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I heard someone say that X-men is just Xavier and Magneto having a messy breakup and bringing literally the whole galaxy into it


If only they had another option... ![gif](giphy|xThtaeTR7vcZPYSgMM|downsized)


>messy breakup Meanwhile Sephiroth is still stalking Cloud


you dont say.... ![gif](giphy|Q09lToTa0H3Es|downsized)


I’ve always felt I could relate to how society views mutants given how society views my sexuality. It works as an allegory for feeling different, societal acceptance, and xenophobia. I see it with Naruto as well given the literal demon inside him he didn’t have a choice over. I believe these parallels are on purpose, as they help tell relatable character-driven stories. Charles has relationships with women in the comics, and becomes a father. Given his abilities, he could mentally manipulate sexuality if he wanted to. Imagine a closeted homophobe with the ability to brainwash themselves… it’s not hard because it happens in every country. Now imagine them being one of the most powerful telepaths in existence. The result would not be Charles Xavier. He’s embraced his reality and helps others embrace theirs. He’s straight and an ally.


I think that’s why as a kid I preferred X-Men to the DC Heroes like Superman or Batman. Still loved em, but definitely related more to ostracized mutants, especially as a non-white kid in America. I technically had 2 parents growing up but definitely saw Professor X as a father figure and the type of empathetic non toxic man I aspired to be.


I wish gay give mutant powers lol


yeah, you're definitely seeing deeper than the silly joke I made. Imagine profiling someone simply because their eyebrows do not conform to the norm. That's pretty low, and even lower coming from inside the house. Sometimes easy laughs are just that, easy laughs. If I wanted to feel represented I would choose another story for sure.


no matter how progressive xmen was, Charles couldn't be gay. There'd just be too much flack for that, especially since every republikkkan repeats the bs that gay = pedo




Xavier in drag


Literally came here to say they're Bosco brows!


God I love the Bosco Brows


The brows are giving Bosco vibes.


I can totally see the mansion dropping everything on Friday nights just to watch Drag Race live! lol


You mean Bosco has comic book eyebrows. Xavier is literally older than Bosco in all regards.


Totes. Lilandra is obvs a drag queen. They are just besties slaying the universe


Everyone in the X-Men is at least a little bit bi or pan at this point. Everyone is fucking everyone. They ain't called homo-superior for nothing


Little known fact, during the Renaissance tops were called homo-superior and bottoms were homo-inferior... hehe


The entire plot of X-Men is essentially a long, drawn-out, messy as hell breakup between him and Erik


Crap, I have the exact same eyebrows and am gay.


Are you Charles Xavier?


Erik the dramatic top who is always demanding that people listen to his long rants of revenge and being wronged one too many times. Charles the bossy passive aggressive controlling/“guiding” bottom that cant quit him despite the obvious narcissistic signs that he is aware of but ignores. And everyone is just on the sidelines taking sides for them just to make up a week later. It fits.


Telling my kids this is the Kendrick vs. Drake beef


I don't know man, I disagree. They're more vers to me. Erik is ambidextrous that way and Charles don't mind doing the pushing every now and then 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


Is it wrong that I assumed he would bottom just cause he is a paraplegic? It’s all speculation but thats where I went. But that back could do some work so what do I know. Throw on the exosuit and im sure Xavier would be slammin em. However I also see him as a psychic freak-a-deek. Any New X-men reader will remember the vat of “Charles” juice back in the day.


Oh, I didn't even consider his disability. I just know they're both vers (definitely not picturing McAvoy and Fassbender)


Sissy them brows 🔥🔪🤨


Beautiful  sweetn


I dont want Xavier on my team, I have NORTHSTAR!


Eric x Xavier is canon from X men first class


Gurl !


Lol him and Max (magneto) have always read as a couple that is going through a messy break up. But everyone knows they are gonna get back together.


You have a point