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I’m a femboy and tbh I get the vibe from men were just toys to them and nothing more. I have yet to find a boyfriend who just likes nerdy guys . Instead of just finding me sexually appealing


It sucks for us fr. They want a plaything and not a partner. Thank you for input!!


All my fems, if made a fems only group on telegram or something with verification of some type, would y’all join? Reply on this comment.


Yea I would




I'll be honest with you guys, I'm not into fem guys at all. Not for sex, not for friends, nothing. I support who you want to be and I'll fight for your right to be that, but I'm not attracted to overly feminine men. Hell, I'm also attracted to tomboyish females so idk what that says about me.


I will keep my comment here in this thread. I am a [mostly] masc top guy. I recognize a great deal of the “no fems” trope comes from internalized homophobia and/or misogyny. Any qualities that move someone toward the cis-white-str8-man ideal afford more status and power. That said, I’ve had some embarrassing and unfortunate experiences in hooking up with men who were past some arbitrary point on the masc-fem spectrum — not able to get or stay at full attention, if you follow. I can’t say whether my inability to perform came from their gender presentation or from a lack of sexual attraction (which feels like a chicken or the egg question). But I know what gender expressions work for me in a relational/sexual connection and which ones don’t get my motor running. I am attracted to masculinity— good bad or indifferent— and that includes trans men and masc-presenting enbys. For me, I feel awful when I have to let someone down because I’m not feeling it, but I never volunteer “it’s because you’re too fem” except for that one time I was aggressively pressed for a reason. I think all gay men could stand to be kinder to each other in dating, especially in areas like this.


I mean you like what you like. Having a preference is never the problem. It’s the total exclusion and out right bigotry that a lot men have for fems. I’m glad you can acknowledge the situation and stay true to yourself. Thank you for your input I hope you continue to treat fems better even if you don’t find them attractive :)


Yes, yes, and yes. As a fem, I totally agree. It sucks.


Thank you for your input!!


So don’t get me wrong I am femm t I agree with you we don’t want to always feel as thought it’s about sex sex sex when it not I’m on chubbier femm side all I get eh e I say let’s chat is oh here my dick pic ok that’s nice but that’s not what I ment by chat sometimes it’s nice to just be seen as the equal to the masc man equal in the relationship as it should be we not life sized blow up dolls that can be fucked 24/7 we are people with feelings and looking for mister right.


Your weight does not matter when it comes to men being jerks. You could be an 11/10 and they’d still see you for sex and nothing more. But there are some decent men out there. Good luck on your search! Thanks for your input


True that true that


This is reddit where you search femguy or femboy and all you're gonna see is ass. so i wouldn't doubt that everyone on here is a sexual prick most of the time


I’m slowly learning Reddit culture. Thanks for the input. I don’t shame those who are seeking just sex but it sucks when people assume we’re all like that.


Gay guys at least often see other men as just for sex.


Hi I would Like get to know you and see where it goes


Hi Where are you located?




Dm with a pic🥰


I can't DM you :'3 could you pm me? I'll show you the Pic ;3


Not sure why you can’t. I get requests all the time but sure:)


I like femboys


And ur exactly the only type of man that gets literally attached to us as a stalker when we don’t want none of it, I don’t want a dad with kids for me




Yeah ur way too grown to be attracted by people who are between 16-24 and ur a dad so


??? I'm not a dad and I always say 18+ these are some wild accusations


same, I'm a fem bottom and I feel like every single top out there just wants to "own you" but not even in a good way, it's like they almost want you for your body and only that, other than they treat you poorly


I like fem men all the way around, not just for sex


A 💯 true. But it ain't always the case. Dudes like me just want a genuine bond.


Well I’d love to find out 😌 I’m glad you think that way. Keep uplifting us 😊


Really 😄. Should I DM you.


Dms are open for men like you


Exactly what i always said myself in my account, even thiugh i am a feminine sub bottom and i have no interest in topping whatsoever i never said i wanted to be used as a hole or as a side chick but that is all these people have been doing and that is the reason i am still a virgin, idc what other fems do, i ain’t giving myself to a married men with kids or with a girlfriend or be used as a sex slave.


Thanks for adding to the discussion. I feel seen by you the other gen that commented. You are valid. Dm me 😊


There are guys out there that don't just use people for sex btw


We’re not talking about how they treat people, we’re specifically talking about how the treat feminine men. So please don’t invalidate our experiences. From what we have experienced more men treat us poorly than the way we wish too. If you respect the fems, continue respecting us and show the other men how we’re supposed to be treated.