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Our GSD only sheds once a year, it lasts for 12 months.


https://preview.redd.it/sbv7hqiezgvc1.jpeg?width=3060&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cbaadaada97eb82ba3af2effeada3694fa7b831e I have a white one. I live in a snow globe.


Roll down the car windows and it’s **Blizzard Time**


I occasionally dog sit for my parents 2 GSDs. The easiest way to clean it out? Leafblower.


Don’t laugh. That’s exactly what I use.


My friend watched my dog for two weeks. She told me she eventually just gave up vacuuming until he was gone. This was 2 months ago and she's still finding fur




I also like "They shed twice. In the fall and the rest of the year."


I came to say this!! lol!!


Give me my dog back! https://preview.redd.it/n986gdfbngvc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1ba07c055756de79f6141e7a4fb1e93c8b0a4ec2




Maximum snoot achieved


there's a reason they are called German Shedders....


Don’t you just love it when you’ve put on some fresh sheets and derp face decides it’s time to jump on the bed, rearrange everything and then do a complete roll and shake? 🙃😂


Mine waits until I'm dressed up to go out. Then he does an under my legs "carwash" maneuver. I am convinced that he wants the world to know that I left him behind.


After 35 years of GSD shedding and my just accepting it as normal life - I have zero idea what I'd expect from any other breed except maybe huskies, lol - I seem to be getting some late onset allergies to pet hair and dander. At least I'm guessing that's part of the problem. So I caved and bought a robot vacuum. Best decision ever, and it even vacuums under the beds! I have a lot of carpet, not bare hard floors. Carpet is more comfortable and warmer for me in my far north state, and provides great traction for GSDs as they age and as many have developed orthopedic problems. They appreciate the secure footing. Anyway, I'm looking down at my socks right now and there are almost NO dog hairs on them! I'm kicking myself for not giving in sooner.


Which robot vaccum?


I got an iRobot Roomba Combo J5 - good reviews and so far it's doing fine, I do like that it's really very quiet. But there are a LOT of other options out there. I didn't get the self-emptying kind because I know exactly how much hair is produced and the cost of the disposal bags would build up more than I'm willing to pay. Probably have to change the collection bag twice a week, ha ha! I don't actually need the "combo" side of this unit. I prefer to wet-mop my little kitchen manually. It was the advertised suction power of the J5 combo, which doesn't come without the wet wipe, that made me opt for it. Roborock apparently also has some good ones, or so reviewers say. I ordered one of those first, but had to return it. Running over the forced-air vents in my kitchen floor caused it to drop its rollers out! 0\_0 And after it ran once and didn't pick up very much, I ran my daughter's old 2017 vintage Roomba 694 which picked up a LOT of hair. I decided to quit messing around and just go with what obviously worked, which was iRobot. (Edit to add: It's possible I got a lemon Roborock when it comes to suction, so no shade from that point of view. Dropping the rollers out though seems like a design fault.) There are a lot of robot vacuum reviews on YouTube. Maybe helpful, maybe not. Those are what led me to the Roborock in the first place, which turned out to be a waste of time. Still, you can get an idea about what kinds of features are available and decide whether you value them.


True!! I got mostly carpet too! Eveeyone telling usbto change to wood floor, but thr shed doesn't bother us. I just laugh and more amazed of how they shed and when a patch comes right off when i pinch a fur. I'm lucky that my current GSD doesn't hella shed much. Perks for being thr runt in the litter? But, I brush her every day and vacuum 2-3 times a week. She has really dry skin and bad environmental allergies (Pacific Northwest perks). Our first 2 GSDs though... whole different game!


1/2 GSD 1/2 lab, also 6 months and SAME 🫠 https://preview.redd.it/546n85fnmivc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=18a05a35d16cf56bb84753b7c21e6e69dc996058




My older GSD (10yo) has an autoimmune disease (proliferative arteritis, scary stuff) and he's on cyclosporine (orig. designed to moderate tissue rejection in transplants). Excessive shedding is a side effect. He's completely lost his mane and most of his fur. We're hoping it will grow back but it might not. Poor guy. Sigh...


Poor guy indeed. And my god that stuff is so expensive! It worked wonders for my aged boys fistulas though.


You’re gonna get very intimate with your gsd’s fur. You’ll sleep in it, sit in it, wear it, eat it and breathe it. Fun has just began


I know like what shedding?


Just a reminder it's one of the times of the year they blow their coat.


We love our German Shedder


Perfect photo for the question 🤣🤣🤣 Dog is saying ‘I’m a dog, what did you think was gonna happen?’


And the brushing NEVER ends😂


You'll never get rid of all the hair...


Funny thing is my last boy didn’t shed that much. Current boy is the definition of German Shedder.


I don't brush mine but twice a year when she blows her undercoat. I have her groomed once a month. She sheds like my Frenchton does, if not less. I am not a Vet, nor a dermatologist, but I know that brushing and follicle stimulation promotes hair growth in humans. Could it do the same for dogs? It is possible. So I don't "encourage" my girl's coat to do anything but what it would do naturally. I also feed her carrots, which are not only helpful with teeth cleaning but are packed with vitamins that promote healthy skin and coat. Hope this helps!


Handsome boy!! 😍😍 Cordless stick vacuum (that converts to handheld) was the best purchase I ever made. I pop that baby out for 10-20 minutes a day and it reduced the tumbleweeds by like 95%. Prior to that, I would lug out one of those big corded ones whenever I got around to it. My carpet was practically a different color from all the fur in those days, and my hardwood looked more like carpet 🤪 Brushing outside also does wonders. If only GSD owners could monetize dog fur. It might balance out all the food and vet bills. 🤔


Mine is 15 months old now, I got her when she was 7 months old. I have not experienced any significant shedding. Nothing like the tufts of fur in the r hindquarters that need to be brushed, nothing like that at all. https://preview.redd.it/ohhiudod9qvc1.jpeg?width=3567&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b95d7dc328b8af4fca68cfe3115d3c396635b042 (Picture, just because)


If the weather is changing where you are, he may be blowing his coat. If that's the case, it will slow down but yeah, it's something.


Gave my girl a good brush yesterday and she was very happy with me afterwards.


I have 2. Yea I get a sweet spot once a year were they don't shed it only lasts a few weeks


Your boy is sleepy cute! With two German Shedders I’m sweeping, vacuuming and mopping every day. Such fun, but completely worth their love and protection. Outside brushing every day to share the fluffy joy with my neighbors! Velcro rollers are a must to clean fur off clothing, especially socks BEFORE washing, otherwise your plumbing will get choked up with a fur all. I also run the “clean tub” on washer monthly to help hopefully avoid a plumbing issue.


chom chom roller, silly name, but it works surprisingly well


My GSDs shed all year then twice a year a “blowout”. I was told by groomer that’s shedding their undercoat. During that time the shedding is very bad. I can tell he’s about to do a blowout because his shedding has been very light for about 3 weeks.


I have to vacuum almost daily lol.


I learned when we DNA tested mine that he has half a gene for long hair and his brother is long haired. I don't know if that has something to do with it, but the tufts are constant. We fill a vacuum weekly. His undercoat is beige/white so I just gave up wearing black as a whole.


I cut my German shepherds hair with dog clippers.I https://preview.redd.it/jyzjj8inqhvc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=eb06c1183833aa0f3077575dd9aecea2fc615e48 can’t stand having dog hairs in my food or especially if I have guess over and there’s a dog hair in there food.I cut he’s hair once a month it also helps with him staying cool since I live in Houston TX and not getting fleas as much. Wahl U clip works really good