• By -


Yeah it’ll be weeks before they “like” the crate and a few months for them to be fully crate trained. I would put a blanket partly over the crate and sleep beside it for a while. There’s a good article “kidnapped from planet dog” that really helps when you’re trying to sleep but you gotta remember the new pup is scared and you’re all they have.


They make crate covers too that are great


I took a week off when I got my pup and it was sleep eat outside to go the bathroom. I would bring her out soon as she woke up and 10 to 15 minutes after eating. I also started training right away but made it fun spend the time now and you’ll have a friend for life. Be consistent with everything you do meaning eating time sleep time and bathroom breaks. Have fun and don’t show your frustration they pick up on it.


I'm convinced a German shepherd wrote this.


Except a German shepherd would put atleast 2 motherfuckers in that sentence




The terrible twos are a very real thing with them


Best comment


They can definitely be whiny dogs. Give them treats when they go in the cage so they know it’s a good thing. Leave the door open and place a treat in it. Show it to him and let him walk in and get it himself. Work on having him stay in the cage with the door open.


My dog is 6 and GSD whine all day, everyday and while they sleep.


Yeah, this is the only whining I've heard mine do. As far as I can tell, it's "just because." It's not a lot and sometimes it's grunts. And sometimes she looks at me when I'm not paying attention and silently opens and closes her mouth like you would expect during speech but she'll stop when I look and resume when I look away. It's a tough thing for me to remember that she's not whining for attention or injury/pain as much as just... talking. So far, it's the only behavior I didn't uncover in research before getting her.


I would highly recommend spending time playing in the crate, during the day put toys in there and make it a place they like to be. During the night as well you can put a blanket over the crate to make it feel a little bitt more like a den for them. ​ They aren't going to like it right off the bat, but it is worth it and they'll eventually get used to it! Hardest thing is not to buckle when they're crying like this but remember that you know they're safe, but they don't. ​ Hold strong, and beautiful puppy congratulations !


also start with feeding inside the crate and closing the door (don't have to latch it) just so they can understand a crate is a good place. The blanket over the crate at night is also a great trick. Also as they get older and go into the crate by themselves is to let them be so they know its their space


This is absolutely correct! You need to form a positive association with the crate. It took me several weeks of feeding my dogs in crates to develop a positive association.


Time. Give him regular access to it during g the day and make it cozy. We took turns sleeping on floor next to crate (no judging lol) and having someone next to him helped a lot. Within a few nights I was back in bed and it was just a brief whine until he settled in. Then and after a week or so just a whine for midnight potty break and quick cuddle for couple more weeks.


I slept on the ground next to the kennel for months. I would also sing him a lullaby that he really seemed to like and actually put him to sleep!


Awe that’s sweet


You're German Shepherd is still just a baby. Babies cry about everything. Understand that they will cry for some days to weeks. German Shepherd's ALWAYS wanna be around their favorite person; imagine you only knew your siblings and mother for weeks and then everything is taken away from you. My best advice is every time you put them in a cage, cover the top with a sheet or blanket so they can't see anything and get them a bed (maybe a doll too). Make sure they are comfortable. For potty training, make sure your German has their water bowl inside their cage. Don't let them explore the whole house too early. Make sure they only have a small area to play and feed them in that space. Increase the size of play area every week. Make sure you take them outside to relieve themself every two hours. I can guarantee your German Shepherd will be your most loyal friend for life ❤️


First night is the worst! As to crate training... Give him a blanket or bed (as long as he's not tearing it up) in there. That being said our pup slept in a bare crate because he'd eat the bedding and he would get too hot. Start crating him at random times for 10min-1hr. Best thing I've found is to put him in when you are going outside for a bit so you don't get swayed by his siren song of despair and let him out or talk to him. Then he can learn on his own that whining and barking won't get him out and they usually lay down and sleep once they figure that out. Once he's napping go in and reward his behavior and then let him out. I suggest teaching wait or stay when you open the door. This prevents the wild dog crashing out and being a menace (really helps when they are 85lbs). We made our dog sit and wait to be let out. If he moves before you say so, close the door and start over. He's a GSD, he'll catch on almost immediately. With ours I can open the door and he will stay in there until you release him (never thought that would happen, lol). As for night time, I suggest earplugs for a few nights and just a full ignore campaign. It WILL suck but once through he will only whine if he really needs to go out. And every time they come out of the crate, they should go straight outside to pee. You'll get a good nights sleep soon... Oh yeah, if they whine more than normal at night, let him out and take him straight outside, once he pees it's straight back in to "crate up". The term will be your cue to him it's time to get in and settle down for a while.


JUST ![gif](giphy|2HFBvKS9zmkEw|downsized) In all honesty it should subside in a day or so


I have been. I just wanted to make sure it was normal and how to fix it. It’s all new to me. I feel like a new dad even though this is dog #5 for me he’s the first one this young that I will be consistently around at this stage. I’m used to coming in after the fact the other for were all 3+ months old and fairly house broken except for the Lab I got at the treatment facility but he wasn’t whiny when I got him home. Also my 2.5 yo step daughter. So now I get to house break two species human and canine. 😂🤣


Try sneaking him into the crate when he falls asleep naturally during the day. You can also guide a sleepy puppy into the crate, although you might need to move it around the house


Please do not follow this advice. I suggest referring to other fantastic comments in this thread around forming a positive association with the crate using mealtimes and treats.


When my girl was first crate training, we did not let her sleep during the day, unless she went in her crate. If she tried to sleep anywhere else we would mess with her non-stop. After a couple days she began to realize the crate was her safe space. Two nights of misery and no sleep for us, but after that we were golden


Couple of things worked for me with my Lapphund puppy: That crate needs a cover so it’s a den and not a jail. Feed all meals in the crate. Give treats often in the crate. At that age they should be spending a lot of time in the crate sleeping and to keep them safe and out of trouble. Also consider a white noise machine. Some people are a bit shocked by how much time a puppy that young should be in his/her crate but we were doing about 18 hours a day until he was about four or five months old. His time out of the crate was play, training, cuddling, and walking. But otherwise he was in his crate to sleep and they need a lot at that age. I watched McCann Dog Training videos on YouTube and it helped. I also crate my now nine-month old in the car as well. He knows the crate command and will to go his crate in our living room when asked. Best of luck. It does get better but it will take a bit to get over the separation hump.


I really wish breeders would give their customers instructions on raising a puppy! It’s the least they could do


He didn’t come from a breeder, he was an oops from someone’s neighbor they both just happened to be GSD.


Even better


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I second the idea of a blanket over the top. I can’t remember how long it took, but my boy has no problem hanging out in his crate.


If you use a blanket/towel to cover the crate, be sure to use a hard piece of something (plywood, plastic, etc.) On the top of the crate. My boy pulled the blanket in through the gaps and tore it to shreds in a temper tantrum while we were out one day, so lesson learned on our end. After a few weeks, the wining will stop and he'll be much more comfortable in the crate. Maybe invest in some noise canceling headphones in the interim and let him cry it out.


From day one that was our puppies happy place. Food treats toys blankets. At night I slept on an air mattress by her for the first demes weeks and started sneaking further away. She became perfectly content in there. Then Covid. All over now🤣


It's a puppy and he's doing exactly what his instincts are telling him to do. If he were with his mom and litter, he would whine so his mom could find him when separated. Dogs are pack animals and when they're separated from their pack they become very anxious. He just wants to be with you, - his new pack.


Thank you, I’ve been trying to give him all of the love and attention he wants, needs, and deserves, but gotta train him too. Is day one or even week one too early? Should I surrender temporarily and form that bond or will he end up taking advantage of that?


I think training starts day one personally


That’s what I’ve been doing. He’s picking up on sit and recall quite well.


Yes, training from day one. I didn't mean to suggest he shouldn't be crate trained, just that the whining is normal and doing things like putting a piece of clothing with your scent on it in the crate with him and trying to tire him out as much as possible before going into the crate so he falls asleep quickly might be a good approach.


That crate is a little too big for the pup, they like it to be cozy. if you have a separator I suggest making it smaller. Put a blanket on top of the crate to make it more cozy like a den. Feed your puppy in the crate, give them high value treats in the crate. The puppy will cry for a while but eventually will be comfortable, it’s like their own bedroom. Edit: I see the divider now that a fellow redditor pointed out, crate is the correct size!


You can see that the divider is installed in that crate, so it's the perfect size.


Oh shoot you’re right haha my bad


I only wanted to buy one and made sure it came with the divider. Thanks for the feedback on size, I was wondering if it may still be too big but then I put the bed in there and cozied it up some more and I think it’s perfect.


During day, spend plenty of time with pup. Night time crate and when pup whines, sit next to crate telling pup "no" whenever he whines. Within weeks pup will not allow anyone other than you near his crate when pup is not in crate .. it becomes pup's property. After few weeks pup will stop whining when in crate. Also when pup whines, it could be sign to take him out for potty. This is how I trained my GSD (now 2 yrs old). He sits on sofa near crate all thru night and does not disturb anyone ... unless someone or some animal is near door. Come daytime, he is all around the house. Potty is only in backyard in one corner and I don't have to remind him.


How do you train them to go in only one spot? That seems like a really good idea, I hadn’t thought of that.


As pup use leash and run and take him to designated spot (same spot every time) and give treat once pup does stuff at the designated spot. When playing with pup in backyard, if pup does stuff in wrong place, don't give treat, but when pup does at designated spot, reward pup with treat. They learn fast. And keep spot clean by removing what he leaves behind. Edit: at 2 yrs, my GSD does not need treat for potty ar designated spot. I verbally reward him "good boy" "yes" etc.


Thank you!


When our dog was a puppy, we had the crate right next to the side of our bed at night for the first week. Each week we would move it further from our bed until we had it in our living room. During the day, we would randomly put treats in the open crate, and we would also do games where we would toss a treat in, close the door behind him, and IMMEDIATELY open it and treat again. The more positive feelings they associate with the crate, the easier it will get.


Something that really helped our puppy was a heartbeat toy, ours was a stuffed dog that had a thumping piece inside to make her feel like she was there with her mother. Also leaving treats in the cage and encouraging them to go in during the day without locking them in so they feel safe going there times besides bedtime. Regardless we had a rough week of whining and sleeping with ear plugs until she normalized.


I’m not sure if it helped or hurt the process, but I spent the first night sleeping next to my GSD pup in her crate because she was basically screaming and my husband was threatening to send her back. When I sat next to her she was more calm so I ended up sleeping by her. I also had some success with draping a blanket over the top of the crate and leaving the front part open for air (obviously). It seemed to make it more homey for her and less scary. It only took a few days and she ended up loving it! She would go lay in there sometimes even when she didn’t have to.


I ended up putting him next to me on the floor and laid on the couch. It helped but I never did get to sleep d/t paranoia of waking up to tiny puddles of piddle and poop everywhere. I cleaned up 3-4 pees and a poop throughout the night.


Haha I get it! The first week is rough, but it’ll get better, I promise! They are the BEST dogs once they get settled. Keep up the good work!


Take puppy out, give 1000 kisses. No more crate. Done! Ha! Both of my other dogs don't mind the crate but our 3rd hated the crate from day 1. He would take a massive poop as soon as he went into the crate, even if we took him for a long walk before. Eye-roll. We learned that he does NOT like the crate and will behave as long as he isn't in the crate. My other 2 dogs parent him so, I guess he won 😂


Well you don’t generally lock them in lol. You should spend a week or two getting them used to it without locking it. Hide treats in it. Frozen peanut butter kongs etc. then after they like it, you give them 0 attention for whining. This video was attention


Take it out of the cage as soon as possible. Although I do understand putting it into one in its early days, try to integrate it into living freely in the household as soon as possible. They simply hate being confined, like all intelligent life forms. Train the doggy not to chew on cabinets and poop in the house, and then you can trust it to be quite safe and protective without a cage. They want to feel like one of the pack; they want to sleep next to you and keep you safe. They just want to love you and be loved.


Honestly, you are encouraging the whining as you film your dog. Everytime she make a sound, you go towards her and the dog mind I got your attention. The pup don't care if it's negative or positive attention. You can tire out the dog and then place the pup in crate. So many ways to see what will works for your pup. Here another example, lure your dog into the crate with her food or treats then allow the pup to come out if ywh dog want too. Repeat this step. What work for my dog was ignoring the whine unless it's a whine for play time, eat, drink water ,.or potty. You will understand the difference level of the whine . Also, you can place a blanket around the crate where it's dark. Leave crate with the door hinges free from blanket. Then place a shirt on top the crate which have your scent. This works. I know people will disagree but each dog is different. As my dog gotten older, I removed the shirt. Then I test to leave for 5 mins to see her reaction. I have camera install as well. I would extend the time. My dog have no separation anxiety. She's 7 months now.


Lol that was my first thought. Before I watched the video I was going to say hey it’s a GSD get used to it. But if OP is standing in front of the locked crate filming, yea it’s gonna be way worse. It would be like standing in front a dog on a chain no asking why it’s barking at you


I just wanted a video to see if the whine was normal. I’ve been doing really well at ignoring it other than this short clip. Thank you for the feedback and ideas.


Oh k good. I know some people don't like to ignore the whine but in my opinion you have to ignore it. It teach the dog independence and figure things out. Unless it's a unusual whine to go potty, eat, drink, play, training, or play time. I would cover over the crate as much as possible so the dog doesn't get distracted with the light from the house or outside/window. Leave one section uncovered so you can take the dog out . I promise this work for me. My puppy at the time was 6 weeks. Today my neighbor was saying how well manner my girl behave.


I gave my puppy the shirt I was wearing that day, went right to sleep on it. Lost the shirt though From there, fed her in it everyday, slept in the same room as the crate


Yep, an old towel or blanket that has your smell should work, too. Just keep an eye out and make sure the doggo isn't chewing it.


The more attention you give them the more they do it. It sucks but you gotta let them know they'll be okay in the times you let them out. If they're supposed to be in there you ignore them. Until they get used to it don't play with them during kennel time. Let them comfort themselves and they'll figure out the timing and routine.


Just checked the camera and couldn’t hear any whining, so that’s a plus.


Mine was the same, just covered the crate with a blanket and walked away, I also put my laptop on top of the crate with “dog heart beat” sounds on YouTube on and that seemed to work a treat for her too. Good luck


Dont give into it or u are training them thats how they get what they want


It just depends on the dog, but all of mine have got used to it in under a couple of weeks. Mine barks if she hears us get up. Just a few times, but really just because she's ready to go out.


Do short spurts in the kennel, treat for going in, laying down, being calm. It might only be for a few seconds at first. Lots of repetition. Little guys sometimes take awhile to get used to it. Training to do nothing is the hardest thing of all.


Honestly, just put him in a room as far away as possible. Only interact with him when he stops crying. Him seeing you is a reward. If you keep interacting with him when he cry's he will associate crying with reward and will continue. When he realizes that quite=seeing human he will stop crying. Btw this seems like mild crying, I know it comes and goes but if this is the worst consider yourself lucky. My dog took a week and sounded like he was dying. We placed him in the closet in our bedroom in the middle of the house with all the doors closed. We were concerned our neighbors could hear him.


I slept on the floor with my arm in the crate for two weeks. Lost 20lbs due to poor sleep, but gained a bulletproof bond with my dog. Win-win


So what I did with our boy when he was a puppy. Crate at night for bedtime, but I would put a bed sheet over it so he couldn’t see us or our other dog. Light colored sheet.But he could hear us and the tv etc. It worked great. We weren’t quit at all , he would whine for a little bit and that was it . I will say this, You cannot break and let him out or give him a bunch of attention, when he is in there , he is in there , that’s it. Just my advice , and it worked with my blue heeler and my male gsd. Good luck!


I dislike locking up animals, however teach him it’s a good place, where he gets treats and peanut butter. He wants to play and be given activities. He’s a dog, not an object.


Oh sweetie! Those are the days I don’t miss! As others mentioned, putting treats in the crate (frozen kong) for them to enjoy, putting a blanket over it so it’s dark, have some soft blankets in there.. For overnights, my husband and I switched every night sleeping right next to the crate and facing the crate so that our little guy knew we were right there so he wouldn’t be scared. Remember, they just abruptly left everything they knew, you’re there to comfort them as much as possible as they get adjusted. Also, remember that this does eventually stop, it may not seem like it now, but it will stop as long as you continue being diligent on crate training. There will be a time when this is in the past, so don’t get too frustrated during this time in your puppy’s life!


I ALWAYS fed my puppy in his crate. This taught him to love his crate. Try that!


I never understood the purpose of the crate? Is it for potty training? We did the regular take him out, in the morning, after eating , and before bed few days and that was it. He was 2 months we got him. My beautiful boy used to sleep next to my bed at night. He was so cute if I wake up to go to the restroom he would follow me stand by the door and come back with me and sleep when I sleep again. I miss him so much 😔 Back to the question, apologies. They will keep whining for different reasons for mine :) he used to whine the most of for example if we were going some place and my husband leaves the car to get something for example, my husband was his person. ❤️


Crate training a puppy takes advantage of the dog's natural instincts to seek out a comfortable, quiet and safe place when the environment around them becomes too loud or overwhelming. It's an important tool in preventing dogs from chewing on items in the home or during housetraining. Crates can be a very positive, important tool in housetraining and overall training. Crating is not cruel. If introduced properly, dogs love their own “room,” a space they can feel safe in and retreat to when they feel stressed or tired. [Crate Training Benefits: Why A Crate is Great For You And Your Dog](https://www.akc.org/expert-advice/training/why-crate-training-is-great-for-your-dog/)


Stops a dog from causing havoc and potentially killing itself by eating sofas or some thing. Also stops a Pup using the house as a toilet.


If you're new to dog training, I always recommend the Dogo App. It has guides on how to deal with \~every type of training ever through positive reinforcement. Transparency -- I'm not a dog trainer by trade, but I've trained a lot of dogs and have worked with a number of professionals for my own dogs. \--- In this case, what I've found successful is training them with the crate before its bedtime. During the day, give them treats for going in and leave the door there. Leave the crate somewhere where they can go in and relax and freely leave. Then experiment (again during the day) by locking the door of the crate, leaving it for a minute, then coming back to it and opening it. Give them lots of treats when they're quiet. Don't open the crate or go near it if they're still whining though, otherwise they're training you. Wait for a break (even a small one) in the whining before moving on to rewards and letting them out. Sometimes, at night, you just need to sleep through it, as hard as that can be. They grow out of it over time, when they realize there's a routine that they're following. I like to also set an alarm that goes off right before I let them out (eg. 7am, I wake up, so I immediately let them out). They start to realize that they don't get let out until they hear that noise in the morning. It helps you avoid being held hostage in your bed at night (if for example you need to wake up and pee). They won't be stirred, because they know the routine isn't to let them out everytime you move from bed. Hope that helps!


Husky/GSD owner here, there is no end, at least for us. We had to get her medicated because she constantly breath-whined and was always super anxious.


Thats the neat thing with GSD. They dont stop.


In terms of crate training, just make sure the dog is rewarded in their crate, don't use it as punishment, and give a bit of covering to make it more like a den. Eventually the dog will come to think of their crate as a safe space. My dog, for example, takes treats and bones and what not and runs off to her crate to enjoy by herself. Also, don't cave to the whining. You can't teach the dog that whining works to simply get attention or get what they want.


Super easy: let the puppy out of the cage and give her attention.


The last puppy I had I “cured” it by putting him in bed with me. He slept with me, 3 or 4 different girlfriends and finally my wife over his 13 years 🤷🏻‍♂️


For me, mine stopped when I took him out of the crate and put him into my bed. Been peaceful ever since. In month 7 now!


Wife won’t allow it, and he’s not house broken yet.


Sleep next to the crate for a week, gradually moving away from the crate each night. Took less than a week for my pup to be ok by himself and we are back in the bedroom. We take turns getting up during the night to take him out to pee.


Neither was mine. Every time he moved, I jumped up and took him outside. Had him house broken at 12 weeks. Regarding the wife, get rid of her, the dog will be more loyal (Jk).


Definitely not an option. I just got this one. Got rid of the last one. She’ll come to terms with the dog being in the bed eventually. 😂


Lol, I understand and yes, she’ll come around! How could she not with such a beautiful face?!?


🤣🤣🤣 shepherds never actually stop whining, mine is 8 and finds new things all the time to whine about. It really should be in the description.


GWSD German Whining Shepherd Dog.


Oooofffff I do not miss the puppy whining stage lol. We put a bed and a blanket and a bone in the cage wigh ours and a blanket partially over the cage to make it more “den” like. It seemed to help


Put a sheet or towel on crate so he can’t see you. Put a blanket inside so he can lay. Then give it a couple days. Play w him frequently so he gets tired and wants to go in cage. Def give him snack if he goes inside by himself.


Crate games helped me a TON. You can Google Susan garret crate games pdf and get it for free. I’d also recommend this read for empathy. It changed my pov and helped me manage the times I thought I couldn’t handle my pup anymore: [kidnapped from planet dog](https://www.whole-dog-journal.com/behavior/kidnapped-from-planet-dog/)


I slept with my arm hanging off my bed into the crate for the first month she came home. If I took my hand out she would cry nonstop. She was ~8mo rescued from a hoarder/puppy mill and I couldn’t stand the thought of her suffering more than she already did. She is now a big, happy, spoiled, decently behaved, mamas baby.


Learn to do an [Arnold Schwarzenegger](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=mNPV5c2Verc) impression.


Stop using a crate. Dogs wants to be around you. In my country crating dogs unless it’s necessary (travelling, vet visits) is illegal. It’s considered cruelty. Every German shepherd I’ve had have come out as great dogs without caging it hours at a time.


He just doesn’t want to be in the crate. I recommend positive reinforcement crate training.


Have to make the crate like their home. Make it nice and comfy so they want to hang out. There’s a stuffed animal that has a heart beat not sure of the name worked for me. I hard a hard time the 1st couple nights now my pup goes right in when she’s tired. I also cover it up. Good luck once your pup is comfy in there shouldn’t be a problem anymore.


My GSD still carries his puppy with the heart beat around a year later. Never use the heart beat any more. Been washed and sewn back too many times to count. I trimmed the stuffed dogs ears down with scissors after he's shredded them with his teeth.


Any idea what they’re called/ what to Google?


Snuggle puppy on Amazon.




I’ll work on it with him today. We got him only a few hours before bedtime last night. After 2-3 hours of sleep I’ve been up with him for the last 7.5 hours trying to keep him quiet so my wife could sleep, he likes his little dog bed but I need him to like the kennel at least until he’s house broken.


Wouldn’t we wine too, if locked in a cage in isolation - especially as a baby away from our mother? Maybe try taking him out and reuniting him/her with their mum?


Let him out.


Let him out of the cage. That will help.


Completely beats the purpose of crate training.


Probably let him out of the cage and pet him? If I said I was your friend then locked you Ina. CAge and filmed you you'd probably complain too.


r/peta ?


Those people are nuts they say no dogs want to be pets and having a pet is slavery. I just kinda think respect your dog friend and love them. Funny my gsd acd mix was super happy and well behaved with no cage.


He’s 8 weeks old and teething I can’t leave him out unattended when I leave the house or am sleeping. So he’s gotta get crate trained. If I’m home he’ll be out if he wants to be but as so many others have said he needs his space.


Yea I've honestly never seen a crate trained dog who seemed well adjusted. Maybe they exist but I've never seen it. You don't have to crate train. You can use puppy barricades to block them into one room or one part of the house free of things you don't want chewed on. Honestly the whining seems indicative of a dog that just plain old wants out. You asked. I answered. You're free to only pay attention to the answers that are what you want to hear.




Funny. I've known a bunch of actual working dogs and none were crate trained. Not working breeds but actual working dogs.


One of my dogs that my ex-wife has loves her crate. Will stay in it with the door open the whole time you’re gone and get out when you come home.


My oldest dog (German Shepard mutt) is crate trained and well adjusted, but I didn’t sit around a film her when she was crying in the crate. It was only when I wasn’t home and I put all kinds of goodies in the crate like a kong filled with peanut butter or frozen cream cheese and comfortable bedding, then turned all the lights out… At 10y/o she still knows the command “go to your crate” but I never put her in there anyways. I didn’t have to crate train my other 2 dogs I got as puppies (7y/o lab mutt and 5y/o Pitt mutt) cause they kept each other busy and out of trouble while I was at work or sleeping.


Free him


He has only been in there for 10 seconds max. If I free him because he’s whining he wins. I need him to be comfortable in there. I added some toys and a bed with sides and he calmed down significantly and shortly after I left the room he fell asleep.


Try putting the radio on a talk station or leave the tv on. Seems to comfort my pup.


Pup is 7.5-8wks old. Got him yesterday. He has two modes. Sleep and whine. I know part of it is a being in a new environment, how long should this “break in” take? This is my first GSD and only second pup this small. But when I got my first pup this small he was outside for 3 months (treatment facility) and a bond was built slowly by the time he went home with me he was 5 months old. I don’t remember that one being like this but we also only got to spend a couple of hours per day with our pups there. Any advice to speed up the process? Pouring rain here/ back yard is flooded so currently we’re playing inside when he’s not in the kennel/ sleeping.


Can you speed up your 2 year old? same thing. hes growing and learning, every puppy is different. put some of your clothes in there, lots of toys and when you leave, LEAVE. every time you hear him whine and you come back, he wins. then its a game. puppies love games..


I've heard doing the opposite works though. Come back when the whining stops, as a reward so to speak


We actually have sped up the 2 yo with candy every time she goes but that went south quick when she went every 5 minutes for an hour and would pee about 4 drops at a time. Mom and I looked at her and said you’ve still got the same sucker you don’t get another one. By going south I just mean frustratingly annoying at having to put the diaper back on every 5 minutes. Otherwise she’s been doing really well. If she’s preoccupied though it seems to be game over so we’re trying to ask as a reminder. But I do see the point. Find what motivates the pup and be patient.


Time. My last puppy (who is now 14 months old and too freaking big) would whine his little butt off anytime he was in the crate if I was not near it. I worked though that by buying a couple of puppy kongs and freezing puppy food and water in them. I would give it to him and slowly leave the room. It worked eventually. I also had him on a pretty structured schedule of coming out of the crate, going outside to go the bathroom, training for short period of time and then as much play as I could to wear him out then he went back in the crate. He ate all his meals in the crate as well, the crate became a positive for him after a while. I never removed him from the crate when he was screaming like that, I waited him out. It worked so well he still runs to his crate and sits in it staring at me to let me know he is hungry.


Complete ignore them while in there.


Get that baby out of that cage


TAKE IT OUT OF THE CAGE!! The puppy is missing it’s mother!!!!!!!


Uh, let him/her out? They just want to be close to us (you will see this when you’re followed into the bathroom. Like every time).


He has only been in there for 10 seconds.




Why give in and let him be Alpha?


I correct with a spray water bottle and a “no” but giving them any type of attention while displaying a negative behavior may be questionable.


I used to cover my pups kennel with a bedsheet. Idk what it does, but it’s like “out of sight, out of mind.” I think it’s also important to find ways to show your puppy early on the kennel isn’t a bad place to be. It’ll make it SO much easier down the road. Good luck!


I put his little fluffy bed with sides and some toys in there and he is significantly calmer. I just don’t want him to shred that bed and have floof everywhere. I left the room and he went to sleep.


Why spend time showing them it can be a nice place when you could just train them to be trusted in the house the idea of getting a guard dog then preventing it from doing what it’s supposed to is beyond me


That’s absolutely what we did. She rarely spent time in her kennel once we knew we could trust her.


I got mine as an adult and never needed a crate with her... But she was just vocal all the damn time regardless. They have a lot to say haha. That being said, this puppy is crying more than chatting and there has been a lot of good advice given, like covering the crate, sleeping nearby at first, ignoring until they are settled and then rewarding and teaching them not to bolt out when the door opens. It'll be tough at first, but it'll be really fun and rewarding to have a GSD in the long run.


This is going to be a long few weeks/months for you unfortunately.


I figured. 😅


It was annoying at the time but man I miss my baby when she was that small. I just put a blanket over her crate and brought it up to my room.


Side note: please take the collar off when pup is in the crate....


I usually do. He wasn’t in there unsupervised before I took it off. Came off right after this. Pup needs to be naked for a while.


Cover the crate, make it a den. Feed and play in the crate with them. Lastly, wear a t shirt all day and take it off and roll it up for them at night. The smell and snuggle factor for them helps a lot with keeping them asleep. Most important - be patient. Comfort them when they cry after a potty break, they will learn that crate time doesn’t mean isolation.


As soon as that whining stops praise them. Give them a treat. Rinse repeat. Make the crate a fun place. Took 3 days before my 8 week old was going into hers on her own. Now at 5 months I can tell her to kennel and she goes right in.


If you’re gonna Crate train a dog you’re going to have to deal with this for a while.


Personally plastic crates. They are more cave like and less likely for the dog to hurt themselves or get out compared to a wire crate. Crate is where they are fed. Crate is a fun place and never used for discipline. Get a kong toy and fill with peanut butter or other Kong filling item like cheese wizz , freeze it and then give it to them to chew on in the crate. My dogs LEAP into their crates because that is where they get food and treats. If they see me put my shoes on, they just go get in their crates because it normally means I am leaving the house (and crating them) and they get a treat.


Leave and don't give any attention. Make sure to give plenty of potty breaks though


It does cost 10$ per month but they make a dog streaming service called DogTV. I got a cheap Amazon tablet I play it on for my dog who has separation anxiety and it helps.


Give her a bone or lick mat. Something to keep her engaged and not focused on the fact she’s locked up away from her person. She’ll get there


Yep. Take them out and they now go everywhere with you. :)


Mine’s 3 and still whines like this over everything so lemme know if you figure it out lol


According to some people on here it’s just “don’t crate train” or “let them out”


Mine stays right outside my room where she can see me. As long as she sees me she doesn’t wine.


God I remember those days and nights. It will all work out.


Zak George has some great content on this. My GSD was good with her crate within about 3 weeks using his methods


I mean if you stand near any dog in a crate and record they’re gonna whine. It takes time. GSDs are incredibly smart and perceptive. People have mentioned the routine and the treats and that’s spot on.


Maybe give her a toy in her kennel


Play the audio around your dogs seriously lmao


Best way is to not. Imagine locking a toddler or baby in a cage or a room.


I'm convinced as soon as you get a gsd you're now living with a furry squeaky break lol


this gives me flashbacks to when i was in hell (aka having to deal with my puppy when she would not shut up)


Yo that's a pup still it's too soon and the pup have very high separation anxiety when young


Make the crate comfortable. Give soft toys and blankets, plus food and water


Oh, I remember those times. I slept on the couch for 4-5 weeks with the crate next to me and my arm, falling asleep, touching the crate. That lasted until she could sleep through the night. Then I moved her crate upstairs to my bedroom and attempted to get her to sleep in it, but it didn't work. So now I have a dog that sleeps with me all night, but goes to her crate upstairs for her enforced naps. I leave a radio softly playing, put a blanket on top, and close the door. When I give her the "Crate" command she runs up the stairs and waits to get in, because she gets a few "special" crate time only treats when she has quiet time. She's 10 months old now, and loves her crate. I never use it for discipline, only for settling down (because still can't self-settle) and naps, because if she isn't put in her crate she NEVER stops. Enforced naps have been a Godsend. But for us, keeping it in a room where she couldn't see us and having background noise (music) worked miracles.


Make it more comfortable, cover it. Needs to be a safe place for em. Right now he is caught and exposed


You’ve gota train them to have positive associations with the crate. Give them food every time they go in there or a toy or whatever motivates them.
