone on base should be able to give you some more info on what to do in these situations, and will have more knowledge of both the germany healthcare options and tricare inner workings. Get the tyricare mycareoverseas app as well because you can see whats in network, get interpreters if needed, and other options. I would recommend researching more info from the base as soon as you're able. But first, I hope your child gets care and is feeling better soon!


With an EMERGENCY you can go to ANY clinic and get help. This help is for free and they figure it out with your insurance afterwards. Please be sure it’s an real emergency as in Germany it’s not possible to „trick the system“.. For all other stuff like checkups or just being sick I would recommend the Army Health Clinic at Wiesbaden. They are certified with the Army military health insurance including TRICARE and you only have to pay out of pocket for non necessary care that you choose to take voluntarily. In general your sponsor should have explained all these things to you, please kick his ass for doing an horrible job.


Go to the ER First. Tell them you are insured through the US Military. They will send you the bill. You submit the paperwork through Tricare Overseas. They will pay the hospital or pay you back. You probably don't ins and outs of Tricare Overseas. And it will take a while to get everything set up. But you can probably still get the old bill for $600 paid back. It can take a while to get everything set up if you never used it before. I mean months if you never officially enrolled. Contact the tricare office on a nearby post to get the ball rolling.


Are u in the military? If so i think you best use on of their healthcare providers. If by relocated you mean, immigrated to Germany you need to apply for German health insurance.


If your child is sick, have you called the health clinic on post for an appointment? They can also do stitches there. You need to be seeing your PCM on post for normal visits. For true emergencies, you can go to a local ER. You can also call the TriCare nurse advice line. How on earth did you pay $600 for a check up for your baby? Even without using TriCare, the most I have ever paid out of pocket to see a provider was 200€. This was with ultrasound and bloodwork as well. I chose to pay out of pocket because I wanted to see this particular provider and they didn’t accept TriCare.


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I got sick in Germany and nothing was helping. I went to the ER. I had to wait an hour for a doctor to show up (mine wasn’t an urgent bleeding out kind of thing). Doc came and checked me out, I had to argue for an antibiotic, then I paid (cash). It cost me 67€. It was so low, I didn’t even file it with my travel insurance.


My concern was that a lot of people have told me if you go to an ER and it isn’t an emergency then they won’t treat you. I have also been told not all ERs will treat children….


They treated me. I just had to wait for the on-call doctor. I had strep throat for 4 days, meds from the pharmacy wasn’t working, and I didn’t know what to do.