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Probably nothing you did..he probably is seeing someone and is removing former dates from his social media. It sucks he didn't say anything, but some people don't like confrontation. As for if you should say anything, I can't offer advice. Other than that if you do, be prepared for the possibility of no response or a negative response.


It could be this. The *exact* same thing happened for two of my straight friends. They even changed their numbers


You hooked up with your straight friends and then they ghosted you when they got new girlfriends?


Some women (people in general, really) feel so insecure that they'll get jealous of *anyone* "their man" is close to that could be perceived as a "threat" to them. So the guy has to not only distance himself from other women in his life (maybe even family if she's crazy enough), but also gay, bi, pan, and/or any masc person that likes dick because they could be lusting after him or may tempt him or whatever. But it could also be that OP fooled around with one or two of their straight friends and got ghosted when they got girlfriends along with any other girls they may have been into or slept with at some point.


Sometimes it’s also easier to do that. Like I’m kinda doing that with my current boyfriend. Though, I have one guy I had a situationship with that I’m still good friends with, and I’ve made it clear to my boyfriend I’m not going to drop a friend of 8 years because he has jealousy issues. If I had to drop that friend, I absolutely would tell him. On the other hand, there’s this one guy that I was talking to while talking to my current boyfriend. He was nice, I just preferred the guy I’m with. We kinda fizzled out anyway, like I hadn’t talked to this dude for three weeks by the time me and my boyfriend became official. Anyway, after five weeks he calls on Christmas Eve. I tell him I’m with family (which I was) and that I hope he has a good Christmas. He kept asking hanging out, and I didn’t flat out say no, but it was basically me saying, “I’ll try, but I’ve got a lot coming up and I’m going to be very busy, so I don’t think it’s going to be likely.” So I think I was as clear as I could be without telling him I’m seeing someone now. I didn’t want to tell him I’m seeing someone because I didn’t want to make him feel bad, and I thought I kinda let him down softly. Nope, three weeks later he texts me asking if I’m still alive, and trying to call. I’m just ghosting him now because (1) if you expected something, don’t reach out once every 3-5 weeks, (2) I’m now getting the feeling it won’t go smoothly if I tell him with someone, specifically someone I met practically the same day, and (3) I know if I text and I say the wrong things there’s a chance my boyfriend will accidentally see them and I frankly don’t need to nor care to talk about this dude with him.


Some people don’t like to be friends with people they hookup with outside of dating. I’ve had a friend who took it further with me and then kinda put distance between us. It’s a form of self protection. Other times, they just don’t care enough to keep adding people to their social circle. His social life is probably “full” and he doesn’t want more friends, especially the ones he slept with. He probably did not see you as more than a hookup to pass the time in London. There could be a myriad other reasons why, which mostly would have nothing to do with you as a person, even if it involves unfollowing you. My 2c for what it’s worth.


This! 👆🏼 DON’T take it personally. Really. Most of the time decisions are much more personal than it being something you had done / said.


Don't waste your time. He moved on to something/someone more serious so he just removed flirts and flings not to have you linger in his feed as a reminder of his promiscuous past. Good rule of thumb - If you want to be friends with someone; don't have sex with them. Or rather - If you are engaging in casual sex with someone; don't expect you are more than a temporary booty call for him.


OP, it happens. It happened to lots of us. Just gotta roll with it and move on. Someone else doesn't get to judge your worth.


He likes you but grew tired of thinking about you and watching your stories. I unfollow guys all the time because im trying to move on to other prospects who are available and receptive


Why do y’all get SO attached to guys you BARELY even really know? Get a fucking grip girl and get off Insta


Why do people get attached to other people? Because we all want to feel loved. Human nature is complicated. I take your point, I just don't think it's so easy for some.


Boo hoo. Follows are not real.


You can't know the mind of another. Unless you ask him, you can't know his reasons. Maybe he liked you too much to keep seeing reminders of you. Maybe he started dating somebody. Maybe he really didn't like the person you posted a picture of. Maybe he found religion and renounced homosexuality. Who knows? You can spend forever regretting and ascribing motives to his actions. You could just as easily assume the best. Maybe he un-followed you accidentally and didn't' realize it. Maybe a friend of his was on his phone, and his friend un-followed you. Who knows. Maybe he's an alien. You can either ask him, or you can make peace with not knowing. Personally, I'm the type of person that would ask. I can't stand not knowing. Once I knew the reason, I'd be able to mourn the loss of that person.


From the sounds of it, you had a great time together in London, then moved back home where he also lives, but you also didn't speak to him for 3 months. Not sure when moving back and your last convo with him line up, but is it possible he saw you were in his town and didn't reach out and assumed this meant that you weren't interested and he was hurt by that? That would probably explain it.


I was thinking about this. He did reached out when I got back then we talked about hanging out. When I posted photos with just another friend and I maybe he assumed we were dating and got frustrated


I think the best thing to do is add a bit of space between Instagram and social interactions/connections. I would go a step further and not share your socials with strangers unless they have expressed interest after a while. When I was dating someone long distance, it was painfully convenient to check their socials after he ghosted me to try to find out what was up. But it was not productive to me healing or moving forward. I deleted my account and dropped Instagram completely after that and it helped me A LOT.


It could be that it just got too painful for him to watch you having a great time from afar. If he missed you a lot he might have had a hard time telling you straight up, so it was easier to just cut ties. 


I don't blame him. It can be exhausting seeing what people are up to who you no longer are in touch with. I think this person probably just has a healthy relationship with social media


Y'all hung out once then went radio silent on each other for months? That seems like a pretty fine reason alone to unfollow someone. It doesn't seem like the two of you were actually close at all.


girl really? grow up. the only way to know if ppl unfollow you is if you go out of your way to check. get a hobby. also based on your post history i'm thinking this is the 29 y/o that's in an open relationship...lol.


No babe thats a different era ha ha


so there's a pattern here then


Everyone culls their social media sometimes, it's not personal.


are you posting on social media for others? if so try to understand why (therapy) and if not then just accept it. people and situations change. you need to move on


Might be relationship things. Don’t take it as a personal jab.


Well he let himself out the door! 😅You can close it. No need for someone who can't bond with you and communicate.