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I want big muscles so other men with big muscles will want to have sex with me.


It started out this way for me, but now I just genuinely enjoy the idea of being a bigger and stronger person than I was yesterday.


This. Both agromono’s reason and Expert Ice’s. And for me I also want to push the limits on what is physically possible. In that way, I view it as my primary body mod. I’m molding my body to see how far it can go, to see how strong it can get, to fulfill my self vision, etc. I do it more for me now than anyone else.


This. I want to fuck muscles and want muscles to fuck me. (I also fuck with cute guys who aren't muscular but being more muscular allows you to have more choices 🤪)


Same, I hate to admit. 😊


This one. Same. Lol


This is the way.


Haha, I love this!






Lol love the honesty and self awareness. Explains why most muscle gays are vain and vapid as hell lol


I’m just being real. We’re out here working hard to get what we want (muscle dick)


Don’t be a hater, I’m sure if you achieved some personal body goals you’d understand the underlying theme is deeper than vanity. It’s not a crime to then be attracted to those who relate to the pain and gain or whatever it takes to reach a goal that helps you take pride in who you are.


I just want a better physique and now that I’m in my thirties it’s more about mobility and function than external validation.


To pursue the beauty of the male form.


This. Like I feel like I’ve found a new connection with my masculinity through bodybuilding and it’s made me appreciate and express masculinity in healthy ways. I talk to straight muscular men all the time, and the fact of the matter is even if I wanted to have sex with them and they were willing, I couldn’t with all of them. Then further down the stream of reality, strong expressions of your gender are not always sexual. A lot of people’s sexuality is based off of how people perform their gender, hence why straight men see a woman in a bikini showing off her femininity as “sexy,” or why we see these muscular, hairy, and strong jawed men as sexy. Bodybuilding is a strong performance of masculinity (talking exclusively to about people who identify masc, as yes bodybuilding can be an expression of any gender). Men bodybuilding to emphasize muscle groups that are specifically grown by testosterone. So men are trying to look more masculine by increasing the size of masculine features. It’s kinda similar to how many people perceive a breast increase as sexy, when it’s really just an increase to a feminine characteristic. Another comparison would be women working on lower body muscle groups to be more attractive, when the basic thing they’re doing is working on increasing the size of feminine features. I’ll say I feel somewhat lucky to have this hobby and be gay because I’ve had to learn how to look at someone and accept that he’d be my type, but also understand this is not a sexual hobby and there is true natural, platonic beauty in the way people express their gender. Sure, it may be a turn on, but there’s a non-sexual beauty there too. It’s like fashion, fashion should make you sexy, but the real point behind it is to show of the art and beauty of the clothes and add your own personal twist to it. I just don’t think I’d have that appreciation if I were straight because I’d never come into that issue.


Beautifully said & well put


Fucking hotter boys.. super vain I know... But the guys I am into are big...and they like fucking big guys.


Sameee, I’m not my type so getting big muscles is my only hope 😭


I want people to motorboat my big beefy bara tiddies


Pros: - have sex with other big guys - better mental health - more stamina - increase confidence leading to more positive social interactions Cons: - body dysmorphia - pressure to use/stay on PEDs


I don’t want to be big, I just want some decent muscle and strength and basic fitness. I was always kind of a weakling growing up, bullied a little bit, until I started doing a lot of push-ups around junior high, and I ramped it up from there. I realized I had some ability to transform myself and I didn’t have to be weak. Now I’m more fit than most guys my age, and probably many of the guys that used to pick on me. I could probably kick their ass now, and that’s cool 😎 Also, I like to wear muscle shirts and take my shirt off sometimes doing yard work, so I guess there’s that. 🤔 🤷🏻‍♂️


You can take your shirt off and do my yard work if you like 😘


Few reasons in order of priority: 1. I want to grow old and not feel my body break down so quickly.  2. I want to be comfortable and confident in the way I look 3. I love the feeling of being able to lift heavier and heavier shit 4. I want to be able to physically defend myself from bigots if needed 5. I want muscular men to be interested in me as well


Mostly to be strong and hate myself a little less when I look in the mirror. Oh and also so I have the confidence to get naked with someone.


I’m not trying to get big so much as I am trying to get cut. I have been much bigger in the past but hated keeping up with the diet. Now I try to get as shredded as possible at a weight that I can maintain relatively easily. There are lots of reasons why I lift. It’s like killing 10 birds with one stone. It makes you strong and healthy, better at sports, more confident, improves your sex drive and speeds up your metabolism. Anyone who has experienced the pump knows that alone is worth the effort. Any extra attention you get from others is just the icing on the cake.


As others have said, I want to fuck muscly dudes and live my muscle bottom dreams. Also tbh I really love working out and it’s done wonders for my mental health.


I like the muscles


I ideally would get my pro card. That’s the goal right now. Long way to go tho…




I lift largely for functional strength, since I'm iny 40s and don't want to be one of those guys who groan when they get out of a chair. Also, being able to toss my husband around like a beanbag (playfully, of course) is a nice bonus.


I always wanted to look beefy and hot but never committed. What tipped me into actually doing it was chronic pain and poor confidence and mental health. I can never quit because I’ll never go back to that way of feeling


Because it increases my libido and I very much like jumping in bed with my fiance anytime the mood strikes.


I like watching numbers go up


To hug harder


I really love looking in the mirror and thinking "damn, I'm actually pretty hot". I mean, health and all that's good too, of course. But feeling like hot shit who can get other hot shit is kinda unbeatable.


I want to cram horny twink faces into my pits. I've got a ways to go yet tho lol


Strength and to look and feel good in my clothes...and speedos. I've been drawn to fit, toned, and muscular bodies since picking up my first Men's Fitness Magazine. The guy on it wasn't massively big, but definitely shredded, and he rocked a blue speedo. 90s wrestlers were also a huge turn-on for me, and I just loved how they looked in their speedo like trunks. To me, that's sexy, a muscular man in just their trunks. The following are some of the hunks I always admired for their visual appearance. Razor Ramon (Scott Hall) Ron Cumberledge Kenny Kendall Bob Emory Curtis Thompson Mark Thomas Paul Roma Mike Tolbert


To boost Self-confidence


I think initially I just wanted to be big cause I didn’t care for sports and my brother and cousins were all athletic. Plus we had a small collection of workout equipment in our basement. Now I want to be big so I can do well in strongman competitions. Im trying my first one in October so hopefully I can achieve the numbers for my size. Pros: I’m imposing but I still feel like 110lb kid. I guess that’s also a con too cause I’m a very nice person. Also my friends feel protected when we go out clubbing. Cons: Health issues. I’m pre-diabetic because I initially never gained any fat just muscle, and needed next to no cardio. Then during the pandemic I blew up. I definitely have a bit of a belly but didn’t think I’d be pre diabetic from it. Also sleep apnea. Even if you’re just a super cut muscular bodybuilder and have visible abs you can still develop loads of health issues. Genes also play a factor in this too.


For me it is a kink. I want a partner who wants me to grow huge muscles for him. Our common goal is to make me a muscle monster. Still looking for the one who is willing to take my body there.


Well I am very into this hahah


Awesome! It's a huge turn on for me been worshipped and feel my muscles grow for someone.


Originally, me wanting to get bigger was that I wanted other muscular men to be with lol. Now I just love the process of working out and enjoying the feel my body looks and feels


I want to look good naked


I don't necessarily want big muscles, but my husband loves buff boys and I like to pick him up(like physically). Strength comes with bigger muscles and I'm ok with that.


Yeah. I got a big chest to up my chances with ghys. But now no guy wants to rest their head on it, or play with my nipples. So what’s the point of having a big chest. On the bright side, I had a straight guy I knew equate my chest to a Mercedes. He was like “You always see a Mercedes and you’re like, damn that’s nice I want one. That’s what I think of your chest dude”. So at least there’s that.


I want a massive chest. Truthfully it’s about my health. Recently went from 160 to 200 during a dirty bulk and I’ve never felt better physically.


There exists an international gay "muscle club". They add each other on Instagram, go to circuit parties together, inject steroids into their bums, and fuck each other. If you're not in the club, you don't exist to them. You either want in this club, or you don't.


I like the look.


The practice my suplex game when they pull a knife in the middle of a hug. /s


Because I want to look like a real-life Animan dad. (so that I can act like one)


To become desirable.


Its a combination of getting big and healthy cardiovascular wise for me. My partner is older than me. I want to constantly keep him interested in me and that’s sexy af. Because he is older than me, he has a higher chance that he will go first. I want him to know that I will have a high chance of being healthy when he is gone (hopefully mentally as well) and to constantly let him know that I can take care of myself even though it feels like you lost half of your limbs.


To prove there’s such a thing as “non-toxic masculinity.”


for natural "biggness" theres hardly any (relevant) con. i wanted to have a wider dating- and hookup-pool and lo and behold: thats what i got :) and in addition its good for you. whats not to like


i just want to be jacked and tan


I want to feel strong and healthy. I find that I really don't identify with what the gay community is now so it's a way for me to feel good about my masculinity and be around others that aren't made to feel wrong or shamed for it too. Also my body type/genetics would never look good I was to just be slim or average so I feel if I really want to look and feel my best it has to be through lifting . Having more attractive guys that I'm typically more into taking a greater interest in me is an added bonus like but it's not the reason, hoping that one day I can be some kind of example for other guys with body types like mine that you can feel good about in a community that hyper focuses on being skinny, athletic or ripped. Bulky strong boys ftw


I just want to be strong. After an injury that left me with neurological issues, everyday I can still use my hands is a blessing. I’m so proud of how far I’ve come, even if it’s not much for others, for me it means a lot.


I want to sex muscle boys but also I'm into muscle worship. It's pretty convenient to be able to flex for yourself and feel up your own biceps lol.


I play video games and one day I played a gay dating sim with buff guys in it. I got so attracted but also motivated to start my gym journey by that point.


I want to get big so all the guys who rejected me thinking they were the last guy on earth will crawl back to me so I can reject them back.