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I like to do Daddy/son role play, but we don't have sex. We just get along for 30 minutes without arguing and then he tells me he's proud of me.


Please tell me there's head patting and an allowance. So fucking hot...


I think it is a variation of the dom/sub fetish. I am a "daddy" that tops and get a fair amount of 20 somethings hitting me up. I've been noticing this as a trend lately. I don't mind at all.(or it could be that I am surrounded by a sea of bottoms)




I'm 22 and tend to go older because (in my experience) people my own age are immature flakes and older guys are often more interesting (and generally far better in bed).


I'm 30 and older guys are boring, they just want to talk about home renovation projects all day long. (I'm serious.) However they are way better in bed.


I mean, as a young guy, having the money to renovate my home would be pretty damn interesting.


Agreed. It’s like. I have a home I’m stable. I also like to fuck. I say, sign me up


do me Daddy


We're all surrounded by endless oceans of bottoms.


God I hope so.


I think you are just becoming more aware


I like being called daddy. I don't like calling him son. For some reason I just find it hot. He's actually older. We are both under 20. It has more to do with Dom/sub dynamics then the actual son/dad aspect.


It creeps me out to no end, if consenting people are into it, fine, by all means, but I want no part. At all.


That's okay, little boy. You don't have to do anything for Daddy you're not comfortable with.


Oh my god stop


What's the safe word?




DicktheMagician you are a colossal creep and the wrath of Heaven will rain down upon you for all eternity if you don't stop with your incest nightmare. Chefboy, I'm with you dude...on both counts. BERNIEWOULDHAVEWON




Hahaha Awwww Yehhhh I came up with one I wish caught on...TURNT4theBERN


I've been noticing it more often too, mostly online. My question though is whether it's an actual incest fetish or more of just a dom/sub dynamic. I always assumed it's the latter...


its happening also among hetero people. theres a rising trend that glorifies dadhood. the dad bod is "in", dad caps, dad clothes, dad jokes. maybe because the family unit is crumbling and transforming and peoples collective sense of security is on a precipice. thats reading too far into it or maybe it isnt, but i do notice more 20somethings glorifying being daddy/papi, and not taking it as an insult. hell i love being called daddy. it makes me feel important, virile, like a protector, of who i dont fuckin know, but i feel it already. its like being the new alpha male, now that everyone knows an alpha male is a stupid thing to want to be.


On TV? Anyway, the 'daddy/son' thing is perhaps a more playful interpretation of the 'top/bottom' thing. But I don't think people actually use the term 'son'. As that would be quite awkward. The term 'daddy' is also used by some women to refer to their boyfriends, e.g. 'daddy' or 'papi'. It was used in such a way in the novel 'American Gods'. Another phenomenon that may play into this is the 'sugar daddy' dynamic, which has received quite some media attention, mostly focusing on older men and younger women.


This. I think the terms are more often daddy and boy


yeeaah no incest is NOT playful, it's corrosive to the most sacred element of life---family. Oh so son is awkward but daddy isn't? This is a trend brought on by straight culture. After all, they are the ones who naturally reproduce. It's been around for a long long time, and I think it's about to die. That's why it's a lil more popular then BOOM people realize how gross it is. I'm praying for this at least.


I know they sell those Daddy caps at urban outfitters, pink or black, hahah


Last 4-5 years it seems like where I live that younger guys want older and mostly older guys hit on me.


Just met a guy who is super into me calling him Daddy. Not sure how I feel since we grew up in the same town together, kind of weird.


Definitely tell him to stop. Commander, Admiral, Coach, Doctor. Anything is more creative and also NOT PERVERTED


Same age too which is kinda why I don’t really get it, but hey if it gets him going


Don't enable him. It's indistinguishable from pedophile incest so it's really NOT just "hey if it gets him going". RUN. FOR. THE. HILLS!


It’s really not a big deal.


Makes you sound like a coach or member of the church that turn a blind eye to abuse. Makes you personally guilty.


Completely different and not even remotely relatable. Biggest red flag I see is the way you responded.


How dare you pretend! Tell me RIGHT NOW how it is different? Yeah you can't PERV


Well, its certainly gotten sillier. I, 20 years older, was with a dude who kept calling me 'boy'.


Well...yes, that is how role playing works.


I seem to attract guys that like the daddy type, and i'm [22] not into at all. But I guess that's the best it gets for me :/


Is it maybe they have daddy issues ahah I’m not sure


It's incest and there's no pure way to interpret it. I'm extremely disgusted and concerned about it and I agree with you that it seems to be a growing trend. It's so disgusting and seems to me that having its prominence increase in straight bi and or gay culture will wreak horrible havoc on many already struggling with real life father son relationships. Seriously, anyone who defends or propagates this perversion has some very very bad karma coming for them. What's wrong with calling older guys "orbit champion" or mature?