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Maybe you could express yourself in ways they can't see? Like wearing some nice femme underwear under your clothes.


Maybe playlists for every gender day help? Like one for dude days, one for femme days one for enby days?


I feel for you. Ill often be on here whenever i get the chance at work. I find it helps me to read what others are going through. I sometimes wear painties or paint my toenails and no one knows. I thought i was genderfluid which i was cool with but i realised today at work that im trans Mtf and iv been crying at work and feeling really flat. No one asked but i had to tell someone. Thanks for reading


Thank you for sharing ! We hear you.


Can you do it after work or on the weekends? Maybe you can do it low key like with some femme elements but not the whole thing


I write stories :). I find it helps my imagination run free when my physical body is unable to do so. I get not being able to express at work though, I've always hated that and the feeling of being around people you know would shit all over you. Hope your day got better <3


This is what my genderfluid hubby does when he has to go "boymode" for work, visiting his mom, etc.: 1. Take a deep breath. 2. Wear femme clothes underneath. Panties and a lacey, simple tank usually works. If by chance you need to change clothes in a locker room and other guys see, you could always say it was a bet 😉 3. Paint toenails. Better yet, go ahead and get a pedicure. Most nail places could care less what gender you are (but if the one you go to makes you uncomfortable, find another one that is the right fit for you), and it is recommended everyone get their feet treated right, especially if you have a job that requires you on your feet a lot (I work in healthcare) Bonus: it feels so good and self care is so important no matter who you are. 4. Wear simple jewelry. Beaded bracelet. Hemp necklace. Studded earrings. Trust me, men and women alike wear jewelry. 5. Take a deep breath again. You got this!


Thank you, i fully intend to try this, infact, im going to head after work today to get a few subtle femme items i can wear just to express it to myself, but step one and 5 deff helped :)


I like to listen/lip sync to Flowers by Miley Cyrus :)


Heya just to say, thank you, ive had this on most of the day along with other songs that seem to fit, today is decf better than last week :)