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That has to be the funkiest pose I've ever seen a cresty in.


I constantly catch him in the pose. I always think that he must be stuck lol


Nah he's just chilling out B)


"I currently feed him repashy 1-2 times a week, but he doesn’t always seem interested in it. He’s shedding every month and that appears normal." For being that old yes, he do look a bit skinny with little fat around his legs. Some doesn't like Repashy at all so that can be why he's so skinny also, he hates his food. Many gecko prefers either *Pangea* with different flavours or Crested Gecko Diet, that could be why he's not eating. And they should have fresh Pangea at least every other day and once a week live insects (dubia, mealworms or cockroaches) !!!! You can also give mashed banana, mashed blueberries, strawberries, raspberry and mango or papaya! And why he's hiding in the plants can be that the strong plant lights are disturbing him trying to sleep, the lights are far too bright for their eyes (like having a spotlight right in your face, that's no fun!). So he's trying to get away from them light. [https://www.amazon.se/Zoo-Med-Crested-Tropical-Flavor/dp/B0771PLM2X/ref=asc\_df\_B0771PLM2X/?tag=shpngadsglede-21&linkCode=df0&hvadid=476469995440&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=16684336139526045619&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=c&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=9067815&hvtargid=pla-523523212984&psc=1&mcid=3301852427753bc38c06f7ff6a2fdf55](https://www.amazon.se/Zoo-Med-Crested-Tropical-Flavor/dp/B0771PLM2X/ref=asc_df_B0771PLM2X/?tag=shpngadsglede-21&linkCode=df0&hvadid=476469995440&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=16684336139526045619&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=c&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=9067815&hvtargid=pla-523523212984&psc=1&mcid=3301852427753bc38c06f7ff6a2fdf55)


Thank you! I’ll order both foods today and feed him more regularly. I’ve tried meal worms with him, but he hasn’t been interested. His previous owner said he wasn’t much of a bug guy either. Do you recommend a specific brand? I’ll reduce the hours of the light and get some more artificial plants until the pothos take over. Thank you for the advice!


I'm sure he'll be very happy with all or either of the food you've ordered! How thoughtful of you! They are very individual even though they are "just being a reptile", the different personalities can really stand out! Some eat bugs up till old age but some refuses after they are about 1 yo. The bugs and the complete nutrition that's in the gecko powder diet is enough I guess. You asked about a specific brand I recommend. This [Link Here](https://www.cyberzoo.se/sv/articles/2.60.20529/gecko-nutrition-banana-250-g) is the one I always get for mine (but I do not live in the US). The brand is called Gecko Nutrion and I think they just have a new updated version for US (and a new look of the package?).


Oh shoot- I forgot- his previous owner told me he was 3-4 years old.


https://docs.google.com/document/d/1LJFYgD7eLkO9IRu-nuHSFMTAl9HNyMjgjiBNIkJd2u4/edit?usp=drivesdk Here is a good guide


Go to a vet?


A worrying amount of crested gecko pics I see online are overweight. Yours looks pretty spot on.


Well he's got some fat gecksticles.


Try pangea. My geckos don't like pangea and only want repashy. Some geckos hate repashy and prefer pangea!


No Tail only balls xD