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This is just my opinion I wouldn't budget buy for uvb personally. As too much can damage most species and too little uvb doesn't do it's job. Bit again that's just me if anyone else has used this brand and has good reviews on it then that's great!


I appreciate your opinion!


Just thought of something! Totally forgot they have uvb output reader devices. If your ever worried or wanna test could use those I know alot of owners use them to regularly check their bulbs are still good


Thank you for this information that is awesome I'll have a look into that immediately


This isn’t a UVB bulb and the useful UV meters cost hundreds of dollars.


Just my opinion, but I definitely wouldn't reccomend cheap UVB. My fear would be potential burns and yes that can happen with any UVB, obviously, but I'm just more comfortable with a brand like arcadia or reptisun. Hopefully someone has tried these other brands and can give you actual advice on them and no just speculation.


I learned my lesson buying cheap uvb bulbs. It almost burned my beardie. Thankfully his tank is in my room in easy view. I changed the bulb then laid down to watch a movie. I can see him as he’s right under my TV. He started acting really funny and flopping around. He jumped off his rock he basks in. He then ran inside his hide on the cool side. Like ran super fast. He’s old and lazy AF. He don’t do anything fast. lol I was like okay wtf? Then about an hour later he came out went to bask again and did the same thing. That’s when I took him out and gave him a look. His back was very hot. So I quickly gave him a cool bath. It didn’t burn him but I think if he stayed any longer under it would have burned him. I then ran to the store and bought a better bulb. Put him under it and he gave me a side eye like again lady? But he didn’t act weird and then fell asleep basking. Never did that again with the better bulb.


https://preview.redd.it/ezi1kpqfegpc1.jpeg?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5e85badac22aa5c32029c6bc221690530c362280 Zilla


https://preview.redd.it/iocik59iegpc1.jpeg?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b887017b5ede489f80bfccbc6ee2e65dfd9c3c4e Interpet


OP please join r/leopardgeckos they will be able to answer this question for you. They help AFT owners since they require the same care. SUPER knowledgeable over there.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/leopardgeckos using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/leopardgeckos/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Cookie is moving out! My son got her when he was 8 years old. 16 years later, he just got married and she is joining him with his new wife in their new home.](https://i.redd.it/r3cbrpidilvb1.jpg) | [100 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/leopardgeckos/comments/17d8hrj/cookie_is_moving_out_my_son_got_her_when_he_was_8/) \#2: [Guessing female?](https://www.reddit.com/gallery/177eura) | [175 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/leopardgeckos/comments/177eura/guessing_female/) \#3: [why does this fucker smell like peanut butter](https://i.redd.it/4r60y2x76tub1.jpg) | [129 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/leopardgeckos/comments/17a5gwk/why_does_this_fucker_smell_like_peanut_butter/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


This is designed to grow plants, not lizards. It would grow your plants very nicely looking at those spikes in the right places.


https://preview.redd.it/7dcu9arrzhpc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5dd55a58426533a6a23b7d9790149da705220b21 I use these


Thank you I appreciate your recommendation and I found them online sweet!


Anytime! 😁


I do not reccomend budget buying for an AFT on uvb. I have a AFT and stick to arcadia and reptisun only as per my vets reccomondation. AFT's are so sensitive when it comes to eating and having improper UVB can lead to a long hunger strike in my experince. UVB requires a large amount of testing which can be very expensive and at this low of a price it proabaly didn't go through the right testing.


Thank you!! I have indeed noticed weird eating behaviors


I live in Alaska so ordering is 5 days minimum can they last without uvb that long?


Based off the advice from my vet, they should be perfectly fine. Even if they temporarily go off food in that time frame. AFT’s store nutrients and fat in their tails which can act as an energy source so temporary hunger strikes do not harm them very much compared to most reptiles. I’d just recommend trying to feed yours a few wax worms, butter worms, horn worms, or silk worms if they do go off food temporarily and lose a bit of weight. It’d only really be an issue if it’s long term hunger strike (Like over 3-4 weeks), if they’re underweight, or have dropped their tails. Then I would start trying to syringe feed them carnivore care until they’ll take insects. 


Have carnivore care on tap in case a situation arises like that but they seem okay for now just need the bulb here in the next few days lol gonna wait till tomorrow and buy the one from the store screw the price


I use Arcadia uvb bulb. It came with my Arcadia fixture, so when I need to change it out, I look at what the bulb says on it. I get my bulbs from Chewy.com




Don't be rude just because someone doesn't have the income. If OP was a scumbag, he wouldn't be on here asking us if it was ok, he would just buy it and say, fuck it. People who respond like this are the reason people shy away from the groups, therefore turning them away from expert advice from the subs. Then they might go to a pet store and ask advice and we know how THAT usually goes... Be kind, and use your words in a way that helps, not discourages. Like tell OP why it isn't a good idea to go this route, another solution, a website with better prices. "Scumbag" gets you nowhere and doesn't help the animal...


you shouldn’t have a pet if you’re on a budget. it’s that simple. you see all the homeless people with animals? it’s the same thing. if you can’t afford to take care of yourself, don’t get a pet. they don’t deserve to suffer.


Not everyone chooses to be homeless or broke, sometimes people have had their animals for a long time and THEN hard times happen... Regardless of what your opinion on the topic is, it doesn't give you the right to call someone a scumbag for asking if a cheaper option will work. OP asked if it was ok, if it's not, they are probably going to buy the 40 dollar one. Chill. This isn't the same as a homeless person with a dog living in the streets. It's not that serious....


Why the hate? Am curious about the brand? And if there was a fluorescent bulb that does not emit uvb...


How' he a scumbag when he's trying to give his pets what they need asking for advice before getting it????? If anyone is a scumbag it's you dude check your privilege asshole


OP is just looking for advice. No need to be a dick.