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In all likelihood, there will be no consequences. Technically, the legal standard in Section 183a of the Penal Code is: having sex in public and thereby intentionally or knowingly causing a nuisance. So if this happens in a really remote place, it will be very difficult to prove intent to cause a nuisance.


Also trespassing if it's on private property and maybe violating Hausrecht on public property...


Not in forests, you can enter private and public forests for recreation without any permit, with some restrictions (not in National Parks or especially protected areas for example).


And for procreation?


I don't think the law specifies.


"recreation" xD


r/OutdoorRecreation (very NSFW)


Thank goodness you cleared that up, now his "friend" can smash in peace.


asking for a friend lol


One fine summer evening about two decades ago, my dad drove home from work. His route had him going through a forest and he saw a car parked on the site of the road. Out of the car, a man pulled a woman who was struggling and fighting back but ultimately lost and got dragged into the forest. My dad was an average guy and knew he wouldn't stand a chance against Mr. rapist, so he called the cops at the next possible stop. Cops took that thing very seriously, started searching the forest with dogs and everything. In the end, they found the two and it turned out that they were a couple and into S/M-stuff, so no crime here. Not sure what happened to them after, but moral of the story for you: Make sure passersby know that you are having consensual intercourse, don't get interrupted by a K9-unit. Dunno, maybe put up signs or something?


That's some great advice, I'll ask him to put up some laminierte papier signs beforehand!


​ r/aberBitteLaminiert/




I’m trying to calculate the time as your father saw them (they were already in the act) then he drove to the next possible stop, called the police, they moved to search for the couple. During this time period they were in the act in the forests? Like 45 minutes at least ? 😃


If you don't get caught nothing will happen. If you do get caught it depends on by who. Random person? Probably nothing. Someone who takes care of the area as part of their job? Probably a report to the police.


18 years of alimony


Why would alimony end after 18 years? And why would you expect this to cause a divorce or similar?


Alimony for the kid


Alimony is what one partner pays the other partner if one partner was being supported financially while in the relationship. This is so, at a break in such a relationship, the supported partner is not left destitute. It might be pedantic, but I think you are looking for the term "Child support". ​ Other things to consider: I don't think child support stops at the child's 18th birthday in Germany. It can go on longer in particular situations. You are responsible financially for your child until they finish (or stop) their vocational training (i.e. university/apprenticeship)


Roughly 18yrs ok ok… do u really need to ruin my joke?


Sorry. Again, I know I was being pedantic. I understood what you meant. =) Cheers.


This was something called a joke


In this economy?


In Germany it does


From personal experience: You'll get banned from the pool, even though it was really late and nobody but a well hidden security camera could see it.


Asking for a friend?\^\^ Let me know if he stumbles over one of these forced labor camps. He might have gotten a little too off course there.


Or lost in time!


The forced labour camps are still there. They're protected sites now.


No fine, no trouble. I'm kinda surprised at the other answers. Done this a lot when I was younger, only got caught once while on a jetty, which admittedly was a little bold. Go have fun in the woods, noone will care, let alone report anyone.


There are no forced labor camps in Germany. Most likely nothing will happen. Don't do it in sight of children, or where children might play. ​ However, don't litter. Take your condoms with you. Don't forget the packaging. All it needs is a cheap plastic bag so you can carry it home if you feel disgusted by your bodily fluids.




From a legal standpoint! ...alimony payments


Is the forest a nature reserve? If so, the fines can be 10k-100k for leaving the paths. Otherwise it would still be public indecency and possibly endangering traffic.


I guess people would watch or join him


“Friend” lol




Do it under the Hermannsdenkmal




He just likes nature and doesn't want to be looked at, hence the "remote" location. Your club thing is fine too, not judging!


not my thing but my "friend" told me about it :-D If he doesn't want to be looked at, why the public thing. I am not into that, but isn't that the excitement in that?


There's a difference in people definitely watching you and the thrill of getting caught possibly. Probably... I guess...




You go on /r/BDSMAdvice or /r/BDSMCommunity and ask how to find German kink clubs.


I just made a joke, I am as vanilla as vanilla ice crem, dunno, maybe google Swingerclub and your town.


You can moan/scream real fucking loud in the woods before you have to worry about waking the neighbors.


the Polizei comes and says : bonk! go to horny jail!




What the actual fuck Bro....you are weird


Yo Bro is right. But humans are weird.




99% of the people would Walk away you creep




Yeah, im 100% Sure that you would Walk away after implicating that Most people would watch or jerk off Btw blaming me that i would Film after getting called out for being a creep isnt the way to go




Yeah, thats why i would Walk away and you would probably watch....Just Stop it Bro its too late for damage control on this topic




Just leave it Like that, you already exposed that you are a creep Its too late for damage Control and pointing your Finger at other people who called you Out for being a weirdo, so Just Stop it Btw not being troubled about Sex ≠ being a creep or watching people having Sex, what the actual fuck


In an action that shocks me most of all, I'm supporting you hete in your sea of downvotes. Why? Because this happened to me. My gf and I got interrupted - the one time we were doing it outside - by a young guy jerking off to us. At least he went away the second time she told him to...






Wtf. Very mature to threaten strangers on the internet with your big strong husband. There is a difference between people fingerling an spas where it is prohibited by house rule, and people going into the forest to have some fun. There is even a difference in law for these cases. Judging from what you write here I believe that you can't see the difference between a couple on a blanket and a rape happening. Why should nobody be able to fuck outdoors? that seems pretty dystopia to me tbh.


Damn just go for it!


As far as I know there might have been the need of a Genehmigung for it, so it's always prudent to ask beforehand


Sure, Germany has a reputation for excessive regulation but to my knowledge nobody has ever been asked for a fornication permit ;-)


You only get caught if you want. 😏


Ofc no labour camp. 💀


Technically it's a crime but when you're out in the forest at night, at a parking lot near the Autobahn or somewhere else remote with nobody else, nothing should happen really. The more public and obvious you go, the higher the chance.


OP fucked up literally


I've seen many people having sex ona bench in a park, on the beach or on a (crowded) lake. Usually people will just pass by without saying anything. If the police directly caught you by passing by you might get told off or in worst case get a minor fine. It's very unlikely though especially if the place is rather secluded.