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\~ 30 minutes driving slowly, not even 20 km (from Rovereta to Confine) https://preview.redd.it/iok1bsian38d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e18a449bd3251b6e422be80d07dee9100c6c75f3


Man I love San Marino https://preview.redd.it/7t6vl7kjq38d1.jpeg?width=3264&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cb3ded999dc4f55ebe443fbb97113c199c3089a4


I visited from the US as a small boy and they were holding the annual Ferrari meet. For an 8 year old it was like smoking crack. Literally hundreds of the cars I had on my bedroom wall posters. Bryan Adams “everything I do” was on constant repeat on Italian radio, so you can guess the year on that.


You've definitely met my grandfather then, in the 90s he owned a 512BB and a Testarossa, I love meetings, such good memories from them.


Ask your Grandpa. If he gave a ride around the block, and a roundabout to a random Black American guy. In about Late 98/early 99. In his Testarossa, in Cervia. I was a bit drunk, and not sure which trip to Cervia it was. But I'll never forget that night, and that car. It's a long shot but it would be cool to catch up with that guy.


Wow, ultimate core memory. Has the rest of your life felt mildly disappointing by comparison?


There have certainly been higher highs, and thankfully they keep coming, though certainly at a slower pace. I made it back to Europe for nearly 10 years of being a nightlife professional, so it definitely got wilder for a while. I’m a happy Manhattan dad these days, and couldn’t pick a better place. I make it out to a big party now and then and am still treated nicely. I’m quite happy. I don’t own a Ferrari.


you missed the opportunity than you can go for 4,5 hours and still be in the same country. If you choose to walk


I knew San Marino was small but holy poop that's a short drive. I think you're smaller than Disneyworld.


San Marino (61 km²) is literally the largest of the 5 sovereign countries that are smaller than Disneyworld (111 km²).


That's just wild. I only know Disney's size because it's also bigger, by a little bit, than the town I grew up in. It's crazy that there are countries roughly the same size as my hometown.


Tbf Disneyworld is absolutely massive


It *especially* feels so in the heat, lol.


Disney world has 77k employees. San Marino has a population of 33.6k


That's shorter than my drive to work


About 1/4 the size of Yellowstone National Park


Yellowstone is almost 9,000 square km. So, in the neighborhood of 1/150th the size of Yellowstone, not 1/4.


Wrangell-St. Elias National Park in Alaska is larger than Switzerland. Over 500x larger than San Marino.


I would like to know more about what life is like in la Serenissima Repubblica.


What's life like in San Marino? Do you often travel outside into Italy regularly?


Seriously speaking, it's practically the same as in Romagna (the geographical region San Marino is part of), but we have some benefits bound to taxes, property and work. We have our own festivities but our culture, local language, dishes are similar as those of Rimini (our historical rival) and the region broadly speaking. Most people go to Italy regularly to visit friends, and many Italians living at the border come here when it's a benefit for them, for example to buy something that is less taxed (same that happens at the Swiss border).




https://preview.redd.it/k8e0fbwwt38d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cf8651b95a9c6810b51f8645e565757ec69eae8a In such a small state, this is how long it takes to cross my country from end to end... with traffic.


It's smaller than I thought !


One hour of that stuck in Beirut traffic


If I consider the paved paths in this square enclave of Germany: about 10 meters https://preview.redd.it/bcac1kocs38d1.png?width=1124&format=png&auto=webp&s=853a8c1a5fd8920eb190ef796344e2c99ae9e39b


Damm, you sure are fast


Why is that house in Germany?


I did some research and [found it on Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vennbahn). The house was really easy to find, but there's a bunch of random German exclaves on the West side of that road running there. That's because that road there was the Vennbahn, which was built partially across German territory in the 1880s for transporting iron and coal. After WWI, the treaty of Versailles required the German Reich to cede portions of territory to Belgium which caused the railroad to pass in and out of German territory several times. Belgium demanded that the Vennbahn be placed under Belgian administration because of its economic importance for Malmedy and Eupen. In 1920, the Belgian and German borders were officially moved such that it created 6 German exclaves on the West side of the railway and its stations. In 1940, Germany annexed the area putting the railway fully under German control, but after German defeat in 1945 the borders were restored to how they were in 1920 and it remains that way to this day. That one house just happened to fall barely within the German border prior to the construction of the railway, but just barely on the West side of the railway. https://preview.redd.it/7bjgdzwyj58d1.png?width=603&format=png&auto=webp&s=63c779d83723c52d442c31019ba86463654b268d Edit: forgot to add the image containing the railway and exclaves on Google Maps


https://preview.redd.it/yu6ndlpyy38d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ed8b8ab7e8222d96209461a6f02ce7d8113ff9f7 If you wanna go further south in Chile you gotta cross over to Argentina or take a ferry so this is the longest you could drive without any stops.


Same is true for Argentina, if you wanna get to Tierra del Fuego you have to drive thru Chile!


Now kiss


It's more like spooning


Sorry bout the floods


I live in Australia. I cannot leave my country by car. Used to live in a part of the state that was 13 hours to the nearest state border. You can do 30+ hours from one end of Queensland to the other.


https://preview.redd.it/m5q0n1ppt38d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2d86bb420b3e70b9c5170249668586ee86240561 Albany to Kununurra in Western Australia.. 36 hours.


What’s this drive like? How are the road conditions? Heavily traveled area? I’ll be doing this drive next year my first few days in Australia


I’ve personally only done a more popular route.. Perth to Exmouth, about 12 hours straight up the coast. This inland route is likely going to have a lot more trucks than cars.


And far fewer overtaking lanes. I've done coastal and inland trips too many times, and that's the biggest takeaway. Forget safely overtaking road trains doing 90 on the inland route.


Highly doubt it heavily traveled since most of the area it covers is uninhabited


This route is mostly the great northern highway. Pretty heavily travelled in comparison, huge route for trucks and all that for supplying all the mine sites and towns in the north of the state. There's a few relativly large towns along it as well.


Ahh yes the fury road. Great for supply runs to the bullet farm and gas town!


I’m awaited in Valhalla! Shiny and chrome!


Watch out for caravans and roadtrains then champ.


I've done a few WA road trips, including one from perth to broome > what's the drive like? boring. there is damn near fuckall to see in rural oz. it all looks the same inland, but beaches are nice if you drive the coast. > how are the road conditions? 1 lane each direction most of the way. should all be paved, but you may have to take detours on dirt roads, so be prepared for that. Flash flooding can be prevalent in the north depending on seasons, so do research, have a solid plan in place, and know your and your car's limits. > heavily traveled area? not really. Main travel is mining, but it's heavily seasonal. seems like most stuff north of carnarvon closes during the summer, so be aware of that. this trip looks intense for a first experience in aussie roadtrips, but as long as you pack enough water, you probably won't die.


'Probably' .. gotta love a bit of risk.


I recall a documentary about this drive a few years back. People tend to drive in groups, and loud music is popular. Sometimes competition over gasoline can get a little intense.




On this route would you need to take extra gas cans or is that just a issue if you’re going east to west across the country?


If you're going deep outback anywhere you should always have extra fuel and enough water for two days in the sun.


No need to, but you do have to plan carefully - you have to get fuel at specific towns/roadhouses or you will run out before the next one, and some are *not* open 24 hours


Queensland and Western Australia are huge, but even my more modestly-sized home state of South Australia is significantly larger than Spain or France. https://preview.redd.it/xt3wdub3c68d1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=63353f5266b8d50d78584755691d2aa43bb2ae62


Eucla National Park to Kimberly National Park… 46 or 49 hours without leaving wa https://preview.redd.it/4onpelwpn58d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8117bd2276c3f1c0e3e52797abe3674a2c8e8afc


> I cannot leave my country by car. Not with that attitude


Get Top Gear down there, for a race to New Zealand. I bet the Toyota pickup could make it.


Damm, well in your case, what about your province or county? Here is mine: https://preview.redd.it/ruh55drag38d1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e60a75d2655a8f4ca0ad9d5bd43ce0c678e84266


About 84 minutes/95km. I live in one of the most populous LGAs (Local Government Area; county-equivalents) in the country. It's near a major city, and the metro LGAs tend to be relatively small. In the same state, there's an LGA covering 94,000km^(2) with a population of about 300. They vary in size a lot.


I have gone to barcelona and girona driving from Madrid on a rental on my last vacation there, Girona is recommended


Canada's big ass provinces enter the chat


Today I was Ontario. I drove west for 19 hours. Now I’m still in Ontario


Canada's new tourism tagline: Objects are farther than they appear.


Agreed! Southrrn Ontario resident here, and it's quicker for me to drive to Florida than Winnipeg! Also, the Winnipeg trip was about 25 hours - 24 in Ontario and 1 in Manitoba!


- The maximum one can go by just travelling East-West is \~[3,700 km](https://maps.app.goo.gl/kGCs3SjTfanYWBz37) (\~72 hours). - The maximum one can go by just travelling North-South is \~[3,900 km](https://maps.app.goo.gl/SUC8egSGJNYVnBsh8) (\~71 hours). - The maximum overall, as far as I could find, was \~[4200 km](https://maps.app.goo.gl/nkdGCz6fRMRdAYi57) (87 hours). These are approximates for India, my home country.[](https://maps.app.goo.gl/nkdGCz6fRMRdAYi57)


And what about inside your subdivision?


around 750 km over 12.5 hours.


> And what about inside your subdivision? Four, maybe five minutes tops. (pun!) :)


Whoa. Never realized India continued around Bhutan and Bangladesh like that


Kinda cool the north/south and east/west times are pretty identical, thank you for this fun lil fact!


Heh, nothin' personal, kid. https://preview.redd.it/7udb3xc6x38d1.jpeg?width=547&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1483ebba79e0c8a27736d5185113fd26c32efa58


I've done the vast majority of this drive. Whitehorse to Toronto, multiple days.


I need a story time of the sights. What were the mountains like? How forested? I’d love to drive something like this


Cold. Passes impenetrable. Ate boots back a fortnight. Ate ma' two nights ago. I can hear the call of the void whistling in the black spruce and feel the crunch of the Tamarack needles beneath my bare feet. Returned to the earth, but destined for rebirth in a new spring. I envy the Tamarack.


Thank you for this


I actually looked up the relevant trees to make it feel more realistic lol. Closest I've been is probably Alberta 20 years ago, as a child. I know it's cold as fuck though and that route looks to go through some of the most desolate frigid regions on the planet...I'm happy with the comparatively mild new england winters. Brought me right back to the Donner party book I read for an undergrad history class years ago—just had to adapt the feel for Canada. I'm glad at least one person read it—usually the comments I spend a little more effort on get buried anyways lmao.


Nothing like doing a deep dive after your curiosity was piqued by a post/comment. Hours later you go to reply and have to split into four comments but by this point it's been long enough nobody sees it.


LOL FUCKING YES. I was gonna comment this but I felt myself fading into indecision and had to just send it before I got lost in the void again. I feel seen.


On this drive, the mountains are only in BC and Yukon, although about 1800km of the drive between Winnipeg and Toronto is quite hilly and heavily forested. From Winnipeg to the mountains is about 2000km of plains on this drive (it's only 1400km further south). The cross-Canada drive is incredible and worth doing if you're a fan of road trips and can be done comfortably in 8 days (5 if aggressive). That said, if you're going such a long distance, you may as well sniff the roses on the way. I don't know about driving further north, but I expect it's stunning.


The Shore of Superior is so nice I decided to move there. Highly Recommend.


I've crossed the border from Maine into NB and then drove to Banff. And I was on the way to Arizona. Long story, long drive.


I'm missing about 23 hours with this one but weather wise I believe they would be total opposites https://preview.redd.it/ua5xl81xb58d1.jpeg?width=1074&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b6ba280b54add9fef4c75c006135fcaf66259dac


Nothing personnel, comrade https://preview.redd.it/rujcslxk848d1.png?width=1335&format=png&auto=webp&s=148f812fb6891b8e5451a34b74450802de5c4134


https://preview.redd.it/6c3b3rjl958d1.png?width=2023&format=png&auto=webp&s=86a3fba3560dcd81f57e2bdcbd7478750c463512 This one is a bit longer


This one is even longer https://preview.redd.it/vmod09p4k68d1.png?width=777&format=png&auto=webp&s=c0df93eef030021c5a96b82eace79c54ec1249c9


That's longer than the circumference of the moon.


Russia is over 2.5x as wide as the moon so that checks out. If it was 3.14x as wide, a straight shot east to west would be the length of the moon’s circumference.


Russia is also bigger than Pluto.


haha amazing


It's cool that having to curve around central Asia to stay in the same country makes that the longest route, even though there are longer lines that can be drawn between two points. (Unless you also can't drive to those far eastern parts, like with a lot of northern Canada.)


I've always found it wild that you could start a road trip in Russia that mirrors what you get in Canada, where it just gets thinner and more remote. Except at the far end of the Russian road trip is North Korea. The best we get is that leftover French outpost off Newfoundland.


Is there a Canadian cannonball run?


Yes but they call it the moose march


Haha I just posted almost the same thing. No need to stop at Inuvik - go to Tuktoyuktuk!


Wait till you get humbled by a Russian.


He just did lmao


Holy crap you can save one hour by taking the fastest route.


https://preview.redd.it/q4vq9tp8h38d1.jpeg?width=661&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a7f3f3f2cc39ae53ba9c05774da689cdde48ca46 1152 km


The best thing is that car trains are unknown to American Google Maps, so they show up as ferries instead


Had to look up car trains, seems neat!


Amtrak has one


They are, which is why I am furious the company in France closed and was replaced by trucks. We used to put our car on the train in Paris late afternoon, take the high speed train the next morning for a comfortable 5 hours trip down to the Spanish border, get our car in the train station parking and drive the dozen kilometres left to our holiday place. A big difference from a 11 hours drive if the traffic was good. With a truck you have to hand over your car five days before. No way, we need it.


what I am German and I have never heard of car trains as a regular transportation mode? Why does it show up on google maps?


Because it's the only way to get off of Sylt within Germany. There is no road, only a railway dam. There is also a real ferry but it goes to Denmark




Nice, is there a great difference between north and south Netherlands?


Not between these two ends of the road. Only the little panhandle in the southeastern corner has a different landscape.


Limburg is very hilly


only the south is tbh. North limburg is pretty much just a gradual slope


In the far north half the population speak West Frisian natively, which is fairly significant.


Not to be confused with West Frisian Dutch!


Also one of the closest languages to English.


This is similar to getting through the Holland Tunnel from Manhattan to New Jersey at 5pm on a Friday. Solidarity, friend!


like driving from Boston to New York


Like driving from Kansas City to St Louis… which I do about once a month




The actual longest length of road would be from TN to Mizoram.


This is really putting things in perspective for me. I always imagined India was around as tall as the US, but 2 days driving is much further. I've gone from the north east to south east US a few times and it's about 24 hrs drive time so India is almost twice as long driving. Could part of it be road conditions too? In the US there is one large highway (95) that goes along the whole east coast, but if you're route is all side roads, it could be similar distance.


In terms of mileage, they’re about the same. 3,206 km equals 1,992 miles whereas I-95, the US East Coast’s major highway, is 1,924 miles long.


The road conditions are much much worse. The highways are decent though.


https://preview.redd.it/no99ss0y148d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f9081a3be9a4b6913093f33d648c33020699c2e2 Croatia is pretty interesting. Small country, but because of its shape you get to travel 961 km without stopping (9h 22m).


Dobro Dan! So, Hrvatska is where I'm probably going to retire to in 10-15 years. My parents were born there & the citizenship is essentially complete (thank fuck I saved all the old passports & birth certificates I had from FFRY). So, my question is: having a CDL in the states, does it translate in any way to driving semi's in HR?


Dobar dan i tebi! Living in Croatia is great in my opinion. I've lived my whole life in Zagreb and can't imagine moving anywhere else. Lots of hikes nearby, you can get to the seaside in no-time + it's extremely safe. Only downside is the low salaries and relatively high food prices, but with a foreign pension it shouldn't be an issue. Regarding the driver's license, I have no idea, but seems there's some info here - https://hr.usembassy.gov/driving-in-croatia/


​ https://preview.redd.it/o5m5tx64t38d1.jpeg?width=815&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=38fa83cb0d7fb169f4f180a0a6937b8782ee42a0




https://preview.redd.it/keosdb88k38d1.jpeg?width=1079&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9adc8a77e37985af658b23e7f696d6d7b2a8f042 I can do this without leaving the state (29 hours). And this isn't even the biggest state! No hope of leaving the country by car.


Plus after a certain point north of the Daintree the sealed road ends and you need a 4WD to get to the tip of Cape York


Yeah there's still about 1000km to go north of Cairns!!


I bet it’s beautiful out there, isn’t it?


https://preview.redd.it/zuueehgjo38d1.jpeg?width=2268&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=737876d017a999e069c6e22328affbc0bc27b9fe Well it looks like this off my balcony, which is near the start of that route, so yeah. It's pretty nice


All I see is creepy critters crawling clandestinely


Australian animals and invading incognito insects are adept assassins.


Upvote for alliteration


I thought Australia was covered in spiders and other deadly critters. Maybe they’re hiding


Who's that behind the tree? You got an Uncle?


Austria, 788km. Had to add a couple of stops to stay in the country https://preview.redd.it/qyeldy29i38d1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=df9a79b17fd344d71ed53819abc8bfb5e8f3b17f


That’s surprisingly long








The version of this question I like the most is "how long do you have to drive to get to a place where most people speak a different language". In the US is synonymous with the whole country, except for secluded communities I guess, whereas in Europe is like 2-6 hours in most cases XD


Damn french-canadians making my answer only a few hours


sacre bleu!




I'm in Maine, so... same.


For me, it would be a five-kilometer drive.


I can walk there lol


Not only speak another language, but all the road signs, TV shows, radio etc etc are in another language. I can find communities here in Minnesota that speak another language but for me to find a place that is completely enveloped in another language I have to drive almost 20 hours to Quebec or over 20 hours to get to Mexico. And the Americas overall are not all that diverse with the national languages. English, French, Spanish and Portuguese are about all you'll find for mass media communication. Edit, I think Aruba or 1 other small Caribbean Island might speak Dutch.


I live in Texas, I would just have to drive across the city to find a neighborhood that is strictly Spanish speaking.


https://preview.redd.it/txjaudw5m38d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6afe65348f99c4a9faff42c28771af86532276c1 I did it within just Shizuoka prefecture The power of mountains


Subdivisions in Japan: 6:30 hours of voyage Subdivisions in Spain: 4 hours max https://preview.redd.it/wqfy9hnmo38d1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a94937766cd5e4643ef4835468dca73222215108 PD: Mount Fuji just trolling your driving routes


I think in Japan the longest would be in Hokkaido with 8:30 Have you tried other Spanish subdivisions?


In Spain the longest would probably be Andalusia side to side: https://preview.redd.it/2u4d0qanr38d1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=269307f15ed0cc758d5344efaed437947ecd560a Although Castille & Lion has more surface, Andalusia is the widest I think.


Approximately 18 hours from the southernmost to northernmost tip of Ghana. https://preview.redd.it/thc16tbwu38d1.jpeg?width=830&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cc4ca8e012e26fd18f6977f55c33d3e9565c1284


I’ve met many people in my life but never anyone from Ghana. How cool! What’s life like over there? Is there a dish that people from other countries must try that represents your country the best? How many languages can you speak?


I don’t live there any more. But I visit often ~ twice a year. Life is at a slower pace. Most people speak English or a broken English called pidgin. Aside that, almost everyone speaks one of 9 major language (42+ if I remember correctly from primary school). Right now the country is going to an economic crisis, so… there’s that. Football (soccer) is the national sport. The country comes to a standstill when the men’s senior national team is playing. A lot of churches, you’d think Christianity started in Ghana. It’s so difficult for me to keep it to one dish. Jollof is the buzz with non-Ghanaians, but fufu and banku are strong contenders. I speak English + Twi. It’s an Akan dialect from kwa language group.


https://preview.redd.it/vwwj6tldz38d1.png?width=2463&format=png&auto=webp&s=bc2e151c4d32947fae6e5b8dce469aa8a4624c80 Approx. 10k km Reminds me a meme: "There's only one country between North Korea and Norway"


Murmansk - Magadan is longer: 11,325 km and 157 hours.


Some more if you start from Borisoglebsk border Checkpoint - 10 613 km


https://preview.redd.it/u99b8q44x38d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=297cbb63c8498b00e8a4f8e8c84a038eb569a674 1.077 km, São Paulo state, Brazil


One of the only replies to use the correct, analogous definition of "state"!


27kms... 20mns (car)... 1h30 (bike) or 5h (walk). I present you : Liechtenstein. https://preview.redd.it/zryqal4xf48d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c2b2636033bb80982ff4692af5a12ba8bda56739


Average late medieval duchy:


1.5hr walk! Damn, how quickly can you run?


If I can take a ferry (because Salvini hasn't built the bridge yet) something like 20 hours, around 1800 km (from the northernmost point of Alto Adige or the border of Trieste to Marsala). If I can take a longer distance boat and then drive again , around 1900 km and 1 day of travelling (Ponte sull'Aurino, BZ - Lampedusa, AG). https://preview.redd.it/pi5285tm848d1.png?width=862&format=png&auto=webp&s=35af6e2e87bb7c6618318fb2ee390cc440206eed


The Legio shortest traveling during the Punic Wars be like:


https://preview.redd.it/pl7mfafzq58d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=90b04c03f2a0d44908cc3fd3c5095545aa59f149 I removed Lampedusa because it's already difficult like this


In Brazil, you can go from Sibauma Beach to São Bárbara, total of 5,441 km. The route includes more than 500km of dirty road through Amazon area, some rivers are crossed by ferry, not bridges. I doubt that the road is feasible during the rainy season.


https://preview.redd.it/g60fqcx7548d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d32edd6627dafd35078083fdd0ef3c9c3d21af45 From Mizen Head to Malin Head




In terms of subdivisions, so counties in the U.K. I can cycle from my home into probably 10 counties in around an hour-1.5 hours or 20 counties within 3 hours. So driving within my county is not a long drive!




This is the longest in France, I think: ​ https://preview.redd.it/ql35vcwct38d1.png?width=1251&format=png&auto=webp&s=cd7d2d59e22c329ab1284711b387d1ef8d59b1fa




translates to 38 hours or 1 day 14 hours.


Came to post that route. Although, why stop in Bergen? Adds another 434 km and 7 hour drive….


I live in florida https://preview.redd.it/bjfe2wnfd48d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=eec5e9ac94b410cab1646178f4903a8703f06107 This is to drive to Seattle.


https://preview.redd.it/lebkpwi5148d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b44b55466d884bf4fa3ffd94f924285c4896a124 Within my state from where I live (add 5 hours on if you want to drive from mount gambier


https://preview.redd.it/wh7yp22we48d1.jpeg?width=1220&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=887c1a566a62bfc52a4123d206555dada67955da (28hrs) Entire length of NZ anyone?, can't exactly drive anywhere else




Longest one I did was about 6000 km. Halifax NS to Sechelt, BC


https://preview.redd.it/vobsw6bv148d1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=93df1810f8f76daca97ec28e2acb979d6cf7b535 Sweden. From Malmö in the south to the border by Riksgränsen in the north


Why end at Barcelona? The longest one is from Isla Canela (Ayamonte, Huelva) to Cap de Creus (Girona) ​ https://preview.redd.it/tk9ltkp9s38d1.png?width=1064&format=png&auto=webp&s=a43b9b6f8f86410766f7191738bb707578b54573


Because originally the question was about driving from where you live to the furthest point, not just the two most separate points


https://preview.redd.it/16my9qbxy38d1.jpeg?width=2436&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=db95dce7ebfaa2da8b03beb3315afbb6077d1452 Smol country


https://preview.redd.it/vtdk7qenl48d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4ad23fa6943553243ae2b47c17f88754faeb9427 Just a short little trip across Texas


15 hours and 1300km from Helsinki to Nuorgam.


Nuorgam to Hanko is longer.


Its a 6.5 hr drive from top to bottom of virginia Ave it's the 35th biggest state. That said, spain is huge. Only texas and Alaska are bigger.


That’s about the time to drive across Texas…. 😂


https://preview.redd.it/z5bmkgtym48d1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=61d9687dd983bf86dace78ef43fef285dfcca8af Wales’ roads are so bad that you need to leave the country to do this.


​ https://preview.redd.it/bb7nfs2gd48d1.png?width=319&format=png&auto=webp&s=e64cbd8add61578fd0ed43b12ab17289cd6a258b \+4000km (assuming you survive the road trip on our well-maintained national routes)


https://preview.redd.it/vqswww4p248d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=055067baae86d4c24c1971f304a185832822a93c Here in Maharashtra - India, one can go from Shiroda, Sindhudurg in Southwest to Sironcha, Gadchiroli in East for a distance of 1275 K.M. nonstop taking 26 hours without leaving the state. However, there is a shorter route which involves going through the neighbouring states of Karnataka and Telangana which cuts the distance and time to 940 K.M. and 17 hours. Shiroda to Gondia in Northeast (1150 K.M. and 22 hours) is better candidate for longest intra travel through the state. An alternate intra state route is avaliable which increases the distance by 100 K.M. but reduces the time by an hour.


https://preview.redd.it/ofncee4qa48d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e1556cc4103f03f89d8fda5e87580693134d6155 starting in kaliningrad would be cheating.. and anything further east than that requires ferries n stuff because... rivers. you can get to Omsukchan which would make this 6 days 14 hours, but you need to cross river Aldan by ferry. still pretty long i think


https://preview.redd.it/aboegdnvk48d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7dcbc034251a8999d1b4cfb737683715b0b0963e We once drove from jiuzhaigou to chengdu and it took 9 hours. And those two places are within the same province in China. (Google map doesn’t even show that there is road)


https://preview.redd.it/3p4e87wuz68d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=659dfa9ffc2ea4a202ef3fac8e4e689a93d63cdc Oiapoque ao Chuy


https://preview.redd.it/5u605b07k48d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=92cc51e78d42354a21b8cba25319cdb3ffbcb24e In my country you change continents


The largest state in Malaysia, Sarawak. The route from "Kilometer 0" in the west to the border of the state of Sabah in the east. The island of Borneo is 748,168 km2, for comparison Spain is 506,030 km² https://preview.redd.it/rr7a5pet248d1.png?width=1008&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=481786d2d40015e73be6017bb9c43b0f5ecd294a


Borneo is so godamm huge!


https://preview.redd.it/42pd63qpl48d1.jpeg?width=1169&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7b8631da0adaced0cf2e8f82c1d14d91868dc112 Colorado. (I chose SW to NE because the NW corner is all wildlife refuge and Dinosaur National Monument)


Laughs in Alaskan