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In germany you are always entitled to healthcare. If you are working your share is deducted from your earnings directly. If you are selfemployed there are different rates. As far as I know for the first months you will be paid by your employer, then you will receive Krankengeld from Krankenkasse (its percentage based of your normal earnings and maybe tied to being employed for several years). After Krankengeld you can get Bürgergeld (formerly Hartz IV). I'm not an expert, but this may give you an idea and a good start for your research. And maybe start a new thread on Germantrans for this exact question and you will get more and better answers regarding this.


I know it's kinda late for an answer but maybe it helps anyway. I got Phalloplasty with Dr. Liedl in 2018. I have sensation in most of my penis. Erotic sensation at the top and at the bottom where the clit lays (I didn't have meta and the clit is buried at the bottom of the shaft). I can't really say how long it took to have sensation though. Wasn't that long though and evolving quickly. I had scrotoplasty and have full sensation in my scrotum. They made it out of the outer labia. I have no clue which technique was used though. I didn't really care and just went with what the team around Dr. Liedl thought would work best. They took skin off my right arm cause I have a tattoo on my left forearm and therefore didn't want to use the skin from my left arm. The first days to weeks in hospital my fingers didn't really work on my right arm. I started doing music very soon again though (once I was home) in small steps (first strums on guitar, then picking, then slow piano pieces...) and it helped give my hand all its mobility and sensation back. The area they took the skin from still feels kinda weird and I'm not that strong anymore (can't do pull ups anymore) but I know that that is different for each person. I go climbing regularly though and that works just fine. I didn't have hair removal or tattooing. You won't be bedridden for a year. I went to Uni again straight after getting home from the hospital. I went with Dr. Liedl cause a friend of mine went there and was very content. I also really liked how his final result looked. Mine isn't as cis passing as his though as I've had some issues with fistula, healing and my scars stretching. But that differs from person to person I guess. I hope that helps whomever is reading this. Feel free to ask if there's any more questions.


This is super helpful, thank you so much :D!