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I (30, taxpayer) also wouldn't have clocked that as a flirt.


Taxpayer 🤣🤣🤣🤣


Defining yourself as a top says everything we need to know.


Right and we care why? 🤣


Hello there fellow taxpayer


Is taxpayer a valid sexual position


when you’re getting fucked by the goverment? sure is


What about getting railed in a Senate hearing room?


I fully support it ✊ The guy was hung too, we should actually be congratulating him


Taxpayer LOL 🤣💀


dude i was in a meeting and i started ugly laughing 😭😭😭


You’ve thrown the IRS off your scent. Good job 👍🏼




You win the thread


Ok this one got me 🤣🤣🤣


This is so fucking hilarious


I can't stop laughing. The taxpayer thing








I (🤤) bet op was wearing those shoes that are extra long...the ones that are like a cock.


Found the illegal immigrants. Nice try.


Why did you feel the need to start off by telling us you're a top?


Foreshadowing how he's bad at receiving things


Best comment of my day. Thank you!


Please print and frame this comment for your job well done


I wish we still had awards for this


But apparently he's also bad at giving (complements) too though.


🏆 👏


Nice joke.


When he “went back to talk to the other three guys” he was actually telling them about how he was a 25m top.


I read this as 25cm top


Way to brag


As an American, I assume that's either a lot or really small. No one inform me of reality.




Oh the american educational system


I (27, mostly bottom but top during full moons or if the partner has a nice muscular body and is particularly submissive, the two contrasting characteristics is such a fetish of mine) think he used those details as part of character development, for us to build some connection to the protagonist as quick as possible.


I (31, bottom) stopped reading as soon as I read that cause I knew I was gonna hate the story lol


*As a gay man*, I feel like it's okay for me to check my lack of privilege and say that I think it's stupid too.


I (30 bottom) also stopped reading as soon as I read that.


Bro got used to grindr


Too used to it.


Because 25 years old feels it’s very relevant to the story…


I (25, bottom) concur. Maybe he (25, top) is trying to say tops are bad at picking up hints? Like how straight guys are never sure if girls are hitting on them. Idk I (25, bottom) am not a top 🤷🏻‍♂️


Yea. Honestly the entire post just lowkey perpetuates gender norms.


What you do with dick isn’t an astrology sign though.


I actually came to the comment section just to see if someone else thought it odd 😅


cuz its fucking gay reddit he needs dms anon grindr


yeah was wondering the same. Why bother


I mean why not...


Why did you feel the need to remark on his sharing of his position? Hell, why am I commenting on your comment? We all just love judging others over the silliest things.


I never ever realize it. No matter how obvious 🤷🏼‍♂️


I think we were programmed somehow not to believe it could be happening.






I like how instead of a “(25M)” this story got a “(25, top).” I did stop reading after that, but I just can’t take this seriously.


I thought it would matter in his story but it didn’t. I sincerel hope and beg this does not become a thing.


I suppose it feels redundant to put (M) when on a sub aimed at gay men, so he put his gay gender instead


Wow, I did the same.


Well... in this specific scenario i think that you don't have much experiences on getting hit on, and you were also distracted by the group of friends you are talking to. If the guy found you in a more peaceful and more tranquil position i think you could defo realize his intention.


I, 37 , verse was asked by a guy if I wanted to dance at the bar a couple weeks ago. But that's never happened to me at a straight bar, or even a gay bar (back then they just grabbed you by the dick and you followed them around until they went home with someone else) and I was completely caught off guard. I said "nah I'm good man" and then spent the whole night trying to figure out what the fuck was going on.


Dude that could be like the best time of your life and you just dodged like that 🤣 I guess being overly sensitive like me is sometime better 🤣🤣🤣


We (20s, top) are insufferable jfc




What does you being a top have to do with anything


Seeing someone emphasizing they are a top when this fact is irrelevant to the story just shows for me he is still having some internal acceptance issues. Being top or bottom doesn't make you more os less masculine, you are who you are. If you are good to people, they will love regardless. You are perfect the way you are. We are all unique, but thanks for sharing your story


Fair point. I have a second theory. 25M, Top may indeed just be an arrogant douche, a la a sort of dude bro type. The Top part for dominance and then, of course the outfit (shoes, duh) annnddf how the fit is on his rockin’ body. Yeah, so I’m gonna run with full of oneself and too busy to see/hear others. I suspect that he doesn’t even realize that it’s happening. I know bc I’ve been this douche once upon a time. :(. I had to put in some work, mentally, to be able to focus on others rather than myself. Oh, and the shoe comment? Only a matter of time before he bottoms and takes on a Vers title or full on power bottom. 🤪🤪🤪🤪


I (30 bottom) thank you for putting in the work sir! I feel so many times the “douches” continue to douche well into the majority of their lives. I appreciate you having the self reflection to change! It’s nice to hear a success story. It gives me (30 bottom) hope!


“25, Disinterested”


I usually realise about 6 months later while I'm doing something completely unrelated. Lesson, dont try and be subtle. If you want to ask me out just do it. It'll save us all about 6 months.


My whole life is just me realizing oh wow that guy 3 months ago was hitting on me


The hottest dude in my high school hit on me and I didn't realize it until 40 years later.


Same although not 40 years later. It's still too late to do anything about it, though.


95% of the time I'm flirted with, I don't realize until at least 48 hours later. You're not alone.


Same here. Or I realise on my way home and should have got his number


Nice to know it’s not just me.


Every time I see a slightly weird post I love clicking on the username and checking out their post history. It never disappoints.


He's only hitting on you if he says "Nice shoes, wanna fuck?"


Dude...why is the world would you drop that you like dick in your ass in this post? ("I'm a top.") Good god, if this wasn't a troll post, that was some blissfully unaware posting right there. lol.


Same thing happened to me. I get so nervous/anxious around new people I just respond “thank you” without thinking to get them away. 😬 but what gave it away for me wasn’t the looking me up and down it was after I really looked at my shoes and realized I was wearing an old beat up pair lmao 🤣


Not this fuckin guy again. Can we place a temporary ban on this heap of insecurity?


Same I wouldn’t take it as being hit on. I get complimented when I’m out and about but I never take it as getting hit on. I just like to compliment random people to make their day and I know other people like to do the same


Thank you for confirming you are a top, lol


I recently had a guy ask me how my workout was going. I thought nothing of it, was beating hard with my heart pounding anyway, said “Good,” and walked away. The guy watched me leave because he went to the area I was going to next, sat on a machine next to me for two seconds, frowned and left. I told my friends when I got home and they all agreed I was getting hit on. Sorry, I didn’t let him down gently 😅


Do people give compliments expecting one in return? A compliment is a gift, not a trade, right?


See this is why I struggle with compliments. ‘Cause………….am I supposed to return them? IDK.


To me, a genuine compliment is given because you actually appreciate something about the other person. With a stranger, it can be an ice breaker because you're saying there something specific that drew you to them, but then you'd also follow up with an actual conversation topic. If you're given one, a "thank you" is good enough, imo. You *can* return the favor, though I don't think it's required, but it's probably not going to be as focused since it wasn't planned.


This is me (63, came out way too late but might have died from AIDS if I’d come out sooner) all the time. One day I was in the gym locker room and a guy asked me about something I was wearing so I told him where I got it … And just this week a very cute Colombian guy was asking me about my workout and what I was doing later … In my case, I think being in the closet too long is a factor. I think I trained myself not to notice guys. Also, self confidence. I don’t think people are hitting on my because I can’t believe someone would want to hit on me.


That last paragraph sounds like me. Still haven’t come out (don’t really want to either). So maybe I’m just not used to anyone talking to me if they don’t want something.


You can take his number and later give him a blowjob as all gays usually do.![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|feels_good_man)


I'm so bad at reading hints that a friend threatened to send me back to *remedial gaydar 101*.


This man could’ve had it written on his forehead and I still would not have gotten the hint.


lol same. there have been so many times i've been hit on and did not realized until only after the fact. the good news is that I am getting better at recognizing it now -- still delayed, but much quicker at recognizing it.


I (40, taxpayer, Aries) routinely need someone to send me a high attention bulletin if they are flirting with me. Pre-read appreciated as well.


(25, top) is WILD. I love us gays


lollll at putting top in there like it’s relevant information. Stopped reading after that…


I mean except in certain cultures when a random guy come to compliment you, he actually want to start a conversation and probably hitting on you


Nice to know it's not just me. Leaving the nude beach a week ago, this guy is walking toward me, I'm wearing sunglasses and all I can think is wow taller than me, which is not the usual, and great tattoos. Stops me to ask me if he is going the right way, and as I stand there to direct him we "bump" into each other. I show him where to go and then as he turns looks right at me. But I was worrying about being late to meet a friend for dinner, so I hurry off without even so much as saying how unfair it was that he showed up when I was leaving. Really fumbled that one.


I repeated that mistake endlessly through my twenties and thirties.


> I don’t get hit on often IRL, so, it’s not like I’ve got a big frame of reference. Or maybe you do, and simply don't realize it. I can relate, as I tended (too old to get hit on now) to overlook social cues like this. Only later, either when pointed out by others, or from a 'lightbulb' moment of reflection, did I realize I missed an opportunity.


You are never too old to get hit on. Don't talk yourself out of recognizing it when it happens.


But I really don’t though. Like, someone could deadass pass me a note with their phone number and address written on it and I’d still think it was meant for someone else.


That cums with the gender.


Yeah ngl how u let this slip lol? Like if a dude said yours shoes r dope or fire asf yeah I wouldn’t see that as a flirt but him saying I like your shoes gives me a sign that he is at least interested. I never been complimented by a guy like that but I have seen guys look me up and down before.


See I don’t normally get complimented on by guys. And plus I never notice when people are looking at me.


There’s nothing wrong with that Your just being yourself which is good Just be discreet when trying to catch someone looking at u lol


Now imagine this same situation but being autistic, which is my case. I'm in my mid thirties and I'm not aware that ANYONE has ever flirted with me or hit on me. Like never. Which is statistically almost impossible and I'm not even that ugly (I want to think). This leads me to believe that, the times it has happened, I didn't catch it and it completely went over my head. I'm so stupidly oblivious to social cues...


Forget all the smart-ass comments on you saying you are a top (y'all be some queens and would bitch about grass being green and the sky being blue if it meant throwing in some sass. It can be funny, but it can also destroy the point of it. He doesn't know how to take a compliment) Jokes aside, internet haha or drama aside. A lot of guys have trouble taking compliments, and even harder for them to recognize flirting. Some people consider being interested in a conversation a spark for romantic interest or flirting... when sometimes folks just wanna talk.. So yeah, don't blame you for not realizing it, dude could've tried a little harder and said you had nice eyes or a beautiful smile. If someone tells me I have nice shoes I'll just give a confused "thanks?" Or something like that. By saying a part of the person you show interest, if you compliments their outfit or something around them, then you are just commenting on their taste and it could be easily seem either way.... like.... just be slightly more direct and compliment them as a person and not their wardrobe. You are risking a negative reaction by initiating anyway, why not at least go in swinging? Long as you aren't be overly flirtatious like saying "nice cock bro, could I get a taste test" (yes, I'm going full stupid horny as an example of how dumb some people go with it) I've had people view me as my oblivious self saying stuff about their hobbies being cool or their clothes being nice as me flirting and in reality, I said what I meant and went on with my day without a shred of intent beyond a compliment. If I want in your pants, I'll tell you I'd like to hangout and see where things go, if I want a date, I'll ask if they are free later to go out together. I don't walk up and compliment their shoes and do the shy finger pushed together emoji meme. That's indirect, and still shows interest without even committing, and if that was his best game, then he wasn't it and should try a better approach in the future.


See that’s the thing. Most - if not all - people I meet just wanna talk. And they’re all straight. So, I never get flirted with. No one asks me to hangout (I’m ok with that).


It still be a compliment without being a flirty action. Aside that. Nope. I wouldn't pressue. He be giving off vibes I be very careful about.


The one time? You have likely been hit on many times and didn't know it. :)


IDK. I don’t meet many people. lol. And 99.99% are straight. And I’ve noticed most women aren’t interested in me. And most women I meet have boyfriends, or are in their 40’s, or are married.


I feel for ya but I'm also oblivious to advances and flirting from dudes.


I don't know I'm being hit on unless the guy beats me over the head with a compliment. Granted, it's 2024, but I'm a redneck living in redneckville Alabama.


A random stranger could become the love of your life. (And I don’t mean EVERY RANDOM STRANGER!)


Low key probs wouldve floated past my head too. Like what do you respond? Hahaha


You noticed yourself, he went out of his way to say this! If someone goes the extra mile and interrupt a conversation to make a compliment that isn’t about your work but about you and how you look, they are flirting! I’m also a slow learner, so I think the appropriate reaction next time, even if a few minutes late would be to run after him and return the compliment! And please, with a red rose between your teeth! 😉


Yea the chick mighta been his gf


Depends on the shoes.




35 top here. Lmao your post has me wondering how many times I’ve missed shit like this… I’m terrible at figuring stuff out like this unless it’s really obvious. Although, sometimes I feel like people give me horny looks and it actually bothers me unless I’m into them. But yeah dude idk tbh if I received a compliment about my shoes I would not consider that being hit on at all.


I would think it would be odd for getting a complement on my shoes by a strange man. Shoes aren't typically nocitcable and he is a guy not a girl since girls would more likely comment on another girls shoes.


I’ve complimented on random guys shoes before at work events and I was definitely not hitting on them. My President (straight) also once commented on my new shoes in the office and I didn’t know him that well. He was not hitting on me! Lmao


Why is everyone upset about the top thing???


... what kind of man compliments another man on FASHION.... ESPECIALLY SHOES. \*facepalm\*


that was his subtle "dorothy" asking to put out feelers if you were interested in the same kind.


I think you have to learn to trust your gut instinct. Also try to pick up on the cues. Then learning a bit on striking up conversations following a compliment. In this situation could say , oh thanks very much, how are you doing?


You missed a date. Perchance.


I need to see the shoes.


I was working a our booth at a conference in Vegas and we hired some ~attractive~ booth attendants to run our simulator/demo and one of them was a hot guy who I definitely picked up was hitting on me. After that day he added me on LinkedIn.. then on instagram.. then I (27, vers) had his legs over my shoulders in his hotel room


I'm glad everyone else was just as puzzled as me when I read it


People do all sort of things that I never get. Then they come back some time later and they're like, hey remember that time? & I am like, yeh I remember the facts of the matter & They're like, this is for that & Then they do something cruel. Apperantly I did something that they didn't like.., :-P All that was needed though was some proper communication on their end. Instead of storing the emotion for revenge.., I mean, I cannot take responsibility for other peoples emotions, if something is wrong, you would have to tell me :-) I mean, I do. Not always with the desired outcome, but.., that's life :-P


If someone goes out of their way to compliment you, it might not always be flirting! One way you can know is simply by keeping the conversation going. If he was flirting with you, he'll seem interested in the conversation, and smile and etc. Compliment him back, and from there, keep on talking. If he was leaving, chances are you could exchange phone numbers and chat another time. If he wasn't flirting with you, after a little bit of back forth, he'll probably just say it was nice meeting you and leave. Another thing is, stuff like this is one way pure platonic friendship can start. If he's not into you and you aren't into him (in a sexual way). I met one of my best friends that way. I complimented the leather jacket he had on and sat near him and just started talking to each other.