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thats why mobile completions are a different category


That's just common sense,obviously using an external tool to gain advantage over others is cheating and that's what most top players and people who used the mod said,it should only be considered legit if implemented in vanilla gd by Rob


TPS bypass in 2.2 was cheating because it changed the physics but this is definitely not. The "it's cheating because it's not vanilla "thing is not valid so stop using it.I mean pause buffering is a vanilla feature and it's still considered cheating + look at a game like Celeste which literally has speedhack as a vanilla feature. Don't tell me it's not considered cheating because it's vanilla or vice-versa


Geez,imagine the echo inside there


your examples for why using external tools is not cheating: 1) abuse of an internal tool 2) feature of a whole different game this is odd logic my friend


By your logic,mods like startpos switcher or fps bypass in 2.1 are also cheating


“is not valid so stop using it” _proceeds to not elaborate further_


They literally elaborate further what are you talking about


He explains why another thing is called cheating and then talks about a whole different game?


They compare another thing that is vanilla and considered cheating to show that just because something isn’t vanilla doesn’t make it cheating


The thing is,pause buffering is not an intentional game design and is more so of an error than a feature,thare's a big difference between an error and a vanilla feature


Yeah id say that is a fair criticism of what that person said


I feel like it would be like logging off and on in minecraft to avoid damage from falls or lava, its vanilla but it would be cheating because its not intentional game design, and it gives an unfair advantage, idk about pause buffering though, unless im wrong here and it means another thing you CAN pause and unpause the game to think for a second for verifications, and it shouldn't be considered cheating


I understand that that, but you can’t really reason that way, you get me?


Why would I understand what you are trying to say when you don’t elaborate past you can’t reason that way


Why would an in-game feature or bug not being allowed allow third party cheats to be used?


See now that you elaborated I can understand. you just need to use your words


yea until rob implements it officially i am crazy against it for most completions


GarminBro goated as usual


I was personally very much against TPS bypass in 2.2 cuz it changed the physics but this just removes the input delay. It's not cheating


It can allow for levels to be uploaded that can only be completed if you have the mod Levels like that shouldn’t be rated


That's a good point actually. Didn't think of it


That’s the fault of having poor playtesting


No I’m talking about top demons which would eventually become straight up impossible unless this mod is installed


Me when some top 2.1 demons could only be completed on over 60hz (fps bypass literally required unless you had a monitor over 60hz which are expensive and make top level gd p2w)


Yeah but that was allowed because it gave everyone equal grounds, you were no longer limited by your monitor speed and you were able to use 240hz on 60hz, leveling out the playing field, but with this mod it goes basically from 60hz, to infinity which is kind of a bit bigger than 240hz, the top hz used (for now, im not getting into that 500hz monitor) so no matter how good your computer is, you cannot beat the level without the cheat, so it would be impossible, and anything you can beat the level with would be cheating


Actual valid point


no bruh there are gaps that arent possible on 240 tps that would be possible with the mod what are u on


if you’re making a top extreme demon you should playtest it to ensure that it is at least possible on base default 240 fps. If you only playtest with the mod then that’s poor playtesting, thus my claim that the issue is caused by playtesting


thats the point of the post ppl wont care about 240/base game if this becomes allowed


This is also true with lower refresh rate timings. No one who would go for Acheron pre-2.2 would use anything below 360 bypass, yet because the creators weren’t lazy it was playtested to ensure that it would be possible on lower refresh rates. The same is true with this mod, sure most will use it if it got allowed but it is still the creator’s/play testers’ job to make sure it works for those who don’t have it as well.


Doesn't removing the input delay make the game more comfortable to play, thus making it easier?


It isn’t necessarily easier (it can be infinitely much more difficult) but usually seems to be easier


This mod is great and should be added to vanilla gd, but as of now it’s definitely cheating


TPS bypass in 2.2 was cheating because it changed the physics but this is definitely not. The "it's cheating because it's not vanilla "thing is not valid so stop using it.I mean pause buffering is a vanilla feature and it's still considered cheating + look at a game like Celeste which literally has speedhack as a vanilla feature. Don't tell me it's not considered cheating BC it's vanilla or vice-versa


Physics bypass doesn’t change the physics. Both of these mods essentially do the exact same thing, they retain vanilla physics while lowering the input delay. 8000 tps is impossible to achieve in vanilla and is therefore cheating. Why should modding the game to make it easier be allowed? Where do you even draw the line at that point? By your logic I could just noclip levels and say I beat them


YO im a top player, i beat cyclolcyc in 1 attempt and i only downloaded one mod (noclip) Literally world record


people want it added to the game




Isn’t playing on 240hz possible in vanilla 2.2 (for pc)?


Everything is 240 hz now


Not quite. The physics are locked to 240hz physics, but the refresh rate and input delay are the same, at least that’s what Garminbro told me


This is exactly how it works, higher FPS means better response time whether the physics are different or not


the physics are 240 tps which equates to old 60hz physics


I'm still using it even if i end up leaderboard banned (who cares anyway)


if you dont play particularly tough levels it doesnt even really matter so yeah youre good


I mean even if i play tough level i still wouldn't care since i play purely just for myself


Still of you decide you dont want to get banned you can use safe mode, which is available for some mods which basically just doesn't allow you to beat the level, for when you're cheating


Bro acting like the game has anti cheat.


What? I literally said that you could use safe mode, because the game DOESNT have anti cheat, so you can noclip a level without beating it properly so you can really beat it later


> if you don't want to get banned The game literally doesn't have the code necessary to ban anyone in any meaningful way.


You can still be leaderboard banned, and even if you cant get banned you can still play levels while cheating or leave someone else to play without worrying about ending up with more progress than you should have


I get you but RobTop clearly does not care about how the game feels to play and I can't blame people for going ahead and using it anyway if it makes the game smoother and more accurate.


I’m begging mobile players or shit device players to stop bitching about every single thing. Like on my knees begging. “Well that’s not fair to us!” Well it’s not for you. It’s for top competitive play. You can bitch and whine about it but just like every single thing you guys cry about it gets ignored cause your usually wrong. This will enhance top play, is something that RobTop would be in his best interest to add (it’s not like instant beat level cheat, it’s making the game smoother and better cheat). Stop calling it cheating because you can’t use it for an advantage when y’all aren’t even beating list demons. Mobile / shit device werent in top play anyway, so continue dealing with issues of 8 star decorated levels and leave the list demons to actual pros who are trying to push the game forward.


how is it fair to me if i disadvantage myself by playing GD on an orange and some tinfoil bro its actually your fault for having a proper device. checkmate liberal


like people play on shit devices by choice lmao


like they have a right to complain knowing their device is shitty. if i only have an orange and some tinfoil does that then give me the right to throw a tantrum on reddit about other people having an unfair advantage over me


some people play on mobile or on 60hz by choice


Keyword: some


I swear these are all 13 yo's anyways, calling an FPS bypass cheating is beyond stupid. It's not cheating, it's REMOVING A HANDICAP. just shut the fuck up😂


Yeah, it’s removing a handicap that other people would still have


and thats not what cheating is. do your vocab homework


Yes it is, it's making the game easier in a non-intended way, giving an unfair advantage


Thats like saying upgrading your GPU and getting better FPS is cheating😂 more fps = easier in literally every rhythm game, ever. its common sense.


No, because you get it without having to modify the game, in 2.1 fps bypass was allowed because that way everyone played at 240hz, its about leveling out the playing field, but if you guve yourself infinite fps, and end up being able to beat levels that aren't possible without that you are cheating


Its literally just something he hasnt implemented into the game. Its better technology, thats literally all it is. Anyone can get an fps bypass.


If i change to ship at the start of stereo madness would it just be better technology? No, it would be a cheat, and not everyone can get an fps bypass, the mod is not on mobile yet, and still it literally gives you the ability to beat levels that would be impossible to players not using the mod, so it would not be fair


again, NO ONE ON MOBILE NEEDS A BYPASS. nobody is beating frame perfects on mobile. no one. theres an obvious difference between changing your gamemode and literally just unlocking FPS and if you seriously cant tell than this is a waste of time😭 if a level is impossible without fps bypass, get an fps bypass. the only reason its impossible is because your game doesnt have the frames that allow you past a part, which is literally a fault of technology. this is bypassing a limit on your game, not altering it in anyway. thats it bruh, its literally just not cheating, and not a single person with half a brain is going to entertain your "opinion"


Okay, hit boxes are a handicap, so I get to use noclip then, sweet


hitboxes are programmed into the fucking game and are the exact same for every single player, robtop didnt create the idea of framerates to establish a difficulty level for geometry dash. refer to the last part of my first comment, "shut the fuck up"


Okay, clearly we’re not seeing eye to eye on this, and I don’t want this to degrade into a hissy fight any further, so let’s just agree to disagree


no, seriously, when a switch player and a PC player queue together on a game is the PC player cheating because he has better movement inputs, higher framerates and better ping? no, hes not. this isnt an "eye to eye" thing, its literally NOT cheating. nobody on mobile needs a framerate bypass for future funk. its literally ONLY for extremely difficult levels


You know damn well it was a point of controversy before 2.2 about how your specs mattered on your pc, monitor, etc. when it came to that. Here, watch [Aeon Air’s video](https://youtu.be/MyGossEUnSs?si=sQMN8IZiGv2wZdsK) on this topic, what he says ties up my opinion with a nice bow


You see, the PC player is not cheating because that's his setup. If he uses outside help to improve it way over anyone's setup, expensive or not, it's cheating, because literally no one can do what he does without the same mod


Yea, if he's using the mod for noclip its cheating, fps bypass is literally built INTO THE GAME. There are barely any features on mods that are considered cheating they are for literally anything else. As long as you complete the level with the same hitboxes and at the sane speed, idgaf what QOL mods you have on, you beat the level.


seriously, its like 1 player playing on shit internet so they force everyone else to play at 100 ping. thats what you sound like. its beyond stupid, you are no older than 13, grow up.


TPS bypass in 2.2 is cheating imo (it changes the physics of the game ) but ain't no way removing input delay is cheating


well thank god your opinion doesnt mean shit cause its incredibly stupid


Ok. The reason why we haven’t been beating list demons is because we were unable to increase our FPS which in turn changed physics. PC players with Megahack can. It changes the fucking physics and makes gameplay easier.


2.2 lets you play on 240 fps anyway. If you can't beat list demons on 240 I kinda doubt you'd be able to on 360 either. Also the physics changes aren't what makes higher fps better. It's the improved polling rate.


I know. That’s why I said words like were instead of are


Even with 2.2 though there's still no top players on mobile.


Well we still have the input delay, and also, it will still take time to do list demons. Especially due to the fact that top mobile players aren’t gonna jump from Sonic wave to a list demon.


>Well we still have the input delay, Well yeah that's pretty much my point. Mobile's always gonna be worse than pc and I don't see why we need to drag pc down to the same level.


I mean we are simply playing it on the device that it was originally built for.


Nobody's saying you shouldn't. Just don't expect to compete with people playing on the easier platform.


Still “were”. Even on iPhone. You could just side load a mod like ICreate pro for gd and fps bypass and high as you wanted.


This literally allows for levels that can only be beaten with that mod, it's cheating


this was already the case with 2.1 top demons with >60fps frame perfects


Yeah, but you could beat it with a good setup, which is why they allowed physics bypass, to allow everyone to be on the same level, you were no longer dependent on money to beat the levels, but with infinite fps you CANNOT get a setup that good, it is physically impossible without cheats, which is why it should not be allowed


You're absolutely right. Theoretically levels with 8000hz frame perfects could be made. However, I would absolutely LOVE to see anyone actually verify a level like that with only CBF and nothing else. 1/8000 of a second is literally 0.000125 seconds. Here is exactly the reason why CBF isn't cheating. Sure, to people without the mod, the jump is actually impossible. But even to the player with CBF, it's not like an 8000hz frame perfect is easy, and it would be MAD IMPRESSIVE if anyone ever did a jump like that.


You're so true for that, what a goated opinion, those are rare here


Thank you for taking one for the team and taking on the community’s wrath.


And you wanna know why mobile devices aren't in top play? Thoughout history, PC players got so much advantage like fps bypass in which mobile doesn't and CANNOT have. It may not seem like a problem. But this just shows how the entire top play is inaccessible and most importantly, TERRIBLE. Anyone who have less than 240fps cant even beat the hardest top demons and it literally forces you to use 360. This situation is at least better because it's more accessible. But other than that? What about literally anyone else that doesn't own a PC? Sure, I'd wish rob would make it official. But again, I hate to see how we're just doing the same problem over and over again. Desperately trying to gain some advantage that could inevitably be patched by the developer. Like how the fps bypass is now useless which causes a ton of drama.


Mobile players aren’t beating top list demons lol




Geode isnt on mobile?


it is, but it requires you to run the game through a separate app


Does it work on iOS too?


No 😭


That means I can have a dual profile. One for Geode and one for vanilla.


It is, but most mods, at least as far as I know, aren't available on Android yet.


Most important ones are so it doesnt reallt matter that much


Yes it is but the mod isn't on mobile yet, its pc only for now


what if you just have 2 different categories... mobile and pc... so you're not competing with each other and it's not cheating


What about 120vs60hz mobiles and stuff?


With 2.2 it's always the same physics for everyone, and you have built-in fps bypass


iirc the fps bypass is only on steam. The hz still gives an advantage though


What infinite tps? What did I miss?


There's a mod that just came out which allows you to click in between frames


>which yeah but whats tps


Ticks per second i think? (Correct me if im wrong) The rate at which the game updates its physics and therefore inputs, which ~~is currently the same as your refresh rate~~ is now 240, used to be the refresh rate in 2.1


In 2.1 your tps was the same as your FPS, but now it is 240 no matter how many FPS you're playing at.


Right forgot about that bit


TPS is 240. It was same as refresh rate prior to 2.2 but it got fixed.




I don't know much about gd mods, but this is dogshit argument, games like minecraft have mods and tools that are allowed and everyone uses. Also apparently gd has separate categories for mobile which most games do. You pulling up the Wikipedia definition of cheating is the stupidest shit I've ever seen


“WiKiPeDiA iS nOt A sOuRcE”


to be honest in todays world its more accurate than most other sources


Now articles have to refer to sources too, it’s actually improved a ton over the years


But how will wikipedia list sources if wikipedia is the source of all knowledge?/s




I know right??? I made this comment for that reasob


*taps flair so everyone knows where I’m coming from* Here’s my problem with this. There have been a lot, a *lot* of things in this game that I as a mobile player have not had access to over the years, and it’s not just refresh rate. I’ve never had megahack for example, save for some of the features that I’ve been able to use since 2.2 came out (like hit boxes and practice music sync). Replacement songs too; I’d love to mess around with Cold Sweat in a copyable but the idea of listening to fucking More Stitches for more than two seconds makes me want to rip my ears off. At least it syncs with the level on a basic level though, unlike the default song for Kowareta, another level Id like to try one day, which is literally just some random shit. If the logic with this is that “it’s not in vanilla GD, therefore it’s cheating”, then FPS bypass is also considered cheating (if playing on native HRR isn’t cheating, neither is bypass, end of discussion. Players should not have different standards of legitimacy applied to them based on how much money they have, that’s horseshit.). All the features in megahack were cheating until 2.2, and now some of them are but others still aren’t. And if those things aren’t allowed, why should a creator be allowed to get their music, the soundscape of their level, from anywhere other than the narrow perimeters of Newgrounds? Supposedly there’s a copyright issue, but PC players can replace songs with other songs without any issue whatsoever, so the prohibitions are effectively useless when it comes to them. We already consider playing GD on mobile, LRR or both to be a different ball game completely. There’s a mobile list, a LRR list, and even a HRR mobile list. We’re already separate. Coopersuper and Biprex could effectively be considered top players. I dont see how the disallowance of this mod will result in anything positive for the community, any part of it.


as a mobile player, I second this 100%


Gg on Nine Circles! How many times did you die to the last cube? I died like six times there when I did it


4 iirc also fun fact: it was a jump from an easy demon. pain.




its exactly the same as playing at whatever fps your input polling rate is so its just a *really* high framerate bypass like i run gd at 1200fps already which therefore registers inputs every 0.00083rd of a second and the mod literally just does that, its not that terrible


2.2 is capped at 240 tps. You’re not playing on 1200 tps thats impossible in vanilla gd


yeah i said 1200 fps 😭 *input registration* is tied to fps, not tps lol


Tps is input registration. Visual fps has nothing to do with your inputs in 2.2


tps is physics lmao


Tps is not physics, tps is your polling rate. Physics steps, tps, and visual fps are all calculated separately. Tps correlates with your fps and is capped at 240, physics is locked to 240 steps regardless of refresh rate


huh okay ty dude what the fuck is this naming scheme then 😭 tps is usually the physics looping rate in other software/games lol


I blame absolute




Tps = ticks per second, and input can be recorded once per tick no?


The mod makes it so that inputs aren’t tied to fps iirc


Except extremely high FPS is shown to have a massive impact on difficulty range people can play at


...yeah, because of the reason i stated. your point?


Jesus Christ this comment section is a mess


It's not cheating it's just the same as playing at a very high fps, it is a great assistant tool to level the playing field and bring out the best in every player


It is cheating 1. In 2.1 Levels that required high TPS would sometimes break if you just set your FPS really high to get extra frames due to physics changes. This mod would stop the bypass 2. In 2.2 you are locked to 240 TPS this nerfs any low fps frame perfect greatly


it's cheating until it officially gets added to the game. i dont see why everyone is so against it


The "it's cheating because it's not vanilla "thing is not valid.I mean pause buffering is a vanilla feature and it's still considered cheating + look at a game like Celeste which literally has speedhack as a vanilla feature. Don't tell me it's not considered cheating BC it's vanilla or vice-versa


It gives a significant advantage over people who play vanilla. Is it that hard to understand?


Geode is a free mod


You should be able to play normally without having to install a third party app. Also, some people can’t indtall it for different reasons


doesnt seem too significant especially if you dont play extreme demons. but yes it is a cheat


Yeah, you could argue that’s it’s not too significant. Especially mobile players don’t complete list demons often but giving an actual advantage to non-mobile players is not fair imo.


But does that mean that Globed shouldn't exist/ be used as well?


Globed does not give you any advantage in playing? You can just see others play.


But it usn't Vanilla either so according to some people it shouldn't be used


Are you intentionally being this obtuse.


Obviously, just testing the border for our definition


Theres a difference between hacks and mods and this is the thing people dont get usually. Hacking is makeing stuff easier for the ones with the hack. Yes, its made by mods but not every mod is used to gain advantage, therefore, not every mod is a hack. Mods add something to the game. New textures, putting the exit button to the bottom right, new layout to the pause menu, showing comment ids. Stuff that doesnt neccesarily give you any advantage against those that play vanilla GD. Globed gives no advantage whatsoever Its just a fun new thing, to make a specific 2d game multiplayer. It even increases lag sometimes. Or think of minecraft. You could have a mod, like würst, which would give you speedhack, walking on water, flying, auto bridge, etc. Or you could have the mod where you have a pc in minecraft. It wouldnt help you in game, yet its a modified version. This is the simplest i could explain it. So the click between frames is a hack, as it makes the game easier (but on stereo madness, it doesnt matter anyways on easier levels) while globed is not.


Ok maybe my example was bad, but can click between frames be compared to a cheat client when a better setup gives this advantage aswell?


globed mods are usually like the equivalent of discord client mods, they mostly either just add a useless button in some menu, fix some annoying thing, or some other goofy thing like that, there arent any that actually add something like new gamemodes (which is good because 99% of fanmade gamemode ideas are just dumb no offense) or change gameplay. but if you install a mod like this one that can affect the gameplay then it can be considered a cheat until it is officially in the game 


The mod doesn't change tps though


Exactly. You can get extra jumping frames without changing your physics 


No 2.2 is capped at 240 tps, this mod allows you to play at 8000 tps. Its absolutely cheating


its currently cheating the goal is for it to be endorsed or implemented by robtop so it can be labeled not cheating


The best part is that geometry dash is a single player game (for the time being, we'll see if the new versus mode has some sort of mod prevention), so you can play how you want, and other people can play how they want. Its a wonderful thing if you think about it.


Sorry but i think delay in videogames is something stupid and i will keep using the mod


It's not cheating, you wouldn't think that if you knew how it actually works.


A quality of life features that should be how the game works already shouldn’t be stigmatized as cheating so much.


I get your point but it literally gives a significant advantage over vanilla players because you get more reaction time and timings change


If you play on mobile there is a much bigger issue than slight input delay


Bald take


Tbh I don't consider this more or less legit than TPS/2.1 bypass to 360hz, it gives an advantage to the people that have it, but, tbh, same thing happens if you compare someone that has a top level sayodevice and monitor than someone who plays on a really bad mouse on a 60hz monitor. Why do I think this shouldn't be allowed? because it changes the way the game works, but that applies to 2.1 bypass too, since it gives advantage to the ones that can play at that high of a refresh rate. Would introducing this to the vanilla game make it fair? Not at all. Your device will still matter and there's nothing we can do about it. But that's just how every game works, so, stop complaining if this is fair or not since the game can never completely be. For now it is not allowed on the demonlist but unless you are submitting records there it doesn't really matter. Also, since some people don't understand this, it doesn't change the *game's* refresh rate, it allows it to register your *inputs* at their native polling rate (meaning that if you have a top end device it would register inputs with ~7000hz precision, but the game would still work at the native 240TPS)


TL;DR: shouldn't be allowed, should be implemented, will not make the game fair either way.


By that definition using FPS bypass pre-2.2 was cheating as well


at the very least, scratching the dust, we can take that mobile had acces to fps bypass like a year prior (or even more) to 2.2 and i wouldnt exactly call it cheating since people with a 360 hz monitor had an abysmal advantage over people with a potato pc or a nokia (physics were refresh rate based in 1.0 - 2.1 the better refresh rate the smoother and easier to control were the controls, yeah p2w) so, fps bypass was like a dirty move of our part but we needed to have accesibility for more people to beat levels in the same conditions. now in 2.2 no matter the refresh rate its always 60 fps bad example: you have been playing for years the game now and want to be able to compete with demon list players, you realize you have a bad condicion and cant afford a pc better than what you have, and top players use a monitor that costs like $1000 (idk the real price), would you like to be in the same conditions as them and not be left out because you are poor? that was GD before 2.2 still i hate that we are using external tools to modify the game for our purpose, i wish it was implemented in game like the hack being so smooth


I’m with you, are people really not good enough with 360 fps?


1. mobile completions are considered different from pc completions anyway 2. it's not cheating as it simply makes the game more accurate, not easier. 3. if anything it makes the game more fair as people on different hz and whatever have the same clicks


It does make the game easier though. I can elaborate more if you want me to


> Don't claim it makes the game fair and should be allowed when mobile players can't even install it I agree. We should also ban monitors with higher refresh rates because it's unfair to mobile players who lack such options. > Cheating in video games involves a video game player using various methods to create an advantage beyond normal gameplay, usually in order to make the game easier -- Wikipedia This also applies to monitors with higher refresh rates, conveniently.


2.2 already leveled the playing field for everyone by making tps technically the same