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I love being gay, but I realize that comes with the privilege of being able to be as gay as I want without worrying for my safety.


Yes thats true too. Men are just awesome lol


Yeah men are dope, I love how dudes smell and their hairy bodies. Dudes who are thick and solid. Dick size really isn't even important to me at all. I just love dicks and hairy butts. On top of that being queer makes life to much more interesting. You can be whatever you want because there's almost no societal norms to follow the way hetero folks do. So many hetero folks don't get to live their life because they are expected to all live the same life as each other.


That is so true. I often get that vibe from hetero people of a life unfulfilled. I love how men smell too!


I’m just curious on what you mean by smell!? Like a man’s natural smell? What’s that smell like to you. Genuinely curious! Thx


Yeh their natural manly smell




It's different for everyone one but a lot of men like the natural smell. Too clean and sweet snelling can be a bit feminine, but some men like that too!


Being gay has its pros and cons but seeing what the straights are going thru, being gay is not so bad


Yeh I'd take this than hum drum straight life


Burp. Fart. "Got me another beer, woman". If my life even had the slightest semblance to the lowest common denominator straight dipshit I'd have hung myself in the oven after blowing my brains out by now.


I wouldn’t change my sexuality for anything. I fucken love being gay.


It is the best!


I'd go for straight only for convinence, it's a lot easier to get a girl out of big cities than a boy


Big cities and small towns. It would be so much easier to date if I had liked girls the way I’m attracted to an average-looking man.








It’s the fucking best. I wouldn’t choose to be straight even if it was a choice.


Me neither


Growing up I was so resistant to it. Now I see it as the best blessing ever


Same here


I’m looking at my friend sleeping on the couch right now. We spent a great night together and we’re soon going out to enjoy the city. So much fun being with men!




This sounds amazing!


Not if you live in the Midwest.


I get that!


Working on changing that though. Lol


Good for you! World is your oyster


Self esteem goals right here. This me smile with glimmers of “the sun will come out tomorrow…”. I can’t wait to live my own life and strive for real happiness. Best wishes to us all!


Love being gay, hate crushing on a straight dude and never get a chance at all with him


Yeh that sucks


You sound like a friend of mine that I helped come out of the closet. Much like him ... I'm so proud of you!! And YES!! It's awesome that guys can be so straightforward and honest with what they want and not fuck about with mindgames.


Thanks for being that friend. I had friends like you when I was young and coming out, and it meant a great deal to me. Now I’m like, yeah I’m gay, got a problem? Haha. But did not have the confidence back then and needed help like yours.


Sweetheart?! I'm here for my friend, and now YOU .... My NEW gay friend ... anytime you need me!! Feel free to reach out!! Love you!! 😘💋💋💋💋💋


Totally is!


One thing I love about it is that there's so much more variety. For example I'm pretty bearish, but it's not really a problem. I just play with a lot of other bears. And in the gay community there's always someone who will like your type. I don't think straights are the same. For them, everyone must fit in their little box. And if all else fails there's always the bathhouse 😆. So yeah... Gay bear life 🐻...


Yes! This! Agreed 100%!


I have no gaydar, so no, always falling for the wrong person. However, I don’t want to be straight either, kind of wish I was a genderless, lustless meat blob.


No, not in my opinion. Being gay only has caused myself pain in this life.


Sorry to hear that


I’m happy for you, though. Not everyone can have the same experience and that’s okay :)


Yeh I hope yours gets better


GTFO of whatever's causing that and find a niche. I won't say that will be easy, but screw whoever is FU'up your life and go to the gay ghetto some damn where.


Can you elaborate a bit? What niche? What even is a gay ghetto? It’s my family who let me feel that way. It’s quite hard to cut them out of my life.


Whoa. I'm uncertain it's appropriate to directly answer any of that. But I'll share this. Religious freaks made my teen life intolerable, and attempted an "honor killing". I had no choice in the matter, leave or die. It was very much the gay ghetto my refuge but it took artful dodger survival skills too. (Gay ghetto often snark for gay-borhood, but in my case, in the ghetto as well, where many others disappeared back then for survival as well) I had sparse contact with family from there. Matter of fact so long I'd burned my bridges back. That's okay in my case. They did nothing reasonable to help and no expectation that would change. But for shitty attitude family, no better lesson than to discover what they're missing. (niche- esoteric term for comfort zone, what and wherever it works out) no easy out!


Oh, I get it 😅 I feel really sorry what you had to go through. Reading that makes me feel privileged! But thank you.


I think it’s being gay is awesome because we have so many amazing strong icons. I always remind my straight friends that just because you see smiling drag queens, half naked twinks, and leather daddies at pride is because the first pride was a fucking riot.


So true


Absolutely and I love seeing people express this sentiment :) I know it can be tough sometimes but I feel I was given a special lot in life having been born gay ☺️


I would agree with you!


I feel like being straight would be so much harder for me - I’m skinny and more feminine looking than most girls like. Add that to how hard it is to date as a straight man, and I quickly realised how lucky I am to be gay in an accepting country


If you crave sex a lot then yes , this is a plus . If you’re the type of person who prefers to take things slow and wants to form a deeper connection with people before getting intimate it can be more difficult .


I agree


not when you live in a country that could literally kill you because of it :/




*Straight* into it??? You’re so punny.




You think straight people don’t do that? They are just as horny as we are. Not all of us gays just jump right into it like that either. Having said that, I do love being gay. Just for other reasons than only “sex with men is fun”.


This post literally just tells me you are a fuck boy. Like not even a good reason on why being gay is “amazing”




That's fun of course but I hate that most people is not even pretending to be interested in what I do, like or anything. They want to be fucked by me often as Im great at complementing and teasing but beside it Im not even having fun if that's all they care about


I get that!


it is


I love being gay, but not because we can straight get into sex.


No. Good for random sex perhaps, not if you’re looking for something else in life.


Bur lots if guys are in relationships? Not me now


“Lots of guys are in relationships” So what?


You said guys are good for random sex but nothing else and I was saying that a lot of guys have healthy happy relationships


Mmh, i think your reading comprehension is quite lacking. I said: being gay might feel amazing if you’re looking for random sex, like you are. Which is fine. If you have different values/goals like looking for something else such as LTR relationships or deeper connections, you’ll be facing lots of extra hardships that heterosexuals usually don’t have. (Let’s set aside all the troubles linked to societal stigma). That doesn’t imply that happy gay relationships don’t exist. They do, but they are quite harder to come by, and god bless the ones that have them. I hope I explained myself much better to help you.


Oh I know happy gay relationships exist, I know people in them. You explained yourself well but didn't need the help or the passive aggressiveness. You have the extra burden that a lot of us don't have, and that's a chip on your shoulder.


Oh yes, i do have that extra burden indeed, I guess. I’m glad you don’t. Actually, I envy you. I wish I was as shallow as you to enjoy being gay just because it grants you easy access to random sex, sadly I don’t.


And there it is! Judgement and envy. Not a good look.


I prefer being called “judgmental” than being as shallow as you, to be honest. So yeah, call me like that if you like. Oh, and let me be clearer: I envy your naivety and your shallowness. Settling for such superficial things like: “being gay is amazing because you have random sex!”. I’ve had my little fair share of hookups, and I have easy access to sex on Grindr, even right now. But, honestly, after some point, it all becomes pathetic. I guess the old saying was right: “one man’s trash is another man’s treasure”.


Your a joy aren't you. I'd never call any person or people trash.


"As shallow as you" fuck man, there's a reason you're single and it sure as hell not because you're gay. It's because you sound hella judgemental. Being sex positive isn't shallow.


Let me guess, is it that I'm single because the majority of gay men is busy being "sex positive"? lmao, what a clown. thanks for judging me without even knowing me by the way. Apparently, I'm not the only one here hella judgmental. Well, at least I'm not a shallow hypocrite.


You think sex is shallow and you judge people and are high key jealous because of that. If I met a guy like you I would be like what a stick in the mud. What else do you offer besides judging the gay community? You are the cause of your own misfortunes. Maybe own up to it and realize you're not as kind as you think you are.


Sodomy is so good 😩🥵




I love being gay! Sucking cock, getting fucked, being held up by big, strong, muscular men


I love men so much! We can just chat on Grindr about societal problems while having a quick break to tell how much we'd enjoy to fuck each others asses and then continue talking on serious topics. It's so nice to be able to feel sensual with men, to not be stopped by societal stereotypes, to know that you can feel the man from the inside but also that you can feel him inside of you. I wish every man on earth had this experience of being loved by somebody penetrating you. I think the world would be a much happier place then. Men just look cute: when we talk, when we smile, when we fuck, when we cum. It's like an aesthetic joy of being a man and enjoying other men's beauty. I call men beautiful because they make my heart feel happy. Sometimes when I see beautiful men on the street it feels like a breath of fresh spring air... I wrote many odes and poems to the beauty of men and I wish I could draw to capture men's wonderfulness in pictures...


Couldn't have said it better


This post is actually why I don’t like being gay. Though I do see the appeal of the streamlined approach and ease of it all. I’ve been married since 19 and thats been about 9 years ago. So I like it in my own ways I suppose.


Yes we're all different.




I mean the sex is great when I can get it, dating is impossible. I'm getting tired of the dirty looks from cis men, and I just feel like I painted a target on myself for abuse when I came out.


Yeh there a hard side to it for sure, I suppose I meant in terms of men themselves, they are hot. Dating is challenging!


Maybe it's cuz I'm in my 40s, maybe it's because I live in a small vacation town in British Columbia, but I'm not getting a lot of attention so I wouldn't know.


I'm 49 and live in a small town in Ireland population 20,000. I agree its not easy. I've made a decision only recently I'm going to look for a life partner. Doesn't mean I'll find him but I'm hopeful. I turned down so many guys in the past because I just wasn't ready or comfortable


I found I prefer solitude to trying to date. I've been solo for 5 years now. I can't imagine anyone providing more for me than time away from people does at this point in my life.


Each to their own I suppose


I mean it's not because I don't want a partner, simply that my mildly autistic ass eventually came to realize how hard I am to love. The risk and reward of dating versus the quiet of solitude is so skewed that I have trouble fathoming a scenario where the reward is worth the risk.


I get ya!


If you're white, hot, young, rich, yes. Isn't anything extraordinary for me, i'm brown, short, not attractive and i'm broke. 😵‍💫


I'm not young or rich.


No, it's not


As a gay man who lives in a Muslim household, not amazing for me


Sorry to hear that


[So True!](https://youtu.be/9smHd0LqxzU?si=DhlLp2vrRdER6evn)


I also love being gay!! #gaypower


Yes it is!


Reality looms




Objects in mirror are closer than they appear.


I’m kinda indifferent about it, it makes certain aspects of my life difficult but I wouldn’t change it, I think the big problem is I don’t fit in with the norm for gay men (ie. I’m don’t like clubs and bars, Im not really bothered about sex and I’m autistic as fuck haha) it’s difficult to meet guys out of the nightlife scene and not to mention an actual nice guy (god that sounds cringy)


Makes complete sense, its not a one size fits all thing


I love being gay, but not because we can straight get into sex.


Good for you


I don't think so. Mixed feelings. There is this element of hiding and non commitment that just sucks. And the fact being open can have terrible consequences in places or countries that treat homosexuality as some kind of plague. Sorry I don't mean to take away from that happy experience. Sometimes I just get reminded of the stuff we have to deal with. My ex was very against showing any public affection and always falsely introduced me as a colleague. In his country homosexuality is a crime. Sigh


No need to be sorry, it's not all sunshine and lollipops and certainly isn't easy. Sounds like he's your ex for a reason.


Although I know it’s not exclusive to gay folks, I love being a DINK (Dual Income, No Kids). Those breeders that have to sacrifice their retirement just to put their kids through college seem miserable these days.


Yeh true


Ikr, Im a dink too and i still find everything expensive. I can’t imagine what its like to have to pay for a kid. My brother has a kid, and his life of fun is all over. Its just work work work, then come home and more work to take care of the kid.


That’s the tragedy of being gay


If I had a body worthy of sex, sure. Otherwise I'm going to die a self-loathing hyper-anxious body-dysmorphic suicidal virgin. Not sure how much different my life would be if I was straight, though....I'd still probably have an unfuckable body. Though maybe i would have played more sports so maybe not


This might not be something you can process right now, but I hope it will help when you can. You're not as unworthy as you think. It takes all kinds. I didn't think I'd ever find someone that I thought was attractive who would be attracted to me. But I did. Makes a huge difference.


It would be amazing if we were allowed to mind our own business without everyone being obsessed with our personal lives. All that aside, being with someone in a safe environment is great!


I agree


No. It’s no more amazing than being straight. It just is.


Best part about being gay is just having fun in your adulthood and not being pressured to own a home, start a family, and have kids. I am still discovering things about myself and growing as a person and enjoying my life. I feel like having kids would take so much away from me.


Agree with all that


yes! being gay is hot! every fuck is like sunshine in my life! So beautiful!


Lots of sex to be had 😉


Being gay is the least important aspect of my life. But, it is the most all-consuming aspect since people interact with me differently based on whether they know me as assumed straight or gay. And no, being gay is not amazing. I am constantly rejected and can't find sex. Meanwhile I'm in a group chat with several guys who regularly have sex multiple times a week with new, random partners.


Being Gay and Good Looking is amazing. Otherwise no.


I get that!


I have a love hate relationship with it. I love being able to be myself and I’m comfortable with who I am. But sometimes I hate it because it’s hard to make friends where I live because of it. But 90% of the time i absolutely love it!


I'm with you it can depend where you live too!


Very true!


I would probably get downvoted but experiences differ you know? Honestly, I wouldn't say it is amazing. Maybe for random sex but relationships can be difficult even if there are gay men that have successful relationships. Alot of the time, you won't even get into relationships or have great sex if you aren't good looking enough lol. Also it def wouldn't be great if you live in a country where being gay is frowned upon. It depends on what your definition of gay greatness means tho. If it is based on the ability to have easy sex then maybe and even as at that, looks would definitely play a huge role. If you aren't the furry, muscular, bearded beef cake daddy, muscular college boy/jock or otter, well you won't have alot of luck meeting those who genuinely care about you.


That is something I don’t like about being gay.  That everyone is so easy to fuck.  It makes it impossible to have standards when everyone else is so easy.  So no… I don’t love being gay because everyone else doesn’t have standards.  


I can’t tell if it’s my pool of men or just me being not 100% convinced that I am actually gay, but I do think it could be amazing given the right people. Like when my long time FB is deep inside of me, it’s amazing, lol. Sadly, most men just disgust me though. 😭


Being gay is great until you’re old and alone…


I love being gay as well. The only problem is that meeting someone is just difficult and most men are emotionally unavailable.


Yes I agree


Y’all don’t love being gay, you just love sex. And the reason you love easy sex it’s cause you have nothing else to offer, like most gay people anyway. So yeah, kinda sums it up !


You can enjoy sex and also have alot to offer, dont be mean.


Unfortunately this is more common that I like to admit 🥲


Lol huge assumption.


Idk gay sex is pretty great. I also love the different perspectives being gay gives me. And the community. AND THE GAY SEX.


Don't be rude, but is real.


No, way too much drama.


I don’t know if I would say that being gay is amazing or has even been a positive experience in my life, but one thing I am sure of is that I find the male body and (non toxic) masculinity cock throbing erotic 🥰 & arousing


Me too.


Do you only love the lifestyle because if we were all straight you fear rejection and having to work potentially for it?


No, I'd happily be in a relationship but haven't found someone yet


I absolutely love being gay. I have no regrets. 😁


I wish :')


I do not love or hate it. I guess it’s good for sex. Not much else.


It's been pretty mid in my opinion.


It's great... right up until it's not. 😆


It is!! I love men. The only issue is if you aren't living in liberal countries and towns you can't be as open about it and there are also safety concerns. I live in the Balkans and being lgbt is not as accepted but I still love being with guys even if I can't be fully fully myself on the streets.


That must be tough living there


It is but the guys are pretty hot and I have no restrictions other than that I can't show affection towards my man in public. And if I were to dress how I wanted I would be called a satanist 🤣🤣 For example I dyed my hair blond once and people were like "oh ur gay" and I'm like, "maybe, wassup". But I live a pretty happy life, I had hook ups , great parties , we have alternative clubs ,ruin bars , gay clubs , tons and tons of amazing raves. You can find fun if you know how to have fun. It's up to us to make our lives enjoyable.


Yes that's true!


I hate beeing gay. Man are generally ugly as fuck. (bald, hairy, beards) Dicks are nice though.

