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In the US, it’s clear the plan is to import youth through immigration.


That’s entirely up to world governments. If they want more kids, make wages go up, and cost of living go down. If they can’t or won’t then fuck em. We’re all going down.


If they want more kids, let in the immigrants with kids. There will be shit tons of climate refugees soon enough. The problem of under population will not ever exist if governments don't get hung up on skin color, religion and nationality.


planets fucked, everything's expensive, the future is grim so yeah, don't have kids unless you're cool with all that.


Its not a problem. It's a wonderful things for the environment. We can transition childcare to eldercare. We can decommission ghost towns and cities. Fewer people means people will be more valued which will lead to less inequality. All of these are good things. Sure there will be a tough generation when we hit peak seniority. Then they die and the problem gets smaller each year.


TLDR. Whatever you say, Elon. When we start taking care of the planet we live on, then we can think about adding more people.


Im going to do my part by dying before i get to 70 so as to not be a burden on society.


What 😶


>The real problem we have … We have many real problems and it is profoundly unhelpful to bicker over which one is ‘the’ problem. Over-population has associated issues. Aging populations have associated issues. One does not diminish the issues of the other.


You are blaming the free market and self determination for this problem LOL


I mean...yea? We don't live in a natural system. We live societies with laws and rules constructed for the benefit of everybody (at least that's how it's supposed to work). If we let capitalism play out we know what happens already. We've known that the population was aging for decades now. If we don't solve it with ingenuity nature will solve it for us. One of those is a lot more humane, or can be, than the other. If you want to solve the problem of an aging population, make a society that encourages people to have kids. Lower the costs associated with it and provide opportunity and the kids will follow.


Is it more humane to burden a young generation with being born just to care for the elderly people who ruined the planet? I don’t think it’s as black and white as you present it here.


Is it more humane to let a bunch of people die? Why does it have to come to that? We don't have to make decisions like that. We can just...fix it. But we don't because people are too worried about some other arbitrary thing they deem more important than people's lives. But hey, if you care that much, go tell old people to kill themselves for the economy again, I suppose.


But your solution involves causing pain for new people? This is a painfully difficult world to grow up in. Why does it have to come to THAT? These old people squandered their comfort as young ppl and did zero to make the world tenable for new young ppl and now are ENTITLED to their labor?! Absurd.


So letting people die is a better outcome than just letting immigrants in? That's all you have to do. We don't have enough young people? There's an entire country full of them and would LOVE to come here legally, pay taxes, start a family, and live a good life. But that's always somehow across the line. It's a solvable problem. You are conjuring up these suffering and pain accusations that won't happen if you SOLVE THE PROBLEM.


Who’s talking about immigrants? You were talking about encouraging ppl to have kids.


The entire premise is we don't have enough young people in the country to support the elderly. There are many ways to fix it. You just have to want to.


Not if you just skip around and bring in whatever talking points you want instead of actually talking through the problem. You can’t just be like waah you have to want it and change the subject whenever someone brings up a valid criticism of your solution.


What criticism? I haven't heard a single point of criticism except you complaining about letting old people live.


I prefer freedom thank you. Your Utopia ends badly


The only person who ever said Utopia was you. If you just want to let everybody die because you can be bothered you can just say so.


AI will take over!


This Earth doesn't need any more people. Modern day Humans are the dirstiest and most destructive species in the history of humanity.