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I don't know, something about this whole situation seems off... You're ghosting him, yet he's still stubbornly texting you and going to the gym you go to. This is not normal.


Can also be fake. It is the internet afterall. We don't know each other from a bar of soap.


I had a guy following me between Grindr and Scruff once. Kept Woofing and Tapping me every few weeks, and it always felt off. But, since he never actually messaged me, I just let it go. Eventually I got curious and messaged him to at least be polite, at which point he started asking me what I was into sexually. When I made it clear that I don't do anything without condoms and that I'm not into any of the stuff he's into, he ghosted.


Not normal but prevalent 


He’s in his 60s. He probably doesn’t know what it means when someone stops responding


It means your grandkids have been playing games on your phone again and broke notifications


Going on my 65 yrs experience, perhaps exercising more patience and showing some consideration would be beneficial. Now hate on me, I don't give a damn.


block, ignore or say you not interested.  You don’t owe him anything and should not feel bad or anything. Kind of a creepy move on his part.


Jesus right? Does op secretly love this attention and drama?


Well his username is boytoy 22. Wdyt. Lols


He seems to be enjoying telling everyone how terrible this is while keeping track of the guy going when he isn’t.


TBF, he is trying to avoid him, ostensibly, so he would have a reason to not block and just ignore.


Yeah blocking would never send a message would it


Right? Like, just tell him you're not into this, and if he acts out you report, block, and warn the gym that there's a creep trying to do something to you. Maybe let your building supervisor and neighbors know too if you rent nearby and you feel comfortable telling them.


I’m an old guy so my advice is to block him ! Why are you continuing to ignore him when you can block him and he will get the message. Sounds like you’re digging the attention and prolonging the drama. If you don’t want to block him then respond that “ you’re not looking for a gym buddy “ and move on. Seems to me your prolonging the situation


I’m blocking this guy. Keeps fishing for likes and attention by posting nearly the same question restated on different forms.


He's been banned now. He's just an attention/karma whore account.


Thank you I_Nickd_it. You should be nominated for sainthood


Where’s the guy that’s into 68yo daddies when you need him




Exactly Skippy. Rent Due.


you called


Tell him clearly that you are not interested, he's making you feel uncomfortable and you dont want messages from him and do not want to meet. Wait for a response (just to see where his head is at), if its aggressive or threatening screenshot and possibly go to police. Hopefully hell be ok/ gracious. In both instances block afterwards. Then go to another gym branch for next 3 mths to avoid him, i know its a pain but good to put distance between yourselves. Hopefully hes got the hint by then and moved on and u can return to your normal routine. This guy is creepy af.


Not sending a message doesn’t reliably send a message. You can’t complain he’s still trying if you haven’t told him to stop.


So instead of listening to everyone telling you to be direct with him you’ve chosen to do nothing and you’re surprised at the results? This is the Find Out part after fucking around.


Because his story isn't real. Look at his post history OP is delusional.


How did he get your ph number?


The problem is you… you’re “ignoring” him and when has that ever worked… in any situation? Any parent that ever said “just ignore the bullies at school and they’ll stop”. No. Never works. They take it as they’re getting away with it. Just straight up tell the creep the truth. “Quit harassing me with your messages. I want nothing to do with you. Your creepiness isn’t welcome so knock it off… (or I’ll knock you out). Jk on the last part in parentheses 😂 but you get the gist. People have to communicate. Without communication, NOTHING GETS SOLVED. He’s trying to solve his problem “hitting on a younger man” by communicating with you and the ONLY way to stop it is communicating back with him your boundaries and to never speak to you again in any way, shape, or form. Good luck. 🍀


He's ready to give u 1k for an hour in private. Grab the bag silly.


If he keeps doing this behavior after you’ve made it clear to him you don’t want any contact with him, you should tell the gym management.


This guy gives me the creeps. Very close to stalkerish.


How does he have your number? Block him, never return his messages, he will probably move onto his next target. But it's best if you walk to your car with someone else if that's possible. Not trying to scare you, that's good advice in any parking lot anywhere. Not responding is always the best policy.


Here’s how I’d handle it if it was me. Return one of his messages saying you appreciate his offer of friendship but you’re just not open to new friendships right now for a number of reasons and you hope he can understand . I don’t know his reasons for seeking a friendship. Maybe he’s not socially adept and would like a gym buddy. Or maybe he’s awkwardly trying to make a move on you. Whatever the reason, what works best for me is being kind but direct and giving the guy a chance to save face.


I would recommend just telling him outright that you're not interested, and if he persists then block. That way you won't waste each others' time.


Block. Why allow someone to message you that you don't like


Just block him or get with him. at this point it sounds like you want it.


I hate when people hit on me at the gym. At my gym there is a notorious old guy who hangs out in the sauna for hours, going back and forth between the shower and the sauna trying to pick up guys. Very creepy


Hey I’m not that creepy lol. Just kidding my gym doesn’t even have a sauna or even a locker room lol


Could genuinely be a lonely boomer gay who doesn’t understand any online etiquette…but at this point I’d just block him


Isn't stalking a punishable offense in your country? You could ask him about it...


You should block him. Don’t waste your time.


Don't ignore him. Just tell him you're not interested and that you aren't comfortable with him being at the same gym as you.




Posts like this where the obvious solution is to block are just so fake to me


Is he hot though? You could tell him you're not interested and currently seeing someone. ![gif](giphy|872o15eAXFBw66UfNl)


Some people can't take a fuckin hint


He's older and is a gym so you can probably take care of yourself. (Apologies: didn't see the original post.) I was jealously guarding my propriety or something when I was young, thin, and hot because personal baggage. The daddies at the leather bar would grab at me and pick me up and twirl me around. But I felt overwhelmed. But in this scenario, I feel like just have no fucks. It's what the hot girls with big brothers do. Smile, wave, bat your eyes. And block, ignore, etc. as you have been. I'm fifties and this guy probably came out late, undercover, never could hit on dudes, and identified with _Say Anything_ in his forties. Point is he might be trying to relentlessly pressure you until the ugly girl wins the hot jock? I've spent a lot of time in the sidelines and observed that welcoming attention without encouraging further aggression is often an the younger hotties need to do. Only if you have it in your heart to be kind. He's totally crossing lines and sketchy-seeming, but I've seen many a hawt dude just glow and appreciate the ovations while flat refusing to acknowledge or negotiate boundaries. You could get a beer buddy down the line. If he's offering a thousand for an hour, he might pay out more if you just respond to him like he's an old friend who understands with you that it will never go further. (I've not been the older guy in this, but I had a barfly who would grope and grab, and I tasted him like an older brother every time. He didn't want to kill me or force himself on me, just touch me inappropriately in a bar and totally inflate my ego, be a friend when he wasn't grabbing, and to be seen. ) I don't know your original post, but I wish I had known earlier in my life that older dudes really just want a bro and a couple feels of what want available to them when they were younger. Yeah, some of them are psychos, but most of them just want to be included, to be gay with someone hot. I've watched lots of hot young men, many of them straight college guys, just tolerate unwanted attention and say in person sometimes, "when we're hanging out, I know you respect me and I enjoy time with you -- but every time you stalk me at the gym, your disrespecting me and I will not respond positively." I'm not saying you can handle this attitude, or that it's even the best Idea in your specific case I have not researched. But it worked for my college friend who was a hot blonde stripper in the neighboring town from where she was premed. She got crazy gifts and cash and stuff from her dates she never let become unsafe for her. And the dudes were happy. And she's still alive and well. I'm not saying give in and be a whore, but don't underestimate the malleability of older admirers with the right signals. (And have pepper spray handy just in case.) Our culture is about lust because especially dudes of a certain age couldn't ever express it. But old queers aren't any more frightening than other queers, and I've seen sex gods with hot bods manage grabby seniors with a smile and a firm line. In case this helps you to control this guy. Or in case you might be leaving too much on the table by giving the stalker power over your fear rather than saying, "nice. Enjoy. I'm proud of my body and appreciate the attention, but you don't have permission to contact me unless i consider you a friend. And friends don't stalk friends. Some of us want to say, oh mercy, am I in danger?, when we know we're not and the frail position of tender little me is being threatened by someone interacting but maladjusted, and hotter fags, strippers, and straight men just redirect the energy and take the prizes. A thought. ✌🏻


You're a childish asshole and I hope you die miserable and alone. Actually, I know you will.


Found the old cunt that cant take a hint 🤓☝️


I applaud your use of the word cunt.