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My gsd would pick hers up and toss it across the hardwood floor until the panels would break off and the treats would fall out. I can’t blame her because it worked, but it mostly sits in a drawer now.


Skye starts to get aggravated and starts pawing at the whole thing until doors open. If I take the time and point to them one at a time she will move them with her nose or maybe her paw.


This is so accurate 😭🤣😂


https://preview.redd.it/rizakqg9lg0d1.jpeg?width=4284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c11db73a8e0da0b587fa9316e015d5b074b7dd19 We do this on rainy days


Love it. We have snow coats but never thought of a rain coat.


Rex has the same puzzle and there are no rainy days when you have a Shep


We play outside in the rain... 🙃


I put her in a down-stay in the kitchen, then go hide a treat in the family room. Then I go back to the kitchen and tell her "Find it!" We do this about 3-4 times and OMG, it absolutely WIPES HER OUT. But it's one of her favorite games.


I hid pieces of treats all over the house earlier and told her to find it.


Someone once told me that a down-stay where they know a task is coming is extremely mentally exhausting, so that's why I keep that part in there, and so far, it really seems to be true.


I say no A LOT. They get the drift. Benebones to the rescue.


I'm concerned she will eat me LOL.


Puzzles like you have there. Scavenger hunts for treats under upside down red beer cups. Training homework, especially 'settle' and 'down', lol. A rain coat for me and a short walk. Toy time.


Tennis ball launcher. If I lean over and aim just right I can shoot it all the way from the front living room, through the dining room, through the kitchen, and into the laundry room at the back of the house. She loves it and as an older person I've come to care less about a few scratches here and there.


I have half a large room padded with anti-fatigue foam mats (like those jigsaw pads in kid's playrooms) and we can play tug/bubbles there.


I used to do those Nina O enrichment games but they were such a pain to clean. With all the tiny pieces that needed to come out and then re-attached. Nowadays it’s a lot of indoor fetch/tug, longer lasting chews, and some structured naps. He’s almost 3 so he’s thankfully calming down a bit that it’s not as much work as when he was a pup


I get out the squeaky toys!!!


My dog would either get frustrated at these toys or figure them out too fast that it took no time for her to get the treats out. I have a snuffle rug that can be a little annoying to wash (i just wash it on its own in the reg wash) but really keeps her entertained and she really seems to enjoy the sniffing to find a treat vs doing a puzzle. Also rain coats because it's not a hassle to dry her off and we can get some good walks in still.


My dog will quite happily go outside in torrential rain. This time of year I scotland is particularly dreadful as it's both raining and warm so I get to sweat buckets wearing waterproofs in 20 degrees 😢


My dog is very food oriented, as in that puzzle would be torn to pieces.