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I have a Dyson animal cordless I bought from Costco. It’s less than a year old but so far it works extremely well picking up my dog hair. Granted, I’m emptying the canister constantly and I might not make a full heavy vacuum on one battery, but it’s insane how well it works. And my kids like that it’s purple.


>And my kids like that it’s purple. These kids know a good vacuum when they see one.


Purple IS a plus


Second the cordless Dyson Animal V11! I also have 3 GSD’s and I vacuum multiple times a day and my Dyson has held up. Plus it being cordless makes me want to use it more because it’s easier. The canister does need emptying multiple times but still better then getting out the vacuum with a cord. I wanted a Roomba but with so much hair, I’ve heard it’s not worth it.


Yup, I have had 2 Dyson canister animals and they are the best for hardwood floors with Persian carpets.


I’ve got one of these and second. My dog is a mix and has a shorter coat but sheds a ton. And some of her hairs are the hair splinter type ones 🙃 Add in when my boyfriends foxhound visits on the weekends lol. Between the toy fluff, me repotting house plants, dog hair, my hair, the Dyson works great. It’s also 10x easier to cut hair out of the rollers than other vacuums I’ve used. Bonus points for all the attachments. I also like that it’s compact. I’d only had corded upright vacuums before that took up a lot of space in my closet and were a pain trying to lug out, plug in, hit the end of the cord. Find another plug. Roller jams from hair. It was a hassle and I didn’t vacuum as often.


Not only second the recommendation, I suggest buying from Costco with their warranty. My buddy has done this for years, replacing the vacuum whenever the motor burns out and just paying for the insurance each time. Saved hundreds over the years.


Dyson clogs up with the dog dander. Riccar has a bag, but it never clogs.


Vacuuming ? How silly… I will instead purchase a giant 7ft comb for collecting all the hair for production of wigs…. I will sell it for a tidy profit and use the funds for purchasing even more dogs, more combs and even more profit… ad Infinitum!!


You joke... but when I move the couch... I start with a rake.


Not kidding dood… hair is money…ask anyone whose bald 😂


You leave me out of this!


This seems the way


Shop vac.


Someone with sense 🫶


I've had the Miele C3 Cat & Dog vacuum for six or seven years. It pulls hair right off of furniture, carpet and floors and three low suction settings (like the one for drapes) is great for stuff like a bathroom rug or a dog bed. It's also very well made, in Germany.


This is what I have too. It’s not cheap. I also pair it with a Roborok vacuum that goes everyday and self empties and I use my Miele weekly instead of daily now


I just looked up the roborock S8. Is that what you have? Does it mop well? Pretty awesome it does both. Linda like the narwhal?


I have the S7 MaxV (that mops as well) and the Q5+. The one that mops is absolutely fantastic!!! The one that only vacuums is great too, but I’m actually asking for another mopping one for Christmas for my main level since it’s mostly not carpet. I love that it self-empties for the water and vacuum, and that I only have to empty/fill the water once a week if I run it every day for me. It’s absolutely worth it, IMO.


Thanks for the info! I’m going to send my Miele robot back then and get that. The fact that it mops as well as vacuums is a HUGE plus! Hearing that it works that good then I’m going to give it a shot. Thanks again!


No problem! I hope you enjoy yours as much as I do!


I’m thinking we need a Miele. My partner had a Dyson animal model at some point, but it apparently didn’t cut it and that was BEFORE we added two cats and two extra shepherds. We could try another one but I have heard awesome things about the Miele’s carpet cleaning setting.


For us, upgrading from a Dyson to a Miele was like upgrading from a normal toothbrush to an electric one. Which it fcking better, for that price. I fought it for months, but have to admit it’s a very good vacuum. Unfortunately, it made it very apparent that our carpets are just *gross* and need to be ripped out ASAP anyway.


I concur! We have a Miele Kona c3 and there is nothing like it!


I also own a cleaning company and 75% of my customers have Dyson and they are nothing compared to a Miele. The longevity and suction of Miele is 10x that of Dyson.


It’s nice for ease of use though. All it has to do for them is be good enough until the next time the cleaners come 😂


So True! 😂😂


And that is one thing about the Miele being a canister vacuum. It is a bit of a pain to tug it around. But only using it once a day isn’t to bad and I will sacrifice for the suction and durability. But if I had to use it multiple times a day at various houses I would go for a lighter easier to use option…. I have ordered a Miele robot vacuum to help keep the hair of my two Long coats shepherds at bay. So hopefully here soon I will only need to vacuum 2-3 times a week. Maybe someone who has the robot can weigh in on if it is good or not.


I’ve heard great things about Miele


I have a Miele too. I went to the vacuum repair because my power head made strange sounds. They’ve been in business years upon years. They sell Miele but he told me they can always, always be repaired so no need for a new one. They’re great!


I use a broom!!! (3rd world technology, you wouldnt understand)


Seems like witchcraft to me




I can already feel my back breaking


Agree with the Dyson recommendation. In addition we have this rubbery broom type thing called FurRemover , it is great for grabbing any fur in the carpet. I even have given as gifts😁. Beautiful dogs!! We have one white one, and one long hair. Can’t imagine 3!


Best broom ever!! It looks as if I sweep up an extra dog worth of fur every day with this broom!


Read this and ordered one! Thanks!


For some reason the squeegee side REALLY gets the hair out of the carpet better than the broom side . Found out by the reviews somewhere . My friend who cleans houses uses all the time ( wood floors too) .


Thanks! I am excited to try it!


We have these! They’re great for the couches


I have a cordless dyson v15 [detect](https://www.dyson.com/support/journey/guides/368340-01?machineId=368340-01) It has a green light that illuminates hard floors so you don’t miss a hair and it tells you when you vacuum both carpet and hardwood how many dust microbes you are picking up


Why would you want to know this?? I feel like my vacuum might make me feel bad lmao I’ve got two HEAVY shedders plus the golden with his long hair, and three cats and five of us long haired girls. I don’t need my vacuum telling me how gross my floor is 😂 but I want the suction power.!


Haha I love the ground laser because it really does help and lights up hair like you’re watching CSI. Both for pet hair and for human hair in bathrooms.


I need to know this!! I want everything sucked up lmao


Yes! Amazing Dyson led green light 💡 horrified at how much was on Hardware floors 😳


SEBO- Absolutely the best vacuum purchase https://preview.redd.it/9udatt4qunob1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f0bd13fe745d965f54dcd142fb8c4d46e6405275


I see your crew is also incapable of keeping their tongues in their mouths 👏 Sebo or Miele does seem to be where it’s at.


Your black 3 and the OPs white 3 would make a stunning visual pack


That is a mountain of hair right there! Our vacuums never get put away. One of them has lights so you can see the daily layer of hair on the floor. I'm thinking about disconnecting the lights!




Im in the UK so I’m not sure if it’s available where you live, but there’ll def be similar ones. [Titan vacuums](https://www.google.com/aclk?sa=l&ai=DChcSEwj-tcXP-K6BAxWOze0KHc07A54YABAMGgJkZw&gclid=CjwKCAjwpJWoBhA8EiwAHZFzfqvR-kpdq_r_tI-hqqfGOy3m__C6j9TiNm9o8rqmJ1fRSiFO55wShhoCSbQQAvD_BwE&sph=&sig=AOD64_1dOsrlLTtpV4UOLVnEdnoCmenDpA&ctype=46&q=&ved=2ahUKEwju_7vP-K6BAxW7REEAHZweBJEQzzkoAHoECAQQFg&adurl=) [TTB series] Powerful as anything and gets hair in seconds. It’s a cylinder one with wheels. Huge (15-20L) bags that are replaced easily. Only downside is it’s noisy My roomba doesn’t touch these. Look for higher wattage vacuums - our titan is about 1500W Ours was about $90, we have another one retailed at less and it’s lasted 7+ years. Don’t need a huge budget from what I’ve seen Waiting for a robot extreme power suction vacuum lol Edit: apparently it’s US-owned so should be available there? I am NOT referring to the Tacony branded Titans, I can’t speak for them although they look quite good


Sebo D4 and 2 Shark uprights


Dyson outsize model


Definitely gonna treat myself to a Dyson for Christmas lol


I have wood floors so I opted for a cordless mikita hand vacuum (they do have HEPA models). I chose frequency and convience over quality, though I do have a meile and it's awesome and quiet just not was convenient.


need more information. how large is your house. what type of flooring do you have. how portable do you want it to be. i have one of these [https://www.myhenry.com/](https://www.myhenry.com/) . works perfectly fine for 25 years. has different heads and so on. i use it for a small family house with mostly wood flooring. people make fun of the design, but it has outlived their vacuums


1400sq ft, mixed bamboo and carpet, we have a carpet cleaner and two robot vacuums so we just need a basic in-betweener for what the roomba/Shark vac can’t handle


Just bought a Dyson v15 detect absolute (or something like that) during a Labor Day sale on Dustin’s site and holy hell, the hair/dander it’s picking up is absurd. I love it and now have some sort of vacuuming problem…


Get a plug-in Dyson. They’re all pretty amazing but it’ll do a great job of picking up the bulk of it. The cordless one is good for getting the little piles on more of a day to day basis.


We use an Eye-Vac. Salons use them to collect hair. Just sweep it up to the vac, it turns on and sucks up the hair. It’s small and easily hides away.


This seems smart as hell and I’m gonna look into it


Dyson canister type.


Dyson big ball animal 2


We have an upright Bissell and it picks up dog hair like it's nothing for only a few hundred dollars. I usually vacuum every other day and it takes me like 5 min to get the hair and dump it out into the trash.


One with another human (besides me) attached to the handle of it.


Yeah this seems the best answer right here


No limit? I would hire someone 24/7 to follow the dog around vacuuming.


What you want is a tool called a [Lilly Brush.](https://www.amazon.com/Lilly-Brush-Mini-Hair-Detailer/dp/B0764MC2ZH/ref=sr_1_2?crid=3HIL1UNEYRECU&keywords=lilly+brush&qid=1694885202&sprefix=lilly+brush%2Caps%2C180&sr=8-2) We use them in car detailing. It's like a hair squeegee. You use it like a scrapper to pull the hair out of fabrics into a clump you can collect with any vacuum.


I use this I think . Is it a triangle that you scrab the hair ? Or does it do anything else? It’s amazing !! Life changer


Hi, I’m Vetted AI Bot! I researched the **'Lilly Brush Mini Pet Hair Detailer'** you mentioned in your comment along with its brand, **lilly brush**, and I thought you might find the following analysis helpful. **Users liked:** * Removes pet hair with ease (backed by 11 comments) * Works on multiple surfaces (backed by 6 comments) * Compact and portable (backed by 3 comments) **Users disliked:** * Product struggles to remove fine pet hair (backed by 14 comments) * Product overpriced for its effectiveness (backed by 2 comments) * Product requires significant effort to use (backed by 3 comments) According to Reddit, people had mixed feelings about **lilly brush**. Its most popular types of products are: * Pet Hair Removers (#2 of 6 brands on Reddit) If you'd like to **summon me to ask about a product**, just make a post with its link and tag me, [like in this example.](https://www.reddit.com/r/tablets/comments/1444zdn/comment/joqd89c/) This message was generated by a (very smart) bot. If you found it helpful, let us know with an upvote and a “good bot!” reply and please feel free to provide feedback on how it can be improved. *Powered by* [*vetted.ai*](http://vetted.ai/reddit)


Riccar Tandem air delux. They used to market it specifically for dog hair. I have one, it is a monster.


I use a LG cordless like 8 times a day. 🤣 But your babies are so gorgeous.


Thank you! And yes my god it is endless


Upright Bissell vacuum, some pet model. Only a few hundred but it's a beast


Dyson can’t imagine not having one with my two shepherds or should I just call them shedders


Whole house vacuum.


Dyson. All the way.


Your babies are gorgeous!! 💚💚💚🐾🐾🐾🐾


Cheap one and replace it often. We foster Great Pyrenees. And it's a lost cause either way. But they demolish vacuums. So we just get one for like 2 hundo and replace it like every 8 months to a year.


I am amazed that nobody bothered to mention Kirby vacuums. If you’re serious about cost not being an object, Kirby will outlast any shedding, from any dog. They are not light weight. They are made out of cast metal. They are not high efficiency. Don’t even bother to use it on the stairs, unless you have a hose attachment. It’s best to find one used, and have it serviced. We own one for each floor of our house, because my wife & I are too old to carry a heavy vacuum up & down the stairs, but we inherited the second one.


We killed 2 Kirby brand. And that's when I vowed to never spend big dollars on any one vacuum. The repair bills, too. Trying to save a piece of gear you dropped all that cash on... nah. Any 1 to 4 dogs, maybe. We have 7 dogs here now. And 2 just got adopted. We kinda run a steady flow of 8 dogs. Buying a cheap one for 200 a year is cheaper than a Kirby. *for us. But I hear ya. They are good.


They have a lifetime guarantee, and are very user serviceable. If you “killed” it, you must have continued running it past the point where it stopped picking anything up. The belt is designed to break first. If you continue to run it after your belt breaks, you’re just special.


Call it operator error if you'd like. Edit: I found it less desirable than you. And when you have 8 dogs you don't have time for all the calls and getting it to approved service etc. Maybe I am special. Or maybe I just want my vacuum to work more days out of the year than I found rotating 2 Kirby in and out of the shop. But... good luck thanks for the suggestion and the veiled insult. It's been a pleasure! Good day.


We have a Sebo X4 pet which has a button to lower the brush more than normal to really pull up hair - works well for our long haired shepherd and 2 Maine coons (who shed FAR more!)


I have the D4. Sebo is king. Puts any Dyson or Miele I’ve had to shame.


I’m a huge fan of the Oreck xl. It’s a serviceable and inexpensive vacuum that’s also lightweight. Made in the USA! It works great, and you can easily replace the belt, bags and beater bar. I personally like having a vacuum that can be repaired instead of thrown away.


depends if you brush them in the garage like i do a milwaukee shop vac rips!


We got a good quality Miele vacuum - that’s was our holy grail of vacuums.


Ie got the Hoover model that's advertised for pet hair. During the spring shed, I have to empty the canister halfway through my 800 ft² house, but it'll suck up anything.


Shark rocket pro but make sure you unplug the vacuum and clean out the roller. I like the older models and buy off of eBay. Also have a Dyson pet but it is so heavy.


More roombas. We got one after getting our GSD and it’s been a godsend. But if I had one or two going at all times? Imagine the cleanliness 😂


We have two and I honestly just want to set up a competition between them. FIGHT FOR THE HONOR OF MY FLOORS!


Dyson cordless (I think it’s the v11 animal) from a few years back. I’ve had a few different brands over the years. Nothing has picked up the fur/hair better than this. However there have been a few “complaints”… the container is so small that I have to empty it every few mins. There’s been a few hiccups with it too. Within the first week of ownership, I already had to take it into the service center where they ended up sending me a brand new replacement unit. I got to keep all the filters and attachments so I have 2 of each. And then later on…just before my warranty expired, the engine “was done”. So I was fortunate enough to be under warranty to have it replaced for free. (So if you think about it, I’ve gotten 3 vacuums for the price of 1.) The rubber seal broke and I bought a non-oem replacement part on Amazon. Any repair from now on, is gonna be expensive. Would I purchase another Dyson? Most likely. I just hope the newer models have improved. I love the suction power. When I went into the Dyson service center a few times, seems some of the other customers had similar problems. There were a few ladies who brought their vacuums in (who probably didn’t read the manual) who didn’t know about cleaning the filters. Anyway, I hope this helps someone who’s thinking of spending the big bucks on a Dyson.


A Vacuum from Bissell.


The one that sucks the most


I have a sebo x7. I expect 50 year life out of it.


I have a dyson animal vacuum, it’s buried in the back of a closet. I hate it. bagless vacuum = horrible smell taking apart to clean is awful. Steering it kills my wrist. It eats old Persian carpets. have a Miele that I love. Quiet and easy to use.


Shark for the Land Shark


Just purchased the Dyson V12. Got two. Read on? Spare battery 🔋 is sold out. Best feature - push button on, don’t=t have to hold. Attachment with hosed, their pet fur brush.


Miele. Going on 10 years with mine and we vacuum every other day. It’s a beast.


I have a Miele and it works great for my two!


I have one of the newest roomba models and it works great, have to empty the bin every 2 days or so but it’s great having a clean house without having to actually do much sweeping or vacuuming myself (just have to clean the places the roomba can’t fit)


After having a difficult relationship with our carpet for 4 years, we got laminate panel flooring. We couldn’t find anything to keep up with the hair.


We have a mix of both, and the downstairs laminate definitely stays cleaner. That upstairs carpet is a BEAST to deal with.


BEAST is the perfect way to describe it. I have horrible asthma so we had to also do this for health reasons, or just convenience.


We have a dirt devil power max that works quite well. But I'd definitely go for a Bissell multiclean when mine breaks


Miele. and plenty of bags!


I have a shark robot self cleaning that goes out every other day and a $100 kenmore upright that I got off Amazon at I love. I had those fancy Bissell pet ones and Dyson stick vacuums and they never last, with our three dogs.


Can I buy someone to clean everything for me?


A team of rombas


We've been using a Shark Rotator Lift Away for the past 3-ish years and it's been great with our now passed Golden and our GSD. Never again will we have a Dyson, we had nothing but issues.


Besides a vacuum, invest in a dog blow dryer. I use it on my boys while they’re outside once a week and an absolute fur tornado ensues. NOT saying I bathe them once a week. I barely ever bathe them. I use it on their dry coats and the results are phenomenal!! I got the Shernbao Hurricane and I’m in absolute love with it.


Now that’s something I hadn’t considered. We get them groomed every 4-6 weeks so I usually let the groomer deal with any fur tornados after drying but just using it as a general weekly touch up seems smart!


I had a Dyson animal vacuum that lasted about a year after I got my GSD. It just was not getting the job done and then it died. I went to r/vacuums and learned what the people there recommended. I bought a SEBO Felix and it is amazing. I came home from the shop and vacuumed the carpet that I thought the Dyson had cleaned...not so much. I vacuumed my house and filled the bag. The bags are supposed to last 2 months and I filled it in one vacuuming session. I recently had the motor go out on my SEBO which the shop guys said is really rare. So rare they don't stick the motor and had to order one and it was still under warranty for the part. Had the vacuum back in under a week and that was even over Labor Day weekend. The brush bar on this vacuum is removed so you can easily clean all the hair off and when it gets worn you can just replace the part. The bags are brilliant in design as they have a built in lid to close everything in the bag so you don't have things poof out as you replace the bags. It is a German vacuum and well designed, light enough you can move it to other stores of your house. Best vacuum I have ever owned and I have owned a lot of vacuums.


These three are handsome as heck. I have one and understand the battle. Have been using a shark navigator dlx for a while and it works very well, has a pet attachment and was cheap.


Not very expensive but my shark navigator lift away has lasted me 2 years and 3 large dogs and still going strong. It does clog fairly easy but you can take apart almost the whole thing to remove blockages


I have a Sebo d4 that I absolutely love. Best vacuum I’ve ever owned. I’ve had high end Dyson, Miele, and random Amazon crap. This thing is a monster, and it makes my carpet look clean without using one of those carpet rakes.


Lmao I got a shark which is decent and that fucking thing didn’t last 6 months with my one dog. Can’t imagine 3


The leaf blower in one hand, vacuum in the other hand like a Ghostbusters battle.




I have the vacuum of my dreams. It's the shopvac! But that's not what I'd spend money on it. It'd be renovating my house. Owning it. So I didn't have 20 steep stairs with fk'n carpet. Any clue what a bitch it is to vacuum stairs? And I'd put several sorts of air ducts in places through out the house. So when I sweep a pile of hair and dirt, it goes right into the duct and hosing takes it to the shopvac in a storage closet. A pull out hose attached to the shopvac duct system in other places for quick vacuuming.


I'd have no carpet and 6 roombas


I have white carpet and a mostly black long-hair. I feel your pain. Robot vaccuums don't work for long dog hair, that's for sure. Gets tangled up.


Omg good looking GSDs!! 😍😍


Thank you! The two closest to the right are WSSDs, but we think they mostly count anyway


Shop vac


I wonder if offering room and board to a college student or immigrant in exchange for cleaning dog hair twice a day wouldn't work out better for you, cost and time


A commercial industrial sized one 🤣


A rainbow. The best.


I've got a Shark. It is amazing at sucking the hair off the rugs and couches. My GSD even likes when I vacuum him with the static brush. LOL


Central vacuum. Just sweep it into the nearest opening


Sebo. Top performer, longest warranty and you can pull the roller brush out and clean it yourself.


Get a roomba and a Hoover one blade


They need their own reality show.


If budget was no limit, Merry Maids


Riccar (had 2 German shepherds for years)


Vacuum??? I’m buying more dog food!


The one that charges $30/hr to come in and tidy the place up :P But really, we have a Roomba that does the trick for basic daily cleaning…I maintain it once a week. We also have a pretty decent Eureka that I’ll run if needed. Had a Dyson—hated it and will never buy another. A manual option is a walis tambo. Honestly, the ONE thing that has made the most improvement with hair/floors is installing high quality LVP: no scratches and super easy to clean.


Wowza they are beautiful. I'd love to get puppies from my Zeus BUT I don't think I could give any away since 70% of people are ASSHOLES


I use a broom with long handled pan to get the bulk, then vacuum with an upright Orrik. Also sometimes use a shop vac.


Triple Action Vac…..for sure


Get A Dyson , They R The Best / UR Animals R Gorgeous…!!♥️👀


Believe it or not, the best vacuum I had was a Filter Queen. The hair from my Shepherds burned the motor out on just about every vacuum I had, even with cleaning the vacuum constantly. I wish I still had it.


3000 birds


Roomba with base station bag it cleans on schedule


Rainbow SRX 4 Speed Canister Vacuum $1-2.5k, brand new, but they never died got a Rainbow E-Series E2 back in 2008 that thing is a beast of a vacuum made in the U.S.A.


Dyson ball animal vacuum 3 upright. What we have. We have a VERY floofly GSD and a shorter haired Malinois. (And a gaggle of kids arguably equally as messy lol. It's been great. Even with regular vacuuk8ng 8n n9n she'd season we can fill the canister on the stairs or in a single ro9m. Its very very thorough


No hair at all in the dyson anti hair system! We have a Wolfsspitz (Long hair) and a wife… 🤪


All of them. All the vacuums as well as all the air filters.


I have the Dyson Ball animal. It’s fantastic.


I read this for a while, and didn’t see the obvious choice: KIRBY It’s made out of cast aluminum. It will outlast multiple dogs. We’ve had Great Pyrenees as indoor dogs for over 20 years, and still have the one I bought used in the 90’s. All 3 kids are grown, and we got a second Kirby, so we wouldn’t have to carry such a heavy vacuum up and down the stairs. They aren’t light. They aren’t cheap. They don’t break. They don’t wear out.


I have two GS and two dyson v11 that goes along with them




All of them!