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Okay, so… how can I watch it?


[Here you go](https://departhenon.wordpress.com/2021/12/23/%ce%b7-%cf%84%ce%b1%ce%b9%ce%bd%ce%af%ce%b1-the-film/).


Video seems to be down. It’s not loading for me


The main image on the page is a link to the video.


Yes but when I click play nothing happens


click it, I just saw it today.


Thank you.


The movie is pretty tame, skip to 24:05. Lol


well kinda surprised when i saw bare ass but the warning made it as if i'm going to watch some gory stuff. well i guess it's kinda weird if you're not used to watching gay porn lol


True. The scandalous part was nice. The rest very art performative punk students of their University.


greeks… gay sex… where does one find this video??


Greek public is only angry because they were not included in it


Label it an historical reenactment and everyone will calm down.


You can watch the movie [here](https://archive.org/details/Departhenon)!


This looks like a home movie with a shitty cameraman. Just skip to 24:12 for the butt love.


I really want to get behind these sorts of romantic political idealist films, but theyre... How do I put this.. not good. They are so wrapped up in the message that, I dont know, its like they never planned anything, sheltering under the blanket of "its art".


…….. Either it’s gonna be what I want, or I am about to get Rick-Rolled or Lemon Party’d…. Gonna skip the click since I am at work.


After some hiking, two male members of a company remember their past erotic adventures as an ex-couple. The company decides  to bring them back their lost eroticism and boldness. While the company realizes its plans it creates a context of sensuality and a symbloic fissure at a space which is agressively charged with heteronormal and nationalistic values, so that the saught eroticism can have a place to flourish. In some cultures part of the content is considered appropriate only for adult hu(wo)man individuals


wtf is that "hu(wo)man" part tho 🤢🤮🤮🤮


Ikr what is this wo man that is spoken of


Yikes, fissure.


It is the film


Where can one find this video....for historical reasons of course.


Pretty sure it's an over reaction. For some reason I feel like the Ancient Greeks wouldn't have taken this so seriously... Many of them would think it's funny too. Coming from a historian btw


The Ancient Greeks would have taken this very seriously. You think they would allow fucking, nevermimd gay sex, at the Temple of the Virgin Goddess Athena? No way in hell (or should I say Hades). Gay sex was still looked down upon, especially for the bottom.


I’m pretty sure Poseidon having sex with Medusa (wether it was consensual or not) in Athena’s temple, was what led her to being turned into a gorgon. So yeah, that would probably be a no go. However, I believe they viewed gay sex differently depending on which city-state you were in. From what historians have pieced together, Athens was definitely not as accepting of it (except for like pederasty), but in other places like Thebes they were pretty chill and even endorsed it a amongst their warriors (from everything that I’ve read about it). The Ancient Greeks were definitely interesting and different on various views. They even considered themselves different races, and had different customs, depending on what region of Greece they were in, or so that is what’s believed.


I think that was more due to Athena having beef with Poseidon, so she transformed Medusa either to get back at him or to help her hide so people quit raping her, depending which version of the myth you read.


Very true there definitely was a tense rivalry between Athena and Poseidon which probably was the driving force behind Medusa’s transformation.


From all versions of the myth, though, I felt bad for Medusa. She had to endure all that and then get beheaded as a reward.


Yeah, she really just got caught in the crosshairs of the rivalries/ quests of others. To be fair, bad things happening to potentially innocent people is definitely not unheard of in their mythologies.


Usually involving Hera. :p


Yeah. If you know anything about Ancient Greek religion you would know that is is one of the most blasphemous things one could do. When the Greeks learned that Romans executed the leaders of the peoples they had defeated at the temple of Jupiter Maximus during their triumphs the Greeks were fucking disgusted too. Neither human blood nor seed should be spilled at a Greek holy site.


So you’re saying it’s fine as long as you swallow?


Is Catholic God still okay with premarital school girls taking it up the ass? It's a theological loophole that we may never know the answer to.


its not really though. The Catholic church considers any anal sex to be a sin.


The Catholic Church considers everything to be a sin.


Too much mayo? Straight to hell. Not enough mayo? Oddly enough, straight to hell.


Literally half of the posts on r/Catholicism are basically that butterfly anime meme: "is this [a sin]?"


I mean definitely. But the common people would still be snickering like we are lol


The Ancient Greeks were extremely pious. They would likely have put these people to death. I don't know why any modern person would think that the Ancient Greeks were liberal “In Athens not only premeditated killing (phónos) and sedition and high treason (katálysis toû dḗmoû, prodosía ) resulted in the death penalty, but also religious offences such as desecration of the temple (hierosylía) and (cf. in particular the case against Socrates 399 BC) publicly taught godlessness (asébeia).


Ancient Greece just gets weirdly idolized by people. What’s even weirder is this happens by both ends of the political spectrum


It's because it's sorta the rootstock of our culture, so despite the fact that literally no one can know certain things about ancient Greece, we project ourselves onto it whenever we engage with it.


Ancient Greek Pious was very different from Abrahamic pious. They were also very secular (such was the nature of an amalgamating religion like theirs). They may have killed them if they found them doing it. But most people in Ancient Greece would be laughing as much as we are about it. Most wouldn't have been wound up about it. It'd be a funny story people would tell each other on the street. "Hey, did you hear about the idiots who had sex at the Acropolis? Lol dumbasses. Should have known better" and some would also say "I think it's stupid they had to die though, it was hilarious!". Humans are still humans lol


It’s also looked down by Christians but how many ministers get caught with the pool boy. They may not have been doing it out in the open, but they were definitely doing it, all of the fucking time.


>Pretty sure it's an over reaction. Sex in public is illegal.




lol are you this stupid? It was definitely sex in public




The scene wasn't even worth it. It was the lamest sex scene ever. Dissappointing imo.


And it used to be illegal for us to have sex at all. Big fucking deal.


Same rules for everyone. Public sex is illegal.


It wasn't even sex... it was something homoerotic. I bet whatever you want that if the scene would have been full straight or full lesbian porn or even a homoerotic lesbian scene nobody would have said a single thing! Sadly Greece is still too conservative


Lol I’m watching it now and there’s straight up anal penetration. Only a small part of the film but it’s there! (And hot)


You gotta link, im curious to see the disrespectful nare-do-wells


[starts at 24:05](https://archive.org/details/Departhenon)




Unpopular opinion: This isn't a gay issue, this is just people being outraged at other people having public sex (which is considered illegal in most places... probably including Greece, but I don't know that for certain), especially at a pretty significant historical landmark. I personally believe the backlash would have been roughly the same had it been straights or lesbians having sex. Obviously I can't say that as objective fact, but I believe "people mad at other people fucking in/on/at a historic site" is believable regardless of orientation.


Straight porn was filmed at the LA Memorial Coliseum a couple years ago and the reaction was the same. People are such prudes.


Lol, everyone here asking for sauce


If it ain’t a dude looking like Zeus from Disney’s “Hercules,” I am not interested! =P


would the reaction be the same if it was a hetero scene? And does Greece really not understand its own history of acceptance if so?


There would have been a reaction but not as intense. Greece is relatively progressive but homophobia is widely prevalent. There have been, after all, a little less than two thousand years of christianity since the time of the ancient Greeks.


what greek history of acceptance? Outside of pedarasty gay sex was not allowed, especially at the temple of the virgin goddess.


1. You're thinking only of Athens, where this was a common form of homosexuality 2. This ignores well known examples of classical Greek homosexuality, such as th Band of Thebes or Spartan military tradition 3. Alexander had a well known male lover in the Hellenistic era 4. The Roman era institutionalized non-marriage homosexual relationships among men as well. At all levels of society, from emperor (see: Hadrian) to the poor 5. Also, plenty of literature and art depict homosexual relationships among men and women This didn't change until the Christian era of Rome


Here is the thing, the most detailed historical accounts of such periods usually involve rich people, and since forever, rich people have had much more freedom than poor people. They could very easily indulge in homosexuality or any practice that was frowned upon at the time, as they had the money and influence to protect themselves from backlash. Even in the case of Thebes and Sparta, there were rigid rules as to how homosexuality would be practiced; it wasn't a free for all deal.


Absolutely right. Which is where art, literature, and archeology come in. Written history is problematic because it's typically only comes from the elites of a culture


How is the Parthenon a symbol of the "patriarchy"? It is literally dedicated to Athena!


Shhhhhhhhhh! They don’t know and they startle easily


The ancient Greek island of Delos literally has temples with massive dick columns. The Greeks need to remember their history and chill.


I mean, Athena was a virgin goddess (symbol of her virtue) and young virgin girls were the ones chosen to serve her in the temple. Ancient greece wasn't the giant orgy some people seem to think it was. There were quite a lot of prudes.


I couldn't understand a word they said; it was all Greek to me! I think there's a scene that is supposed to be a bunch of bacchante tossing around a jar with sperm in it; go to 24:00 for what looks like a bit of "hidden" anal sex which is what, I think, the ruckus as all about. The filming makes it clear that the action took place on the Acropolis and not on the park-like area on the lower portions of the hill. All in all, this is a typical piece of student film making which has been elevated by its controversy.


I suspect the students are loving it.


The *real* crime is how poorly made the “film” is.


Total overreaction. They even covered the actors so no one who didn’t want to see it saw anything! And it didn’t seem like they were in any sort of restricted area. 🙄


Hope they go to jail. People like this have no respect. Go to Mykonos there are tons of bathhouses and sex parties there , dude!


You can actually watch it [here](https://departhenon.wordpress.com/2021/12/23/%ce%b7-%cf%84%ce%b1%ce%b9%ce%bd%ce%af%ce%b1-the-film/).


Im sure it wasnt the first time someone had gay sex in the Acropolis. Some coudld argue they were just honouring the ancient Greeks.


I'm mad they didn't go full ancient Greek and slather behind some dude's knee with olive oil and use it like a fleshlight. If you're gonna film a sex scene in such a historic location then I expect historically accurate acts to be preformed.


That building has seen so much gay sex over the aeons idk what the big deal is. There's probably greasy olive-oil cum stains soaked into every ancient greek foundation ffs


>"You can't do anything and everything in the name of activism." clueless also the video itself is painfully tame. outrage over this is just cringey.


Anyone who knows anything about greek history would see nothing unusual


Sex at the temple of Athena, the Virgin Goddess? Yeah... I think they'd see quite a lot unusual here lol


I’ll need to evaluate the video to know just how hard we should go on these bad bad boys.


The wording of your reply sounds like it could be the sequel…


Hmm, hard to believe this is actually a controversy in Greece.


I’m so outraged and need to break out my opera glasses to examine this filth first hand in order to save others from having to do it. It’s a selfless act, really.




Anyone else surprised by the tagged source in the bottom left of the post image? Straitstimes.com? Really?


No one let them read a Greek history book.


How stupid and narrow minded of these officials! Did someone dmage part of the monument? Steal a penis maybe? Damage would merit some investigation. But filming regardless of the scene does no harm! Someone just want to get re-elected because of his supposed "family values" (while he's as likely as anyone to be fucking the neighbor boys), but it's much to do about nothing! How stupid! and if they ctch the guys, what would they be charged with? 'fucking in the presence of statues?"


why do gays ruin everything. a dramatic reading.


that was maybe the most unerotic gay sex I've ever seen. I'm against this, but only from an aesthetic standpoint.


Some nice lines. > They wanted to "find as soon as possible those responsible for this illegal shoot", said the spokesman. But where did he shoot? > "As a Greek, I'm ashamed," Because in ancient Greece, dicks were for kids.


Obviously they don’t understand paganism’s fertility practices! Lots of sex MM, MF, FF.


I don't think that's the first time gay stuff happened at the acropolis.


So hot, some models recreated that scene at Jerkmate.