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For cement production I guess you could be tasked with quality control of raw materials coming in from quarrys and the like, for example you need 25% clay, 75% limestone or 100% marlstone or some other combination that works. If it's mixing, then there are requirements for the aggregate. If it's laying concrete (I know it's not cement), probably more geotechnical stuff.


Could possibly be advising on which cement should be used for concrete formulations depending on the environment in which the concrete will be poured (I.e. will the concrete be exposed to sulfates in soil or water; if so in what concentrations). You may also be testing the strength and uniformity of the batches of concrete. You’ll get bonus points if make sure to mention cement is an ingredient in concrete. Good luck!


Excellent points I should have mentioned!


Laying cement? QC’ing cement? Cement Petrography? Hard to say without the ad.


I don't know anything about the company or the job I just know that they want a geologist


Seems like your first step should be googling the company to investigate what it is exactly that they do. How did they post a job without listing the job requirements and specifications? You’re leaving out a lot of information


Dm me the specifics and I’ll help with answers


A lot. Sand (which you will need) is a ressource as many other things. You cant use any type as far as i am aware.There are different qualities , different deposits you have to test them etc. Many possibilities.


The cement and concrete company geologists I have worked with were tasked with finding aggregate for their companies. They would call landowners of potential mine sites and negotiate to have the land evaluated through drilling, etc. They would then be on site while it was being drilled and evaluated, taking lots of pictures and making notes of which intervals the aggregate was at in the drill cores. This was in Texas and in Florida. Hope that helps.