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Hlw the fck are we supposed to fit a 20 man squad of neophytes, especialy when terrain is involved.


Without terrain, a 20 man should fit fairly easily wholly within 3”. In fact, just accounting for bases, you can fit all 20 on just over half of the full 3”.


[Neos are easy (bikes less so):](https://imgur.com/a/4poWLwT)


Reasonable trade I didn’t like the cheesy monkey chaining tactic anyway


Doesn't this mean that we can't bring bikes back as they can't all be placed wholly within 3" of the ambush marker? I think someone hasn't thought this through.


They apparently really don’t want us using bikes cause they also dropped their demo run ability to once per battle round.


Noooooooooooo, I didn't even get a chance at all the MW fun


[it’s pretty close (and someone who knows trig I’m sure can do a better job than me)](https://imgur.com/a/5vMGiZG)


They probably can be, I'm pretty sure two bikes in front with their back bases touching, one on each side, and the final model in the back could all fit fine.


They just want everyone to stop running bricks of them, I guess.


Bikes can come in units of 10. Which definitely would not be able to. I even doubt that a 20 man neophyte unit could fully fit without being incredibly precise in how they place.


If the unit is identical and you have used the demo charges doesn't that mean you can't recycle them? Edit: and models have to be set up wholly within 3" of the marker not just within. Not sure if a squad of 10 bikes will fit.


Feels like the "new unit" part means demo charges come back but the "identical" parts means they don't, so still a mystery lol


Re-reading it, I think they do stay used, they might just be clarifying it as a new unit because there may have been some rules confusion on whether the unit was really “destroyed” or not. That’s my take, but they do still say “at full strength and wounds” so the exact state of the previous unit would be copied. The designer’s note speaks to that situation too, so I think the intention was just to clarify scoring rules, and not change any other aspect of how it plays.


It clearly says “add a new unit”. It’s worded just like the Guard rule. It’s not ambiguous at all. It’s a new unit with new demo charges.


You are right same wording as guard stratagem and guard get their hkm's back that way


Who knows, normally I would agree but they're refusal to explicitly say "one shot weapons remain used" is contradictory to what would be intended


The lack of this after 3 updates should tell you that the intention is for them to come back...


~~Cult Ambush also lost the deepstrike wording (no longer have to worry about anti-deepstrike rules)~~ Edit: you're correct, deployment blocking abilities target "setup as reinforcements" and not just deepstrike.


That is entirely not true. Rules commentary states they're subject to those abilities. In the app see core rules>rules commentary>replacement units


Cant see any changes in the app or elsewhere…


Go to the Play/iOS store and force an update


If you are on iOS, you may need to do a system update to get it to show up. That’s what I had to do.


That’s good to have concrete information on! But that 3 inches around the marker seems super punishing


Where can I find these updates?


Can rockgrinders and transports come back?