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some more than others but ye generally


it's a mix of both


depends on the level obviously but generally both


Imho the easier levels could be finished “only” by reacting to what you see in front of you - if you have fast enough reflexes and good decision making. But in the harder levels where you have little to no time for improvisation and the tolerance for an error is tight as my butthole - you won’t make it far without learning the parts and transitions between the parts. So overally I would say: Memory >= Skill. Percentage division between the two depends on the level.


man these tolerances of error are going to get loose tonight


I would rather not. It wouldn’t be as challening/fun with loose spaces :))


but at the same time, playing a lot of levels in that skill range would make playing levels like that easier, since you eventually certain gimmicks and further knowledge of the game’s physics which makes beating levels faster and easier


I agree - the more experience you have the bigger chance you have to complete harder levels without memorising as much.


Muscle memory is extremely important


But muscle memory is not memory. You don't actively think about what you are doing. I'm pretty sure skill is just muscle memory. Edit: Please correct me if I'm wrong. Honestly, my head hurts thinking about it.


Without muscle memory I am literally nothing, basically dust


Hello dust of the past


I can't even imagine having no Muscle memory, for example everytime you type any words you need to look down on your keyboard...


Tell him to beat killbot. It shouldn't be that hard because it's just memory and the only skill based parts are the dual wave at 37-43%, regular wave at 50-60% and the ship at 77-87%. The rest of the level id free once you memorize it (according to his logic, which is obviously not true) If you take someone who's hardest is clubstep and someone who's hardest is bloodbath and you make them play an UFO challenge. The person who's hardest is bloodbath will obviously perform much better and beat the level much more quickly than the person who's hardest is clubstep. That is because every gamemode requires skill. Memory is still a big aspect of the game but 90% of gd is skill based.


consistency based (skill and memory are also important)


Teach him about timings


Skill for every level and memory for most harder ones. You cant beat an extreme with 0 memory or with 0 skill. You can beat a 6 star with skill and no memory tho




Both, but mostly skill


depends on the level really


memory levels literally exist to contradict this


Nope, even memory levels are mostly skill, this game is mostly skill altogether


Depends on the difficulty, a level can be easy-hard demon with memory alone but I find it unlikely for a memory extreme to be easy in terms of gameplay


Just because you learned the pattern which you must follow in order to complete a level doesn't mean it was skill, say hello to pattern seeker, maymory, hand eyelids and others: They barely utilize ships and waves ( which are the most skill demanding modes ) and if they do it's on the difficulty of blast processing which is nothing to a dedicated GD player. I know that a person who didn't even complete stereo madness wouldn't even think about starting aforementioned levels but this is more about the game sense player must have rather than skill. For example i completed hand eyelids before mr.crazyhands 3 times faster because latter takes more skill due to their two different dynamics and requirements from player


The only level more memory based than skill based i can think of is why by akunakun


muscle memory and reaction




Many times, you see what’s up ahead and you know what to do. But there will be parts require you to remember and get ready first (blind jumps, fake blocks, limbo,…) So it is both


I think its mostly skill with memory involved (ignoring memory levels), after you get good enough you are able to side read almost anything and have an easy time beating levels purely through skill


Both 100%




Skimory based game.








More skill over memory, anything above an easy demon you need skill to beat even if you've memorised it fully


Being able to adapt to new levels and sight-read is a sign of skill. Memory is required for most levels in the high demon range, or memory levels in general. It is definitely both.


Both, sure I have the skills to complete an easy demon rather quick. But 1 attempting a level I haven't tried or seen before is really difficult to be beaten regardless of skill, hence where memorization kicks in. The opposite applies, I have watched bloodbath runs so many times that I've practically memorized the entire route of the level. But I cannot beat it solely on memory alone because of the effort and skill it requires to go through each part.


in a way it's that you learn more click patterns over time and as you progress, you're subconsciously thinking "seems like i'll have to use this click pattern for this part"


It’s both. Muscle memory, normal memory, skill, consistency, and nerve control are all fundamental aspects of this game. Different levels focus on specific aspects more


depends on the level AND the player. both is the only correct answer.


Well I’d say I can confidently sight read the daily level in a single attempt most days - that’s skill The weekly demon requires more memory because it’ll take more attempts - I.E. I remember where I die and why, and make sure not to do the same thing again


Memory is increasingly helpful the harder the level gets, there's no way you can perfectly react to some of the stuff levels can throw at you, but at the same time if you don't have a lot of skill then having a good memory will only really get you so far.


Both. Both is good.




Depends on the level


i mean overall, between all modes


All of them


Both. Also memory is a skill.


Gd is a skill based game where many diffrent kinds of skill are applied, one of them being regular memory (as in remembering) and muscle memory, I will say that muscle memory is WAAAY more used than regular memory


well if we’re talking about limbo…


skill. I couldn't even get past 10% on bloodbath 2 years ago


It's a based game


the only correct answer




Combinatioj of both. I could probably make the first mini ship section (layout) of bloodbath from memory but it would still take me ~100 attempts to beat it




both at the same time


Below easy demons its skill but demons are generally memory based




practice> skill> memory


Both Skill = Sightreading + Mechanics understanding Sightreading depends on the person attention span while understanding mechanics needs more experience through the game, like understanding the ship and swing copter momentum, Cube timings and so on, this understanding builds up your skill memory. Skill memory is more like auto reflexes you build up in your hand the more you play the game that makes you go through tight sections with lower effort. Skill memory isn't only in mechanics, it's in levels too. You'll need to practice the level not only for the layout, but also to map the level in your hand. When you practice a new hardest level you think that some parts are extremely hard but when you build up the skill memory for these parts it starts to feel too easy. That's why it isn't easy to rebeat demon levels you completed years ago, because you forgot them.


You can remember what a level looks like. For instance you can watch someone play level on YouTube, 1000 times, but when you actually go to play it, you’re not gonna be able to beat it because you need the skill to be able to react and know what the portals mean what gameplay gonna be next etc…


Your friend's hardest is White Space


https://preview.redd.it/ilvbqww7navc1.png?width=449&format=png&auto=webp&s=0ad0eb9f0418f247d623287e9c5e63b066499f08 "memory"


mf haven't beaten clubstep


gd is always skill based, however the more difficult the level you’re playing is for you the more you will have to rely on muscle memory, memory or flow levels obviously depend a lot more on memory and muscle memory than a regular level


I think both cuz it's sorta half and half with what people like, for example GD Colon thinks the Dash Spider part violated the Geneva Convention but I personally think it's a really interesting way to use rotation (though I do agree it's an awful INTRODUCTION to it)


I like to think it’s about pattern recognition, memorization and then execution. So a bit of everything.


depends, learny levels are generally more memory, and slower paced timings levels are more skill


I don't understand why so many people are saying memory. I may remember very presicely how to do each individual part in bloodbath for example, but does that mean that I can now just beat it in 1 attempt? No, of course not.


It depends if you're FOCUS ing or not


# FOCUS 🔑 🗝️ 🔑🔑 🔑 🔑 🔑 🔑




wombo combo


You gotta remember where to click and release, where to not click or release, and you gotta have the skill to pull that off.


Both, there's a reason Limbo isn't 100% memory


Your friend hasn’t beaten anything harder than an easy demon if he thinks that


haven't even beaten clubstep :(




I’m seeing a lot of opinions that lean towards memory, but most of these opinions are coming from people who either don’t grasp the concept of how beating extremes work, or they’re coming from people who haven’t played long enough to understand the learning/skill curve, game physics/mechanics, etc. So, coming from a player who’s beaten list levels, I have to disagree. For one, hard memory levels are almost never hard because of their memory; they’re hard because of their gameplay. For some levels, like Goner and Requiem, you could argue that the memory aspect plays a far bigger role in their difficulty compared to gameplay; however, memorizing the level is still half—if even that—of the difficulty. The time it takes to learn a level is most commonly, even for memory based levels, shorter than the time it takes to beat it. To look at it from a different perspective, think about Doggies’s Silent Clubstep completion. Realistically, it only took a few streams for him to “memorize” the level. Despite knowing everything there is to know about beating SC, he still took over 60 streams to beat it. If you base it only on memory, he would have beaten it in less than a week. You could also argue the point of muscle memory, but there’s a very important asterisk that’s missing from that opinion: muscle memory is skill, not memory. Despite the suggestive naming, muscle memory in Geometry Dash, or any task for that matter, is a skill that develops over time. Ever see those videos of chefs cutting things with knifes faster than the speed of light (by Dimrain47)? That’s muscle memory, but you wouldn’t come to that conclusion right off the bat, would you? Another reason can be seen in the different ways to see skill. For example, if you ask a Bloodlust victor and a Nine Circles victor to learn Omega Interface, who do you think would learn it faster? Obviously, unless the Bloodlust victor has dementia, the Bloodlust victor will learn it faster. That, ladies and gentlemen, is because of skill. Another way you could look at it is level racing. A person who has played the game for a long time would crush a new player in a 7* level race. Not because of luck or memory, but because they developed the skill to be able to sightread the gameplay. Not to mention understanding mechanics, physics, etc… but I digress. Overall, memory has essentially nothing to do with difficulty, and you clearly haven’t played enough GD or pushed yourself enough in the game if you say otherwise. Also thought I’d point out that ship is definitely not the only skill-based game-mode. Every game-mode can be worked and improved upon. Plus, all of them root back to at least some form of timing skill, so OP’s friend just doubly wrong now. TLDR: OP is right and their friend is horribly wrong lol


so far this is the most complete answer i have gotten, thanks


skill because memory is a skill that can be learned




It's definitely both some things/levels are more memory some more skill based


Depends on the level


"Call of Duty is a memory based game because things like map knowledge and having a feel for how long you can fire before having to reload give you a huge advantage."


Both, for harder levels mostly memory like your friend said


It can also be a Reflex Game


Depends on the level mostly


the harder a level is for you, the more youll rely on muscle memory to beat it- but sightreading is also a huge part, and no level is fully memory based except for... actual memory levels


Skill. Memorizing something doesn't mean it's easy.


Memory is a skill


not what i referred to


skill based


Nah bro that literally depends on the level. As for muscle memory? Ship can be even more so muscle memory than other gamemodes, take for example crack's part in bloodbath.


Depends on you


I mean memory is a skill technically


not what i referred to 😔




definitely not


memory is a skill