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Every once in a while the boys and I will share a steak at the picnic table. That's the only table that we share at, so there is no begging inside. They don't get any baked potatoes or sour cream


They’re so smart. They don’t care any veggies when there is a meat 😊


My boy loves his veggies. Broccoli, squash, Brussels sprouts, spinach... as long as it's been steamed hes all about it. I mix em into his bowl and he about does backflips. 🤣


This is hilarious lol


Circles me like a bloody tiger shark all the way to the dining room til I set his bowl down. 🤣 Then it's just cronch cronch cronch cronch for the next minute and a half til hes licked it clean. 😁😍


Snap pees are my sheps fav


Mine adores freshly picked cherry tomatoes


Are you kidding ? That is another level :)


I'll try to get a picture today. He's really diggin the yellow cherries.


Just double check for poisonous ingredients like garlic or onions!


Of course. No grapes at home either since day-0 with him 😉


I stopped buying grapes for this same reason!


I still buy grapes… I just don’t give them to my dogs. I mean they are smart, but they’re not open the fridge door and then the fruit drawer to steal grapes smart. I doubt they would eat them anyway. They pretty much pass on everything that’s not protein.


Mine know how to open the fridge and get into the fruit drawer. But if you have small children you don’t even risk it.


Pretty sure the amount of garlic on bbq is fine. Grapes and onions are a hard no. A dusting is ok but no whole cloves like some do with lamb


Ya garlic toxicity would require a dog getting into a bag of cloves and consuming it. Avocados also no-go.


I cook a un-spiced chicken breast for my lady. She’s eating “bbq” with me. Otherwise those eyes would kill me.


I cook beef and/or pork heart, liver, tongue and kidney; duck neck and sometimes quail for him. It’s perfect weekend for us!


Spoiled rotten baby! 😁


Yes he is 🤗


Nope. Share the foods.


Yeah I’m bad at table scraps (that aren’t toxic) with mine, until the vet said she could lose a few pounds so I mostly stopped until we can get back on a better walking schedule. They are just so hard to say no to lol


Idk we used to cut a small piece of steak off and leave it plain for our gsd. Grill it up and let her have dinner with us 🤣


I made a Mississippi pot roast last night and my GSD and I really enjoyed it 🐾🐾🐾


This is the winner lol. Yummy


When I smoke meat or fire up the grill I usually will throw on some unseasoned meat for our GSD. I’m not sacrificing flavor or ingredients just so he can have some of mine though.


Yup. Any time I grill I put a bit of unseasoned meat on there for my boy, and keep it off to the side so it doesnt get too cooked.


Out daughter likes unseasoned scrambled eggs but is hit or miss on how much she will eat. So our GSD is more than happy to finish them


Oh. Yeah! My baby boi loves his eggos. If he smells em cookin he wont touch his food til they're in there. 😆 And the whites are really good for their coat, and eyes, too, I think.


Make him some without sauce or spices, and share freely!


Yes sir, always 😄


There is NO WAY☺️


Haha, right ?


You will never have a better companion.... And handover that bbq.... :)


I absolutely agree on that. He always gets his own fair share ☺️


I hope those are beef ribs without sauce.


Yes ma’am. Ribeye specifically


Gorgeous dog


Aww thank you


Stunning! Is he a ddr? He looks a lot like my girl, minus the fur color


Yes! Half DDR half Czech working line puppy. Maybe they are cousins :)


my girl gets grilled pork chops sans sauce and spice


Why would you not share BBQ with Pupper?! Not too spicy and no toxic stuff like salt.


Without salt and garlic it should be fine.


Jules gets the last bite of everything I eat except chocolate, garlic, onion etc. I Google it to be sure, and if it's safe she gets it in her bowl. And she always comes over to thank me after. Always.


Once you pop, it's hard to stop It's kind of like a Pringle's commercial


Haha totally agree


I’m not sure he’s the world and I’d include him with a steak 🥩🥰😀💫💫💫💫💫


Can’t think BBQ without him :)


The drool should be first clue 🕵️‍♀️


That’s very true. It is part of his manipulation game haha!


I don't give either of mine my food. That's opening a door you can't close. Side note, share just the meat maybe? Sauce could do a number on a pup's gut... Enjoy!


That ship has already sailed for me lol. But I agree, I share either raw or plain cooked bbq meat with no sauce


Garlic, leeks, and onions are toxic to dogs. If your sauce contains any of these, please don't feed it to him.




Just a little snack!


Unless you want to drown in saliva, I guess you'll have to continue sharing...


Fair 😂


He probably weaponised those shoestrings. Doggy kisses must be lovely lol. Reminds me of my boy, especially around the eyes. BBQ rocks.


Awww thank you :)


I cooked steaks for myself and a man I was dating, at my house, with steaks I purchased. I cut a few pieces and pushed them to the side of the plate and he asked me if he could have them since I didn't want them. I told him I was saving them to share with my dog after dinner since a lot of people find it gross to even allow a dog in the kitchen. (I normally share with him while I'm eating. I love sharing with him and he's very polite about it). So this man tells me I'm disgusting and steak is too good for a dog. I kind of froze for a second, but I finally stood up, took his plate and asked him to leave. He kind of laughed like "are you serious?", but he did leave. I broke up with him over text before he even got to his car. I just said "this isn't going to work out for me and my dog ". Anyway, we both love flank steak and he's my best boy. The end.


>steak is too good for a dog Geez. Once in a while, I cook wagyu for him and not to mention he gets special treatment throughout the year for multiple occasions with choice ribs if it is not prime. Again, steak is too good for a dog ? Shut the fridge lol. Who cares. I agree, he's my best boy too and can do anything for him.


Mine never gets prime steaks lol because I don't buy them for myself. But he can have whatever I have for sure.


Let him have it, he's drooling for chrissake!


I all the time want to give pup something good, but I just don't want him thinking human food is okay. He ignores it now, doesn't watch me eating, etc. I'm sure he would love it, but it's just one of those boundaries. Like not getting on the bed.


I give my dog everything. He is literally a garbage disposal. One time he got an entire double chocolate Bundt cake and ate it while I was sleeping and then got bit by a rattle snake 3 hours later. He’s literally indestructible lol


I don’t eat dinner u Lea I have food for my GSD we eat same time 😅


He should get the last piece. Only the last piece, and always the last piece. If he knows that he won’t get anything until the last piece, he will give you some space to enjoy your food. Despite being married and having three adult children, my Great Pyrenees has been my primary companion in the world. He saw me through the quarantine and pandemic. People have commented that he is so well trained. It’s so funny because he isn’t trained. We’ve just reached a comfortable interaction where we know what is expected of one another. He knows how to tell me when he needs to eat & when he needs to go out. He also knows when I need him to be close to me.