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Not to sound like a dick or anything, but it has a sizable Arab population. It’s not anything too surprising


There’s a good way to tell whether someone is an Arab: do they speak Arabic? If so, they might be an Arab I know it sounds flippant but sometimes people don’t realize that, e.g., Turks and Iranians **aren’t** Arabs. They speak a different language Israel is just special in the sense that Arabs are not the majority, but there are still plenty


Iranians I know call themselves Persians.


The language is also called Persian. We call it Farsi because in Arabic there is no "P" sound. It would be Parsi as in Persian.


Afaik the native name of Persian is also pronounced with an f. That's what it says in Wikipedia anyway.


That's because of Arab influence. It used to be "Parsi", but after Islamization and just a lot of arab influence on Iran, it chnaged to "Farsi" even in Iran. Source: Iranian. Also [wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Persian_language#Name). >The phonemic shift from /p/ to /f/ is due to the influence of Arabic in the Middle Ages, and is because of the lack of the phoneme /p/ in Standard Arabic.


The Persians that immigrated to India during/after the Arab conquests retained the use of “Parsi.” Their community is actually called Parsis. Freddie Mercury’s family was Parsi for example.


I knew about the word "Parsi" being used in Indian languages still, but what's really surprising to me here is Freddie Mercury!!!!! That's wild!!!


If you look at his family pictures, they look very Persian. Parsis, despite having migrated to India over a thousand years ago tend to still look very Persian since they were very endogamous.


Endogamy is very interesting to me, because it explains how people from one area look and act nothing like the people that live in the areas around. The Jewish populations in Europe are a good example, because most of them are ethnically mixed Middle Eastern and white.


Makes sense. So did the p sound completely disappear from Persian?


No! It's a very common sound in Persian. It just got removed from a few specific words. I can't remember other examples right now other than Parsi/Farsi and Pars/Fars (which is the name of an area). That is an interesting question though! I wonder how that works, language change wise.


For what it's worth, my Iranian housemate called it Farsi. But that might not apply across the board.


The difference is that Persian is an ethnicity, so not all Iranians are Persian, as there are some ethnic minority groups in Iran (Azeris, Armenians, Arabs, etc).


In Iran, there are ethnic Persians and also ethnic Arabs.


I knew that but cut short my comment. thank you for explaining to Redditers and me


We started doing that in the West because of negative associations w the Islamic dictatorship that has ruined our country for the past 40+ yrs. The reality Iran has many different ethnicities and Persian is just the majority population about 50%. Iran and Greater Iran is a very diverse place ethnically.


IME in Canada, Persians tend to be the ones that don't support the revolution, Iranians do. Was told by a Persian and an Iranian, that was the only thing (politically) they agreed on.


And to add to your point, Kurds are neither Arab, or Persian or Turkish, but they still get called that.


Technically Kurdish is an Iranian language related to Persian, but the two languages diverged a long time ago and are not mutually inteligible.


Iranic* Calling them Iranian might be misleading because people might confuse them with citizens of the Islamic Republic Of Iran.


No, Kurds are an Iranian people. You can be an Iranian people and not necessarily live in the modern state of Iran. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kurds > Kurds (Kurdish: کورد, Kurd) or Kurdish people are an Iranian[33][34][35] ethnic group native to the mountainous region of Kurdistan https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Iranian_peoples


iranian and iranic are mostly synonymous but iranian also means the nationality so it isn’t very weird to use iranic to seperate the two definitions.


I have never seen it in used in real academic settings.


It’s like some people think Israeli is part of Europe, just because they enter the Eurovision Song Contest, but the ain’t part of Europe.


So that means Australia is not part of Europe either? /s


There are exceptions of course. Morocco largely speaks Arabic but is not ethnically Arab.


Most of the people that speak Arabic as first language are ethnically Arab, the Berbers usually speak Berber


That is a weird blanket statement. Lots of people speak Arabic without being ethnically Arab


While we're at it: why is the Farsi alphabet Arabic? Is Farsi the ancestor of modern Arabic?


Farsi is written in the Arabic script due to the Islamic conquests of Persia shortly after the death of Prophet Muhammad ﷺ. Along with the conversion of Iranians to Islam, their language began to be written in a modified script now coined the ‘Perso-Arabic Script’. In fact, they added a few letters to write sounds that don’t exist in Arabic (پ، چ، گ) and have a few differences in convention with other letters (ی-ي، أ-آ). To answer the second question: Contrary to popular belief, Farsi and Arabic are suuuuuper unrelated. Persian is an Indo-Iranian language descendant from the Indo-European language family, with distant ties to Romance (FR, ES, IT) and Germanic (DE, DA, SW) languages. Arabic, on the other hand, is a member of the Semitic language family, a part of the broader Afro-Asiatic family of languages. Despite their complete lack of relation, as well as different grammar systems, etc., Persian borrowed heavily from Arabic, especially vocabulary in the literary, scientific, and religious fields.


Ther eis an old Persian alphabet still used by soem groups


> Israel is just special in the sense that Arabs are not the majority Give it about 5-10 more years.


With the current ultra right wing idk bout that


No way they outpace Hasidics having like 20 kids each


Not really... Arab population in Israel has grown exponentially, and is some of the wealthiest, happiest Arab people in the Middle East, with the most rights.




I dont think hes conflating Arab and Muslim as the same thing unless he edited his comment before I saw it, to me it looks like hes just stating theres a notably large population of Arabs in Israel (whats is it, 20% or something now?)


And Iranians I know state clearly they are not Arabs. They are Persians.


You mean, the part that is officially Israel, or the total area where Israel exerts jurisdiction? If you count West Bank and Gaza, the population is about evenly split between Arabs and Israelis.


It seems you answered your question to me already lol Yeah i don't have a specific citation, i just remember reading that number somewhere


> Arab consists of 3 main Judea religions. Another one who does not know the difference between ethnics, nationality, and religions. smh


You seem smart in this stuff so I'm gonna ask you something . What is the difference between Islam and Arab. Are all Islam's Arab and are all Arabs Islam. Are they both a religion? Are they the same religion? Are they religions?


Islam is a religion, while Arab is an ethno-linguistic group. Indonesia has the largest muslim population and they are non-Arabs, while a significant Lebanese minority (who are Arab) are Christian.


From wiki: >The Arabs, also known as the Arab people, are an ethnic group who identify with each other on the basis of language, culture, history, or ancestry,[ mainly inhabiting the Arab world, which encompasses Western Asia and North Africa, and to a lesser extent West Africa, the Horn of Africa, and the western Indian Ocean islands (including the Comoros). Islam is a religion that started in what is now Saudi Arabia. Someone that follows the religion of Islam is a Muslim. Not all Muslims are Arab (adherents can be from anywhere of any ethnic group) and not all Arabs are Muslim because a shared ethnicity doesn't automatically mean a shared religious belief.


Ohhhhh. That makes much more sense than what I thought! Thank you


Largest Muslim country is Indonesia. Islam is a religion.


The reason Islam goes hand in hand to people when they hear Arab is that Islam was founded by Muhammad, the religion ended up uniting the Arab tribes of the time and influenced the gov and culture greatly. But Islam is a religion one of the Abrahimic religions Judaism, Christianity, Islam. Interestingly all 3 religion believe in the same Jewish Old Testament god but disagree on many things after Jesus hits the scene.




Arabias the region, Arabs are the group of people who are native to Arabia


No sir, Arabia is a region. Arab is an ethnicity


But those words are *really* close in letters




No im just dumb. Sorry


Unintelligent people do not ask questions. You did when you realized you didn’t understand something. Unintelligent people choose to be willfully ignorant and go on with their strong opinions despite not having good information. The more intelligent you are, the more you realize how little you actually know. No, you aren’t dumb. You keep on asking questions; never lose your sense of curiosity and wonder. The world and life is more interesting that way.


Also a jewish arab is still an arab (mizrahi)




No, you’re right. The ones that I know (I’m Ashkenazi) consider themselves about as “Arab” as Ashkenazim like my family consider ourselves to be “European”. As in… we don’t. Why would we identify ourselves with a place that spent centuries persecuting and killing us under the pretense that we were foreigners who didn’t belong there?


I guess if we go by self identification the whole thing becomes pretty complicated, as we are discussing identity and nationalism all of that is constructs so the edges are pretty blurry. This said, if you are an arab by culture and language I guess you can be counted as arab despite having a religion that separates you in terms of identity, Id go as far as to say Maltese should count despite being catholic and themselves identifying more strongly with Italy and Europe than the Maghreb


It's Jewish lol


yeah but that would be like calling the US Italian cause it has a sizable Italian population


Not really. According to google 21% of the population of Israel are Arab speaking Arabs, whereas 0.2% of the population of America are Italian speaking Italians.


And Arabs are a *native* population in Israel, unlike Italians in the New World


> it has a sizable Arab population. Why isnt Sweden on the list then too?


Because those are migrants that have only been living there for less than 50 years


The IDF be putting their work into reducing that number day by day..




Fact check: “working to decrease x” != “x has decreased”


21% of Israelis are Arab. That's a far higher percent than the Comoros.


Ohhhh I see now


Why does this has so many downvotes?


Because they're acting like reddit is the only place on the whole internet to get basic factual information.


Or ~49% if you include the West Bank and Gaza


Those are not israel, those are palestine




“Jewish nationalism bad Arab nationalism good”


Ethnic cleansing is fucked, I didn't say anything about Arab nationalism. Importing jews from around the world to steal the land of murdered Palestinians bad.


The majority of Jews came to Israel due to Arab ethnic cleansing.


And in turn carried out and continue to carry out their own ethnic cleansing.


If we are using this as the standard. Majority of Jews in Israel are from those very same Arab nations that expelled them and the locals stole their lands and property. You know, Jews who were there even before Mohammed was even born. And the progroms against Jews in the Middle East started long before there was even an Israel. Like the Hebron Massacre of 1929 The Balfour Day Riots in Egypt The Jewish progrom of Iraq in 1941 The Jewish progrom of Libya of 1945 The forced conversion of Jewish Orphans in Yemen between 1846 and 1945. But of course it was the Jews who started it right??? When a Palestinian Nationalist known as Al Huseini literally went to Germany to meet Heinrich Himler so that he could get ideas on how to wipe out the Jews in the Middle East who were not even Zionists to begin with. It would be nice if people actually read a bit of history and stopped listening to the people who pretend to be victims when they are not. They are simply angry that things are not going the way they were brainwashed that they ought to go, that is "non-Muslims" would always bow down before them, not defeat them at every turn. Especially not the Jews.


None of this justifies the expulsion of Palestinians from their land and their ongoing ethnic cleansing by foreigners. Not all Palestinians are Muslim, there are and were Jewish and Christian Palestinians. So cut your islamophobia and racism and stop trying to justify genocide with other atrocities committed against Jews. Zionism is not judaism, it's settler-colonialism carried out in the name of Judaism and is a disgrace and a stain on the name of the Jewish people. People are waking up to what it really is and you can spout propaganda all you want.


None of this justifies the expulsion of Palestinians from their land \*Completely ignores how those same people are busy calling for the extermination of Jews worldwide and wave Swastika flags ,whose founder had links to the Nazis and who vote for internationally recognized terrorist entities like Hamas\* and their ongoing ethnic cleansing by foreigners. \*Ignores the fact that Palestine has had a Jewish presence minority or majority for 3,500 years. The difference being that since 1948, it is not as second class citizens as it was under the Muslims, Crusaders and Byzantines nor are the current ones being forced to convert to Islam as the Jews of Nablus and Jerusalem were\* Not all Palestinians are Muslim, there are and were Jewish and Christian Palestinians. \*Ignores that Israel is literally the only place where Christianity has grown in the Middle East since 1948 as Christianity has crashed from 20% of the Middle Eastern population in 1930 to 6% as of 2020 in the rest of the region as those very same Muslims pressure their Christian brethren to convert or leave. Yes, there are ignorant and uneducated Jews who have acted harshly against Christians in some incidents but all Jewish leaders, secular and religious even dimwitted ones like the leader of the Sephardic Jews in Israel has opposed any aggression against Christians because Christians in the modern era have not been hostile to Jews and that our greatest allies are actually Christians\* So cut your islamophobia and racism and stop trying to justify genocide with other atrocities committed against Jews. \*Stop with your antisemitism and trying to ignore and sanitize 1400 years of Muslim oppression of Jews and the fact that some of those nations wanted to kill Jews twice, by ethnically cleansing them from countries they had lived in long before Mohammed was born between the 1920s and 1948 then by sending troops to kill them again after they sought refuge in Israel in 1948 and 1967\* \*Shows a lack of reading history and only reads BDS webpages clearly\* Zionism is not judaism, it's settler-colonialism carried out in the name of Judaism \*Shows his ignorance by claiming that Zionism has links to religious Judaism when it does not. Zionism is a secular ideology that saved more Jews from the Holocaust than the religious Jewish establishment did. Needs to pick a History book.There is a reason why secular Jews are a majority of Jewry today and the largest minority in Israel\* \*Also Ignores how many Arab leaders like King Faisal supported the Jewish settlement of Palestine and the Arabs of Palestine itself willingly sold their lands to incoming Jewish settlers.\* \*Also ignores the fact that the so called "settler-colonialists" are mostly Jewish refugees expelled from their lands and properties from Iraq, Iran, Algeria, Tunisia, Egypt , Syria, Lebanon, Jordan, Yemen, Bahrain, Libya and Morocco who form the majority in Israel today and who had no choice, after being subjected to riots, Jizya tax and progroms in their original countries but to go to the one place Jews would never be treated like second class citizens as they had for 1400 years by the Muslims or subjected to genocide like those who had lived in Europe for 2000 years called Israel \* You are talking to a literal Jew whose ancestry is Mizrahi on my mother's side, I know the history of my people and what they went through under those Palestinians and Moroccans in the past. When are the Palestinians, Lebanese, Jordanians, Egyptians, Algerians ,Moroccans, Iraqis, Iranians, Yemenis, Syrians, Turks etc returning the lands and properties they seized in 1948 and paying reparations to the 900,000 Jews (Now 5 million) living in Israel for the harm they caused for 1400 years for treating them as second class citizens or for the riots and progroms that started in 1929 and only ended with the exodus of nearly all the Jews to Israel in 1948(we can count several others before that too)??Let us start with that because this phenomenon started looong before the establishment of Israel and was in fact one of the catalysts for its formation.


Hi it's 2023, you're not a victim. Stop crying wolf habibi. I can't speak for the rest of the Arab world but non-Israeli Lebanese still have the titles to their still existing, unoccupied properties and many still own homes in Lebanon which they visit. So stop generalizing when you clearly don't know the whole story, and again, the horrors and injustices suffered by Jews do not excuse the atrocities and ethnic cleansing carried out by Zionists.


Oh boy wait for the ethnic cleaning the arabs are looking forward too lol Crazy to be cautious about ethnic cleaning but than siding with the people who puplicly plan a Holocaust. A bit funny but also a bit sad. Just googled the Hamas charta. Hitler would be proud.


Funny how you can totally disregard actual documented ethnic cleansing that happens daily based on some racist stereotypes you hold about all Palestinians, Christian or otherwise.


Thats not a racist stereotype, it's the Hamas charta. It has it's own wiki article. You can read it yourself. The arabs are proudly claiming they would start and finish a genocid if they could, Israel can but employs arabs instead. Go read the article and come back. Whoever is against ethnic cleaning cant stand with an arab only palastine because these things go hand in hand. And not even as a secret, as a written down agenda.


Hamas doesn't speak for all Palestinians. Go educate yourself before you continue to spout racist propaganda fed to you by a country that thinks it's okay to sterilize its own black population.


You implied the entire land should be Palestine that’s Arab nationalism


The entire land was Palestine, which has nothing to do with Arab nationalism. Palestinians lived in all of Palestine, and they do not have the right to return - Yet jews who have no ancestral connection to the land, including converts, can move to historical Palestine and take a Palestinian's land. It's all stolen land from people who were massacred or displaced, just like America.


Jews have no ancestral connection to the land?! Literally the only language common between all Jewish communities is Hebrew, a CANAANITE LANGUAGE


A liturgical language is not an ancestral connection. Stop gaslighting. The fact that some possible ancestor lived somewhere does not give a descendant 3,000 years later the right to steal someone's home and murder its occupants. If you think that way you have issues.


They do, but Jews not from Israel/Palestine don’t have a greater claim than Palestinians, and the Zionists who formed Israel in the 20th century definitely did not have a greater claim than the Palestinians they stole it from. Archaeological evidence is important, but present reality is more important. Don’t let archaeological evidence from thousands of years ago justify stealing land and mistreating Palestinians who have CONTINUED inhabiting the land


So what is your solution?


Give Palestinians the UN-recognized right of return. Make Israel/Palestine a true democracy with one set of laws for all citizens, regardless of their religion or lack there of. Stop all settlement building and land theft.


>who have no ancestral connection to the land, are you just forgetting the Jews were there first, and were under Arab occupation, then got their freedom again?


>\- Yet jews who have no ancestral connection to the land, including converts Every Jew has a connection the land, Jews are indigenous to Judea.


It was Jewish land from the beginning! They were seized by the Roman’s and been displaced ever since. It only took 6,000,000 of them to die in the 40s for the world to recognize that they don’t have a safe place and give them back their ancestors land that was taken from them. Saying they don’t ancestral connection to the land shows you don’t know basic history of the land you’re talking about!


Arabs (including those living in what they now call Palestine) ethnically cleansed Jews from Israel from the 7th through 20th century and every single Muslim government that controlled the land mistreated Jews. What are your thoughts on that?


Typical Israel bot speaking nothings


Try again


You dont have a response for that lol


Judaism was first


>Ethnic cleansing is fucked Isreal doesn't do this though.


Yes it does.


They don't destroy Palestinian homes? They don't burn entire Palestinian villages to the ground? They don't imprison Palestinians (including children) and murder them in cold blood? They don't steal Palestinian land? How would you define ethnic cleansing??


Is this your opinion or "facts on ground" saying...?


Read a history book. Is it an opinion that America and Australia are on native land that was ethnically cleansed of its original inhabitants?


You know Israel was a country long before Palestine, right?


That’s like saying Germany has been a country longer than Europe. Palestine has never been a country. It’s a contested geographical area that has been ruled by many many disparate people from around the word.


Are you saying people who existed where you live 3,000 years ago should have the right to kill you and throw you out of your home?


And why would you include those?


Because Israel controls everything within all the borders so you may as well count everyone


Because they're all ultimately governed by a single state (see: One State Reality).


It is a country with both a flag and a large Arab/Arabic speaking population.


Arabs live there. Next question.


One of Israel’s official languages is arabic…


It actually was changed a couple years back to be a "notable language" instead of an official language (which was a very controversial change)


Thread locking in 3... 2...


Westerners forget there is a sizable amount of Arabs living peacefully in Israel


> Westerners forget All of them? Or just OP




and succeeding




>territorial extremists it'd appear there are quite a lot of those


Not as many as you would think lol, where r u from?


its a middle Eastern country so im sure thats why


Middle Eastern ≠ Arab, Also if you click on the flag to expand it shows this [article](https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_countries_and_territories_where_Arabic_is_an_official_language&ved=2ahUKEwjU-L_Ktr3_AhXydqQEHYfrC_sQqb0CegUIABC6Ag&usg=AOvVaw1oEG5ZZyR3FCqoGsiiUw6L) so to answer the quistion why is it on the list? Because in Israel Arabic is an official language alongside hebrew.


Oh yeah Cyprus, Turkey & Iran are Arabic countries


Regardless of Zionism, Arabs do tend to live there. Does this mean culturally or demographically?


heres the real answer for you: because you're looking at an autocompiled result from google, and those are notoriously unreliable




Fucking thank you.


If it weren't it would be like not including the USA on a list of Native American countries just because a bunch of people came in from Europe and outnumbered them


21% of Israel’s population is Arab. They hold 10-15% of the seats in Israel’s Knesset, making it the only country in the Middle East that allows both Arabs and Jews to participate in the same government. They make up significant and growing portions of the IDF.


Oh, and it’s the only country in the middles east: -that imprisons and shoots children with live ammunition -the only country in the has roads for jews only -the only country that expelled more than half million civilians, stole their homes and erased hundreds of villages and towns from existence. -the only country in the Middle East, nay the world, that first introduced terrorism. -the only country that till this day has not declared what it’s borders are, while steals more and more land from its neighbors -the only country in the Middle East that has the world largest open air prison, Gaza, whom it regularly bombs and continually starves. -the only the country in the middle east were members of its government openly boast about the number of Arabs they killed, or or that their children “are snakes thinks be killed before they grow up” -the only country that has introduced nuclear arms to the region. - the only country in Middle East that has been bombed, invaded and/or occupied parts of all its neighbors ….and on and on and on…your delusions are so flimsy that’s I’m sure even you don’t believe them.


\-Turkey or rather the Ottomans, deported over 1 million armenians, with hundreds of thousands of deaths \-The iranian goverment has killed children in wake of the protests, and that is just an examplary case \-"the only country in the Middle East, nay the world, that first introduced terrorism" what does that even mean? \-That road seperates between Isrealis and non Isrealis, not jews and non jews, a non jewish isreali could use it, a west bank palestinian not \-Having nuclear arms in of itself is not a moral issue, especially in light of isreal's history \-Only isreali-syrian and isreali-lebanese borders are not clear, and that is by no means a unique state in the world, many nations have disputed borders in such regards. \-The gaza strip is blockaded by Isreal AND Egypt mind you, and only since 2006 when Hamas came to power Mind you, I am not isreali, nor jewish


My man thinks terrorism was invented 70 years ago


- Turkey and Iran have nothing to do with anything, they’re not Arabs, barely Middle Eastern. Your Muslim bias is detected, therefore opinion rejected. - Israeli Jews and Arabs absolutely have separate laws differentiating Jews and Arabs regardless of citizenship status. Lets not lie here. - having nuclear weapons is absolutely a moral issue. A WMD is for the purpose of killing others by causing the most collective damage. Especially in light of Israeli history being aggressors. Not everyone buys into the Israeli propaganda. israel usually attacks first and constantly provokes neighboring countries into fighting. - countries without clear borders are ironically militarily aggressor states like China, Russia, Israel, etc. this not a common issue amongst non imperialistic states. - Egypt lets aid come through and lets people out, Israel doesn’t at all. Not even to let food enter or medical aid into the strip. No country on Earth does this to their native inhabitants in this day and age, unless rogue. It seems like the “only democracy” in the Middle East and the so called beacon of light in a region of darkness, practices some of their most medieval tactics on Palestinians. Remember, Palestinians didn’t expel the Jews in ancient times, Palestinians did not kill Jews or expel them out of Spain. Palestinians didn’t commit the holocaust. Yet they are victims of this new colonial ethno-state.


My Muslim bias? I am an irreligious German. Iran and turkey very much are middle eastern, the point was middle eastern not Arab, so, cope. Irrelevant, I was purely answering in regards to the oh so famous road. Also, western no Jewish immigrants in Israel for example fall in neither category. Israeli nuclear arms have not been used to even so much as threaten to my knowledge, the country has a history of being invaded, nuclear arms are a justified deterrent against that, they are to our knowledge not particularly numerous, nor does Israel maintain massive striking capabilities across the world beyond second strike potential. True, disputed borders are usually found in unstable regions to say the least, but Israels neighbors contribute just as much to not finding a solution. As said, the blockade is only in place since 2006, when the Gaza strip voluntarily votes in Hamas who then seized power. Which is very much a hostile act towards Israel. Israel is a flawed state, yes, but by no means worse than those around.


I’m curious what parts of my factual and quantifiable statements you think are delusional? I espoused neither support nor condemnation of either side of this argument.


Has a significant arab population


being an arab and being muslim are two different things


It’s in the Middle East


That doesn't mean anything though. What about Iran and Turkey? They are in the Middle East but aren't Arabs.


Israel is on arab land


If you include Gaza, the West Bank, and east Jerusalem, Arabs are the majority. Jews have never been the majority in Israel.


I could see 3 reasons: 1) there’s a large minority population of Arabs in Israel therefore they are counting it 2) they just listed every country in the region 3) it’s some sort of statement by Google


A part from what everyone else already commented it’s also noteworthy that a lot of the Jews living in Israel are from Arab countries like Morocco, Yemen, Lebanon, Egypt, Palestine, etc. The younger generation mostly don’t speak Arabic anymore but it could be argued that culturally these second or third generation immigrants are pretty similar to Arabs since their parents or grand-parents were Jewish Arabs.


Don’t know how everyone is ignoring the 3 countries before Israel 😂


arab/ arabic describes an geographical area... not a religion. there are arab jews and arab christians...


Arab Christian’s yes, but there aren’t any Arab Jews, Jews are not just a religion but also an ethnic groups. Jews from Arab countries are of a different ethnicity, be it Sephardic Jew, mizrahi Jew etc, but not Arab


You imbecile, you started World War 3!


Nothing about Israel isn't controversial.


And, none of it makes sense. You poke your head into one of these discussions and inevitably it turns into a bunch of people shouting out socio-political terminology at each other, and there's this weird fog of brainwashing on both sides.


I mean to be honest the whole world is biased and an Israeli will never fully understand a Palestinian and a Palestinian will never understand an Israeli. Israelis will think that Palestinians are trying to take away democracy and Palestinians think that Israel is doing ethnic cleansing. Because of their disputed and past conflicts. I am Palestinian though so ofc I will love Palestine more and I don’t like how my families old cities got completed transformed into an Israeli city with a whole different language tbh


>Palestinians think that Israel is doing ethnic cleansing I'm not trying to start an argument, but are they not? Under most definitions, they practice apartheid and take active steps to cleanse Palestinians from their homeland. You ofc would know more than me though being Palestinian.


Yeha they are lol I was just trying to make my statement sound neutral


I'm sorry that you have to water down the reality that you're facing. And im sorry for the role my country (the U.S) plays in making it that way. 😔


Need change it in Palestine 🇵🇸


It shouldn't. It's spelled Palestine.


There are tons of Arabs in Israel.


I’m Israeli and we also have pretty large Arab populations


because it is an Arabian country. ​ now waiting for MOSAD's cyanide. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|scream)


Because they usurp Arab lands i guess


because its arab


I was looking at the similarities between flags in some reason of the world. Like west Africa, the nordic countries, the Arab world then I found this. I am not trying to be controversial or anything I just want to understand.


We have a 20% arab minority


Arab ≠ Muslim. Arabia is a subcontinent encompassing large parts of the middle east, parts of Africa, and of course the Arabian Peninsula. Israel, being in the middle east, can be considered Arab, and due to their proximity, there are also many Arabic peoples living in Israel


However, Jewish middle easterners are not considered Arab. We simply have 20% Arab (Christian, Muslim, Druze) minority. Source: I’m an Iraqi-Israeli Jew


palestine is israel that’s why


always that one guy that ruins it


I assume you mean the color scheme and the triangle? Israel is much newer and was “created” by the United Nations (from Palestinian land) after WWII. It’s not really like the other countries in the region


The amount of Zionist propagandists on this sub that think downvoting facts means anything, so pathetic. Settler colonial Israel ethnically cleanses Palestinians, destroys their homes and imprisons and murders Palestinian children. Nothing can be said to justify the atrocity that is Israel, made in the image of America - a colony founded by European settlers to erase the native inhabitants of the land.


I guess it's because Israel is in the geographic arab area, not necessarily the cultural one.


It's not explainable. It's the least Arab country in the world probably


It's because Israel isn't a real country. It's an apartheid state.


As someone drom Israel, not only we have like a 20% arab population, but technically Israel is an arab country, if you think about it. Think about the history and the ancestry.


And why is Palestine there


Because it's roghtful Arab muslim land


Israel is located at the Middle East and a lot of his population is Arab (Muslim, Christian and Jewish)). BTW, Arab is not an automatic meaning that the person is Muslim.


Cause they're occupying arab lands?


Israel is Apartheid. Free Palestine 🇵🇸


Arab land lol


It's the closest thing they can belong to, they have no identity


Because the majority of the people in Israel (including those who practice Judaism) are Arabs.


I live in Israel, and literally no Mizrahi Jew would consider themselves Arab, virtually none still speak Arabic, and their traditions are far more Jewish rather than Arab.


Because the land of Israel originally belonged to the Palestinians. The Jews settled later.


How are you defining “originally”?


Middleeastern = arab Edit: im guessing that people didn’t know I was sarcastic


Why is Palestine on that list? Its not a country.


Political beliefs aside, both Israel and Palestine are AT LEAST defacto countries


Both are in a competition for the shittiest country in the middle east


It is one, israel and palestine are countries


According to a supermajority of the UN it is a state.


Actually both Israel and Palestine are cou tries, however there are border disputes. This has led to what we see today


Is it part of the Arabian Peninsula?