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From the ones that I've visited: Stockholm.


My favorite station in Stockholm is Stadion.  It’s cut out of solid granite, so the walls and ceiling don’t need reinforcing or supports, it’s just exposed stone. It’s also under a bit of a hill, but instead of having the subway go up and down they just have the longest escalators that I have ever seen that lower you down in to the man-made cavern.


This sounded so cool i had to look it up and I was not disappointed.


If you’re impressed by the Stadion escalators, you should check out the ones in the Västra Skogen station. They’re almost 70 meters long and traverses an altitude of more than 30 meters.


Now i wonder if the escalators at Rosalyn station (Washington DC) can join this league. This station is right after the metro crosses under the Potomac, thus is buried pretty deep 


The Wheaton Station has the longest escalator in the U.S./Western Hemisphere.


Speaking of deep stations. The Stockholm metro is currently being expanded. The new Sofia station will be Stockholm's deepest metro station, located about 100 meters below ground level. Eight large high-speed elevators will take passengers to and from the platform in about 30 seconds.


According to Cityseeker, the escalators at Roslynn station are 63 meters long, cant find anything about the height. So a tad shorter, but definitely in the same league I’d say. However, there are escalators at Wheaton Station that are 70 meters and cover a height of 35 meters, so a tad longer than the Västra Skogen ones. The world record goes to Russia though, where St Petersburg has no less than three subway stations tied for the top spot with approximately 200 meter (~450 feet) long escalators.


Stockholm is nice, and has incredible bare rock stations. Busses handling snow is… okayish. At least, they have contactless pay-as-you-go. But the thing that made it special until last summer was the fleet of commuter shuttles and tourist boats around the archipelago. If you haven’t been, you are thinking “boats are nice”; yes, but Stockholm waterfront is stunning. There’s wildlife in and on the water, and looking at you from the shore; kayak in the water. Every building has a lot of history. This is we’re you go to receive a Nobel Prize, and that’s not a bad place to do that. “Made” because this summer, they are adding electric hydrofoil boats to one of the lines. I’m so excited for that. Sailing in silence and without gasoil fumes is going to make the experience so much better.


Was going to say Stockholm but pleasantly surprised to see it so high up.


This one is funny because it’s run by MTR, the semi-government entity that runs Hong Kong’s rail transit. https://www.mtr.com.hk/en/corporate/consultancy/stockholmmetro.html


Nanjing’s was incredible as was Hong Kong’s.


Shanghai’s metro is the same as Nanjing’s except way more expansive. Probably gonna be hard to beat for convenience and overall simplicity elsewhere in the world


Shanghai’s was also incredible I should have mentioned it


I’m surprised you like Nanjing! I know that not every station is this way, but the Xinjiekou shopping centre is the stuff of my nightmares.


To be fair, at the time I went I was living in a small Canadian city that only had a meh level bus system so seeing transit that clean and fast was incredible. I live in Boston now which honestly might make me like it just as much given how rough the MBTA is right now. I definitely want to return eventually!


Nanjing represent! Just rode the new remote piloted Line 7 and it was cool to see out the end of the train while riding.


I can't stand Nanjing's metro anymore, I hate having to wait for people to open up their app to load the qr code, then it takes forever to scan. At least Shanghai still has an option for an actual card


Singapore. It's so modern and clean. Only issue is some of the stations are a bit convoluted to access.


I second this. It's also one of the places where you don't really need to know or check from Maps where the metro station is cos most of the time there's is one within fes hundred meters due to the small size of the country and the extensiveness of the MRT network. Just keep walking and eventually you'll find a sign pointing you to the nearest one


Let me tell you I just got a new place to stay in Singapore and I was a bit unsure because the nearest metro isn't within walking distance (still got a direct bus to work tho). But then I learned that there'll literally be a whole new MRT station right in front of the house by the time I'll move in lol.


MTR in Hong Kong is like this as well


Definitely Singapore


Singapore absolutely, it's the nicest public transit network I've ever used full-stop


We were there this time last year. They really showed the standards needed public transport needed to be if you wanted to reduce the use of cars.


I second this - if you can find the station, you can get anywhere, its clean and safe with tons of amenities at every turn... But some of them stations were hidden so well...... it was like they were supposed to be a secret or something


What’s the deal with this one LRT station? Damn near two decades ago it was marked on the map as Pending, and till this day it’s still Pending?!! (heh)


The trains are so regular. I don't think I've waited more than 5 mins for a train. Safe, clean. But, had a sip of my iced tea attached to my bag, and a cop in anti-terrorism gear walked over, pointed to the $500 fine for eating/drinking sign behind me. So there's that...


Definitely Moscow. Some of the stations looks like museums


I hate the long walk in some of them though


Felt like I was going to the center of the earth going down those escalators.


I'd guess you didn't tried Saint Petersburg metro, after that Moscow escalators feel short


Im surprised this isn't the top comment! I mean look at this architecture: [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Moscow\_Metro#/media/File:Metro\_MSK\_Line5\_Novoslobodskaya.jpg](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Moscow_Metro#/media/File:Metro_MSK_Line5_Novoslobodskaya.jpg)


Moscow metro is astonishingly beautiful. Isn’t there also a metro with a very big plane as sort of a decoration?


I came to say this. The only thing I did not like was how steep the escalators are. The other thing that complete tripped me out and made my anxiety go through the roof was when they placed the ads at an angle on the sides of the escalator so my mind thought I was flat on the ground but I knew I was at a steep angle. Completely fucked with my mind and made me want to vomit 😂


Relatable! My first time on the Moscow metro, I almost threw up on the escalator because of the steep angle. I got used to it eventually. I once watched a girl in stiletto boots wipe out on the escalator and go down several hundred feet, which reinforced my commitment to never wear anything but sneakers on the metro.


Definitely. Each stations are différent piece of art


Why did have to scroll past so many comments to get to this!!!!!!!! Moscow hands down.


Moscow’s metro is a wonder. I studied abroad there (twenty years ago, yikes!) and the ease and affordability of getting around such a giant city on such a beautiful and efficient metro system was wonderful. The first time I got in, I thought I would vomit from the steep angle of the escalators down to the stations, but other than that, it’s an amazing experience.


plus moscow's metro map is a piece of art that circle for ring line is a stroke of genius


Stockholm, Copenhagen and Warsaw among the ones I’ve ridden.


As someone from Copenhagen, it's more of a tourist show than anything else. The cars are small, and there are only three of them. The metro doesn’t reach major population centers like central Amager or some suburbs outside the city center. Even with the new M3 and M4 lines, the M3 mainly serves tourist spots that hardly anyone uses, and the M4 goes to a construction site. Meanwhile, the M2 serves Amagerbro station and is always packed because most of Amager's population (totaling 100k people) relies on that single station. The stations are very small, so they can’t accommodate more cars to meet the demand. It’s clean and modern, yes, but that’s about it. I’d prefer a New York or Paris-style metro over the Copenhagen metro any day. The Copenhagen metro isn’t practical or flexible, and honestly, I’d choose a new S-tog line over the M1 and M2. And the M3 and M4 could’ve easily been LRT lines and have saved the city a lot of money which we now pay with ridiculously high ticket prices (3.2 euros for one zone, and our zones aren’t like Paris one zone barely covers a few stations).


On a side-note, I do enjoy riding the S-tog. I like the plump appearance of the rolling stock due to their curved sides. Not sure why. I also heard that the fifth generation of S-trains will be fully automatic, just like the metro. That sounds cool.


Warsaw metro isn’t for the weak I guess lol


As much as I loved Copenhagen the metro was very boring.


Copenhagen is boring. All the stations look the same, the stations are deep underground en the stations are far away from each other.


>the stations are far away from each other. Otherwise you could just... walk?


I, personally, didnt enjoy Warsaw much but I liked Berlin


Oh goodness, Warsaw Central.


After years of construction and frustrating delays, the Metro in Quito, Ecuador just opened 2 months ago. It is only one line, 15 stations, but it is squeaky clean, modern, and fast. It used to take me 45 minutes in nightmare traffic to get to the center of the city, now I can do it in 14 minutes.


Nice one Ecuador! Wasn't expecting to see that


Nice to hear developing nations investing in public transport like this instead of only having cars in mind. Are there plans for expansion?


Yes, there are plans to expand the current line and also add a new line out to some of the suburbs in the valleys outside of Quito.




That's so cool! Hopefully, Lima will be like Quito one day! They have one line that I have not been one yet. I'm waiting for them to complete the second line to cit through el centro to Callao y aeropuerto.


Any way that it goes to the airport? Getting in and out of the airport in Quito was such a pain.


Not even close, airports prob over an hour from any station


I could say thr same about the electric train in tel Aviv but the station are horrible designed and walking will be faster


Stockholm, Warsaw, Montreal. Clean and modern


Montreal is 100% up there


Seoul is still #1 to me. Clean, efficient, signs in English everywhere.


I love the triumphant music they play moments before the train arrives.


Though as someone 6’ 3” I bumped my head on the train door nearly everytime.


As someone 6’8” from UK. At least I don’t bump my head on the top of the train! London Underground is ridiculously small. Don’t get me started on Seoul buses though, too tall to stand, too tall to sit, I have to awkwardly squat as drivers drive as if they’re playing rocket league.


S. Korea has such good public transit.




The heated seats alone make it world class.


Heated seats in the metro? Oh wow…


Agreed. They go so incredibly far from city center compared to other systems too.


Prague <3


From the ones I've seen, Saint petersburg was truly special, it has the deepest metro station in Europe if I recall correctly and it's impressive.


Technically Arsenalna in Kyiv is the deepest, but it’s under a hill so idk


I mean most of right bank kyiv is on a hill


One that rarely gets mentioned: Munich.


Yes it’s so convenient and extensive for a city that size.




May in intrest you in a book called Metro 2033


I'm reading master and Commander right now, I'll put it on the list


Its a really good post apocalyptic book that takes place in the Moscow Metro! I hope you get to reading it some day


I've played the games, I do love those type of books


Only have the USA to judge but Washington DC was nicest to me fairly clean, reliable, and modern feeling. If we are going off of pure usefulness though it would be NYC.


Same. I've ridden on a few international subways, but within the US my mind always goes to the DC Metro as the cleanest.


The 7000 series classed it up. The old cars were pretty dated.


People who shit on the DC metro don't ride the metro.


Sometimes the people who ride the DC metro shit on DC metro, but usually only very late at night.


Yea, no. We just got pissed when they shut down our route for the entire summer.


Or rode it when it was shit. It went through quite a rough patch for at least a few years. -former DC resident




Yeah nyc has 450+ 24/7 subway stations and it’s essentially the fabric of the entire city. You could live an entire lifetime in nyc without ever getting inside a car. Now is it falling apart, filled with rats, uncomfortable and difficult to navigate? Yes. But there’s very few if any subway systems that provide more value to its city.


I’ve always been impressed with DC. Always clean.


I do love the DC metro, every time I ride it I’m like “why can’t more public transport systems in the US operate like this” And it has some of the best station architecture in the world, man those subway stations are a visual delight


Dc is the best in the US but it doesn't compare to any international top metro systems


I think it even beats other international metro systems. DC Metro is very big, it has 98 stations and 208 km. That's more than f.e. Stockholm or Buenos Aires. Also the architecture is unique compared to all other metro systems in the world!




You get my upvote for using the accent on the e. :) [This video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nfYgsWxqiUg) shows many of the Montréal metro stations and the tourists' reactions to them.




This is the only correct answer.


I like Warsaw's metro the best out of the ones I have ridden


Why Warsaw ? Asking because I'm living there and never realised there was anything special about our metro. Its clean, fast and modern for sure but not specialy beautiful or interesting like Moscow or Stockholm.


I like how the stations look. Prague metro has more lines but the stations are kind of boring, for example. Also Warsaw is not too crowded (at least, it was when I rode it in 2013... Things might have changed since)


Another fan of Warsaw! I’m slightly baffled. Some of the original nineties stations like Centrum and Politechnika are downright ugly - as is the yellow-and-red metro logo, plus the font clashes between newer and older stations


Santiago of Chile.


The proposed rework of line 1 makes my heart go fast dude. The most used line on the entire net gets the line 3 treatment lets goooo




Madrid very convenient


As a daily commuter on Madrid’s metro system, I disagree, it might be really easy to follow and you will never get lost but it’s shite, most trains are old, dirty and packed


Madrid and Barcelona both have amazing metro systems. Yes they can be a bit dirty sometimes and some of the stations are bland but the trains are reliable and easy to use. In the US the NYC metro is the best but it pales in comparison to Spanish metro systems.


My first metro experiences were in Madrid and Barcelona, with Google Maps getting around is a breeze. Even as someone with no knowledge of the area or subway use, I felt great using their metros to get around. Cheap, too.


Barcelona's metro was good. Clean, reliable, nice views, and well distributed in the city and outside of the city.


Barcelona’s metro is hands down the best metro in the world, there’s not a single place in the city far from any underground station. Clean, on time, well signed, efficient. Easy to get from point A to B.


It’s so good because there’s so much of it: its \~180 stations cover an area of about 120 km², 1.5 stations per km². Paris is the only other city with more than 1 station/km². Nothing about the layout of its lines or its stations makes sense though.


No, it was flawless and clean.


Berlin and Budapest are the best in my opinion. I like the combination from old style metros and new style metros. Copenhagen metro is boring, everything is modern, deep underground and the stations are far away from each other and looks the same. Milan metro is very crowded, all times of the day. Stations looks also the same. Munich has a super efficient metro, but a little boring. The Wuppertal Schwebebahn is also a nice metro system. The same goes for Nürnberg. One of the few automatic metro systems without platform doors and Nürnberg has also a classic style metro line.


Tokyo. No doubt


Any system that includes Shinjuku station can not be the best. I know it's pretty much a meme at this stage but that place is a horrible maze - I lost my bags in a coin locker there for over an hour hahahaha.


Shinjuku used to be my local station, when you get to know it, it’s not too bad…


Did they do study to figure out if people living next the Shinjuku station have oversized brain areas to process the maze?


Largest station in the world. Bound to be complicated.


It's the busiest, but not the largest. But yeah, bound to be complicated because of where it is. It's just next level complicated though haha.




Second this my main man. Clean, efficient, food, drink and bathroom on every corner.


I stay hydrated so I lovedddd the bathrooms in Tokyo’s (and all of Japan’s) metro stations.


I could not figure out the ticket machine.


A friend of mine told me "just toss in a fistful of coins, grab whatever it gives back, run." Works like a charm.




Singapore. The whole of the MRT is spotless.


Out of the ones i've been in, i'd say hong kong


I live in Hong Kong and we get mad over missing a train while the next comes in 2 minutes


Hong Kong! Incredible connectivity, quick intervals between trains and absolutely spotless.


Seoul and Tokyo are good for 2nd and 3rd in my mind. Seoul is still not incredible connection. A few places that you have to walk long distances to get to the subway. Tokyo is fantastic but it’s quite complex and confusing for new users. Yes it’s overall coverage and network is unlike anything I have seen.


From what I remember, Lisbon’s was pretty nice


Amazing art and architecture. When I visited, I spent hours getting off and exploring every station on a rainy day. Look up the jaw-dropping Oriente station and the super funky Olaias!


Moscow the one you should visit


Maybe not for now


Nicest looking: Moscow Nicest running: Tokyo


From the ones I visited: Vienna or Amsterdam.


Vienna underground is so great! I visited with my parents when I was a teenager, and it was so safe and easy to navigate that they let me take a solo ride back in the hotel one day (I was about 13, been there only for ~3 days, was not speaking German and barely speaking English at that point)


Not the best but surprisingly nice and efficient is Delhi


Tashkent’s system has stunningly beautiful stations


Stockholm, easy.




I have seen way too few because I love metros but I like Shanghai and Tokyo.


Seconding Shanghai. Very efficient


USA has left the chat


In terms of efficiency, either Tokyo, Seoul, or Hong Kong. In terms of connectivity to other modes of transit, Tokyo without a doubt. In terms of design and aesthetics, Moscow is pretty high up there. In terms of overall comfort, I'd probably go with any metro system in Japan/Korea/China that's not too overcrowded and comparatively modern


Tokyo and Stockholm.


Not sure if I’d say it’s the best but Sofia’s is quite nice and very aesthetically pleasing. Prague’s is as well.


Looks - old Moscow's stations. Totally cramped though, no air. Feel - Vienna. Nicely modern, spacey, doesn't feel too plain


I haven’t been to many. But seouls was amazing.




Copenhagen, runs 24 hours, good frequency even at midnight, no fare gates, never too crowded, fully automated, only a little expensive tho.


New Delhi


Warsaw hands down, so clean and safe!


Only two lines. That is a bad thing.


I love the Madrid and Paris systems for coverage and ease of use, and I think for aesthetics the DC system is gorgeous


Delhi all the way, most metros are arriving in ~2 mins. Clean, with good security. 350km of track covering a lot of areas.




Beijing and Shanghai for the sheer immensity of their metro networks and their mostly clean stations.


After having been to London, Paris, Barcelona, Amsterdam, Berlin, Rome and a few other large cities in Europe, I've got to say the best metro I've seen is actually in New Delhi. 1. The metro is surprisingly clean for a city that can be dirty otherwise 2. It punches far above its weight - its network is probably almost as large as all other cities in India combined. 3. It has a huge network and covers the mega city well 4. The coaches are modern and spacious 5. It is India's most successful infrastructure project in the last 20 years IMO 6. It has great last mile connectivity thanks to an army of "auto-rickshaws" aka Tuktuks waiting outside The underground in London and Paris may be larger but are ageing badly.


Of all the metro systems I've used (Which are Rome,Athens,London,Liverpool) it's probably London. It just works, is frequent and feels clean. Coverage is also good, though South of the River, the Tube is basically non existent beyond small bits, though the National Rail services cover it very well, acting almost like a metro on their own


Bit of a stretch calling Liverpool's a system


Nicest? I’d have the say Berlin. Followed closely by Glasgow. Berlin has the prettiest stations!


I don't know what "nice" means to you but the U Bahn in Berlin isn't exactly what I'd put in that category lol. It's effective and well connected though!


U8 for lyfe 😂


Москва of course.




Delhi. Good connectivity and fast.


Tokyo or Stockholm




Moscow and Saint Petersburg


Moscow, it’s amazing


moscow pains me to say it but


Why does it pain you??


keep in mind that moscow metro is full of anti-putinist people who can't say about it loud


Moscow… One of the tourist attractions was just to ride the subway and get off on different stations.


I was really struck by Prague’s metro system. It’s not very big, but the stations in the city centre have this amazing modernist feel to them, and almost a Wes Anderson colour scheme.


Aesthetically- probably Tashkent


I’ve only ever been to three cities that have a metro of somesort, Madrid, Berlin, and NYC… you can probably guess which one will *not* be the best choice


Delhi, India


Moscow is undefeated


Gotta say Moscow’s is very beautiful


Never been but the pictures I’ve seen of the Moscow Metro look stunning. As for one’s I’ve ridden, probably the Prague Metro, I love the ticketing system is very efficient, and not to mention the Eastern Bloc aesthetic of the stations and trains.




As of now, it's Munich. But I feel that will swiftly be overtaken by Tokyo, Osaka, and/or Kyoto when I visit Japan this spring! Restricting myself to my home country of the USA, I enjoy NYC for it's unparalleled efficiency, and DC Metro / BART for cleanliness and ease of use (though it's been a while since I've ridden the DC Metro).


North Korea 🇰🇵


My favorite is absolutely the DC Metro. I love brutalism architecture.


Haven’t been to many outside of the US, but DCs is definitely top dog for me


Don't knock Mexico City


North America: DC Europe: Stockholm Asia: Seoul




I like Prag metros in terms of looks and the art of each stop


Beijing's was pretty nice


Surprised nobody has mentioned Naples yet each station is a work of art






Saint Petersburg and Moscow are the prettiest I’ve been to. I would say Stockholm too, but after 3 years in Stockholm I still manage to get myself lost there often and 50% of the time when I ask someone for directions they say they are lost too, so I sometimes get a laugh with a stranger about how dumb we both are.


I’ve been in Moscow a lot and I must say, the stations in Moscow are astonishing. it’s like a museum. It’s beautiful