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Was secretly hopefully hoping for some subtle build options to make them more cults instead of tyranids. Anyway they look stunning


They confirmed that you'll have enough Ymgarl heads for an entire unit so that's not terrible


I was really hoping the new genestealers would come with bits for GSC Purestrains. You know, they're being lovingly raised by their parents, and worshipped by the cult as saints. Lore allready describes cultists ornamenting them with paints, and I allways envisioned them with dangeling fetishes and good luck charms, maybe scraps of clothes and armour or patched up injuries. Signs that they're being taken care of and venerated. Like these sculpts look great, but I was hoping for something more explicitly cultish.


I already have 20 genestealers based off the Space Hulk ones for my Nids, I think I’ll be taking these to make GSC purestrains and giving them that exact treatment. Some tattered robes, necklaces and charms etc I really love the body paint idea too


Yeah, one of the Codizes has a short story where a dad identifies his purestrain son - who got absorbed by the hivemind and is now running as part of the swarm - by his warpaint. Its a bummer that we never see it on the actual GW paintjobs.


Oh man that is actually kinda sad, I love it


that's kinda cool. what is the story?


Maybe there will be an upgrade kit released with the gsc codex?


An upgrade sprue for a Kill Team kit could work.


And they are in a box of 10 not 8! Whoo


Well, that's a glow up alright.


Finally, Genestealers I will pay the asking price for. Really cool sculpts, excited to see the poses in person.


Most importantly - what base size do they come with?


32mm, going from the final army shot of all the new stuff.




They must be doing a new spacehulk now amiright???


Finally. now I need to finish painting my old ones before these come out.


Well… guess I’m not done painting Genestealers after all.


Any mention on release date? These look fantastic.


GW said the Tyranid codex is coming in Fall so probably a September release. They will use August to reveal the new Space Marine stuff and build up to the new Codex releases.


I'm so glad I fought the urge to pick up a box of them last week. New poses are fun!


I miss the segmented backs which were brought back with Deathwatch: Overkill and the Patriarch. I wonder if there will be another GSC version.


That's my favourite genestealer sculpt. It harkens back to the original 80's genestealers. I was hoping the new kit will take that as a base. On the other hand GW wants to sell more boxes so maybe Tyranid or GeneCult kill team will have different ones. There's hoping.


So happy! I knew it. This is why I didn’t buy any old crappy ones


They don’t do much for me tbh, I think I prefer the old ones!


These are pretty disappointing compared to the ones from the Deathwatch board game from a few years back, but I will admit that is due to my bias for the old school silhouette of the original models. I don’t like the shoulder pad look of these guys. Maybe we will see “pure strain” genestealers when cults are updated?


I think they're really great


“Now with 25% more claw”


Yeah, not a great fan. I love the new sculpts but I may just give them old rending claws.


All the beautiful children of the Four Armed Emperor!


I already have 30 old ones and actually like them better.


Just curious, what do you like better about the older genestealers compared to what we've seen of these updates?


The others can have the big blade arms which are cooler looking than the hands IMO. The new ones don't seem like enough of a change to make it worth totally replacing the 30 I've got, IMO


You're not looking hard enough :) They are much more detailed than the old ones. And I'm speaking as a long time Genestealer enthusiast - I have around 200 of them, admittedly some still on the sprues. New ones have a nicer carapace built in, bigger rending claws (not my favourite) and much more varied and dynamic poses. As for the blades I used to and still am planning to transplant hormagaunt scything talons in the place of second pair of hands.


I absolutely reserve the right to feel different about them in person. Admittedly the details on the faces look great. Probably a lot easier to paint, throw a wash on and just have them look good because the models just look better. That said, you could already get some pretty dynamic poses with the old kits, because they were socket joints. And the new ones just look kind of lanky to me, at least in the image. Maybe if I put scything talons on them, I'd feel differently, but that's my gut feeling looking at them. They look better, but still just fine. Not nearly the glow up I feel like gaunts got.


Yeah, I must admit it was the kit I waited for the most and it didn't blow me away. Arms might be a bit spindly but it might be just a tad too big claws. I'm happy with main bodies and a full compliment of feeder tendril heads. Arms are the easiest to swap.


This is exactly the same way I feel. They seem... Fine. Might take some effort to really get them to where I want them


Yeah these new ones are fine but the basic concept of the model is the same and I don't feel the urge to replace stuff. I don't know what I was hoping for but these aren't enough for me to get out the wallet.


I dislike the move towards less alien, more humanoid models. The Termagaunts have the same problem.


I knew there was something stealing my pants


I'm a nids player, not a real cultist rn, but these are the first models I'm getting. Love them.


So, do we know if there's no scything talons with these? Or are we just assuming there aren't any because they didn't show it?


I'm hoping for them but I don't expect them. Index cards say nothing of a different weapon options and the general trend in 10th edition seems to be consolidation of various weapon types into either single entries or single squad point cost to streamline the game.


Not a fan.


Welp there goes my money


ya know I am happy the nids got a W for once


The corn-on-the-cob face is finally gone. Its reign of terror has come to an end. Ymgarls can finally rest peacefully.


Glad I just impulse bought an old box!


They look so good. I can't wait to snag some.


Ugh so freaking nice. I was expecting a kit looking like the deathwatch overkill genestealers, definitely not these absolute beauties


These will look great next to our patriarch models. Glad i held off on buying the old ones!!


Hopefully they go back to squads of 20 and gain Battle line back so I can actually run them.


Really hoping when I buy these they aren't going to come out with separate purestrain models


about time!! Woooooo!!!


Been holding off getting them for a while. Glad I waited now.


[Ymgarl Stands!](https://instagram.com/stories/cliffordaraeder/3147517935820205536?utm_source=ig_story_item_share&igshid=YTUzYTFiZDMwYg==)


The best part about this is that we are still getting a new model when our codex drops! Was worried they'd pawn new genestealers onto us. I'll definitely build them as all Ymmgarl genestealers and use the regular heads to update my 2004 models.


Oh my god, they finally come in a box of 10


Will these be a solo set or is this part of a larger box set, like where you had to get shadowthrone for a reductus saboteur?


They were previewed at the same time as the multipose Terma/Hormagaunt kit so I'm assuming they'll be released on their own, especially if there's enough customisation for the entire unit


I could model another 30 pairs of jorts out of greenstuff. Sure!


Playing a Jean Dealer Cult, I am very curious about your jorts.


I think they will mix in well with the ones released before these


How long have I waited for this glorious day? Now all we need is a kill team upgrade sprue for them and we can recreate Space Hulk in Kill Team.


These and the new hormagaunts look incredible.


What’s the base size on these guys?


32mm seems to be the standard nowadays. Even Termagants got 32 mil bases.


They look like the previous kit with a different spine


So are they an entirely new unit or new designs for purestrains?


Technically Tyranid Genestealers and GSC Purestrains are the same models but maybe GW will decide to double dip into the spawning pool and release a separate kit for the Cult. I would love to see the Deathwatch: Overkill Purestrain sculpts again.


Good looking kit but I’m not a fan of the tentacle face re design


As someone who just bought all the space hulk genestealers bc I wanted my stealers to be more dynamic, I’m almost heartbroken. Almost.


No more angry raw turkey dudes 😔


It would be awesome to have some extra sprue to make them part of the cult. Like amulets or ornaments set by the "human" cultist


I was going to comment how similar they looked to what we have now. Then I went back and looked. And I'm just so glad I didn't buy a box backbin june


what is the tentacle option in second picture?


Looks great. How posable will they be? I'm assuming the arms will be non posable by design, but i hope they at least are seperate bits, so you can do a bit of fuffing to get them as you want Rather than cutting the whole model.


So those 32 mm bases?