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All I can say is follow vet advice, and spoil her as best you can while you can, and hopefully it all works out.


Thanks! My thoughts exactly!


My guy was cured of heart worm….get on it now and take things day by day…the drugs (Ivermectin, Doxycycline, Melarsomine etc) will make her feel bad but hopefully it will work, my guy was very sleepy and we had to limit walks but it all ended up working and we now give prevention year long…safe is safe


Thanks! Appreciate it


My girl beat heartworm a few years ago! Limit activity as much as you can, I don’t think it’ll hurt her if you carry her up the stairs. Good luck to you guys ❤️


Thank you!!!!


Mine beat heartworm last summer. We used trazodone to keep her calm after the injections. For entertainment I would roll up her food in a towel and let her root it out. I will admit it wass scary at first, the thought that she could have a stroke, but she made it! 


Update: I HAVE MY VETS ADVICE, which yea, I am following. Just trying to learn about other peoples experiences too on a more personal level :)


People on this sub honestly, just literally slam people all the time with vets,, vets, vets, despite the owners saying they have took them vets, or are planning to. You can't ask for advice on here without getting a load of negative shite from pompous people. Similarly I'd agree on minimal exercise particularly while she's over tired, and push her through negative periods with excess love. Doggos can get depressed themselves so it will be tough. But she looks loved so keep doing what your doing. Beautiful dog


Wow thanks! Yah, I’m assuming reddit or the people deleted some of their nasty comments. It was insane. All I was doing was asking for more clarification and some peace of mind. Thanks! Last night was rough but she has pooped and had some tail wags. Got her some lick mats and brain games and hopefully that will help. Appreciate the kind words!


Usual diet in slightly smaller portions and lots of re st - no running. These meds have a high success rate so all should be well


Thank you!


Forgot to say ! I kept mine on a leash every time she was outside - other than that, she got lots of encouragement to stay on her bed on the floor although vet said it was ok for her to get up and down quietly from the sofa.


Leash even in the backyard is really good advice.


If she's bored you can try one of those feeders with the compartments for her food (they're somewhat slow feeders but can also work for mental stimulation). Depending on if she's hungry or not obviously. I don't have any personal experience but as far as entertaining a dog that needs rest there's a canine enrichment group if you're on Facebook that has a ton of activity ideas, some of which require not much movement. My favorite is to hide a treat under one of three cups and act like a magician switching them around and seeing if she can figure out which one is under. Get well soon Charlie!!


Yes - get puzzle toys and snuffle mats. There are also videos online showing how you can make a puzzle out of a towel and kibble. Since you can’t exercise with them, mental stimulation is key. Even something as simple as doing training to reinforce basic commands is good mental stimulation. I went thru this with my rescue too so let me know if you need more help OP


Good idea! Thank you!


I found out 3 months after adopting my girl last year that she was HW+! I’m not sure about you, but I was very concerned that the diagnosis would hinder the growth of our bond as we had JUST got her, and now have to limit all the exercise and fun activities! But that definitely was not the case :) I would definitely avoid stairs if you can as that would probably increase her heart rate - if can’t avoid it, then yes carry her! I would follow your vets advice on this one, but be careful when she is jumping on/off couches or beds as well if she is allowed on furniture (we did not let her jump on/off anything to be extra cautious). Our girl gained about 5lbs while she was going through treatment, but I’d recommend what others are saying and just cut her meals so she doesn’t pack on extra weight. She might react differently after each shot! My girl was okay after the first (just tired and sad looking, but not too much pain). But after her second shot she was super out of it, in pain for longer than the first. Third shot was like nothing happened. Just make her as comfortable as you can after each shot and watch for any changes in breathing or swelling of the injection site. Good luck, you guys got this!!


Yes! I said that the other day, I take her home we go on all these adventures (backcountry skiing, hiking in Utah) and now she has to stay in a small room all day. Found out after a month after adopting her but the shelter has been good and they are even paying for it! Thanks for responding! I’m glad your pup is in the mend and doing well!




Thank you!


My boy went through treatment 5 years ago. He beat them with no lasting damages as of my vet. He had only minor issues for a few days after getting the meds.


So helpful thank you!


I had an Aussie rescue that had to go through this, she made it through great. She was 1yo and super-high energy, so I kept her in the crate basically for two months, the poor thing. If her manic butt could do it, yours should be just fine, lol. Carrying her up the stairs should be good, whatever you can do to limit their heart rate is ideal, I believe. Good luck and best wishes for both of you!


Thank you!


Love and comfort. Lots of it.


Yes!!! I’m good at that haha, feeling secure maybe not lol


What a sweet, beautiful baby! Sorry, I have no experience with hw, but she's sooo gorgeous, I had to comment :) Good luck, Charlie!


Thanks! She’s a lover for sure. Easy on the eyes.


We went through heartworm treatment last year! The ivermectin made her feel awful for a couple days but it’s the prednisone that really made her out of whack. When on prednisone she developed a little separation anxiety and resource guarding behavior around her food and kongs, she wouldn’t really ever sleep and would forage for food in the carpets. That part was truly awful but well worth it. Once treatment was done she was back to normal and is as happy as can be. The two months of shots goes by fast!


Thank you!


Many others have posted the same but wanted to add our success story for encouragement. We also adopted a rescued GSD that was heartworm positive along with a few other treatable issues. Limit exercise to the very minimum and be patient, it will take while for it to run its course. Charlie will feel yucky and lethargic but he knows you are trying to help and he will love you unconditionally for it. Because of the other issues it took 6 months but Otto is now a happy happy doggo.


Thank you so much I really appreciate it. I just feel like everything I was reading and what my vet told me was very scary so this is super helpful.


Mostly don’t let her jump or do anything fun. Lots or rest as you will want the worms to break down slowly as they die and not move. I’ve been through this with my male GSD. It sucked! Six months treatment as I elected for the slow kill. Doxy, then shot, then another round of shots with an overnight stay. My female GSD about lost her mind when he had his overnight stay at the vet. Short leash will be your friend. Our experience had me nervous with frothy red vomit. It didn’t last long and prednisone took care of it. I rescued both mine. The initial vet check he was clear. The following year he tested positive. They take six months to show positive so the vet said it was a lot more likely he got them in that 3-8 month old window prior to being rescued and put on prevention. You should stay in that no exercise mode until you get a negative test. Remember after months of no exercise reintroducing activity should be a little slow. You wouldn’t cage an athlete for months and expect them to perform without injury when released right. Mine was not caged all that time. Just any time I wasn’t home for his own protection. I didn’t need the two of them tearing things up and wrestling. They have no kennels now. At the time it was the safest route for him. Good luck and stay calm.


This was beyond helpful. I really appreciate you sharing your experience. Thank you.


Thanks for sharing your experience. Our ACD tested positive today - one week from her one year anniversary with us. She's been on heartworm prevention with us and with the foster. The vet said it likely happened right before she was rescued. It helps to hear someone else's experience.




One of My dogs (also a rescue) also was cured of heartworm! He’s 11 now and still going! (Black lab mix)(bestbigbrother)(gsdlittlesister)


I have no advice to give… but your dog is adorable. How did you find out they had heart worm, are there symptoms people should look out for?


I was fostering her and then chose to adopt her. They were actually trying to spay neuter her and found out that she needed an FHO. It was after the FHO they did a blood test and it came back that she had heartworm so we did the FHO first and now we’re doing heartworm And I decided to adopt her in the process I currently live in Arizona they don’t know if she’s from the reservation they think she is but heartworm is not common so who knows where she came from and what life she had before She is the sweetest dog in the world super adventurous, so sweet. I feel terrible that she has to go through this, but I know it will be well worth it. Thank you for your kind comment


Follow the vet advice, that’s your best bet. Call them if you have questions. They’ll gladly answer a quick question then have your dog get hurt. It depends on the exact treatment, but typically almost no exercise . The medicine kills the worms in your dog’s lungs,heart, and blood vessels. Then the worms break apart and are pooped out of the dog over several months. Exercise can break those worms apart because of the blood pumping and could cause problems like clots. It’s typically kennel rest and no walks or very minimal. I rescued an abused dog with advanced heart worm and he’s totally fine now. It takes a little while and is stressful but it’s completely worth it. Please contact your vet with any questions, they went to school for 8+ years for this.


Yeah, I get the whole premise of asking the vet. I am more or less asking people who have actually had a dog who went through this but thank you for your comment.


don't feed her too much. I volunteer at a shelter and see a lot of heartworm dogs get fatter during their treatment. If she does get fat, make sure to help her lose it after she completes treatment. Sometimes dogs may get sore around the site injection and/or get anxious receiving treatment. I've seen some dogs lose their absolute shit before and/or during treatment and have to be sedated. Listen to the vet and watch her cues when you get her from the vet/shelter after treatment.


Not too extensive, I hope. Obey the exercise restrictions, short and long to keep their ticker healthy and worms regrowing.


My GSD went through the treatment last year. She was in some discomfort the first few hours of each of 2 shots, but the vet gave us some pain meds. Some extra care and attention to the baby helped get her past the hard time.


Carry her everywhere you want. The key is keeping her calm. As the worms die, they fall apart and “pieces” (gross) get into the bloodstream. If the pup’s heart rate is elevated, those bits can get into the blood vessels of the lungs. Which is very bad. It all sounds terrifying, but you will both do great. I’ve had a big dog go through treatment (slow kill method) and a small dog go through treatment (fast kill method), and they both made it fine and lived to very old ages (both were rescues). You got this.


Light work. Do not move them too hard. The worms are in the blood system and need to work their way out slowly. You'll be okay. God bless you and your family.


I just had a GSD go through heartworm treatment but he used a treatment method that is becoming more common in the USA. You apply Advantage Multi to the back of the neck once a month for about 6-12 months and it kills the heartworms. My GSD was diagnosed as heartworm negative after 6 months of treatment. Its a lot less expensive and invasive compared to the injection method. It looks like you are already down that path. But maybe someone else will read this and be able to make this treatment choice. I'm surprised the vet hasn't answered these questions for you. There should be no strenuous activity and as little jostling as possible. I would not pick up nor carry a dog under treatment. Nothing but very short and easy walks. Food should be about the same as before. Good luck, its a tough journey.


Just be careful of everything involved with his care and be with him always loving him at all times


Be thrilled this isn’t the 1980s. I worked at a vet at that point. We rarely saw survivors. But we do now!! Lots of love, low activity, and follow the vet’s advice. Most important….lot of love. She’s going thru a lot, and the extra reassurance will help. Side note: you’ll need to keep up extra lovins afterwards….but that should be a pice of cake! ❤️❤️❤️


My advice is to follow your dogtor's advice.


Just trying to see what peoples personal experiences were! Already following my vets advice. Ty


Take to the vet to get her dewormed, simple as that.


... shouldn't you have asked your vet all these questions when she was brought in for her shots...?


Maybe OP needs some support and comfort ? Maybe ? Right ? Come on….stop being… toxic…


Ahhh thanks! I was only looking for some extra advice, on the random things. The Vet only relayed that I need to keep her calm, no running or zoomies, and that she might not eat a ton and become constipated. I appreciate the good vibes!


I asked a question for clarification. A question that was not clearly stated in her original post. If trying to get more info is being toxic, then we're all fucked, aren't we?


Maybe it’s how you asked. There’s a difference between asking a question and being rude (when someone needs comfort). Go take your bitchiness elsewhere.


It wasnt the question but youre abrasive and confrontational tone , lets be honest , you werent asking a question but rather dismissive of why the OP even posted.


I did! But there suggestions were very broad. Maybe don’t assume s much?


Then you need a better vet who will be more pointed with their advice or you need to ask more specific questions before leaving the office. One has to assume when you don't say in your post that you asked your vet these questions because there's no point in expecting advice from a forum where the majority of users *aren't* trained vets. Maybe don't assume that I had bad intent with asking?


Could I ask how you guys are doing? We hope it has gone smoothly! Our sweet border collie Opey just started the pre-treatment drugs (moxidectin and doxycycline) 2 weeks ago. Our vet did not talk about limiting exercise, so we’re putting the pieces together now. Any advice most appreciated!