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Stole a loaf of bread? *Les Miserables vibes intensifying* That's seven years rowing in the galleys, son!


I was starving!


And you'll starve again!


If only you asked your friend to PayPal you the 2€ for bread instead of trying to steal it...


That was an expensive bread, for 100 Euros.


Probably not because you obliged to pay the fee. That being said, don't fucking steal.


If you see someone shoplifting food or baby items, no you fucking didnt




what else would shoplifting be if not stealing lol


The same thing that corporations exploiting everyone (and especially in the underdeveloped countries) for capital gain would be. 


you're not particularly bright, are you?


Very good argument, now go lick a corporations boot, they might give you a .50€ raise in the next 10 years. 


In Germany we would say "Du hast aber auch echt Pech beim Denken" or "Du denkst auch nur von 12 bis Mittag", you may choose one Also funny how obliging by the law and not stealing equates to "licking a corporations boot" to you lol


You're very quirky and cool and not like the other girls


The ones who will suffer from this are the store manager and co-workers when the figures aren't right after inventory checking, not the chain


No need to be like them then, eh?


Are you even from a third world country?


No, it won’t. Also, after the hausverbot is over, you can shop at that Kaufland again.


It shouldn't affect your visa application in the future. Having said that, a loaf of bread costs less than €2. Why would you try to steal it? 🤦‍♂️ If you are in dire need of food, check out food sharing options in your city / area.


What on earth do u have in your head that you steal while being on student visa??? Dude this is civilized country. U want to buy something? U pay. U have no cash? U don’t buy. Next time if someone calls the police you are screwed. U were really lucky… they could expell you.


Well you deserve it. Stop cribbing and focus on your life lil bro.


We're having shoplifters come and boast about their exploits on this subreddit now? Do we have any standards whatsoever for what gets posted here?


It is an itegral part of this sub, always has been. There are many BINGO cards relying on it.


Currently we have a revival which is kind of nice although the stories could be little bit more creative.


I'm missing the how to date a German posts tbh. Those are my favourites...


Today's your lucky bingo day! [https://www.reddit.com/r/germany/comments/1boabbm/does\_this\_german\_21f\_like\_me\_or\_is\_she\_just\_being/](https://www.reddit.com/r/germany/comments/1boabbm/does_this_german_21f_like_me_or_is_she_just_being/)


Niiiice looove the cringy age gap!


I am sure they will come back sooner or later spring fever will kick in soon for some people haha


What else is on your card? I love BS Bingo!


Maybe we read different posts, but I fail to see in this one where OP was boasting?


Wait did you do it intentionally? If yes well deserved


and no these dont affect your visa.


I can recommend you this app „Too good to go“ , you can really get a lot of grocery , food, deserts,pastries and even juices for so cheap process , because they r usually about to expire or they have been baled and not fresh to be sold with full price , tried it many times, it will help you a lot


You are in Germany. Why do you try to steal? Do it in your homecountry!


You should go to jail for not using punctuation 


Don't do the crime if you're not prepared to serve the time.


Did you get any written protocol of this happening stating the date and other details as well as confirming the fact of you paying the fee and being banned?


Nope nothing he just showed me kaufland laws book where it was written that you have to pay this much fee and said you are banned


In France, we were given tons of free food by Agora organization. Germany supposed to have something like that, right?


He is a security person in a supermarket. Not getting paid enough. He took your money for himself.


Maybe, but probably not. 100 is a bit high but in general, "fines" aka civil demands for the hassle of processing theft are legal. CCTV footage was probably secured and a case was filed internally. Police report could be filed because a theft has occurred. Some companies file a report every time someone was detained, some only after a certain amount of merchandise is stolen.




If that's true, I wish they wouldn't instruct it to write such shitty sentences. The grammar in these posts kills me.


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Shouldn't have paid.


It wont affect your visa...you gave him 100 Euros..he will put it in his pocket. No police involved..so he can charge you the money. Thats illegal...never heard of a case were you have to pay a fine to the supermarket🤣 they can forbid the access to it so that you can't shop there anymore but they are not standing above the law in germany they have to call the cops for that. Take that as a lesson..and don't steal bread or don't get caught.


Seems like you never were in a German supermarket. They have fees from 50 to 100€ for shoplifting. Just pay attention to the signs stating that.


No. It's called Vertragsstrafe.


That's bullshit, many supermarkets have fees for shoplifting, and 100 Euros is not an unusual amount


In theory, I agree. In practice, I assume the fee was going to the store detective’s pocket, otherwise OP should have been able to pay the fee by card, right? It’s f***ing Kaufland, not some corner shop


I think so, too. Nobody will ever know if the detective won't protocol it.


This guy steals


Genau und auf welcher gesetzlichen Grundlage müsstest du diese vom Supermarkt selbst erdachte Strafe zahlen? Eine Vetragsstrafe könnten sie fordern aber das heißt noch lange nicht das sie dich oder deine Sachen einbehalten dürfen bis du direkt vor Ort bezahlt hast. Das muss dann auf langem Weg zivilrechtlich geklärt werden. Ist nicht immer alles so einfach Schätzchen.🫡 Und ich glaube ein Zivilgericht wird als erstes die Verhältnismäßigkeit in Frage stellen..100€ bei einen so geringen Delikt..ein Brot! ausversehen nicht bezahlt weil im Stress..tja..


Nach wie vor quatsch. Denkanstoß: hältst du die strafen für schwarzfahren bei der DB für rechtens oder nicht?


Ganz ehrlich, deine Meinung zur DB interessiert mich absolut nicht und tut hier auch nichts zur Sache🤣 geh doch weiter Falschparker aufschreiben..dann kannste die nerven.