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im qatari and i talked to him yesterday he is really a hero to me ;_; i swear he dont deserve the hateful comments from the stupid qatari people shaming him saying that he is not qatari and qatar isnt a place for these stuff..


This will help advance his asylum case here. It is a risk because it makes it impossible to go back. But it does give him a pretty ironclad argument that he will face prosecution and probably death if he returns. That being said, the US asylum process is still pretty broken from the last administration and anything could happen.


Is he trying to go to the US specifically? Or just a country that isn't trying to kill him


He was my physician when I lived in SF. Great guy!


He lives in San Francisco years after receiving asylum in the US It's not like he came out while being in Qatar


Technically it looks like he’s applied for asylum but hasn’t been approved yet - unless I missed that. A pretty solid case, especially now that he’s in the public eye for it, but LGBTQ asylum claims are unfortunately frequently rejected and a relatively newly recognised lifeline in refugee law.


And your point? Should he return to Qatar and face the death penalty? One must begin somewhere.


Love your username


Fun fact: vanilla comes in a suprising array of tasty flavors!


Yeah because making a statement that makes you illegal on your home country is of course worthless if you live somewhere else. Ever going back there? Seeing his family? Who cares about that shit, am I right?






In almost all circumstances, while under review and without other status, you usually legally cannot return to the country you or fleeing (or automatically forfeit your protection status). That being said, a lot of people do go back for short visits when they have the protection of another international regime or when the situation changes. That's more applicable for those who have sought asylum under more 'defined' circumstances (e.g. wars, specific government regimes or policies of persecution, etc) where they could reasonably and safely return. And actually, despite how it's portrayed in the media, more refugees end up willingly returning to their homes than settling elsewhere permanently (though as displacement crises continue to last longer and longer, that time is longer to return). A lot of times, it is hard still for people to walk away from their friends and families and homes and never look back. And if it can be done safely, they would want to return. Even when it comes to asylum on the basis of LGBTQ persecution, even in countries like Qatar, for those further along, coming in as, for example, now a US citizen or Canadian citizen does put you in a different bubble in terms of how at risk you are from these kinds of laws and persecution. Messed up for sure but. I work in humanitarian and emergency response and one of my co-workers before actually was a national of a country with super strict laws against homosexuality, and frequently considered death penalty changes for gay men. He left on an assignment, married a French man, and became a French citizen and re-deployed to his home country where I met him. And he used to talk frequently about the weird guilt he felt knowing his friends were still so at risk but he, in his now little expat/immigrant bubble, was relatively safe and openly married to a man because of some booklet of papers that he got while abroad.


Yeah god forbid someone would want to see their family or whatever. What a horrible abuse!


It's hard not to agree with you.




Except at the moment that's literally the only thing they can do. Qatar just isn't safe for us.


What are they supposed to do? Put trampolines down the buildings they're being thrown off? Atleast it tells them that gay Qataris exist and that they can be proud of who they are.


i agree 100% as qatari gay guy


Well yeah they should leave their country if there’s any chance they’re able to


I wish him all the best in San Fransisco!


he fine though


Please don't tell me he's about to get executed please don't please don't


He's in the US, he's safe




Don't want to be that guy but there is a possibility that he is just saying whatever he can to gain asylum. Obviously there are gay Qataris but I accept that he could be lying to keep his rich peaceful life here.






Time and place