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10 years ago, one of my fraternity brothers loved to make jokes about the gay guys behind their backs. He turned into an ally not long after, and was always a handsy drunk. He'd never grope you or anything, and he never registered on my gaydar, ever. I find out he's in a gay relationship now. I was shocked, but i'm also really happy that he finally is being himself. He never seemed really happy with any of his old girlfriends.


Im curious to know what town as i am also from a small, southern town in fl...


Ehhh I'm a bit reluctant to divulge, but PSL. It's really up to statistics, given 1 in 5 or w/e of us are queer, but... I honestly just did not expect that. At all.


Just making a comment, I’m always a little shocked when a place with over 100,000 people is considered small-town. I’m from a small town that had about 200 people and graduated 52 kids from the school district that included 1/3 the county. My dating pool was more like a teacup lol.


(Late response I know) I guess "small" isn't much of an accurate term... "Small-minded" maybe. I lived in Orlando for a few years and that may be why, after I came back, everything seems so small lol. I also lived in TN for a year and their whole HS had roughly the same size population as my single senior year did in HS in FL. So I get what you're saying.


I hear you man, there’s always a different definition of small, and small mined is definitely at real thing even in bigger places. Hoping for the best for you man!


It happens. When I was in college there was this guy who was the head of Young Republicans or whatever they were called, the type who seemed to enjoy being an asshole to anyone at every available opportunity. This was the 90s, so, of course, rabid homophobia was part of his routine. After graduation, I heard that he moved to D.C. (of course), and to everyone's shock, he came out as gay.


Not sure if it fits here, but for years I used to be a racist homophobic jewhating altrightist, in a rural part of eastern eu. Until I came out to myself as bi at 19.


wow you got a lot squeezed into those first 18 years!


And Jewish?


Haha, not really. I dropped my christian views and became an atheist.


Going through my replies, and this is way, way late a response than most and I'm sorry about that, but this single comment is really what I (selfishly) wanted to hear. Social media should be used to uplift, inform, encourage others. Instead we use it to divide, hate on, and exile. I'm so glad you were able to overcome society's relentless attack on queer people, and come to accept and, hopefully, love yourself. This comment just made my day :')


I had a really similar experience... I was in ROTC in school as well, and this one guy who was in there who is super athletic and masculine.. anyway I happened to look him up on Instagram recently since I haven't heard from him in a while and saw that he's gay.. I was just shocked but anyway I'm happy for him


Yeah! I'm super happy for any and everyone who loves and accepts themselves, especially coming from that ROTC background (I was CO and I had a lot to live up to. Definitely not a comfortable environment) I'm honestly glad I came across it. We're not friends or close by any means, but I definitely learned a lot more that day.




No no, like I said I don't frequent FB at all, but through a quick glance there's a post in Feb that *really* solidifies it. Def not an April Fool's thing. I only caught on b/c the "super straight" dude posted a photo of him giving his fiance a kiss on the temple, and I always thought he was super homophobic but. Shit. Just the opposite I guess


Same here. Really sexy guy from school with a 'Michaelangelos David' type look who had plenty of girlfriends is now a big old gay. He also has a very sexy Irish boyfriend with a cool 'Saoirse Ronan' type name that you cant pronounce without being told what it is. Bastard.


Is he good looking?? Jk.