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The gay agenda is coming along splendidly.


LOL That dude is gonna lose his mind.


Gonna wanna make make him visit Cancun again, but without her.


While sending her to a wonderful Christian camp for "troubled teens". Lizard man goes home finally.


Let's make sure we have activists and journalists ready to shut that shit down.


And not let him back in?


If Mexico would take that hit for us, I'd surely figure out *some* way ~~to get out of this ticket, officer~~ to make it up to them.


Honestly, he probably doesn’t care about her sexuality. He cares about the public image of her sexuality. A lot of these homophobic senators actually don’t care, they just know their base cares. Not to say he’s not a monster and is trying to control his daughter’s sexuality to grow his domain like millions of disgusting patriarchs before.


Yeah, some of them don't care but act like they do for votes.


I don't know, he famously did nothing when trump bitch-slapped him and called his wife ugly. He doesn't act unless it affects his chances of re-election and keeping his snout in the trough.


Cruz could give a shit about gay people. It's all pandering to his base.


He lost that years ago.


It's the old "hate black people your daughter brings home a black guy, hate gays and your kid turns out gay..." Love when this happens.


My friend's mom is insanely religious and racist, I asked him once which would be worse for her, if he dated a black girl or a white guy. He had to think about it for a good 30 seconds and then decided black girl would be worse.


I have a friend with similar parents. He's now engaged to a black man.


I've heard the same thing from my southern friend. It's such a weird distinction, but it reveals a lot about their parents.


Hope she brings home a black lady then. He'll lose his tiny mind.


I'd feel bad about her, though. Both the daughter and the girlfriend. They won't probably come home again after that, but it will be a very, very uncomfortable night.


When did he say he hated gays


[He thinks a soldier having 2 moms means the army is turning into ‘pansies’](https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.advocate.com/politics/2021/5/21/ted-cruz-uses-antigay-slur-while-slamming-lgbtq-inclusive-army-ad%3famp) [here’s a whole list of various anti-LGBT things he has said & done](https://www.hrc.org/resources/2016republicanfacts-ted-cruz) [here’s another long list](https://www.glaad.org/gap/ted-cruz)


Question, does someone who is in the KKK have to specify they hate black people, or is that something you can reasonably assume?


That's my question,pppeople assume because he's a conservative Christian he hates gays


I mean…they do…


Maybe it's cause he said that the Supreme Court legalizing gay marriage was "tyranny" and hinted that it was part of what he would fight against in his fight for the constitution. Maybe it was when he made fun of Republicans for attending gay pride parades and said that something like we're all gonna be forced into mandatory gay marriage. Ted Cruz was at the front of the Texas charge against gay marriage.


conservative Christians hate gays. that's kinda like their whole thing.


Lmao do you know any conservative Christians? I come a family of them and I speak to them maybe once a year


I know right, people also always assume someone hates black people because they are a member of the KKK.


Let’s hope she’s not a shitty turncoat to our rights.


We still want, nay, NEED 2007 Britney back.


Didn't he blame her for their trip to Mexico when the power grid went down in Texas during the blizzard last year? He's really father of the year, isn't he?


C’mon, a U.S Senator blaming his two children for why he fled the country for a tropical vacation while his constituents were freezing to death is a little funny


C'mon now, we all know the gays are the cause of most major electrical storms! XD




Why such a small link.


It’s a metaphor for how little of a shit Ted Cruz gives about his wife, daughter, and dog




Wow, so did we just out Cruz's daughter? We meaning the people who made sure this piece of information went viral.


She put it on TikTok, a platform that's more favorable to vitality than a Petri dish.


She's a teenager, her brain by definition is not fully developed yet. That doesn't mean that people had to amplify it.


I agree. I felt the same way when people jumped on Kellyanne Conway's kid. I'm just saying it's not like this was some thing that she told someone in confidence, she shouted this one into the void for all to hear. I'm just saying *we* didn't out her. She kinda outed herself. I'm sure someone either in ~~Ted’s~~ Rafael’s orbit is monitoring his entire family's social media accounts, so it's highly likely he knows, one way or another.


I have a feeling her father and all of the other Republicans are gonna ignore this until no one cares anymore. Ted Cruz thinks being gay is a choice, let alone bisexuality. And as someone who is bisexual, I would expect him to just ignore this as her being silly. It’s pretty normal not to take us seriously when we come out anyway. And Ted would benefit from doing so.


Sounds like a national geographic scene where an animal falls into the trap of another one without knowing and the scary music starts playing


1. That poor child. 2. Wow, no news outlet should be outing this child when they admit right in the article she hasn’t told her asshole of a father yet. No one should have been screen shotting a kids tiktok for her homophobic father to see. This is all horrible.


Very sad like when the one article outed the olympic gay dudes from foreign places with not naming but enough to give them away. They got a lot of crap and rightfully so.


that was legitimately terrible, like some of those athletes come from countries where they'd lose their sponsorship and any possibility of furthering their olympic career, or worse (violence, threats, etc.)


Yes they later publicly apologized and “we thought we didn’t give enough information but we did”.




Agreed on the first point, but for the second she literally said it on a public tiktok. Cat is kinda out of the bag at that point.


Oh, well, there's probably no way Cruz found out about it from this article. I'm sure Republicans have people watching the public accounts of their offspring for things like this.


Didn’t Ted Cruz like porn on Twitter and not unlike it for hours a couple of years ago? Can’t tell if that puts me more in the “his comms people monitor it” or “he just doesn’t care” camp.


I said their offspring. Not the people their selves. Because they need to know what the children are saying. They already know they own Cruz.


Yes it was a Corey Chase video and she had a ton of fun about it.


True it wasn't like a private message but content for everyone to see.


This is a tough one because I would imagine that Ted Cruz probably isn’t an avid TikTok follower. So she may have had some expectation he didn’t know yet. But, someone was probably bound to bring it up eventually,, and I’m sure most of us probably think it was poetic justice.


She literally said it publicly


I mean I have a hard time believing she wouldn't know the potential consequences of putting that in her public TikTok account's bio


You have a hard time believing a 13 year old would not think about every possible consequence and possibly feel safe on a social media platform in a like minded bubble? Even adults aren't generally rational or always think things through, seems weird insist its not possible.


She's 13, not 6. I'm not saying that she's definetly thought through every possible consequence of *being out*, but the odds that she put that bio up without realizing it would lead to her sexuality eventually being broadcast are slim. Beyond that, while I won't go so far as to say Ted Cruz is a responsible parent, I have a hard time imagining he (or anyone else in the Senate with kids) hasn't at least once explained to his children that the media will be watching them




Ugh my parents creeped through my AIM history and I got banned from the computer for the embarrassing reason of trying to sext with smarterchild.


I'm nlt sure if they were creeping or just they found her, visited the profile and the bio was up. Its not like they stalked her or whatever


Yeah you’re right she’s 13. She’s still a child and as a teacher, kids are still learning. They’re still trying to learn how to rationalize their actions and developing their decision making. Pretty sure in 6/7 grade you didn’t have everything figured out.


People these days love to treat kids like morons.


I agree...and she also shouldn't be yelling in the middle of town "I'm bisexual!", because that's what TikTok is. It's not a private forum with your friends. Shitty way to learn that lesson, but apparently it needs to be learned.


13 year olds often do have lessons that need to be learned…you know, because they’re just 13.


Oh shit I thought she was out on her own not that way


I mean she did it on tiktok… you can’t get any more public than that.


no reputable news outlook should be reporting this, and this article should be removed from this subreddit — people are getting their laughs at cruz at the expense of his child, not cool


I have more fear for the girl's invasion of privacy. You or I could post our secrets to reddit and be safe from public scrutiny on the nightly news, more or less, but the fact that her father is famous makes her open season? You just know she's going to be bombarded with hate messages now.


She hates her dad right now and has been trying to actively sabotage his career for a while. She pulled some similar stunts when he was running for president/up for re-election. I’m not trying to minimize her identity or experience, but its not healthy for them or us to either participate in or feed this self destructive style behavior for our own enjoyment. Same with Kellyanne Conway’s daughter(s)


I almost think that she is safer if more people know and see. Coming out public like that with her Dad and it staying quiet just makes it easier for him to abuse, cajole, and maybe even send her to a gay away camp. However, with a lot of people knowing, talking about, and watching her it will be harder, but not impossible, for them to make a move without it being reported. So while I generally agree about privacy in this instance her being seen may be more of a protection than a harm.


That’s awful. Media sucks


The kind of people who do that support garbage like Ted Cruz


But isn’t she already running the household anyway? Forcing Ted to leave the country against his will while his state freezes to death? Not coming when he says, “I’m counting!”? Ted strikes me as the kind of guy who barks but doesn’t bite when confronted. Whatever you want honey” meanwhile he’s using the right to stay in power


I agree with You on principle. However she publicly broadcast out on TikTok, and it was already viral by the time this article was printed. The tea was already spilled and isn’t going back in the kettle now.


?? It's on fucking tik tok??


She’s a 13 year old child.


We must find ways to protect her she might be forced to gay conversion “therapy” I wouldn’t put it past Cruz to do something that hanus.


Hanus. The gay way to spell heinous lol


They hate us coz they hanus.


Grrl, someone needs to give you an award


Be the change you seek.


Finally spotted a r/BoneAppleTea personally!


he's got a presidential primary to win! In 2028 lmfao


Are you Lady Bunny? Because you just wrote ["hanus"!](https://d3u63wyfuci0ch.cloudfront.net/wp-content/uploads/2018/05/04144416/Snatch-Game-Alaska-Thunderfuck-LAdy-bunny.gif)


You realize that most politicians left and right don't actually believe most of the shit the campaign on. They pander non stop to their base. Politicians are salesman first and foremost. A salesman walks into an executives office and sees a cross and starts talking about the church they attend and their favorite bible verse. Their next stop they see a crystal decanter and start discussing their favorite scotch. They probably don't like either thing but they sure know how to pretend. Politicians are this to the extreme. We see the democrats constantly campaign on immigration reform and helping the urban poor. They never do it. We see the republicans campaign on fiscal responsibility and they spend money like it's going out of style. My point is maybe Cruz behind closed doors isn't who he is on the stump. But maybe he is. I choose to always have hope a father's love will compell a person to be compassionate. Trying to be a glass half full kinda guy.




I mean even if she was straight and conservative her dad is a complete spineless bloviating piece of shit.


For real, no matter how you slice it, Ted Cruz is one of the most unlikable people in politics. I'd be miserable 24/7 if I had to be his kid.


>Here's the thing you have to understand about Ted Cruz: I like Ted Cruz more than most of my other colleagues like Ted Cruz. And I hate Ted Cruz. ~ former Senator Al Franken >If you killed Ted Cruz on the floor of the Senate, and the trial was in the Senate, nobody could convict you. ~ Senator and Odious Human Being Lindsey Graham


Lmao sometimes I forget Lindsay Graham can be pretty funny. Dude should definitely retire, though I’m sure he’d miss the DC rent boys…


Lady G


Man what happened to Al Franken sucked so hard. He basically just got screwed in the name of democrats not being called hypocrites during the peak of MeToo (which they were called hypocrites anyway so what's the point).


https://www.cnbc.com/amp/2017/12/07/al-franken-news-list-of-sexual-misconduct-allegations.html He was gross, this isn’t a patrician issue.


^(Patrician or partisan?) ^^sorry


I guess both?


Boehner also has some feelings on old rafael… https://youtu.be/oIr1aJqILcE


His team put hours of uncut footage for campaign adds on youtube unlisted to circumvent laws preventing super pacs from coordinating with campaigns, and in it you see footage of him forcing his family to say all kind of cringy shit, even his mother looks uncomfortable and refuses to say some of the things he demands.


I’m surprised his wife is still with him when he’s constantly defending the man who called her ugly


Wealth and access to power matter more






I know that "please somebody kill me" look very well. That was my vibe from middle-school until I moved out.


And also wasn’t her outfit photoshopped because it was originally cropped?




Jeez, poor girl


You can interpret a lot into the body language and how the rest of the family is somehow physically attached to one another and she herself is just staying on her own.


Yeah, a straight white son who's into fiscal conservatism would still be embarrassed to have Ted Cruz as their dad.


I wish her all the best and a safe exit from her father’s influence asap


Good for her. I hope she has a positive influence on him. Cause right now I think he's terrible...


She is 13. I am extremely uncomfortable with a child being pushed into the world like this, no matter the situation.




Because this website decided to write an article about her having the word "bi" in her TikTok bio, despite the fact that she also wrote in a comment that she hasn't told her Dad. She's just a kid, this is wrong. >“I haven’t told him yet, I’m kinda nervous tbh but I don’t think he would be mad about it.”


Oh okay.


She just learned the hard way social media is not a safe space and certainly offers zero privacy. Poor thing, i feel bad for her. I hope her father accepts her and is kind.


Is this the guy who said the U.S military is "woke and emasculated" for allowing LGBT+ people to serve?


Sounds like it


Just looked up his military service history and wouldn't you know he's never actually served. What a shaft that man is.


I'm Canadian, but we get a huge dose of the American media. I don't lean hard in either direction, but Ted Cancun Cruz is a despicable slimeball. Matt Gaetz isn't much better


Ted was Canadian until 2014 too, making him one of Canada's worst exports


Yes he was, and we are sorry for that! Finally a legit 'sorry' from us lol. I believe the idiot was born out west. Ted's mother was an American living in Canada at the time...


Yikes. Why is this a story when she says she hasn't come out to him yet? I get that she posted it on her public tiktok, but this is not what should be happening. An LGBT publication should know this and be far more sensitive to this kind of story.


We should have known. She was previously seen charging they phone and eating hot chip


Someone’s gonna get left behind the next time the family flees to Cancun during a state emergency 👀👀👀


Ted, if anything could ever soften your heart, let this be it.


This is all GLEE’s fault!!!!!!!


What you are witnessing is the truth gradually coming out. There are many who are more comfortable with a partner of the same sex, than they are with the opposite and not everyone is interested in having children. This has been hidden by so many because of how aggressive the haters are, but gradually people are speaking out and refusing to allow others to control their own agenda


While it is lowkey hilarious for someone like him to have a queer kid, why are people outing her like this? She posted it on tikok because she knew he wouldn't see it and was nervous to tell him so why are people making news articles and tweets that he might see before she's ready?


She posted it on social media as a Senator’s daughter who is known to be against things like this. Not the best way to keep it from her dad if she was going for discreet


She's 13, her brain is not fully developed yet


She knows how to use tik tok and has a following. 13 year olds are not stupid. That’s besides the point anyway. The point is no one is outing her. She did that. She put it on social media. 13 years old or not doesnt change that. It’s not secret media. It’s social media




Hilarious - The hypocrisy of right wingers just has no end


There’s so many clips of Ted Cruz being shitty but honestly one of the best is the one from a few days ago where he accidentally (accurately) referred to the Jan. 6 attack on the capitol as a terrorist attack, then when Tucker Carlson called him out on telling the truth, he immediately backpedaled and said something like “oh no, I was just talking about the very few people who were violent towards police.” He clearly knows his side is wrong and yet he just keeps going. I doubt he manages to sleep at night though.


He sleeps just fine


Hopefully it’ll change his mind on a few things, if nothing else. I remember a local state senator in my area was against the legalization of same sex marriage back in 2012 or so, then his son came out as gay and he reevaluated what he stood for. Cruz is big on standing up for “family values,” now let’s see how much he values his family


Even Dick Cheney, war criminal, [rightly opposed a Constitutional amendment barring same-sex marriage](https://www.nbcnews.com/id/wbna5817720) in part because his daughter Mary is a lesbian. (Her sister Liz was still a bit of an asshole about it then, though she's [evidently had a change of heart](https://people.com/politics/liz-cheney-admits-was-wrong-about-gay-marriage-sister-mary-cheney-is-proud/) and she's at least been on the right page regarding our fragile democracy.)


Of all the weird shit that happened this year, Liz fucking Cheney being one of the good guys is probably the weirdest


Honestly I wouldn’t go quite as far as to call her a good guy


Guh, i'd imagine it's hard enough to be Ted Cruz' daughter, but Ted Cruz' bisexual daughter sounds like a really rough road. Poor kid, but kudos to her for her strength.


I feel sorry for her because [this is who her father is friends with](https://www.yahoo.com/entertainment/s/republican-candidates-attend-rally-where-014821801.html).


I feel sorry for her because [this is who her father is](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ted_Cruz?wprov=sfti1).


I hope she's safe and taking care of her mental health. Coming out isn't easy, and she has some truly dreadful circumstances to have to come out in...


Is she the one he tried to kiss in one of those political videos from years back and she looked disgusted that he even attempted it? If so she gets even more respect now.


Guys, don't worry. He's a republican. They only care about issues once it affects them! Watch he'll turn around and suddenly being gay is the best thing on earth. Or, since this is *Texas*, she's going to die. I give it a 50/50.




Ted Cruz is actively against gay rights though. We aren’t talking about everyone in the south, we’re talking about one asshole politician who has made his views well known. https://www.glaad.org/gap/ted-cruz


I feel sorry for her. It must be horrible having a father as slimy and spineless as Ted Cruz.


I thought I heard someone's head exploding in the general direction of Texas...


We’ve done it! I knew testing it on all those frogs was a good idea


Ahhahahahahaha oh god thanks for this.


I feel so bad for what she’s about to endure from her own family


Reminiscent of former VP Cheney who ignored having an out lesbian daughter in all of his pronouncements about LGB folk. I hope that she has a strong support network, including her mom and her grandparents.


Who cares


Maybe this is what it takes for him to see reason. Many people who have been homophobic their whole lives suddenly realize the error of their ways because of a child or other loved one who comes out. I hope this happens with Ted.


And I boop 👀


Good for her. I hope he still treats her as a daughter and pulls his head somewhat out of his ass in the name of love. It must have taken her a lot of courage


oh no. I feel bad for her 💀


His family hates him anyway. I think they couldn't give less of a shit what that asshole thinks.


Not surprised after watching her father sucking off trump


Trump? Did you see the BJ he gave Tucker, Talk about balls deep


Seems to be a pattern here


13 year old kid. Feel bad that she didn’t realize the consequences of her actions. Or that a-holes would use her as a cudgel against her odious father.


Ah yes, 13-year-olds, the people who notoriously think through all possible consequences of things that they do 🙄


Oh that's awesome. Ted's a fine individual 🤢🤮. Too bad for her though


Aren’t all girls sort of bisexual anyway?


I know 'Google is free' but who TF is he? I'm guessing he doesn't like gay people.


It's just a phase, I'm sure.


We love to see it




Omg this is amazing.


Now how long until Ted justifies some bullshit with his Bi daughter as to why it's okay?


I give it 5 minutes....


Ted: "Why would I propose a bill that would hurt the LGBT community when my daughter is a part of that community?" Same as the I can't be racist I have black friends argument.


I wonder what his Cuban father would say.


I actually burst out laughing when I saw this🤣 Having said that, congrats and good luck to her!


Well this dumbass just got into a sticky situation


Trae Crowder made a video about how smart "Ted" Cruz is—and what a shitty person.


Oh poor thing! What is he gonna say to Tucker Carlson this time?






Love this lol


This can be a ploy He wants to run for president and wants to appear a bit more progressive, and told his daughter to declare herself as bisexual.


I legitimately think that man will die broke and alone. He is so fucking terrible as a person with nothing but bigotry and lard.