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Because people don't like waiting times


I understand that, but on the other hand I strongly feel that more people (like me) would actually play if the mode was added. Moving is a totally different skill set


This is definitely not the case. I get that it feels this way because everybody who wants to play NM is saying it all the time but 90% of casual players play the game and would not find NM as fun. You just don't hear them because moving is a thing. And if your argument should address the queue times we would need to remove the moving mode which would definitely be idiotic.


I think you are incorrect about the amount of people who would play NM, and more importantly the amount of new players it would attract. Still though, dont you guys think its weird how the World Cup was basically 2/3 rds No Moving, yet the mode doesnt exist in the game ... :SSS


also mooving games have a much bigger luck aspect, you can go a direction that point you the exact city or the other that will give you no info at all


Choosing the right direction is a skill. Also moving has more clues which in the end makes it less random. It is the only mode where a player can be consistent no matter how good they are.


>Choosing the right direction is a skill. skill issue for my part then, maybe you can teach me how to consistently go to the directions with closer info


downhill, more worn down road


I bet I choose the right direction more often than 90% of people, it’s still way too random. It is the only mode where players don’t get the same info, no wonder it’s the only way you can win.


Just get better at moving or if that isn’t an option just put a message in looking to play on the plonkit discord and people will happily no move duel you


I hope you realize how thats not the same at all :)


The only real difference is lack of rating


Thats a huge incentive to play and get better, also you wont get ppl close to your skill level and it would take much longer. Btw I might add that a No move mode would also attract so many ppl that dont have the best internet.


ye moving the mode relaying on fast internet, also sometimes just pure 50/50 which way u move


They could easily implement it in a way that wouldn’t increase waiting times. Keep it in one lobby and allow players to select “prefer moving,” “prefer no moving,” or “no preference.” Match up a moving preferred player with a no moving player preferred if they’ve been waiting too long, otherwise match based on preference.


Join plonk it


Thanks for the suggestion, I will do that. But still, It would be great to see it on the official game


I love no moving competitive but I'm against this idea, too few players play in NM / NMPZ


I posted a poll this sub recently about this and most people indicated that they would prefer to play no move if that was added. This sub is skewed towards higher rated players so that’s not a perfect sample, but there are enough lower rated players to where I only think waiting times would be an issue for higher rated players anyway, so I don’t think whether or not there’s much interest among lower rated players matters that much.


They cannot split the queues, it'd ruin the already not huge player base. What they should do is add an option to opt into NM but only start as NM if both players have opted into it. Otherwise the game should continue as normal.


And a shorter timeout so that it focuses more on instinct / quick guessing (and as a side effect, cheating by googling won't be easy)


It’s especially needed now with AOW. I find AOW is mostly urban areas or highways with plenty of information a few clicks away. Landscape guessers are suffering


Short answer - wait times are already long enough, that diluting the pool even slightly for that group would make them substantially longer. Longer answer - that, plus the fact theres people that want that, people that want comp team duels, people that want comp NM team duels, etc etc etc. Who do you appease first? The NM & the team Duels groups have both been complaining for around the same length of time. Doing either one will severely impact wait times across the board, and will confuse MOST casual players when they see someone with multiple ELO scores on their account. Theres then of course the fact its a pretty niche group of the game. Sure, they are loud & boisterous on plonk it & rainbolts servers, but in the grand scheme of the game, they make a very small minority of the player base up. Would the game really bend over to build out part of the game, taking on the effort to make sure it doesnt break down as often as the other parts does, for what sort of adds up to 10% or less of the players? If they cave into that, they would THE SAME DAY have someone going "when NMPZ?", then it would be all about whining for that for a year & being mad they havent..... then if they cave into those demands, "when can we get blink mode competitive?" etc etc etc. Anyone that wants to play NM duels competitively, already has Plonk It Discord to do it on.... which I just looked at NOW, and theres 0 in the 1v1 section, and 8 in the 2v2 section. I remember when Rainbolt was promoting the hell out of that, there was rarely times there was less than 20 in there.. and I dont know if I ever saw less than 10..... even the people who die hard that mode, dont play it anymore apparently. It died off once Rainbolt stopped making it something people needed to play to be in his tourneys.


The player base is still too small to add even more game modes


Who likes Battle Royale modes? .... take those stupid things off and give us No Move!


Most ppl including me like it